Chapter 111

In less than half a second, Luo Yi stabbed twice in a row.

Especially for the first knife, Luo Yi slashed along the veins of the three-color world. With the ability of the ghost knife, it must have cut off the connection between the starving ghost and the wishing ghost.

"Awesome! No wonder it is so jealous of you. You are indeed the top ghost master. I have to admit this. I am far inferior to you in the road of ghost mastering!"

After starving to death, Zhao Kaiming appeared on crutches, with admiration and sarcasm on his face.

"You didn't choose to attack the starving ghosts, but you chose to cut off the connection between them. I didn't expect this, but I have to say that you succeeded." Zhao Kaiming said.

"There are so many things you don't expect."

Luo Yi used Huang Quan to erase his figure, but the voice still came clearly.

It seemed that this voice came from another virtual space. The starving ghost scanned back and forth, and the black and blue haze gathered, but still failed to find Luo Yi, or even Zhao Kaiming.

Without the supernatural blessing of the wishing ghost, the ghost realm of the starving ghost is not enough to invade the space of worshiping gods.

Luo Yi said: "I knew your plan in Dachang City from the very beginning, ghost babies, wish ghosts, and puzzle pieces collected!"

"Heh, since you know why you still choose to leave Dachang City, is it true that it's just for such a mere ton of gold?" Zhao Kaiming narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbing his fingers on the crutch unconsciously.

Luo Yi said: "Naturally, it is to make you feel at ease. These little tricks of yours have never confused me, including the fact that you sent a mercenary team and colluded with Fenglu Club to make trouble in Yuzhou City, all of which were within my expectations , the only thing I didn't expect was that Ye Feng actually hooked up with the circle of friends."

"Circle of friends, heh!" Zhao Kaiming snorted, "With your current strength, you are still afraid of the circle of friends. Besides, Fang Shimin hasn't made a move for a long time, and maybe the evil spirit will recover soon." Zhao Kaiming chuckled lightly.

Crazy, paranoid, cold-blooded, mentally unstable.

These are the evaluation and cognition of Zhao Kaiming from the headquarters and myself, but what I didn't expect was that Zhao Kaiming had a keen and accurate cognition of the domestic situation and supernatural events under his crazy will.

Luo Yi frowned, feeling a little apprehensive.

"So what if you see through it, so what if the connection between them is cut off, can you face these two S-level evil spirits at the same time by yourself? The starving ghost can't find you now, but it doesn't mean It won't be able to find you later." A strange smile flashed across Zhao Kaiming's face.

"You still want the wish ghost to control it, do you think I will let this happen?" Luo Yi pressed the handle of the knife.

"Wish ghost, heh, since the last time I was defeated, I know this ghost thing is unreliable. Do you think I will put my wealth and life in the hands of such a fool?" Zhao Kaiming sneered, as if lamenting Luo Yi's Innocent.

"You don't want it to restart the range?" Luo Yi asked again.

"Restart the range?" A trace of doubt flashed across Zhao Kaiming's face.

Seeing this expression, Luo Yi immediately reacted.

"I was wrong. If it is said that only relying on the ghost of wish can carry out a large-scale restart, then even if Yang Jian has the coffin nails, it is impossible to deal with the ghost of starvation and the ghost of wish at the same time."

The evil spirits that can be restarted on a large scale are definitely not something that Yang Jian, who has just stabilized the two evil spirits, can deal with, let alone a hungry ghost who is staring at him next to him.

So in fact, the wish ghost has never had the ability to restart the range, which is only available after it controls the starving ghost or the ghost cabinet.

"This also explains the real reason why the wishing ghost has been urging Zhao Kaiming to drive me away from Dachang City. An evil ghost that can't restart its range, hiding the traces and movements of the starving ghost is already its limit, and it has no spare power. It's against me."

"No wonder, I've cut off the connection between them for so long. Wishing Ghost has never chosen to restart. It's not that it doesn't want to do it, but it can't do it now." Luo Yi instantly figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing. .

"Although I don't know what you are thinking about, but today you are dead. As far as I know, the knife in your hand has sequelae, and your strength will drop sharply within 3 minutes. During this period, you, the ghost of wish It's easy to kill you." Zhao Kaiming sneered.

"3 minutes, you know a lot", Luo Yi tightened his grip on the long knife, the aftereffect of his last attack outside the Guanjiang community was 3 minutes.

"During the period when the wishing ghost was controlling the starving ghost, all the black and blue smog in Dachang City were its eyes and ears. It knew it, and I naturally knew it too." Zhao Kaiming couldn't hide his complacency in his eyes.

"Then why don't you let it kill me now, you must know that 3 minutes will pass soon." Luo Yi restrained the ghost domain, and put all his strength on guard at his side.

"Because, it's time for me to negotiate terms with it." Zhao Kaiming's eyes moved, and a fierce look suddenly emerged.

"Damn, hurry up and resurrect my family, or I will have to stand on the side of the starving ghost, and let you die without a place to die today!"

Zhao Kaiming loosened the shirt collar around his neck, the muscles on his cheeks twitched, and he spoke to his side with a strong tone.

"You know, I can do it. Either they will live today, or I will die with you."

While talking, Zhao Kaiming took out a gold box from behind and held it in his hand.

"There are five ghosts in this box. Do you think the starving ghost will eat you after eating five ghosts, or can you control it?"

In the void, there was a lot of noise, as if there were demons whispering.

"Hahaha!" Zhao Kaiming laughed wildly, "You can't escape, this classroom has been plated with gold by me, and the only door was closed when I came in. It can be said that without my permission, there is no One can get out of here alive."

"I know you can control me, so I put explosives in this box, even I can't take it apart, it will explode automatically after 30 seconds."

"Damn, get out, now I'll give you a chance, save my family or become food for starving ghosts, you can choose between these two paths!" After Zhao Kaiming finished speaking, he stared at his side crazily.

There was a stiff and blackened back.

The blue and black haze drifted by, and the starving ghost saw the new target, and stretched out his hand to grab it. However, the palm of the starving ghost passed straight through, and this scene was like the moon in the water in the mirror. Can't wait.

The wish ghost still stays in its ghost domain, but this time everyone can see it.

Because Zhao Kaiming just made a wish.

He let the wish ghost come out!
The Wishing Ghost did not reject this wish, it chose to fulfill it, at the cost of the death of one of Zhao Kaiming's few remaining relatives.

Zhao Kaiming watched with cold eyes, if they could be revived, everything would be worth it!

"It can't do it!" Luo Yi shook his head, "Evil ghosts can only kill people, Zhao Kaiming, as the first group of ghost masters, don't you even know this, or do you dare not admit it?"

"Shut up, it's impossible!" Zhao Kaiming was hysterical.

(End of this chapter)

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