Nanming Yiming

Chapter 122 The Mystery of Ganzhou

Chapter 122 The Mystery of Ganzhou
Zhang Tianfu knew that he was not Qian Mo's opponent, and had been calculated from the very beginning, and this She County was his burial place.

So holding the mentality of "killing one is enough, killing two to earn one", he led the Qing army to launch a final charge against the Ming army.

Zhang Tianfu held a shiny steel knife, his eyes widened, and he rushed forward ferociously.He was wearing armor, his body was straight, like a steel needle, he injected all his strength into the tip of the knife, and stabbed the Jia brothers in front.

Suddenly there was a loud "bang", the firecracker shot through his chest, and he fell heavily to the ground.Zhang Tianfu groaned, looked at his chest, and was surprised to find that blood was gushing out from the wound rapidly.

Zhang Tianfu covered the wound with his hands, got up with difficulty, and walked forward with staggering steps.

At this moment, he only felt that his eyes were blurred, but he still gritted his teeth to resist the pain, and roared angrily with a steel knife in his hand: "Qian Mo traitor, I will definitely kill you to avenge my elder brother!"

"Bang, bang, bang"

After a volley, Zhang Tianfu fell into a pool of blood, completely dead.

With the death of Zhang Tianfu, the Qing army in She County also gave up resistance.

The Battle of Shexian lasted 2 days, killing 1200 Qing troops and capturing 2000 people. Jia Zhongxiao led 1000 Qing troops and returned directly to the Ming Dynasty.

And the Shenji Battalion suffered less than a hundred casualties, which can be described as a great victory.

So far, the entire Huizhou has fallen into the hands of the Ming army. The Jiangxi Ming army and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang governors each occupy 3 counties.

The lost soldiers of Chongming Battalion and Shenji Battalion were directly supplemented by the surrendered troops of the Qing army.

Previously, renting a store at a sky-high price in Hangzhou directly earned millions of taels of silver, which also strengthened Qian Mo's confidence in expanding his army.

Ma Zhanyuan returned to Yanzhou to recover from his injuries, and was appointed as the general soldier of Yanzhou to form a new Yanzhou battalion; Jia Zhongxian and his brother were appointed by Qian Mo as the chief and deputy commanders of the Huizhou battalion to form the Huizhou battalion based on the surrendered troops of the Qing army in Huizhou.

Not long after the Ming army captured She County, Jiang Riguang came to visit on behalf of the Jiangxi Ming army.

As one of the "Three Worthy Prime Ministers of South China", Jiang Riguang has a long-standing reputation and is also the commander-in-chief of the Jiangxi Ming Army's Northern Expedition.In front of him, Qian Mo didn't dare to show off, and went out of the city to greet him in person.

Seeing Qian Mo going out of the city to greet him, Jiang Riguang was also quite satisfied, and said: "How can this old man have such virtue? How dare he bother Uncle Zhongyong to greet him in person."

"Originally, the old man brought 2000 troops to help in the battle. I didn't want the soldiers under Uncle Zhongyong to be so brave and conquered Shexian County. It seems that the old man is still rude."

Qian Mo said: "Mr. Jiang Ge is a senior, and juniors should go out of the city to meet him. This is not a place to talk. I have already set up a banquet. Let's go to the city first."

As the waiter in the store shouted "serve", Wenzheng mountain bamboo shoots, Tunxi drunk crab, Huangshan side cured fish, Huangshan stewed pigeon, phoenix stewed peony, tiger fur tofu, pickled fresh mandarin fish, Bao's Ruyi chicken, ham stewed turtle Waiting for a series of famous Huizhou dishes to be served on the table.

Qian Mo said: "Huizhou is rich in mountain delicacies. These are famous Huizhou dishes. Mr. Jiang Ge led his troops to help our army. He must have been hungry all the way. Please enjoy the food first. Let's chat while eating!"

Jiang Riguang picked up a piece of fish and said, "This fish tastes very delicious. I don't know what its name is?"

Qian Mo said: "This is a famous Huizhou dish 'Huangshan Fangla Fish', which is said to be related to the Fangla Uprising in the late Northern Song Dynasty."

