Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 110 The Starving Ghost Strikes

Chapter 110 The Starving Ghost Strikes

The green and black smog is getting deeper and deeper, and the current visibility has shrunk to a position of more than ten meters, and the scenery a little further away has been completely swallowed by shadows.

In the big city of Dachang, it looks like a huge beast with its bloody mouth open, waiting for the passing prey to throw itself into the net.

"Those ghost babies are gone." Yang Jian's ghostly eyes scanned the surroundings.

"Zhao Kaiming may be about to succeed." Luo Yi felt his heart tighten, "His wish ghost will grow by controlling the starving ghost."

"Using ghosts to control ghosts?" Yang Jian said, "Just a starving ghost is already so terrifying and difficult to deal with, plus a wishing ghost"

"So we must kill it with one blow. As far as I know, this wish ghost can already start the initial range restart." Luo Yi said.

"Restarting the range is a terrifying ability. Once we use it, our abilities and intentions will be exposed. It will be almost impossible to use the same method of detention next time." Yang Jian said.

"The abilities of the two of us have basically been exposed, so the real victory or defeat is actually on this thing." Luo Yi glanced at the coffin nails. His ghost-slaying knife was fierce, but it did not completely silence the ghost Ability, even if it is lucky to kill the wishing ghost, it can't prevent it from restarting, but the coffin nail is different, it can completely crucify the evil ghost, so that the evil ghost can no longer recover its power.

Yang Jian tightened the coffin nails in his hand, with a heavy heart, he knew that this was the key to the outcome.

"The confinement ability of the coffin nail is against the sky, but the same flaw is also obvious, it needs to touch the evil spirits at close range", Yang Jiandao, "The ghost domain ability of these two evil spirits is higher than mine, I can't Make sure you can touch them."

Luo Yi said: "Try to use Huangquan to push it, don't treat it as a dead object, treat it as a missile, and think about launching it."

"Missile?" Yang Jian was thoughtful, thinking about Luo Yi's words in his heart.

"When it's critical, I will use the ghost-slaying knife to cut through the ghost domain of the starving ghosts and help you make a quick breakthrough." Luo Yi said.

"Okay, since we have hope, let's fight these two evil spirits to see if they killed us or we imprisoned them!" Yang Jian's eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

"Then go and meet these two evil ghosts for a while!" Luo Yi clenched the Ghost Slaying Saber tightly, opened the Sacrificing Ghost Realm, and a three-color world appeared, all the darkness was concentrated together. That position is,

The distance of dozens of miles passed by in the blink of an eye, and when it appeared again, it was already the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

The ghost domain keeps deepening, and the ghost domain glowing with faint golden light has increased from ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, to 500 meters. Although it is not enough to cover the entire school, it can greatly reduce the search time.

Luo Yi stepped inside, and the playground, teaching building, dormitory, and buildings were included in the ghost domain. In the three-color world, the objects entered were all uniform gray, with no living people and evil spirits, as if this place was a piece of land. Abandoned wasteland.


The sound of electricity sounded.

Luo Yi called Huang Quan, and quickly came to a classroom, and an old tape recorder began to play:
"Luo Yi, I have succeeded when you received this voice, you will never understand how powerful it is now, you will die here, and I will collect your body with my own hands!"

This is Zhao Kaiming's voice, and it also verified Luo Yi's previous thoughts. The wishing ghost has already controlled the starving ghost. If Zhao Kaiming cannot be dealt with here, I am afraid that he will face Zhao Kaiming's endless pursuit in the future. And considering the weirdness of the wishing ghost, Luo Yi can't even hide his identity and go far away.

The current Luo Yi and Zhao Kaiming seemed to be walking towards each other on a cliff that only allowed one person to pass through. Neither of them was willing to retreat, nor could they avoid it. One of them was destined to fall to his death.

"Step, step!"

A series of heavy and clear footsteps came from behind him, Luo Yi pressed his knife and turned around, and a row of black footprints appeared in the void outside the window tens of meters away, as if someone had smeared soot on the soles of his feet.

But once the footsteps were lifted, the footprints disappeared quickly, as if they were erased by some supernatural power.

Hungry ghost!
"It's invading my ghost domain!" Feeling the oppression coming from his own ghost domain, Luo Yi quickly reacted, the source of the sacrificial god vibrated, golden light spots emerged, the scent of incense paper candles filled, and one after another worshiped The noisy sound sounded, and the chains dragged all over the sky, spreading all over the entire space.

With this kind of density, as long as the starving ghost appears, he will definitely touch this overwhelming chain.

But strange things still happened, the footprints in the ghost domain were still appearing and disappearing rapidly, and getting closer.

30 meters, 20 meters, ten meters, five meters.

The starving ghost's movements became faster and faster, and even Luo Yi's eyes were hard to catch in the end.

In your own ghost domain, you can't see the evil spirits that appear in it!

The evil spirit continued to approach, and Luo Yi's skin trembled slightly due to the horrific coldness, but Luo Yi still did not change his face. After experiencing the moment of life and death a lot, he would understand that the evil spirit is actually not scary, what is afraid is that he does not have the courage to face it .

"Tata, Tada!"

The footsteps became faster and faster, and the spiritual fluctuations became more and more turbulent. The smog and corpse odor that belonged only to starving ghosts were almost in front of Luo Yi.


At the last two meters, Luo Yi let out a long breath, closed his eyes, and pressed the ghost-slaying long knife with his right thumb. The three-color vision of the ghost-slaying knife was triggered, and a pale black silhouette of a human appeared in the empty field of vision.

The ghost domain of worshiping gods and the vision of ghost-slaying knife can see through the ghost domain of starving ghosts under the blessing of wishing ghosts.

In the transparent human-shaped outline, a ghost hand was raised suddenly, and the starving ghost was already close in front of his eyes.

Holding the knife, raising the arm, twisting the body and slashing obliquely.

Luo Yi didn't aim at the starving ghost, but slashed at the starving ghost's back.

The severing feature of the Ghost Slaying Knife is triggered instantly, and in the hazy space, a mighty river of supernatural power is released violently, but a huge crack is torn apart in the ghost domain of the starving ghost in an instant.

Behind the gap, Luo Yi saw for the first time this evil spirit that ravaged Dachang City and invaded the ghost domain of worshiping gods, making Luo Yi almost invisible.

The body is thin and thin, wearing a torn black windbreaker, the belly in front of him is swollen high, like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in October, inside that belly, there seems to be a black and blue ghost baby writhing uncontrollably, in the The skin reflected a twisted and terrifying grimace.

Luo Yi looked up, and what caught his eyes was a black and blue dead face, stiff and numb, a pair of dark pupils without pupils looked at Luo Yi strangely, without emotion, only endless coldness and silence.

Luo Yi is very familiar with this person. The first ghost master Luo Yi saw was also the one who kicked off the entire mysterious recovery world, the criminal policeman Zhou Zheng.

Luo Yi clenched the long knife in his hand, pulled it backwards, and attacked the starving ghost again with the back of the knife.

The suppression feature of the ghost ruler was triggered, and the starved ghost who was standing like a god of death swayed slightly under the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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