divine talisman

Chapter 991 Treacherous Waves [Part 2]

The King of Chu Jiang dispatched, with an understatement, it was faster than lightning!

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't have any fear in his heart, he just thought with some self-mockery that after trying everything, his cultivation was still too poor, and he had to rely on Xiao Ding's strength in the end...

That's right, as early as the moment Chujiang Wang felt murderous, Xiao Ding had woken up from the silence and decided to strike.

It's just that this feeling of being helped by others made Chen Xi feel a little depressed.

So what about looking down on the human world?

So what if you are crowned the world in the fairyland?

After all, it is still not as good as a fairy!

All of this made Chen Xi feel a sense of helplessness and unwillingness, which turned into a tenacious and firm emotion, prompting him to become more and more persistent in becoming a Celestial Immortal and grasping more powerful power.

A long time ago, he understood that in this world, whether it is Yuan power, spiritual power, immortal power, or mental power, physical power, and combat power, everything can be summed up in one word - "force"!

Only by mastering the power can one gain a foothold in the world and control one's own destiny!

It was too late, but soon, when King Chu Jiang's slender and broad palm appeared above his head, suddenly, a terrifying wave appeared out of thin air, shaking the big hand away!

Chen Xi was stunned. It didn't mean that he had long expected that he would survive, but that he never expected that it was not Xiao Ding who came to save him, but someone else!

This was definitely an accident.

But Chujiang Wang Jikang obviously guessed it long ago. After being blocked by this blow, his figure was like flowing water, and he returned to the original place leisurely.

The voice was calm, but there was a touch of sarcasm.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and at some point, he saw a majestic figure appearing on the cliff. The old man was as skinny as a bamboo, dressed in black, with a stern face and a plain and simple manner, but he had a terrifying aura of his own. boldness.

Qi Shanhe, Emperor of the Underworld!

Recognizing the person, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled again, remembering the last time they met, he was startled, and wondered to himself, could it be that he had already expected this scene to happen?

Chen Xi clearly remembered that on that day, for some unknown reason, the Emperor of the Underworld not only did not pursue him for killing the disciples of the Underworld Palace, but instead gave him an Order of the Underworld, saying that he could save himself if necessary. Life……

Now, the Emperor of the Underworld really came out of nowhere and saved his life at a critical moment. This made Chen Xi have to suspect that what he had done all the way, probably did not escape the other party's eyes.

"You can't kill him."

As soon as Emperor Huang Quan appeared, he made his position clear with just one sentence.

"Oh? Because of his status as the heir of Emperor Youming?" King Chujiang said slowly, "Do you know what will happen if you cover up this person?"

"As long as you don't tell me, no one will know about it in heaven and earth."

Although Emperor Huangquan's voice was flat, his every word and every move carried a force that reached people's hearts. He confronted King Chujiang far away, and they were evenly divided!

Obviously, his cultivation level will at least not be lower than Da Luo Jinxian.

Having come to this realization, Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It was good that he didn't need to expose Xiao Ding's whereabouts, and he could temporarily avoid being fatally threatened.

"It's fine if I don't want this king to mention this matter, and I will also hand over your Huangquanyu to this king's control, and I will agree now." Chu Jiang Wang Jikang chuckled.

Emperor Huangquan frowned, and then said lightly, "If you can break away from the camp of the fairy world, you can take control of the Huangquan domain with you, and I promise not to frown."

The two supreme powerhouses in the Netherworld confronted each other, seemingly negotiating terms, but in fact neither of them planned to back down a step.

Regarding this, Chen Xi seemed to be a bystander instead, unable to interject a word at all. This feeling of being like a pawn being arranged for the direction of fate, of course, would definitely not be pleasant.

"After all, Emperor Huangquan, you still don't give up. In other words, for so many years, you have been trying to restore the former situation of the Netherworld and expel the two forces of immortals and Buddhas from the Netherworld."

The sarcasm on Chujiang Wang Jikang's face became more and more intense, and he didn't hide it. He pointed at Chen Xi and said, "Now that I see this little guy, I think I see hope, so I can't hold back anymore and jumped out. Yes or no?"

Emperor Huang Quan said: "As one of the Three Realms, the Netherworld is not something anyone can touch. Regardless of immortals and Buddhas, whoever controls the Netherworld will be the misfortune of hundreds of millions of living beings in the Three Realms."

Speaking of this, his skinny face suddenly showed a touch of emotion, "Look at the current Netherworld, how chaotic it is, the order is broken everywhere, there are flies, dogs, miasma, and the underworld is useless. Among the three realms, And how to distinguish between black and white, and judge good and evil? How can all living beings in the three realms rely on good and repay evil in this dark place of reincarnation?"

The voice was sonorous, but it was hard to hide the indignation and sadness in it.