Jiang Riguang said: "At the beginning, Fangla's uprising was so powerful that it occupied 52 counties in eight states in the south of the Yangtze River in just a few months, and even became emperor in Hangzhou; now Zhongyongbo occupied five or six state capitals in just two months after his army started, and Fangla It occupies about the same amount of land.”

Qian Mo was startled, what does this old thing mean, comparing me to Fang La.Although it is true that after being betrayed by a "pig teammate" like Yang Wenqi, Qian Mo privately did not have the idea of ​​self-reliance, but right now his fledgling is still fledgling, and he still needs to use the banner of Daming to expand his influence.He also only hinted this idea to Gu Yanwu a little bit, even his cronies like Xia Wanchun and Qian Buer never revealed it.

Proclaiming the emperor is all about strength, and when your strength is reached, it will naturally come naturally.Even if you yourself have no intention of proclaiming yourself emperor, your subordinates who have "the power of a dragon" will give you a "yellow robe".Without that strength, claiming to be emperor and self-reliant is a joke. For example, Yuan Shu, Fang La and his ilk, claiming to be emperor is just to put themselves on the fire and become a target of public criticism.

So Qian Mo's face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "Fang La is just a rebel who vainly tried to usurp the country. Qian Mo was personally named as Zhongyong Bo by His Majesty Yongli. How can he insult the word 'loyalty'. Veteran Jiang Ge It is very inappropriate to compare Qian to Fang La."

After hearing Qian Mo yelling loudly, Jiang Riguang was not angry but happy.After all, although all the warlords, big and small, are holding the banner of supporting the Ming Dynasty, they are just taking the opportunity to expand their territory. How many people really want to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty?
He saw that Qian Mo was only in his early 20s, but he must have achieved such an achievement, so he must be arrogant, so he compared him to Fang La, and tested Qian Mo's reaction.

Now Qian Mo's performance made him very satisfied, although this may not be Qian Mo's true thoughts.At the beginning, Zhu Wen was also named "Zhu Quanzhong" by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so it didn't mean that he changed hands and destroyed Datang Zili.Emphasizing loyalty and bravery means nothing, but at least Qian Mo is not as domineering and domineering as other warlords.

Jiang Riguang said calmly: "It's true that the old man made a slip of the tongue, and he should punish himself with a drink!"

After Jiang Riguang finished speaking, he drank the fine wine in his cup and asked, "Now that the whole territory of Huizhou has been occupied by me, I wonder what Uncle Zhongyong's plan is next?"

Qian Mo said: "I have the latest news here. Dorgon has appointed Zhenghuang Qi Gushan Ezhen Tan Tai as the General of the Conquest of the South, leading the Manchu, Mongolian, and Han Eight Banners and more than [-] people from the Northern Green Camp to the south. Now his army is the vanguard. We have already passed Xuzhou, and we will reach Jiangnan in a few days."

Although Jiang Riguang had heard the news that the main forces of the Eight Banners of the Qing Army had gone south, he was still taken aback when he heard the news that more than [-] Qing soldiers had gone south.

Said: "Originally, Jiang wanted to take advantage of the emptiness of the Qing army and invite Uncle Zhongyong to send troops north to capture Ningguo Mansion, while the old man led the army to capture Chizhou Mansion, so as to further threaten Nanjing."

"Now it seems that the main force of the Qing army is about to go south. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for our army to rush north. We can only seize the time to stabilize Huizhou's defense."

Qian Mo was also very helpless about this. Historically, the Qing army did not go to Jiangnan until the end of April, and only entered Jiangxi in early May.Perhaps because of Qian Mo's appearance now, the situation in Zhejiang has taken a turn for the worse, and the speed of the Qing army's southward march has been greatly advanced.Now it is only April 4th, Qianfeng has already passed Xuzhou, and can reach Nanjing in 5 days at most.

Qian Mo said: "For the current plan, Mr. Jiang Ge should actively expand the army and prepare for war. We can only use the large number of mountainous fortified cities in Huizhou to block the Qing army from Jiangxi!"

Jiang Riguang said regretfully: "I still can't figure out why the Duke of Yu's 20 troops besieged the small Ganzhou. Why hasn't there been any good news yet?"

