Nalan Su couldn't afford to blush with a junior, and was provoked by Xiao Yan's words, so he let them in.

Nalan Zhaoran and Xiao Yan went in front, and Nalan Su and Nalan Yan followed behind.

Entering the side room, the surroundings are clean and simple. There is only a big bed, and a haggard old man is sleeping.

The lighting in the room was very soft, and the maids around were busy back and forth. When they saw someone coming in, they glanced at them and then went back to work.

In the center of the big bed was Nalan Jie. As the two of them approached, they could clearly see that there was a faint gray and black color on Nalan Jie's face, and his peaceful sleeping face revealed some lifelessness.

It can be seen that the branding poison on Nalan Jie's body is really powerful, forcing such a terrifying and strong man into this appearance.

"Can the two of you go out? We need to get rid of the branding poison for Mr. Nalan in an environment where no one is disturbing you." Xiao Yan glanced at Nalan Zhaoran who was quietly standing beside him, and said helplessly.

Nalan Yanran worriedly looked at her grandfather lying on the bed, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but looked at Nalan Zhaoran who was standing aside as if she wanted to minimize her sense of existence, she seemed to feel relieved again.

For some reason, this girl in the robe of a third-grade alchemist always gave her an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Must be an illusion.

Nalan Yanran shook her head, called the maid out of the room, and then left here with Nalansu.

In the end, only Xiao Yan, Nalan Zhaoran, and Mr. Nalan lying on the bed were left in the room.

"Let's get started, hurry up, we don't have so much time to waste."

Only she and Xiao Yan were there, and Nalan Zhaoran let go of his scruples.

Xiao Yan nodded, and then blue flames emerged from his fingertips, entering Nalan Jie's body under control.

Qinglian's heart fire was extremely domineering, after entering Nalan Jie's body, the branding poison began to roam around Nalan Jie's body crazily.

Because of this, Nalanjie suddenly felt extreme pain, and his whole body began to twitch.

Nalan Zhaoran quickly released her Falling Heart Flame, and joined forces with Qinglian's Heart Fire to force out the burning poison.

Due to the severe pain, Nalan Jie woke up.

He opened his tired eyes, the wrinkles on his face were like bark, but his voice was still strong and powerful.

"Two little dolls? You saved me?"

Mr. Nalan was a man of great insight and knowledge, so he naturally recognized that the two people in front of him had strange fires on them, and they were both using strange fires to expel him, so he couldn't help being secretly shocked.

"There is no [-]% guarantee that I can save you. If I'm not careful, I won't save your life, but kill you." Xiao Yan said in a calm tone.

Although Nalan Jie has an excellent personal relationship with his grandfather, the past is just the past, and their Xiao family can't compete with the Nalan family now.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Nalan frowned clearly, and said: "Master Nalan, you don't need to worry, we will definitely do our best."

In the Nalan family, Nalan Yanran is the one who loves Nalan Yanran the most, that is, Nalan Jie in front of him. Even Nalan Yanran's father, Nalan Su, still has calculations and selfish desires in his feelings for Nalan Yanran. A person whose personal interests are paramount.

Nalan Jie really loves Nalan Yanran, but he can't let anything happen to him.

"Hahaha, my old bones have lived long enough, so I have seen a lot."

"It's good to be alive. If it doesn't work, I can't blame you two little dolls."

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