Ye Luoli's belonging to the night

Chapter 10 Fairy of Light.Pang Zun.

Chapter 10 Fairy of Light.Pang Zun.

"Finally school is over, I'm exhausted, Li Hui, let's go to the human world"

"it is good"

after awhile
"Li Hui, why do you think there is a Lingxi Gate there? (;Д)! It is still the Lingxi Gate directly leading to the Lingxi Pavilion. I don't know who opened it. Why don't we go and see the excitement, I want to see it See who it is?"

"Good little ancestor."

"Ye Luoli's Magic Consonance Gate"

Lingxi Court

"This is a fairyland! This is different from the place we visited last time. There are so many tall statues. Where is this?"

"Here it is," said the Light Fairy

"Lingxi Pavilion", said Pang Zun

. "Lingxi Pavilion is the place where Wang Mo borrows his strength."

"Pang Zun who controls me is here," Fairy Guang said tremblingly.

"What? Are you nervous?"

"Fairy Light, I lent your power to Mandola. You actually ran to the human world, became a ridiculous doll, and found a human master. Compared with letting the same kind use your power, you are willing to become a lower human being." servant of

''What? Who are you talking about? ''

''Before you were hidden in the human world by Xin Ling, I couldn't find you, but now with the door of consonance, I finally found you!Your human master opened two wings, I can't let him use your fairy power anymore, you should come back''

"Come back to be your puppet?"

"No matter how horrific things Pang Zun has done, Fairy Guang can say that," Princess Yue said with a smack of her mouth.
"Don't make it so ugly, you are light and shouldn't exist independently, there is no object that can reflect light, how can it be colorful?"

"What Pang Zun said is right"

"Do you think you are the real you now?"

"What are you? Why do you say that about Bai Guangying," Gao Taiming said angrily

"Human boy, you are not worthy to talk to me,"

"Ye Luoli's magical concerto of light and shadow, a waltz of light and darkness, and a shadow gun." After finishing speaking, a gun appeared in each of his left and right hands. "You actually look down on humans. I will repay you twice for the damage you did to Bai Guangying."

. "Where does he have the guts to be so confident? Dare to tell Pang Zun that he will repay you twice."

"I am beyond my control, I am your master"

"Ming be careful"

"Ye Luoli Magic"

"Don't underestimate me, Ye Luoli, open my magic dark wings!" After finishing speaking, two gray wings appeared on his back. "Stinky stone statue. I don't care who you are? Let me crush you!"
"This human being is very courageous, let me help him! Let me see how far he can use Ye Luoli's magic, the moonlight shines, the stars and the moon reflect each other, and the gentle power of the moon is injected." Princess Moon casts the spell but fails people pay attention
''Silly boy, do you think you are as powerful as us just because you have the fairy power of Fairy Light?Ye Luoli's magic staff, this power doesn't belong to you at all, and you don't deserve to have it''


"My strength is beyond your imagination"

Gao Taiming climbed up the staff of Consonance
When Pang Zun saw it, he said, "Your skill is much stronger than that little human girl who came to pick up the strength."

"Don't be wordy, take a shot at me,"

"You better submit to us"

"What disappeared?"

"You are the quintessential human being, your arrogance is your stupidity"

"Pang Zun's words are indeed true, but I still remember that it snowed in summer, they thought it was normal hahaha" Princess Yue thought for a while.

"What the hell is this stone statue? Damn it!"

"Fairy Light doesn't really think that he can challenge me as a holy fairy, human being, you are not worthy to stand next to Fairy Light, in front of me. Submit!" After finishing speaking, the Lingxi staff pressed Gao Taiming Down

"Stop, stop, Pang Zun, you are not allowed to hurt my master"

"Fairy Light, your place is in the fairyland, it's time to return to your place, don't get entangled with ridiculous humans anymore (Д`) or I will want you, a ridiculous master, to fall into hell"

"That's enough, you just refuse to let me go. It seems that the soul hides me. It seems that the soul hides me. It is also protecting me invisibly. Stop, I am willing to turn back to plain white"

"Protection? It's fine if he protects you. Why should he hide me? He will release you at least sometimes. Why should he just forget me?" Princess Yue couldn't help but stand up when she heard Fairy Guang's words. came out and said

"Princess Moon, didn't you go to the human world?" Pang Zun asked after glancing at Princess Moon.
"Going is the same as not going, I might as well not go." Princess Yue calmed down and said, "Forget it, you go on, I'll just watch here"

(End of this chapter)

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