"The heart is kind, but unfortunately, this is the general trend, and it is beyond your control."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang was unmoved, and said indifferently, "Unless the third Nether Emperor dies and comes back to life, this is already impossible. As for this little guy, hmph, his cultivation is so low that he is like a mayfly, so I advise you , let’s stop thinking about supporting him as soon as possible!”

Emperor Huang Quan shook his head and sighed: "No matter how slim hope is, it is still a kind of hope after all. It is more acceptable than despair. The only wish of this old man is to leave a ray of fire for this Netherworld, and he deserves it. "

Chen Xi listened to all this quietly, and he already understood everything in his heart.

To put it simply, today's Netherworld is roughly divided into three forces, immortals, Buddhas, and local forces, and Huangquan Emperor Qi Shanhe, who controls the Yellow Spring Domain, is undoubtedly the most outstanding representative of the local forces.

Perhaps, the strength of Emperor Huangquan is not enough in the eyes of the powerful people in the two realms of immortality and Buddha, but Huangquanyu has cleverly used the disputes between the two realms of immortality and Buddha, just like Wangchuanyu, it has survived to this day!

And the reason why he did this was nothing more than to reshape the order of the nether world, hoping that one day the two camps of immortals and Buddhas would be expelled from the nether world, and the situation would be restored to the unified situation of the third emperor of the nether world.

As for Chujiang Wang Jikang, he was obviously a member of the fairy camp.

"So, you are swearing to the death to protect this little guy? Don't forget, if you die, Huangquanyu will become a battleground between the two camps of immortals and Buddhas, and it may be a powder keg that will cause the entire Netherworld world war."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang's expression was still very relaxed, calm and breezy.

"It's not that easy to let this old man die." Emperor Huang Quan said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, in an instant, a chilling and terrifying aura suddenly spread from the body of Huangquan Emperor, covering the entire Wanliu Mountain.

"Want to start?"

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang suddenly smiled and sighed, "Actually, there is no need to be so anxious. You didn't see it. In order to lure you out, this king has never killed anyone. Otherwise, you think this kid can climb up to Wanliu Mountain alive." ?”

Hearing this, Chen Xi felt terrified, and became increasingly unable to guess what King Chujiang was thinking.

Emperor Huang Quan was also slightly startled, silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes, looked at the sky in the distance, his face became a little gloomy, "It seems that you have been stalling for time."


Chu Jiang Wang Jikang couldn't help laughing again, smug, "Yes, I know that I can't keep you alone, so I informed Qin Guang Wang, Song Emperor, Biancheng King and Taishan King early on. Do you think you have any chance of winning?"

"In my king's view, Zipiff has no chance of winning."

"Not bad."

"If we can get rid of Qipifu today, it would be a worthwhile trip."

At this moment, a burst of conversation rumbled through the world.

Immediately, a series of majestic figures appeared on the cliff, some with strange looks, some with elegant faces, some with mighty tigers, some with calm and calm, although their appearances were different, their auras were all extremely tyrannical and terrifying, just like Chu Jiang. The king is equal!

Qin Guang Wang Du Ying!

Song Emperor Zhao Hengyun!

Zhou Hun, king of Biancheng!

Taishan King Cai Shentu!

The four kings who are in charge of one side of the Hall of Hell each, and belong to the supreme existence in the Netherworld, unexpectedly came together at this time. The lineup was so powerful that it was enough to shake the entire Netherworld.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that, in order to deal with this old man, you, Ji Kang, could endure this far. It's really brave!"

Looking coldly at the four Yama kings who appeared out of nowhere, Emperor Huangquan's face was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly, "So, when this son entered the sea of ​​suffering, you had already started planning this situation? "

"That's right, you, Qi Shanhe, have been huddled in the Yellow Springs for so many years, so we have nowhere to start. Now it's hard to come across such an excellent opportunity. If you miss it, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Chujiang Wang Jikang said frankly that he admitted everything without hesitation.

This made Chen Xi feel another chill in his heart. He finally understood that the Emperor of Huangquan had been secretly following him by his side long before, and that his whereabouts had been noticed by the King of Chu Jiang when he entered the Sea of ​​Misery. And it became a bait, in order to lure the emperor of Huangquan to the bait!

"No wonder I killed so many of his subordinates, yet he was able to bear it. So it was all because of this..." Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admire the scheming of King Chujiang.

"Actually speaking, it is definitely God's favor for us to be able to keep you here this time."

Chujiang Wang Jikang smiled and said, "Before this, I never would have thought that in your capacity as the Emperor of Huangquan, you would condescend to follow such a little fellow.

"And this little guy is also quite strange. He offended Bing Shitian from the Immortal Realm, and came to the Nether Realm to rescue a woman from this king, but this king accidentally discovered his identity... All these coincidences , This formed the immediate situation, you said, this is not God's favor, what is it?"

After the words were finished, the other four Kings of Yama all smiled endlessly, and looked at Emperor Huangquan and Chen Xi with a look of pity and sympathy, as if they were looking at two lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

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