Nalan Jie has already faced life and death calmly. Anyway, he has lived for so long, and he has lived enough, but... the only thing he can't worry about is Nalan Yanran.

He sighed slightly.

"Stop talking." Nalan Zhaoran said calmly.

Nalan Jie's concentration was really shockingly strong, in the face of such pain, he was able to talk to the two of them without changing his face.

It's just that he said so much, it's better to save some effort to deal with the branding poison in his body.

The branding poison is really too fierce, it swims quickly in Nalan Jie's body, avoiding the attack and refinement of the strange fire, as if it has a spirituality.

After Nalan Zhaoran spoke, Nalan Jie glanced at her thoughtfully and said nothing.

Xiao Yan didn't bother to care so much, anyway, it wasn't him who was hurting, and now he still needed to concentrate on forcing out the branding poison.

Under the joint attack of Qinglian's Heart Fire and Falling Heart Flame, the scorching poison was forcibly divided into two halves, and the Falling Heart Flame and Qinglian's Heart Fire surrounded the two halves of the burning poison respectively.

The black mist on the branding poison seemed to be dying, but in the end it was no match for the power of the strange fire and dissipated in it.

Only a mass of white energy remained.

Nalan clearly recognized that it was Nalan Jie's fighting energy, such thick fighting energy must be the energy absorbed by the branding poison when it was acting strangely in Nalan Jie's body.

With such a thick and pure power, it can be lifted up a bit after absorbing the strength!
Nalan clearly discovered this group of energy, and Xiao Yan naturally also discovered it. The two looked at each other, and they both understood what the other meant.

The black mist on the branding poison had been removed, and Nalan clearly absorbed the pure and thick energy without hesitation.

The dou qi of the Dou Huang powerhouse is not covered!

It took about a quarter of an hour, and Nalan clearly absorbed it. He felt that his whole body was full of strength and endless energy, and his whole body was unobstructed.

The comfortable feeling made her squint her eyes, and finally looked at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan had also absorbed it, and Nalan could clearly feel that Xiao Yan's strength had increased a lot.

But Nalan obviously didn't care.

Right now, the branding poison on Mr. Nalan's body has completely disappeared, and the last plot involvement between Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan is gone.

Now, there are only three years left.

Nalan Zhaoran and Xiao Yan walked out of the room together. Outside the door, Nalan Yanran and Nalan Su stood together, waiting anxiously.

Seeing the two coming out together, Nalan Yanran couldn't wait to walk up.

"How is my grandpa?" Nalan Yanran pursed her lips, her pretty face was full of nervousness, maybe she didn't even realize it, her voice was a little trembling, but also a little expectant.

After all, Nalan Zhaoran and Xiao Yan have been in for so long, unlike the previous pharmacist who only went in for a while and then left. Does it mean that they have a way to cure Mr. Nalan?
Nalan Zhaoran glanced at Xiao Yan who remained silent beside him, seeing that he had no desire to talk to Nalan Yanran at all, he was slightly satisfied in his heart.

"Grandpa Nalan is very good, and all he needs to do next is to meditate and cultivate."

The clear girlish voice came out of Nalan Zhaoran's mouth, and the round and delicate face looked extraordinarily beautiful and lovely.

"You mean... my grandfather's burnt poison has been cured?" Nalan Yanran asked incredulously, with unbelievable surprise and excitement, she grabbed Nalan Zhaoran's shoulder and asked nervously, Want to get a definite answer.

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