divine talisman

Chapter 993 The Power of the Great Emperor [Part 2]


As soon as Qin Guangwang Du Ying's voice fell, the eyes of the other Yan Luos all looked at Chen Xi's hands in unison.

Immediately, everyone's eyes shrank and widened in disbelief.

A pen that looks like iron but not iron, the whole body is as black as jade, and a white jade book that is shrouded in haze and icy cold, exuding a magnificent and strange atmosphere like the sea.

In the right and left hands respectively.

One black and one white, just like mastering yin and yang, accommodating the clear and turbid, merging good and evil, giving people an indescribable feeling of palpitation.

"The Nether Record!"

"Punishing Evil Pen!"

"This is the belonging of the third Emperor Youming. Gods and Buddhas searched for it all those years ago, but they never found it. How could it appear in this son's hands?"

Chujiang Wang Jikang and the others changed their complexions suddenly, and exclaimed in surprise, their faces were full of disbelief.

This is a more terrifying holy artifact than the "Nether Disk", "Three Lives Stone", and "Wangchuan Mirror". It is in the hands of the third Nether Emperor. It not only contains various profound meanings about "reincarnation", but also A pair of supreme killing tools.

Especially the Xie Xie Pen, which slaughtered countless gods and Buddhas and feasted on countless gods' blood. It is so fierce that there is no one who can compare with it in the dark world!

After the fall of the third Nether Great Emperor, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky spent a lot of effort and time just for these two holy artifacts, but in the end they got nothing.

At that time, this incident even caused shock in the Three Realms!

But now, these two legendary ghost relics have appeared in the hands of a young man from the human world. How can this not be shocking?

What particularly shocked King Chujiang and the others was that just now, this little ant in the human world actually held the evil-killing pen and the Nether Record, and broke their sure-kill blow in an instant, even the "Wanliu Prisoner God" The formation" fell into silence!

It's slow to say, but in fact this series of things happened in a very short time.

The next moment, King Chujiang and the others looked at Chen Xi, and they had regained their composure. The appearance of You Ming Lu and Xie Xie Pen was indeed beyond their expectations, but the top priority was to kill Huang Quan and Chen Xi.

As an old antique who has practiced for an unknown number of years, and as one of the supreme figures in the Netherworld, it is impossible for Chujiang Wang Jikang and others to be disturbed by this.

"Junior, quickly hand over the Nether Record and the Xie Xie Pen, and I will spare you!"

King Qin Guang yelled loudly. When he spoke, he tentatively launched an attack. He opened a red Taoist book in his hand, and a piece of blood-like divine brilliance gushed out, steaming densely, permeating the Law of Daluo, and facing Chen Xizhen killed him.

This is the attack of Da Luo Jinxian, which can shake the sun and the moon, and destroy nine days!

If it is placed in the human world, once this blow is released, it will definitely be imprisoned by the laws of heaven, because that kind of power has surpassed the shackles of human power, and if it is not restrained, it will definitely cause turmoil in the world.

Seeing this, Chen Xi just waved his sleeves, and never used the evil-killing pen at all, as if the bloody light was shattered inch by inch.

At the same time, King Qin Guang only felt a shock in his hand, and the scarlet-flaming Daoist text escaped from his control, and was engulfed by an invisible force, and fell into Chen Xi's palm.

This scene, the rabbit ups and downs, happened in a single thought, and the expression of everyone present suddenly changed.

King Guang of Qin, Du Ying, is the first king of Yama, with towering skill and outstanding combat power, even comparable to King Ji Kang of Chujiang, but now, all the treasures in his hands were taken away in one blow!

"The Book of Chiming Wuji, when I passed this object to the first hall of Yan Luo, every king of Qin Guang could hold this object, sit on the Nie Jingtai, and be in charge of ghost judgment, but now, it is used by you to deal with me ..."

An old and deep voice came out from Chen Xi's lips, with a touch of sadness, and seemed to be reminiscing about the past, "Unfortunately, the bright pearl is cast in secret, and it will be stained after all, so don't worry about it."


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xi didn't see any force, and the "Red Dark Promise Book" that was obviously going to surpass ordinary immortal artifacts directly shattered, turning into powder and disappearing invisible.

Everyone was terrified, their pupils constricted, and there was already a tinge of astonishment in their gazes looking at Chen Xi.

Although this "Chiming Wuji Book" is not comparable to "Wangchuan Mirror" and "Sansheng Stone", it is also the treasure inherited from the first hall of Yama, and has always been in the hands of every King Qin Guang.

Such a treasure, now it is easily pulverized and turned into fly ash, how can it not be shocking?

Especially when they heard that Chen Xi claimed that the "Chiming Wuji Book" was written by him, and then it was introduced to the First Hall of Yama, everyone felt trembling all over, as if struck by lightning.

Could it be that the other party is... the third Nether Emperor! ?

Those who dare to speak like this, looking at the entire Netherworld, there is only one person, and that is the third Nether Emperor!

At this moment, no matter how high their Dao Xin cultivation base is, no matter how deep their city is, they can no longer contain the turmoil in their hearts, because this fact is too shocking.

