Douluo: My Martial Soul is an Umbrella

Chapter 86 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

Chapter 86 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

Zhu Zhuqing didn't make a sound, just jumped up quietly, with sharp claws out of his hands, he quickly climbed up a big tree next to him as if walking on level ground, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice came from the tree.

"It seems to be a flying snake, but it can't fly high. It can only fly forward at a position about three meters above the ground. It has a meat crown on its head, which looks bigger than its head, and it is as bright red as blood. , the tail is rather special, fan-shaped."

Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up, "It's a phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake. This kind of soul beast is quite rare. The meat crown on its head has many wonderful functions. Oscar, you are blessed, but unfortunately I don't know what this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is. For many years, Zhu Zhuqing, keep an eye on the direction it is heading, and report to me immediately if there is any change."

"Yes, it is coming in our direction, very fast. However, its body seems to be a bit out of balance."

Zhu Zhuqing kept changing his position, observing and replying to Zao Wou-ki's message.

At this moment, Tang San suddenly asked: "How long is this cockscomb snake, and what color are its wings?"

Nangongli glanced at Tang San, she knew what Tang San wanted to do, after all, they were the same teacher, and they learned mostly the same content.

Zhu Zhuqing said: "The wings are light red. The length is about six to eight meters."

Tang San said in an affirmative tone: "This is a thousand-year-old cockscomb snake. The light red wings are the symbol of its evolution for thousands of years. According to its length, it is six meters to eight meters. It should be 300 to 800 years. Years of cultivation, Oscar, is just right for you."

"The cockscomb snake itself is non-venomous, and it is a rare and powerful non-venomous snake. It uses its body to entangle the enemy and suffocate it. The attack method is very simple, but its speed is extremely fast, and its cockscomb stores various nutrients. In times of crisis, you can give it the effect of instantly increasing speed. If you have obtained this soul ring, then your next soul skill should be related to speed. Whether it is to assist in increasing speed or to add speed to yourself, it is all right. It is a good choice. Because the attack power of the cockscomb snake is not very strong and relatively simple, it is rare to see more than a thousand years old. You are lucky this time."

Oscar's peach blossom eyes lit up immediately. "Little San, you are really amazing."

Zhao Wou-ki couldn't help asking: "Since you know this kind of soul beast, how is the best way to capture this kind of soul beast?"

Tang San replied without hesitation: "Any snake is afraid of aggressive birds, especially birds like cranes with long beaks. Although we don't have a crane spirit in us, the fat Phoenix is ​​also the king of birds. The martial soul aura on his body should be able to suppress this cockscomb snake to a certain extent. The cockscomb snake is not very aggressive. We need to be careful, as long as it doesn't escape.

"Here we come." At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's voice just came out, in a low voice.She just jumped down from the air like that, without any fear that the other party was a thousand-year-old soul beast. The sharp claws and the first soul ring on her body lit up at the same time, and the ghost pierced and launched. It was a huge snake, and its appearance was just as Zhu Zhuqing described. , about six or seven meters in length, with a bright red meat crown on his head.It looked a bit ferocious, and Zhu Zhuqing bumped into its fast-moving body, and Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Spike directly slapped it at the fleshy crown on top of its head.

(End of this chapter)

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