divine talisman

Chapter 995 Returning to Xuanhuan [Part 1]

After contemplating for a long time, Chen Xi finally held back.

The meaning of ending Tao is a big taboo recognized by the three realms, its power is unpredictable, it is the core mystery that constitutes the law of reincarnation, and it makes all the gods and Buddhas in the sky dread it.

Once it is comprehended, the consequences are really unimaginable.

In particular, Chen Xi knew very well that his current strength was not enough to be able to compete against the mighty beings of the Three Realms, and trying to comprehend it at this time would only speed up his own death.

"Forget it, the various exercises I have mastered now are all extremely tyrannical. If I try to comprehend the meaning of the end, I will be a little overwhelmed..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and woke up from contemplation.

The mountain wind was howling, and the sea of ​​clouds was steaming. At this time, on the top of Wanliu Mountain, with the fall of Chu Jiang Wang Jikang and other five Yamas, everything seemed to come to an end.

But Chen Xi knew that everything that happened today was like a trigger that would soon cause a commotion in the entire Netherworld and kick off a huge war.

Because the five Yan Luo kings who represented the forces in the fairy world died, the territories and forces controlled by them will definitely arouse the coveted by the forces in the Buddhist world, and large-scale conflicts will break out.

This is a battle of morality, which is inevitable.

It was foreseeable that soon, the entire Netherworld would be covered in blood and war.

And the hundreds of millions of living beings living in the nether world, facing the dispute between the two great lineages of immortals and Buddhas, can only be passively involved in this turmoil, and cannot stay out of it.

Regarding this, Chen Xi could only sigh, but was powerless to do anything.

Perhaps we should believe what the third Nether Emperor said before, that only war can re-establish a new order in the Netherworld.

In this process, there is no room for compassion, kindness and tolerance!

"Is the old man gone?"

On the side, Emperor Huang Quan finally woke up from the shock, with an unconcealable sense of loss and sadness welling up on his skinny and stern face.

Chen Xi nodded. He was very sure that from now on, the third Nether Emperor might never appear again...

After getting Chen Xi's confirmation, Emperor Huangquan sighed again, and the loss was beyond words.

After a while, he took a deep breath, raised his eyes to stare at Chen Xi, and said, "The Netherworld will be in chaos, and this old man is about to leave, little friend, the old man will wait for you to return to the Netherworld, and take away the Netherworld Record and Execution Evil pen."

After the words fell, he turned and left without delay.

"Don't worry senior, I will definitely come back, take care!"

Chen Xi cupped his hands, with a solemn expression, and said far away.

The waves are born and the waves are destroyed, the clouds are rolling and the clouds are relaxing, and the cliff on the top of Wanliu Mountain has fallen into silence again, only the sound of the biting wind whistling here.

"Chen Xi."

A clear and soft voice sounded beside his ears, Chen Xi's whole body froze, all the thoughts in his mind disappeared without a trace, and an unspeakable emotion quietly surged into his heart.

He turned his head little by little, and when the familiar figure appeared in his vision, he was completely stunned.

By the side of a cluster of lush flowers, a slender figure stands alone, dressed in white clothes like snow, with hair falling down his waist like a waterfall, revealing a beautiful and vulgar face.

Her cherry lips are like petals, her eyes are like the brightest stars in the sky, her brows are picturesque, with a bit of misty and hazy color, as if she is not eating fireworks, her figure is graceful and magnificent.

It was Qing Xiuyi.

At this time, her eyes were shining brightly, and she met Chen Xi's gaze without hesitation, the corners of her luscious lips were slightly raised, and that smile was so dazzling that it made everything in the world eclipse.

The mountain breeze blows down several petals, swirling playfully in the air, swaying and dancing.

The two looked at each other silently, staring at each other for a long time.

There are some ups and downs in my heart.

The scenes of these years are all in my mind.

There were thousands of words on those lips, but in the end he couldn't say a single word, as if he couldn't bear to destroy this peaceful and beautiful atmosphere.

At this moment, I don't know where time has gone...

"What about that woman?"

In the end, it was Qing Xiuyi who broke the silence, but the first sentence he spoke caught Chen Xi by surprise, his consciousness froze slightly, and his head almost got stuck.

"Where... which woman?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chen Xi was surprised to find that his own tongue was sometimes uneasy, and he stuttered, which made him very annoyed.

myself, what happened?

He couldn't tell himself.

Qing Xiuyi narrowed her clear eyes slightly, like a pair of extremely beautiful crescent moons, and said: "I forgot, it seems that you never lack women by your side."

These words made Chen Xi suffocate again, feeling a little embarrassed, it was even worse than facing the coercion of a big Luo Jinxian.

He opened his mouth, but finally closed it again.

Because what Qing Xiuyi said seems to be not far from the truth, like Du Qingxi, Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan, like Mu Yao, Yaqing, Yun Na, Yan Yan, like Bei Ling who is still staying in the Pagoda of the Buddha...

