divine talisman

Chapter 992 Pen Scaring Ghosts [Part 1]

The top of Wanliu Mountain.

As Chujiang Wang Jikang spoke out about his plan without hesitation, the atmosphere suddenly became frozen and dead silent.

In one game, Chen Xi was used as the bait, but the real purpose was to catch the Emperor of the Underworld behind him and completely kill him.

In order to achieve this goal, Chu Jiang Wang Jikang sacrificed many of his subordinates, forbearance, and informed the other four halls of Yama earlier, that he wanted to make all this a deadlock with absolute advantage.

And the scenes that happened in front of me all showed that this game has come to an end, and the two fish, one big and one small, just need to be completely wiped out, and the curtain can be ended perfectly.

It is conceivable that when all this is over, the Huangquan domain without the Emperor Huangquan will inevitably fall into the camp of the fairy world represented by Chu Jiang Wang Jikang.

At the same time, by killing Chen Xi, the successor of the third Great Nether Emperor, one can even loot from him the "Huozhaoshen Fist", "Seven Forms of Judgment", "Sinking Suppression of Heaven" and other supreme methods.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It's no wonder that at this moment, with Chujiang Wang Jikang's deep city mansion, he couldn't help laughing out loud anymore. Anyone who saw such a scene would be extremely proud.

Intersecting here, Emperor Huangquan's face was extremely gloomy, and he remained silent.

The same was true for Chen Xi. He had no sense of presence at all in the face of all the big figures present, like fish on a chopping board, who seemed to be left to be slaughtered.

"If the old man is desperate, there may be more than one casualty among you." Suddenly, Emperor Huang Quan spoke, his voice was like iron, and there was a sonorous and cold taste.

As he said that, he pointed at Chen Xi, and said, "Let him go, I will let you dispose of me, and Huang Quanyu will also be taken by you. This is my bottom line."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi's heart was shaken, and he was extremely moved.

He and Emperor Huangquan had only met once before, but now, just because of his status as the third heir of the Nether Emperor, he was unwilling to sacrifice his life in exchange for his own safety. How could Chen Xi not be moved by this kind of courage and broad-mindedness? ?

"Senior..." Chen Xi said.

"No need to say more." Emperor Huang Quan waved his hand, resolutely and decisively.

Chen Xi pursed his lips in silence, his heart was ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. He couldn't explain what kind of emotion it was, but he was sure that from this moment on, he owed Emperor Huang Quan a huge favor.

If you can survive by luck, you should live up to today's expectations!

Chen Xi secretly gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"For a small ant in the human world, he did not hesitate to exchange his life for his life. He is worthy of being the Emperor of Huangquan who has been in charge of the Huangquan domain for endless years. This kind of mind and demeanor can really be called heaven-moving."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang said with a chuckle, but there was no concealment of sarcasm in his voice, "Unfortunately, you take your own life too seriously. This king has set up this game to prevent you from jumping over the wall in a hurry. How can it be possible?" Make you happy?"

The voice just fell.

Up and down the entire Wanliu Mountain, wisps of turbid glow suddenly diffused, rendering the sky and the earth into a dim yellow color, just like the sunset and dusk, exuding a solemn and solemn atmosphere.


At the same time, billions of waves surged up in the sea of ​​bitterness beside Wanliu Mountain, galloping like a dragon, rushing towards Wanliu Mountain from all directions.

Like thousands of troops!

More like Wanliu Guizong!

In just a few breaths, as if the stars moved, the sun and the moon changed, the scene around Wanliu Mountain had completely changed.

The turbid waves are surging, roaring like thunder, and Wanliu Mountain, which stands in it, seems to be surrounded by endless turbid sea water. Except for the cliff flat, all other places are submerged by sea water.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt that the world was abandoned and imprisoned by an inexplicable and terrifying force field, and he felt like he was in an inescapable cage and became a prisoner.

"Thousands of Imprisonment Formation!"

Emperor Huang Quan's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of coldness and disbelief in his eyes.

"That's right, it's the Prisoner God Wanliu!"

Chujiang King Ji Kang smiled and said, "Using Wanliu Mountain as the base and the sea of ​​bitterness as the source of power, it can restrain the heavens and the earth and imprison the gods! This was laid by the third Emperor Youming himself. Unfortunately, when he was fighting against the gods, Before this large formation was used, the third Emperor Youming was suppressed and killed, so this formation has not been well known to the world."

"Isn't that better? Qi Piff is determined to restore the orthodox lineage of the third Nether Emperor, and now he can die in this Imprisonment Formation."

On the side, Qin Guangwang Du Ying laughed.

Song Emperor Zhao Hengyun, Taishan King Cai Shentu, and Biancheng King Zhou Hun also smiled, their eyes full of mockery and pity.

What kind of irony is it that one wants to reshape the orthodoxy of the third Nether Emperor, but now he is about to die in the formation he set up?

Emperor Huang Quan understood the meaning of these smiles, and his expression became more and more gloomy. Looking at all the things that were carefully arranged for him, even though he had decided not to risk his life, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart and feeling a kind of sadness.

