Nanming Yiming

Chapter 123 Battle in Ganzhou

Chapter 123 Battle in Ganzhou
After the incident in Nanchang, Jin Shenghuan was very energetic. Not only was he granted the Duke of Yu, but he was also regarded as the "savior" of Nanming by everyone.

After the propaganda of the Zhezi Drama Troupe, all Jiangxi court officials and ordinary people generously donated their money and supported Jin Shenghuan's anti-Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Yutian, the high-spirited Jiangxi governor who was in front of him before, is now crawling at his feet like an old dog and begging for mercy!
Jin Shenghuan, who was enjoying the pinnacle of his life, naturally couldn't tolerate others ignoring him.

When he learned that Liu Wuyuan, the governor of Nangan, refused to surrender and scolded himself as a slave with three surnames, he was completely ignited!
Angrily, Jin Shenghuan led more than 20 troops to Ji'an Mansion. After joining Liu Yipeng and Li Shiyuan, he claimed to have [-] troops and killed Ganzhou in one fell swoop.

The army set off from Ji'an Mansion and went down the Jiangxi River. Looking at the mighty scene of thousands of sails gathering in front of him, hundreds of boats competing for the flow, Jin Shenghuan couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion!
He was not ignorant of the fortification of Ganzhou City. It was Jin Shenghuan who led the army to capture Ganzhou from Nanming a year and a half ago. Although the fight was extremely difficult at that time, he was still full of confidence with an army of hundreds of thousands.

The 20 army marched by land and water, and arrived outside the city of Ganzhou very quickly.

At this time, Liu Wuyuan, the governor of Southern Jiangxi, only had a mere 7000 troops.

Liu Wuyuan, a native of Liaodong, was originally a guerrilla general in the Ming Dynasty, and followed his ancestor Dashou in the Daling River to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.After surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, Liu Wuyuan was incorporated into the Han Army with the red flag inlaid.At this time, 18 years have passed since Liu Wuyuan surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. Like many Liaodong Han people who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he was promoted all the way by virtue of his military exploits, and was promoted to governor of Southern Jiangxi last year.

When Jin Shenghuan raised his troops in Nanchang, he was very powerful, and it was not that Liu Wuyuan had not considered surrendering.However, after 18 years of struggle, Liu Wuyuan, who was already a bannerman and the governor of Southern Jiangxi, felt that surrendering to Kim Shenghuan would not bring him any benefit.

Instead, he was worried that he would be taken away by Jin Shenghuan like Jiangxi governor Zhang Yutian.

So after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to reject Jin Shenghuan's persuasion to surrender and wait for the situation to change.If Daming can really rise, it will not be too late for him to surrender.

Unexpectedly, Jin Shenghuan's envoy saw that Liu Wuyuan did not get any benefits, so he felt jealous and made up the rhetoric of "house slaves with three surnames".

It was also this accident that caused Liu Wuyuan, who was originally unknown, to usher in the highlight moment of his life.

At this time, the 7000 soldiers and horses in Liu Wuyuan's hands were 5000 under Hu Yousheng, the general soldier of Southern Jiangxi, and 1000 under the command of generals Gao Jinku and Xu Qiren.

I have to say that 7000 is an unusual number, a number that is easy to create miracles.

More than 1000 years ago, Chen Qingzhi, a famous general of the Southern Liang Dynasty, led 7000 troops all the way to the north, and created a miracle of breaking the 30 elites of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Before Jin Shenghuan's army had time to attack the city, they received a piece of great news.

The soldiers came to report: "Xu Qiren, deputy general of the Ganzhou Youxie, is willing to lead 1000 troops from the headquarters to join Yu Guogong."

Li Shiyuan, Lieutenant General of Ji'an, said: "Congratulations to Lord Yu, if Xu Qiren can act as an internal response and enlarge the army to enter the city, then it will be easy for me to break through Ganzhou."

At this time, Jin Shenghuan hesitated, and said: "Ganzhou is extremely strong, what should we do if Xu Qiren pretends to surrender?"

"I think otherwise, tell Xu Qiren to find a way to leave the city and surrender, so that we won't waste the good chance to recruit him, and don't have to worry about being ambushed by Liu Wuyuan."

Although Li Shiyuan felt that it was a pity to give up this opportunity to open Ganzhou, but at this time he could only agree with Jin Shenghuan's idea, after all, no one could guarantee that Xu Qiren was not a false surrender.

At this time, Jin Shenghuan's army had not yet completely surrounded Ganzhou City, so Xu Qiren took the opportunity to go out of the city to fight and surrendered Jin Shenghuan directly with 1000 men.

After the news of Xu Qiren's surrender came out, the morale of the Qing army plummeted.Soon, Nan'an, Nanxiong and other places on the outskirts of Ganzhou surrendered to Jin Shenghuan.Liu Wuyuan, Gao Jinku, Hu Yousheng and others had no choice but to lead the rest of the soldiers back into Ganzhou City and defend against danger.