And under the gaze of her pair of eyes, he didn't have the courage to deny all of this.

Therefore, I can only be silent, like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

Even though he knew very well that apart from Fan Yunlan and Qing Xiuyi, he really had no real relationship with those other girls, he still couldn't justify himself.

Because the truth will only become clearer and clearer, and it will only become darker and darker when it comes to matters between men and women...

Seeing this, Qing Xiuyi smiled silently. The radiant face at that moment was like a flower bud blooming after the rain.

She doesn't care about these things because she is Qing Xiuyi.

She also believed that the man she identified would definitely not let her down.

That's why she won't be like those jealous women, strong women, and gossiping women who look at her man suspiciously and guard against thieves everywhere, so she is not Qing Xiuyi anymore.

Seeing Qing Xiuyi laughing, Chen Xi was startled, and then laughed too, not without self-deprecating thought that after all, he was still too inexperienced.


Qing Xiuyi is a person who is never willing to express her heart, she is quiet and indifferent, exuding a detached aura from the inside out, as if no one or thing can enter her heart in this world.

But Chen Xi knew very well that at least she and her son Chen An held a decisive weight in her heart.

It was enough to know this, so he didn't ask Qing Xiuyi if she was doing well these years, and what dangers and twists and turns she had gone through.

Similarly, Qing Xiuyi didn't ask him whether it was hard work to save himself, and whether he ever thought of giving up.

All of this, at this moment, seeing each other safe and sound, has become insignificant.

"Let's go."

When Qing Xiuyi opened her mouth, she had already come to Chen Xi's side, standing side by side, her hair swaying in the wind like a waterfall, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

"Where to go?"

Chen Xi was a little surprised by Qing Xiuyi's action, which seemed to be just standing side by side, but this action appeared on her body, which was already a rare and intimate action.

"Go back to Xuan Huanyu and take a look at our son."

Qing Xiuyi opened her mouth, and on her beautiful and hazy face, there was a touch of tenderness, which was fleeting.

"it is good."

Chen Xi answered without any hesitation, but immediately hesitated a little, and said, "Wait a minute."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and made a move, and a ray of divine light was scattered, and there was already a graceful figure in the field, as cold as ice, with pale cherry lips, and elegant demeanor, it was Bei Ling.

Bei Ling was stunned, as if he had just woken up from meditation, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes. When he saw Chen Xi, his eyes couldn't help but light up, revealing a trace of joy, but when he saw Qing Xiuyi, he immediately regained his composure. .

Qing Xiuyi also seemed very calm at this time, she just looked at Bei Ling quietly, and didn't say much.

Although there was no sharp look in her gaze, Bei Ling was still a little uncomfortable looking at it, but soon she regained her composure, and also raised her eyes to look at Qing Xiuyi, without showing any weakness.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi felt a little uncomfortable, so he hurriedly interrupted and introduced, "This is my Taoist partner Qing Xiuyi, and this is Bei Ling."

Qing Xiuyi nodded, expressing her understanding.

The same is true for Bei Ling, except that she suddenly smiled, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "Going to leave?"

Chen Xi nodded, a complex clarity rose in his heart for no reason, it was very inexplicable.

"That's good, take care."

Bei Ling seemed to feel nothing wrong, the only difference was that, on her ice-cold and beautiful face, there was an unusual smile on her face.

Very bright, very brilliant.

When she was talking, she waved her hands freely, turned around and left gracefully, walking very calmly and without delay.

Seeing this, Chen Xi felt a little irritable, but he didn't know what to say.

Until Bei Ling's solitary figure was about to disappear, Qing Xiuyi at the side suddenly said, "When you arrive in the fairy world, we can get together."

It is the fairy world, not the human world.

Because Qing Xiuyi has already noticed that if we bid farewell at this moment, if we want to see each other again in the future, it will only be in the Immortal Realm.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Bei Ling turned around, with a smile on her cold and beautiful face, but she disappeared completely.

"Thank you."

Chen Xi withdrew his gaze and said in a low voice.

Qing Xiuyi shook her head and didn't say much.

Then, Chen Xi suddenly hugged her, and whispered in her crystal ear, "I'm really worried that everything in front of me is just a dream."

This sudden hug made Qing Xiuyi's entire body stiffen, her clear eyes widened, and a trace of panic flashed across her white face. It seemed that Chen Xi would dare to be so bold.

But immediately, her mood returned to calm. Feeling Chen Xi's generous chest and the slightest bit of heat from his skin, she also felt a touch of tenderness in her heart.



On the pitch-black soul-returning plate with metallic luster, two copper rings, one large and one small, rotate frequently, like gears, making a crisp sound of ding ding, and finally point to the "Xuanhuan Great World", blooming with a blazing luster.

Then, a deep passage was paved from the void.

When the figures of Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi disappeared in the depths of the secluded passage together, everything returned to calm again.

Only Wanliu Mountain stands on the bank of the vast sea of ​​suffering, silently witnessing the changes of time and history.

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