Chapter 85 Star Forest
In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, Zhao Wuji called everyone up with his resonant voice.

This may not be very difficult for early risers, but for Nangongli and Xiao Wu who can't get up, it is very difficult.So much so that when eating breakfast.Most people are still in a hazy state.

The sun is slowly rising from the east.Make that touch of fish maw white gradually enlarged.It was gradually getting brighter.

After leaving the small town, everyone accelerated forward, this place is already very close to the Star Dou Great Forest, the most excited one is Oscar, he is now very much looking forward to the enhancement effect of his third spirit ring.

Slowly, everyone smelled a fresh scent, and looked carefully and could see a piece of green not far away.

After a while, they finally came to the Star Dou Forest.

"Stop it all." Zhao Wuji said.

Everyone stopped, their bodies were already warmed up by walking hundreds of miles, especially Oscar and Ning Rongrong, as auxiliary soul masters, they were extremely exhausted.

Zhao Wou-ki looked at the nine students in front of him seriously, "Listen clearly to me, the Star Dou Forest is not the kind of place where the state keeps magical beasts in captivity, and the magical beasts here are extremely dangerous, and you may face millennium, or even Ten-thousand-year-level magic beasts attack, therefore. After entering the forest, none of you should leave my body for more than 20 meters. Ning Rongrong, Oscar. The two of you must follow me closely. Without my order, no one is allowed to attack easily Soul beast, do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone replied.

Oscar handed everyone two sausages for each person in case of emergency.

Zao Wou-ki looked around at the nine teenagers, seeing that the bunch of kids in front of him were all ready, so he waved his hand.

"Set off."

Zao Wou-ki directed Dai Mubai and Yan Hui, the two higher soul powers, to open the way, and asked Nangongli and Tang San to closely protect the two crispy assistants, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, while he personally cut off the rear.

The crowd marched forward in this formation for about an hour. At this time, it was already noon. Since this hour, they have also encountered many spirit beasts, but most of them are ten years or one hundred years old. Most avoid.There is no direct conflict, and occasionally some unscrupulous people come up to die, Dai Mubai's tiger palm directly solves the problem.

"Okay, everyone, let's rest for a while." Zhao Wou-ki's voice made everyone who had been tense to relax.Dai Mubai swept away the surrounding thorns, creating an open space of nearly a hundred square meters, and everyone sat down against the trees, temporarily repairing it.

Nangongli and Xiaowu squatted under the tree to rest, Tang San at the side was fanning the two girls, and blocking the sun for them.

When everyone rested for about half an hour, suddenly, Zhao Wuji, Tang San and Nangongli turned their heads to look at the same place.

Zhao Wuji shouted loudly: "Get up, there is something telling you to approach."

Nangongli quickly ran in the direction of Oscar and Ning Rongrong, and when everyone saw it, they also hurriedly ran in the direction of the two assistants. Everyone released their martial souls, even Zhao Wuji released their martial souls .

The rustling sound came from far and near, and even the two assistants could clearly hear it.

"Zhu Zhuqing. See what it is." Zhao Wuji ordered in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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