On February 20, the second year of Yongli, Jin Shenghuan's [-] troops completely surrounded Ganzhou City.

Jin Shenghuan, who adhered to the principle of "attacking the city as the bottom and attacking the heart as the top", decided to give Liu Wuyuan another chance and sent envoys to persuade him to surrender.

Soon Jin Shenghuan's envoy was brought to the south city of Ganzhou.

The envoy said proudly: "My Lord Yuguo has something to tell Governor Liu. Now that I have 20 soldiers approaching the city, as long as Governor Liu is willing to surrender, you will still be the governor of Southern Jiangxi. Emperor Yongli will add an official rank to you."

"If you are still obsessed with your obsession, then don't blame him for being rude. When the city is destroyed, you will surely have no place to hide for Governor Liu!"

Liu Wuyuan thought to himself, this Jin Shenghuan is indeed a veteran in the battlefield, this is not a surrender, he is clearly here to disturb the morale of the army.

At this time, he must not be ambiguous, otherwise the morale of the army in Ganzhou City will be unstable.

So he said loudly: "As the governor of Southern Jiangxi in the Qing Dynasty, I will never repeat like Jin Shenghuan. Someone, on this city wall, cut down the sacrificial flag for me. I, Liu Wuyuan, and Jin Shenghuan swore not Two stand!"

Hearing that Liu Wuyuan was going to cut himself off, the envoy's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Governor Liu, the two countries should not be beheaded if they fight!"

Seeing that Liu Wuyuan directly cut down the envoy's sacrificial flag, all the soldiers' morale rose instantly, and they all said: "The last general is willing to fight and retreat the Ming army with Governor Liu, and vow to live and die with Ganzhou?"

Seeing the envoy being directly beheaded by Liu Wuyuan, Jin Shenghuan knew that Liu Wuyuan had seen through his plot to hit the enemy's morale.

At this time, he seemed very calm instead, and cursed loudly, "I don't know how to flatter you!"

Said: "It's getting late today, the army built siege equipment on the spot, have a good rest tonight, and attack the city tomorrow after getting ready."

The reason why Liu Wuyuan dared to use 6000 troops to carry Jin Shenghuan's 20 troops is of course something to rely on, and it is naturally the city of Ganzhou.

Ganzhou City was first built in the fifth year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was built by Gao Yan, the prefect of Nankang County in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. City towers, police shops, horse noodles, cannon city and other facilities are all available.

There are only 20 red-clothed cannons on the South City. This city defense configuration is already comparable to that of Beijing City.

What's more terrible is that the city of Ganzhou faces water on three sides, surrounded by the Ganjiang River, Zhangshui River and Gongshui River.

At most, one side of the Biejia city faces the river, and the other sides are dug into the moat for protection.Ganzhou presents an irregular quadrilateral shape, with three major rivers directly serving as moats, and only the south side is connected to the land.

However, the big river has a fast current, and there are various undercurrents and eddies. It is not comparable to a wide moat, and it is almost impossible to be cut off or crossed.

In this way, the defenders only need to concentrate on the land side, and only need to leave a small amount of troops to guard the other three walls. This is undoubtedly very beneficial to Liu Wuyuan, who is short on troops.

6000 soldiers and horses only need to guard a section of the city wall, which is more than enough.

In the early morning, the rising sun gently penetrated the clouds and reflected on the earth.Suddenly, a mass of dark enemy troops appeared on the horizon, and the Qing army, who had been drowsy just now, cheered up and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, the Ming army has begun to attack the city!"

Liu Wuyuan, the governor of Nangan, and Hu Yousheng, the commander-in-chief of Nangan, immediately boarded the south gate of the town.

Ganzhou City faces the river on three sides. Although the south of the city is connected to the land, there is still a wide moat.

Although Jin Shenghuan changed to the banner of the Ming army, he still used the tactics of the Qing army.Then a strange scene appeared. A large number of Ming soldiers appeared under the city of Ganzhou pushing the chariot.

Behind the car, many Ming soldiers carrying bags started the soil work.

The thick chariots can resist the firecrackers and bows of the Qing army on the city, but they are powerless to stop the artillery on the city.

The reason why Ganzhou is called Jiancheng is not only because of the tall city walls and the dangerous terrain surrounded by three rivers.Moreover, because a large number of artillery cities were built here, Ganzhou has been in the hands of the Qing army for more than a year at this time, and the defense is more complete than before.

Following Hu Yousheng's order, the red-clothed cannons and Frang cannons on Ganzhou City roared instantly.

With a loud bang, a chariot was blown to pieces in an instant. The huge explosion and flying wood chips brought down a large area of ​​the surrounding Ming army, causing great chaos to the attacking Ming army.

Fortunately, the hit rate of the red cannon was not that high. After a short period of confusion, the Ming army still pushed the chariot forward slowly.

But soon the Franco artillery on the city roared again, and after the shells fell, the huge air wave overturned several Ming soldiers.

Although the actual casualties caused by the artillery fire were not very large compared to the total number of people attacking the Ming army, the rumbling gunfire and the terrified shouts of the soldiers still caused the morale of the Ming army to drop to the extreme.

