Ye Luoli's belonging to the night

Chapter 9 Teacher 9's procrastination.

Chapter 9 Teacher 9's procrastination.

"do not know."

"Come on, class"

one day passes quickly

"Going to school is so tiring!! I don't want to go to school anymore." Princess Yue said weakly.

"Hold it, who told you that you want to go to class?" Li Hui shook his head and said.

''Hey~ why is my life so hard?' Princess Yue sighed, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.After finishing my homework, I went to sleep.

Another new day.

"Li Hui~ wake up quickly. It's time to go to school."

"Yeah" (Li Hui predicted what the future would be like last night, was very tired, and then fell asleep.)
Brush your teeth, wash your face, eat breakfast, and then go to school.But today is different.

"Li Hui, it's so cold. No, I'm a fairy, how can I feel cold?"'

''Yeah, I feel it too. After finishing speaking, he gave his coat to Princess Yue.

''Li Hui, I don't need you to cover myself. ''After speaking, he declined the hand that put the coat on himself.

"Hey, I'm not cold, you put it on."

"Okay, but you're cold, tell me."

"Let's go and see! See what those Ye Luoli fighters are doing!"

"it is good"

After a while, they found them.

It was discovered that they actually changed a suit of clothes by magic.

"This is the human world. It's summer again, and it's still in school, so it's so blatant. What did Xin Ling choose? It's so unscrupulous."

After watching for a while, there is nothing to see.and left.

"Isn't Li Hui summer now? Why is it snowing?"

"Ice Princess."

"What is the ice princess doing in the human world? It also rained ice and snow."

"do not know."

As they talked, they got closer and closer to Warrior Ye Luoli.

"I feel that it must have something to do with them. I remember that a human seems to have been punished by time. And Lori and her doll went to the Ice Crystal River and begged the ice princess. But how can humans have the spell of the time princess?"

"I don't know, just follow the trend!"

After speaking, he saw Ye Luoli warriors and found that they were not panicked at all.Still playing snowball fights and building snowmen there
"Why do I feel that they are so unreliable?"

"Shouldn't they have thought that it was the ice princess who came to find them? Are you still so happy?"

Another glance at Lori, casting a spell on the snowman, bringing the snowman back to life, and they are still very confused

"Looking at them is an insult to me. How can this be..."

"Forget it, Li Hui, let's go."


"Dingling, dingling. Classmates, please prepare for class."

"Okay, students are in class. Turn to page XX of the textbook and we will talk about new content today. The content is XXXX"

"I really don't want to attend lectures. I'm a fairy, why do I have to attend lectures in the human world? I still have to do my homework."

"Okay, listen to the class! Don't complain, who made you want to see this soldier Ye Luoli."

"Okay ok, alas."

"Dingling, dingling. Classmates, school is over, and the teacher has worked hard!"

"Students, let's finish this question in 2 minutes and then leave school" (Is it a perfect restoration?)

"Hey~" the whole class made a sound.

"Dragging the hall again".

"Drag me to death."

"Finish it fast, finish it fast."

"Don't complain. The teacher has done a good job for you. After finishing this question, school will be over." The teacher said angrily.

"Okay, students, this question is over, it's time for us to assign homework."

"Assignment: XXX"

"Okay, let's get out of school, students!"

It has been half an hour since school is over now.

(End of this chapter)

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