divine talisman

Chapter 994 Ending Twilight [Part 3]

How terrible is the evil pen?

From the fact that Zhou Hun, king of Biancheng, was wiped out in a single blow, it can be seen that perhaps only its owner can exert its true power for such a supreme killing weapon.

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang and the other three remaining Yan Luo Kings had earthy faces, slumped and terrified. From the power of the Zhu Xie Pen, it was already certain that the other party must be the third Nether Emperor.

And if there is no guess, the other party should be a wisp of thought, stored in the little guy in the human world.

But even so, it was enough to make them terrified and desperate.

Who is the third Nether Emperor?

Back then, he fought alone with all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and suppressed and killed countless gods and Buddhas under the sea of ​​suffering.

Even just a thought of such a big man with a wrist that reaches the sky, who is proud of the past and present, is enough to kill them in the palm of his hand while talking and laughing.

The Taishan king Cai Shentu and Biancheng king Zhou Hun who died before them are living examples!

Compared to this, Emperor Huangquan was already inexplicably excited, and his spirit was radiant, as if he had seen the entire Netherworld return to the unified order under the control of the third Nether Emperor.

"Punishing evil, ghosts... Could all of this be caused by the words 'dragons without heads'?"

Chen Xi lowered his head and muttered to himself, his voice was low and desolate. In this silent atmosphere, there was a unique sense of desolation.

"Unfortunately, all this is not what I want."

"The so-called order should be intangible, running in the universe, the sacred cannot be surpassed, and the gods and Buddhas cannot touch it. In this way, black and white are a mirror, good and evil have an end, clear and turbid are clear, everything is orderly, and all spirits are right. belonging to..."

Everyone was stunned, hearing that old voice sighing, but a little at a loss.

Naturally, they would not understand that this was the goal pursued by the third Nether Emperor all his life, to order this cycle of reincarnation in all the heavens and worlds, and to bring all the spirits of all ages into an orderly state!

It is a pity that because this goal is too ambitious, it violates the bottom line of the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, and is eventually robbed.

Although they didn't understand, Chujiang Wang Jikang and others knew that if they didn't take any action, they might be doomed to hate this place today.

But this is what makes them powerless and tangled.

Taishan King Cai Shentu wanted to escape, but was suppressed and killed by the "Wanliu Prisoner God Formation".

King Zhou Hun of Biancheng knelt down and begged for mercy, but he still did not escape the fate of being executed by the evil pen.

Therefore, neither running away nor begging for mercy, there is only one way left before them, and that is to give it a go and fight to the death.


The opponent is the third Nether Emperor!If it is a fight, wouldn't it be no different from a gnat shaking a tree and seeking death?

At this moment, the moods of Chujiang Wang Jikang and the others were roughly the same as before Chen Xi. They all felt that the other party was unshakable, and they all felt a sense of powerlessness.

The only difference is that Chen Xi holds a small tripod to protect him, and he has no intention of being desperate or discouraged.

But Chujiang Wang Jikang and others did not have such luck.

Therefore, they knew this, and they had no choice but to act like this.

There was no greeting or discussion, almost tacit understanding, Chu Jiang Wang Jikang, Qin Guang Wang Du Ying, and Song Emperor Zhao Hengyun blatantly attacked at the same time, with a tacit understanding.


The three Da Luo Jinxian powerhouses dispatched and fought with all their strength. In just a split second, the entire cliff flat was covered by the dense and boiling golden immortal law, like a surging ocean, like a vast abyss, blazing and immeasurable, enough to shake the world!

For this, Chen Xi's figure remained motionless, like a stone entrenched, as if he was on the other side, no matter how monstrous those attacks were, they couldn't touch him in the slightest, let alone hurt him.

It's like jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements.

However, Chu Jiang Wang Jikang and the others seemed to have guessed this scene long ago, and they just gritted their teeth and attacked, pointing at the sky and the ground, as fierce as the scorching sun in the sky, trying to tear this "ten thousand stream prisoner god formation" and break a glimmer of life.

Only in this way can they have a chance of survival.

"Qi Shanhe?"

For all of this, Chen Xi seemed to ignore it, but turned his head, and a pair of deep and vicissitudes of eyes fell on the Emperor Huangquan who was at the side.

"It's the disciple."

Emperor Huang Quan cupped his hands, and a look of surprise appeared on his skinny and calm face, which was immediately replaced by a look of pious fanaticism.

As early as how many years ago, at that time, Qi Shanhe was still a disciple of Huangquan Palace. He was young and vigorous, and he was arrogant. Passed the third Nether Emperor.

Of course, it was just one side. At that time, not to mention him, even his master, in the eyes of Emperor Youming, he was no different from ordinary people, so naturally he would not pay more attention to Qi Shanhe.

But Qi Shanhe never expected that after such a long time, the third Emperor Youming still remembered the name of this little man!

How can this not surprise him?