On the side, Emperor Huangquan was equally astonished, but he was even more excited and uplifted, because he finally dared to confirm that the person occupying Chen Xi's body and soul in front of him must be the third Emperor Nether!

God, his old man is still alive!

At this moment, Emperor Huang Quan also had some difficulty restraining the emotions in his heart.

"Impossible! The third Nether Emperor has long been suppressed and killed by the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, how can he survive until now? Who are you?"

Chujiang Wang Jikang took a deep breath and said sharply.

He tried his best to plan, but today's game, when it was finally closed, was thrown into chaos by this scene, how could he accept it?

"Perhaps, it's been so long that you not only forgot your responsibilities, but also can't remember me anymore..."

Chen Xi opened his mouth, his eyes were full of vicissitudes and indifference, and he sighed, "Is it really that good to be a servant of the fairy world?"

When he was speaking, he held the evil-killing pen in his hand, and randomly swipe it in the air, and a sharp edge appeared like a stream of light.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, the treasure seal in the hands of Ji Kang, King of Chujiang, the sword in the hands of Emperor Song, the banner in the hands of King Taishan, and the copper furnace in the hands of King Biancheng were all cut open from the middle, divided into two, and then shattered. was completely destroyed.

This blow was like a stroke of magic, shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods, full of unpredictable mysteries, and its killing power was even more terrifying to the extreme. It was so frightening that King Chujiang and others didn't even react. The treasure in their hands was already All destroyed!

I can't imagine, if this blow is to kill these five Yama kings, can they also kill them with one blow?

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang and the others obviously thought of this, and their faces became extremely embarrassed, terrified and at a loss.

As the Great Luo Jinxian, as the most powerful figures in the Netherworld, how could they have imagined that one day they would be so terrified, as terrified as ants?

"The Lingling Seal, the Xuanmu Soul Sword, the Liushen Shegui Banner, the Mingbo Miesha Furnace...It's a pity that these treasures were defiled by the minions of the fairy world."

Amidst a voice of emotion, Chen Xi raised his eyes, and looked at King Chu Jiang and the others. His eyes were cold, and there was a sense of death in the profound vicissitudes.

Stared at by this kind of gaze, King Chu Jiang and others froze all over, their spirits throbbed, and they felt a kind of great fear, which was no different from facing the fairy king.

"You can't kill us!"

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted, "If we die, no one will be able to control the Fifth Hall of Yama. At that time, the entire Netherworld will be in turmoil and war. Can you just watch this happen? "

At this moment, he didn't have the previous appearance of strategizing and pointing out the country. He was already shocked by the changes in this scene, and he had no more thoughts, just wanting to survive.

"The Netherworld is already rotten. Perhaps only war can re-establish a new order in the Netherworld. Therefore, you have to die."

Chen Xi's voice had already become emotionless, and there was a power to control life and death in the calmness.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed again, only Emperor Huangquan showed a look of contemplation.

"It's absolutely impossible to keep me waiting!"

A look of determination suddenly flashed across the face of Taishan King Cai Shentu, his figure flicked, and he tore through the void with a snort, and was about to escape.

Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head.

The next moment, I saw the "Wanliu Prisoner God Formation" covering the entire Wanliu Mountain suddenly activated, spawning many terrifying visions, locking the void, and a terrifying wave gushed out of it, slamming into the On the body of Cai Shentu, King of Mount Tai.


There was a sound of bone shattering, and I saw Cai Shentu, the King of Taishan, bleeding all over his body like a bug grasped by an invisible big hand, every inch of skin and flesh was collapsing inward, his face was distorted, and he let out a series of screams .

"The guilt has been planted, like a mayfly in the vast sea of ​​suffering, without limit or shore, where can you escape?"

Accompanied by that old and calm voice, there was only a bang, and Cai Shentu, king of Mount Tai, turned into a ball of flesh and blood, burst to pieces and died!

From beginning to end, there was not even room for struggle.

This is a big Luo Jinxian!

Now it was easily wiped out like ants. If this scene spreads to the outside world, I am afraid that it will cause an uproar.

"It turned out to be... dead..."

Watching Taishan King die under his nose, the Chujiang King and others all felt their scalps go numb, and their souls froze. An unconcealable look of fear spread uncontrollably in their hearts and reflected on their faces.

Because they know very well that this is a real death, and there is no possibility of reincarnation, and there is no possibility of reincarnation. From then on, Cai Shentu will annihilate his eternal life in the world!


The next moment, Zhou Hun, the king of Biancheng, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and cried out in grief: "I know my mistakes, please be merciful to the emperor, so that my subordinates will not die. From now on..."


Before he finished speaking, a bloodstain was cut on his neck, his body was separated, blood splashed, and he died on the spot.

"Variability, evil consequences are hard to undo, and death is the greatest forgiveness for you."

Chen Xi rubbed the evil-killing pen in his hand, and let out a soft sigh.

At this moment, the only remaining Chujiang King Ji Kang, Qin Guang King Du Ying, and Song Emperor Zhao Hengyun all had extremely gloomy complexions showing despair.

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