Which city was the strongest in the cold weapon era, the answer must be different opinions.But if you want to explain which city is the most difficult to conquer in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, it is undoubtedly this Ganzhou city.

Compared with other strong cities, the name of Ganzhou "Iron City" can be said to be the real name.Because it has withstood many tests in history, almost no one can take Ganzhou City through a frontal attack.

Ganzhou reaches Fujian in the east, Hunan in the west, and Guangdong in the south. If you take Ganzhou, you can open up several provinces.Due to its unique geographical location, it has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang raised troops in Jiangxi to fight against the Yuan Dynasty, once captured Tingzhou, Xingguo and other places, and besieged Ganzhou.The Yuan army refused to defend, but the Song army could not overcome it. Then Yuan general Li Heng sent troops to assist Jiangxi and defeated Wen Tianxiang.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Youliang dispatched general Xing Wencai to lead an army to encircle Ganzhou. Those guarding Ganzhou were Yuan generals Pu'an Sari and Ha Chihai.The Red Scarf Army besieged the city for four months and made several strong attacks. After losing troops and generals, they were still unable to conquer.

In the end, because the food in the city was about to run out, and there were no reinforcements outside and no food inside, the defenders mutinied and beheaded two generals before surrendering, and the Red Turban Army finally conquered Ganzhou.

A few years later, the offense and defense changed.Zhu Yuanzhang sent the famous Chang Yuchun to attack Ganzhou, and the defender was Chen Youliang's lesser-known Xiong Tianrui.

Chang Yuchun, who has always been invincible, is helpless in the face of Ganzhou City, and has no other way but to besiege.Half a year later, Xiong Tianrui was out of food and had to surrender, and the Ming army was able to conquer Ganzhou.

At the beginning of 1646, the Pingnan General of the Qing Dynasty, Leke Dehun, defeated the Zhongzhen Camp and the Ming Governor He Tengjiao's troops in Huguang, and came to Jiangxi aggressively.In March, Ji'an was captured in one fell swoop, and it was approaching Ganzhou.

At this time, the local military and political personnel of the Ming Dynasty in Ganzhou included Liu Guangyin, governor of Jiangxi, Wanji, governor of Jiangxi, Yang Tinglin, a scholar of the Wuyingdian University, Gong Fen, head of the Ministry of Officials, Li Suiqiu, head of the Ministry of War, and Guo Weijing, Minister of the Ministry of War. 3000 people, 3000 from the Cantonese Army, 4000 officers and soldiers sent by Ding Kuichu, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, 2000 soldiers from Cao Zhijian's department sent by He Tengjiao, Zhang Anbu, head of the Fourth Battalion of Yan Luo, who was appeased by the Ming court, and Luo Mingshou's department, who has not yet arrived. Ming army 4000 people.There are more than 40000 reinforcements outside the city, while the number of defenders in Ganzhou City is 6000.

Although the Ming army has tens of thousands of horses, it is a patchwork army from all over the world, and it is difficult to exert its strength to match the number.After the Qing army captured the city of Ji'an on March 24, the governor Wanji retreated to Zaokou (southeast of Wan'an County). The Ming troops of all ministries were in turmoil and fled for their lives in the direction of Ganzhou. Only Anyuan under the command of Wang Qilong remained beside Wanji. The battalion had only more than 300 officers and soldiers, and later only received reinforcements of more than 200 people.He Tengjiao sent 2000 soldiers from Cao Zhijian to the Jiangxi front line, and collapsed without a fight in just one night. However, the 2000 recruits recruited by Jiangxi Governor Liu Guangyin encountered the Qing army, and they also collapsed without a fight. Liu Guangyin was captured. The North Korean reinforcements were too frightened to take a step closer to Ganzhou.

Until the beginning of June, under the encouragement of Wanji and others, the two Ming armies from Guangdong, Wu Zhifan and Zhang Guozuo, fought against the Qing army many times in Lijiashan, and the Nanming army fought bravely under the encouragement of Wanji and others. After killing the enemy and defeating the Qing army many times, the Qing army retreated a little bit, and the predicament of the Ming army in Ganzhou was slightly eased.