Seeing that Hu Yousheng had successfully blocked the Ming army, he shouted: "Stop firing, everyone pay attention to saving shells, and quickly shoot arrows while the Ming army is in chaos."

Jin Shenghuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, also gasped. He had heard that Ganzhou City was equipped with a large number of artillery, but he did not expect that the artillery fire would be so dense, even worse than it was more than a year ago.

Seeing that the Qing army did not continue to fire, he said disappointedly: "The Qing army on the city is not stupid, and refuses to fully expose the area covered by the artillery, Ming Jin retreats!"

After receiving the information of the retreat, the attacking Ming army retreated like a tidal wave after dropping hundreds of corpses by the moat.

Seeing the retreat of the Ming army, the Qing army on the city erupted in cheers, making them even more convinced that with the strength of Ganzhou, the Ming army could do nothing at all.

Xu Qiren, who surrendered at this time, said to Jin Shenghuan: "I would like to report to the Duke of Yu, and now three artillery cities have been built in the southern city of Ganzhou. The artillery can adjust the angle freely, and the artillery fire covers a large area."

"However, it's not that there are no dead spots. According to my knowledge, there are some dead spots in the middle of the two cannon cities. The red-clothed cannons in these two places are basically impossible to hit."

Sure enough, in the afternoon, the Ming army adjusted its offensive position and chose the blind area of ​​the artillery on the city to fill the moat, so the Qing army's artillery fire could not hit the Ming army.

At this time, the Qing army on the city could only shoot arrows down the city. However, compared with artillery, the lethality of bows and arrows is really limited. Although some Ming troops were shot by bows and arrows from time to time, it had little effect on the progress of the Ming army's filling of the river.

Moreover, the archers of the Ming army under the city also hid behind the chariots and shot at the city, and the Qing army also began to suffer casualties.

Hu Yousheng scolded angrily: "It must be Xu Qiren, a traitor, who betrayed Jin Shenghuan's blind spots in the city's artillery fire."

Liu Wuyuan shouted: "Mr. Hu hurriedly pushed the tiger squatting cannon over. It seems that the artillery is still needed to attack the Ming army."

Sure enough, with the addition of several tiger squat guns, the Qing army soon gained the upper hand.

However, it is difficult for the tiger squatting cannon to hit the chariot directly. Relying on their large numbers, the Ming army still insisted on filling the river regardless of casualties.

Soon the Ming army changed its tactics. In addition to forced operations during the day, it also used the night to expand the scope of operations. After ten days of seesaw, the Ming army finally filled the two sections of the moat.

Although thousands of people were killed or injured, part of the moat was finally filled.

At this time, the red cannons finally arrived at the front line, and the Ming army, which had been suppressed by the Qing army's artillery for so long, also began to counterattack.

As the artillery hit Ganzhou City, the Ming army also burst into enthusiastic cheers, and they finally breathed out their anger.

Looking at the Ganzhou city in the distance, Jin Shenghuan understood that the city walls of Ganzhou were seven or eight meters thick, and these red cannons could only scratch the surface and cause no real damage.

However, the morale of the Ming army is high right now, which is a great opportunity to attack the city.

So Jin Shenghuan pulled out his saber and shouted: "Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, the moat has been filled up now, and the city of Ganzhou is right in front of us. Even if each of our 20 troops stomps their feet, we can level the small Ganzhou." , Everyone who climbed to the top of the city will be rewarded with 5 taels of silver, and whoever kills a Qing soldier will be rewarded with 10 taels of silver."

There must be brave men under heavy rewards, and silver is the only way to improve morale.

At this time, the Ming army was as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, shouting: "Take down the city of Ganzhou and capture Liu Wuyuan alive!"

Looking at the dark Ming army under the city, Liu Wuyuan understood that the Ming army was about to attack the city, and the real test had just begun.

Under the cover of the chariot, tens of thousands of Ming troops shouted slogans and charged Ganzhou City with ladders.

Hu Yousheng quickly ordered the Qing army on the city wall to take up their bows and arrows, and to shoot arrows down the city.

For a while, the sound of guns rumbled, and the rain of arrows flew.

But the Ming army didn't seem to care about this at all. The soldiers in front fell down, and the soldiers behind immediately went up.

Due to the large number of the Ming army, a few casualties could not stop the rhythm of the Ming army's siege.

Hu Yousheng secretly thought that it was not good, these Ming soldiers were too perverted, as if everyone had turned into a god of war who was not afraid of death.

Not only Hu Yousheng, but also the Qing army on the city was shocked by the momentum displayed by the Ming army, and began to feel timid.

The high-morale Ming army shouted slogans, kept speeding up their pace, and soon rushed to the city of Ganzhou, and began to attack the city with ladders.

Seeing that he almost reached the top of the city in the first attack, Jin Shenghuan was also very excited. He clenched his fists and shouted: "Today we must conquer Ganzhou in one fell swoop!"

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(End of this chapter)

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