If someone from the outside world knew what Qi Shanhe was thinking, his jaw would drop in shock. If Emperor Huangquan was a small person, what would they be?

Of course, it is easy for people to accept this comparison on the third Nether Emperor.

Because compared with him, no matter the current emperor of Huangquan, the master of Meng Po, the master of the city of death, or the master of the Six Daos, and the ten halls of Yan Luo, they are all younger generations, and it is logical to call themselves small people.

"These two treasures are in your charge for the time being."

Chen Xi opened his mouth, and handed over the Xie Xie Pen and Nether Record to Emperor Huangquan.

Emperor Huang Quan only felt a humming in his head, he was almost stunned, he couldn't believe it, he was at a loss for a while, this kind of appearance appeared on him, an old antique who lived for an unknown number of years, we can see how shocked he was.

"This son is going to the Immortal Realm after all, and these two treasures cannot be tolerated there." Chen Xi sighed softly, actually showing a hint of helplessness.

Although the words came from Chen Xi's mouth, Emperor Huangquan knew that the other party was now the third Great Emperor Youming, so "this son" must be referring to Chen Xi.

"You...you can let him stay in Netherworld." Huangquan Emperor took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Me?" A complicated look appeared on Chen Xi's lips, "No one can interfere with his path, if he forces himself to stay, Shenyan Mountain will not agree."

Emperor Huang Quan was shocked, Shenyan Mountain!That is one of the most mysterious orthodoxy in the Three Realms!

He clearly remembered that back then, the third Nether Emperor had discussed Taoism with Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, for ten days. Although the outcome was not announced to the public, it became a good talk that spread throughout the three realms.

But he didn't expect that this little guy from the human world would have an inseparable relationship with Shenyan Mountain, so he was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry, do everything you can, and this disciple will help Chen Xi take care of these two treasures." Taking another deep breath, Emperor Huang Quan solemnly said.

What Emperor Youming said just now was "temporarily in charge", and he could naturally hear the meaning.

In comparison, Chen Xi is the true successor of Emperor Youming. No matter how conceited he is, Emperor Netherworld, he knows very well that he cannot replace him.

Chen Xi nodded, without saying any more, he raised his head and looked to one side.

There, Chujiang Wang Jikang and others looked like crazy demons, still blasting and killing the "Wan Liu Prisoner God Formation" with all their strength, but unfortunately, until now, they could not break a gap in it.

Seeing this, Emperor Huang Quan couldn't help showing a look of pity in his eyes. He was arrogant and arrogant before, but now he is panicked like a bereaved dog. Poor, really pitiful!


At this moment, Chen Xi reached out his hand, and lightly flicked it in the void, his movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, the antelope hung its horns, without any trace of fireworks.

But with this understated action, a strong twilight color permeated the air, like the end of time, like the end of the universe, revealing a sense of sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness.

Ending Dao Intent——Twilight of the Gods!

Dusk is the end, the end.

After dusk, there is eternal silence, eternal darkness, opening up a new era for the next dawn.

Emperor Huang Quan's eyes suddenly dilated, revealing a look of incomparable shock, as if he never expected that in his lifetime, he would be able to witness such legendary taboo mysteries with his own eyes!

Back then, it was precisely because the meaning of ending Dao was the core meaning of the law of reincarnation that aroused the murderous intent of all the gods in the sky, and suppressed and killed the third Nether Emperor at all costs.

From then on, ending the mystery has become a taboo throughout the three realms, and no one can see it again!

On the other side, Chu Jiang King Ji Kang, Qin Guang King Du Ying, and Song Emperor Zhao Hengyun also froze, stopped their movements, and were completely sluggish like clay statues.



After a lapse of endless years, it actually reappeared in the world again!

But the next moment, they didn't care about the shock, because this blow that contained the intention to end the Tao was aimed at them...

"Do not--!"

Crazy and unwilling roars sounded, Chujiang Wang Jikang and the three were like crazy demons, burning law flames all over their bodies, rushing desperately, but all this was in vain before the end of the dusk.

In the next moment, the bodies of the three were covered with the color of twilight, and immediately, the bodies of the three Da Luo Jinxians quietly disappeared little by little!

It was as if the day was being swallowed up by the eternal night bit by bit. From the beginning to the end, there was no sound, and no bloody scenes happened. But because of this, it made people feel more chilling and terrified.

Until all this ended, Emperor Huang Quan still couldn't wake up from the shock.

Naturally, he didn't realize that Chen Xi beside him had lost that supreme aura of controlling everything and looking down on everything, and had regained his previous calm appearance.

At this moment, Chen Xi's mind fell into a strange state of comprehension, and he could clearly perceive that a ray of flame burned in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was as transparent as amber and showed the color of dusk.

Chen Xi knew that it was the will to end the dao, and it was the last gift left to him before the wisp of thought from the third Emperor Youming was completely eliminated.

To comprehend, or not to comprehend.

Only between his thoughts.

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