The Ming armies from all walks of life finally gathered under the city of Ganzhou. It is entirely possible to take advantage of the victory of the Lijiashan battle to jointly march and severely injure the Qing army. The pirates in the sea area of ​​Guangdong, the Qing army pressed Jiangxi, Luo Ming was recruited by Li Suiqiu, the head of the Ministry of War, and led the navy to rescue Ganzhou, but there were many huge naval ships of the Ming army, like dragons on the sea, not necessarily in Zhangjiang up.

In August, the navy of Luo Mingshou's troops approached Ganzhou. On the night of the 23rd, Jin Shenghuan ordered his subordinates to attack Luo Mingshou at night. The warships of Luo Mingshou's army failed to operate properly. There were hundreds of people who were beheaded alone. Luo Ming's troops had completely lost their combat effectiveness and had no choice but to flee back to Guangdong.The next morning, Ganzhou learned that Luo Mingshou's Ming army had suffered a disastrous defeat, and the morale of the defenders was greatly depressed.

The Qing army took the opportunity to launch an attack on the various Ming armies outside Ganzhou. On August 28, they defeated the Cantonese army and on August 29, the Yunnan army.On September 300, the Qing army began to attack Ximen, and the Ming army in the city "destroyed the dead", and the Qing army failed to attack the city.At this time, there were still 400 members of the Ming army in Ganzhou from Wang Qilong's department, 200 from Wang Guotai's and Jin Changzhen's departments, 3000 from Xu Ricai's department, 2000 from Guo Weijing's department, 6000 from Huang Zhizhong's navy rear battalion, and a small number of township soldiers. With [-] people, facing tens of thousands of Qing troops, the outcome can be imagined.On the ninth day of September, the Qing army conquered Nankang County, and on the fifteenth day of September, the Qing army conquered Shangyou County.By September [-]th, the Qing army had completed the siege of Ganzhou City, and the Ming army was in an extremely unfavorable predicament, but the resistance in the city continued until early October.

On October [-]rd, a traitor finally appeared in the city. He led the Qing soldiers into the city through the south gate by letting down from the city wall.On the second day, Jin Shenghuan and others commanded the Qing army to attack the city in a large scale. Qing army deputy generals Gao Jinku and Feng Junrui attacked the south gate, deputy generals Liu Bolu, Jia Xiong, Bai Yuanyi, and He Mingbi attacked the east gate, and deputy generals Xu Qiren, Yang Wulie, and Cui Guoxiang attacked the west gate. , Deputy General Li Shiyuan and others attacked Gumijiao, and the Qing troops from all walks of life went to the city to fight. The remaining Ming troops still refused to surrender and killed the Qing troops one by one on the city wall. The Qing army destroyed it, or it overheated and exploded due to frequent firing. The city wall was in a mess. The Qing army climbed up the city wall with a vertical ladder. A fierce street fight broke out.

In the end, Ganzhou fell, and countless soldiers and civilians in the city died in battle and were massacred by the Qing army.Wanji successfully escaped by boat. Looking back on the road, he saw thick smoke billowing in the city of Ganzhou. He sighed, "Everyone in the city will be killed because of me." Then he threw himself into the water and died.

Zhongwan Faxiang, Taichang Temple Minister and Daoist Peng Sisheng, Gong Fen, the head of the official department, Yao Qiyin, the censor, Yu Sichang, Li Suiqiu, the head of the military department, Lin Ting, the head of the household department, Yuan Cong'e, Liu Mengyong, Liu Yingsi, Ganzhou Tui Officer Wu Guoqiu, General Chen Lie, Cheng Qigong and others either drowned to death when the city was broken, or died in street fighting. Academician Yang Tinglin also drowned to death. Qing guerrilla Jia Xiong collected his body and buried it.

It took half a year before and after the Qing army broke through Ganzhou, and suffered huge casualties.If there were no traitors who led the Qing army into the city, the Qing army would not be able to attack Ganzhou from the front.

So it is not surprising that Jin Shenghuan has 20 troops and cannot attack Ganzhou in 2 months.

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(End of this chapter)

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