He Qixiong, the third Great Emperor of the Netherworld, ruled the Netherworld during his reign. Gods and Buddhas did not dare to overstep, and immortals did not dare to profane. But now, the great formation he left behind was misappropriated by the lackeys and thieves of the fairy world. What a pity! ?

"Do it, it will change if you are late."

On the side, Qin Guang Wang Du Ying reminded.

"Haha, that's okay, the appetizers have already been tasted, and it's time to enjoy a sumptuous meal." Chujiang Wang Jikang laughed.

The next moment, the five Yan Luo kings suddenly appeared in the sky, each sitting in the direction of the five elements, or holding Taoist scriptures, or swords, or flags, or copper furnaces, one by one, descending from the earth like gods, entangled in the law of golden immortals, blooming Shenghui, taking away the light of the world.






A few five words, like the roar of divine voices, came from the lips of the five Yama kings, containing great power, as if the gods issued orders and issued decrees, which were deafening and directly reached the hearts of the people.

Suddenly, the infinitely turbid sea water rolled over and turned into terrifying visions, rushing towards the Emperor of the Underworld and Chen Xi.

The vision is like the substance, or it is like a sea of ​​blood in purgatory, the soul of the six realms, or it is like a boundless shore where all demons perish, or it is like the gate of hell is wide open, and a group of ghosts are raging...

Every vision contains terrifying and incomparable power fluctuations, and the killing comes. The momentum alone makes people feel as if they have fallen into an ice cave, with endless despair in their hearts.

"Little friend, I'm sorry, the old man is also powerless to break through this formation."

In Chen Xi's ear, the sigh of Emperor Huangquan could be heard, revealing a hint of unwillingness and despair. This is the God Formation of Ten Thousand Flows Prisoner, which was personally erected by the third Emperor Nether, and now it is personally commanded by the five Kings of Yama. Looking at the entire Nether Realm, No one can get out of it.

Having said that, the emaciated and tall figure of Emperor Huangquan still stood in front of Chen Xi at this moment, "For the current plan, the only thing we can do is to offer sacrifices, and we will fight hard..."


At this time, the multiple visions had already been smashed, and the blazing and terrifying luster was reflected on the cheeks of Huang Quan, changing constantly, with only a touch of firmness and determination, which never wavered.

Obviously, he has decided to sacrifice himself and fight, even if it is to stop the car with his arms.

Seeing this, the Chujiang King and others all showed a bit of disdain, Qi Shanhe, no wonder everyone called him "Qi Pifu", he had the courage of a man, but he couldn't see the general situation clearly, death is not a pity!

"Let me come."

At this moment, a deep and old voice rang in the ears of Emperor Huang Quan, and before he could react, a long and slender hand appeared in the field of vision.

This big hand is generous and firm, like a pine tree on the bank of a cliff.

Holding a pen in his palm, it looks like iron but not iron, like jade and not jade. As soon as he stared, there was an indescribable terrifying murderous aura rushing towards his face, which pierced Huang Quan Emperor's eyes for a while.

Just a moment.

The whole world returned to silence, and the visions froze, and even the unmatched murderous intent and terrifying fluctuations surging in the void disappeared without a trace, as if they had been fatally frightened.

All this is just because of an extra pen.

When he saw the appearance of this pen and the two ancient characters that were strong and powerful, even with the composure of Huang Quan Emperor, he couldn't help being shocked, his heart was ups and downs, and his eyes burst into incomparable excitement.

"This is?"

"What happened?"

"How could this be?"

There was a burst of surprise, and the Chu Jiang Wang Jikang and others were caught off guard by this scene, not knowing what happened.

But immediately, their eyes were attracted by a person in the field.

It was a tall figure with a handsome face, and it was Chen Xi, but at this time, his temperament had changed drastically. Standing casually in front of the Emperor Huangquan, he actually had the power to overlook the world and control the universe.

Especially the pair of eyes, deep, vicissitudes, and filled with the breath of time, upon closer inspection, it seems that there is no emotion at all, only a touch of indifference, calm, and ruthlessness.

In comparison, even the Great Emperor of Huangquan was much dimmer, like a pearl of rice grains, unable to compete with the bright moon.

When they met this pair of gazes, King Chujiang and the others all jumped in their hearts, feeling a sense of oppression from the soul, like a courtier meeting an emperor, feeling an inexplicable panic.

Who is this little guy?

Everyone's countenance changed, and they all knew that it was Chen Xi who caused all of this, but at this time, he was completely different from before, completely incomparable.

Because in the past, even though he had the strength of the peak king of the earth immortal, in their eyes, he was still insignificant like a vulnerable ant.

But now, he actually made them, the supreme figures in the netherworld, the big men whose cultivation bases were all in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, feel a little panic!


At this moment, King Qin Guang broke his mouth and stared fixedly at Chen Xi's hands, his eyes wide open, as if struck by lightning.

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