"It's cured." Nalan smiled lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Nalan Yanran rushed into Nalan Jie's room with red eyes, wanting to personally confirm that grandpa was okay.

"You two have worked hard. If you are not in a hurry, I will arrange for the two of you to rest first. If Mr. Nalan is really well, just ask for anything you want. My Nalan family will not be stingy."

"Thank you, Patriarch Nalan, for your hospitality." Xiao Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he responded indifferently.

Even though Xiao Yan was young, Nalansu didn't feel offended, after all... he had proud capital.

A pharmacist who can save old man Nalan has even more arrogant capital.

Nalansu wisely didn't ask about the relationship between the two, and it's better not to ask more about things that have nothing to do with him.

After that, Xiao Yan and Nalan Zhaoran were arranged to rest in two similar rooms.

On the other side, Nalansu also asked Danwang Guhe to see how old Nalan was doing, whether he really got rid of the branding poison completely.

"Master Nalan has traces of strange fire on his body!"

"It's a strange fire!"

"Those two pharmacists cured Mr. Nalan with strange fire."

After carefully inspecting the sleeping old man Nalan's body, Gu He was shocked and couldn't stop being amazed.

"I couldn't find any trace of the cauterization at all. Those two little guys removed the cauterization very cleanly, and they didn't harm the old man's body at all."

Finally, Furukawa smiled and said the result he got.

This result is undoubtedly surprising and surprising.

However, Furukawa concealed a fact.

He found that there were traces of two different fires in the body of Mr. Nalan.

That is to say, it is possible that two of them have different fires on their bodies, and they work together to remove the branding poison with different fires, or it may be that one person has two kinds of different fires.

But the possibility of the latter is too low, and they are still so young, Furukawa is more inclined to the former hypothesis.

In this case, Furukawa really wanted to meet these two alchemists.

After all, talents come forth in large numbers, such an amazing and brilliant genius has a bright future.

After hearing Gu He's words, Nalansu was overjoyed, clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "That's great!"

"Sure enough, the sky is endless, my Nalan family!"

After knowing that Mr. Nalan was fine, Nalan Yanran finally let go of her hanging heart.

When this boulder is lowered, another boulder is raised high again.

The three-year contract is approaching...

I don't know when that girl Zhaoran will come back, and whether she has practiced well. I heard that Xiao Yan, the good-for-nothing from back then, has recovered her talent again, and her strength is strong. I don't know if Zhaoran can beat her.

Nalan Yanran narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking of the two alchemists who were arranged to rest in the guest room.

Maybe you can ask them if there is any good medicine, and Zhaoran can use it when the time comes.

Thinking like this, Nalan Yanran walked towards the guest room with her slender and well-proportioned legs.

After asking the maid next to her, Nalan Yanran knocked on the door of Nalan Zhaoran's room.

"Miss Yun, are you free? Maybe we can talk?"

Hearing the crisp knock on the door and Nalan Yanran's familiar voice outside the door, Nalan Zhaoran's hands trembled, and the freshly made elixir in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Then she took the pill back with a blank expression, and then ate a hidden breath pill before opening the door.

Nalan Yanran must never discover her identity.

She still wants to live a few more years.

I have a lot of things to do recently, I am busy, it will be late, good night, go to bed early

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