Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 113 Detaining the Wish Ghost

Chapter 113 Detaining the Wish Ghost

"You will definitely help me." Luo Yi looked cold and stared at him fiercely, "Dachang City Shengjiang Road Wharf, do you remember those ice coffins, do you remember your daughter, they are all in my hand!"

"How dare you!" Zhao Kaiming's face changed instantly. These are the deepest secrets he has hidden deep in his heart, and they are the people he wants to protect and save even at the expense of his own life and even the lives of everyone in Dachang City.

"Actually, I don't know whether the ability of the wish ghost can save your family, but what I dare to tell you is that at least it can't do it now, because they are all sealed in gold by me, and none of them can save your family. Ghosts can break through gold and affect the people inside!" Luo Yiyin said harshly.

Since you are already the enemy of life and death, don't care about the means, as long as you can achieve your goal, what is the difference between being upright and being upright and ghosts?
"When did it happen?" Zhao Kaiming squeezed his fingers tightly and said word by word.

"What do you think I came to Dachang City again and again for what? Is it really for some class reunion, to stop the door-knockers, and to save a few innocent civilians?" Luo Yi asked back.

"So your goal is the same from beginning to end, to find my weakness, and then beat me to death!" Zhao Kaiming closed his eyes, and the muscles on his face trembled rapidly.

"You gave the wish ghost two ways before, and now I will give you two ways, either help me influence the restart of the wish ghost, and I will save your daughter's life, or I will flee from here and destroy your whole family!" Luo Yi Said viciously.

"My daughter died a long time ago. When I was inquiring about you, remember what I said, I want you to pay for my family's life? The first one who died because of you was my daughter!" Zhao Kaiming Crazy Road.

As a father, the death of his daughter is his greatest pain, which is why he must kill Luo Yi.

"Your daughter is dead, but long before your daughter died, I used some tricks on her, you can see for yourself!" Luo Yi took out a mobile phone from his body and threw it to Zhao Kaiming.

In the screen is a short video, which shows her daughter, but at this time her face is abnormally pale, just like Luo Yi!
"You turned her into a ghost slave, no, this is a living dead, similar to Yang Jian's classmate?" Zhao Kaiming is worthy of being a veteran ghost master, and he immediately saw Luo Yi's hands and feet.

"That's right, that's why I can pull her back after the Wishing Ghost!" Luo Yi had already thought of this idea from the first time he saw Zhao Kaiming's daughter. Binding her life to him, Zhao couldn't help it. Open-minded and uncompromising.

"You are so ruthless!" Zhao Kaiming looked at the ruthless Luo Yi, and for the first time in his heart felt regret for provoking this person.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Kaiming finally resigned to his fate and said, "Even if I help you influence it, in your current state you are just an ordinary ghost master who has controlled two evil spirits, can you deal with it?"

He compromised. In Zhao Kaiming's heart, his family will always come first.

"You don't have to worry about it, you only need to disturb it for a moment when it restarts!" Luo Yi said coldly.

"Okay!" Zhao Kaiming's face twisted, and the word popped out from between his teeth.

Luo Yi mobilized his ability to worship the gods, and the breath of the incense wax paper candles in the ghost domain rolled, and golden lights appeared, and there was a faint noisy sound. Luo Yi pressed the handle of the knife with five fingers, and immediately restarted himself.

The spirit returned, and the voices of praise, worship, and prayer became clearer in the ghost domain of worshiping gods. Luo Yi controlled the ghost domain to invade the place where the wish ghost was.

Also as a ghost that controls its own restart, although Luo Yi's level of terror is a little bit worse, there is no problem in the confrontation of Huangquan.

If the wishing ghost can invade, Luo Yi will naturally be able to invade back.

"So you were doing it for us to see before!" Zhao Kaiming looked at Luo Yi who had restarted again, and he immediately realized that Luo Yi's restart did not need a buffer time of 3 minutes at all. Everything before The smoke bomb released by Luo Yi is used to deceive the wishing ghost and himself.

Darkness invaded, and two different black ghost domains began to confront each other. Luo Yi approached the ghost domain of the starving ghost step by step.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters.

At this point, Luo Yi's ghost domain can no longer move forward, and this place is already the limit of worshiping the gods.

"Ghost, I'll send you on your way!"

Luo Yi held down the hilt of the knife, drew it up, and the split was triggered. At the same time, the body of the wishing ghost in front of him trembled, and there was a tendency to turn around.

Luo Yi felt a darkness in front of his eyes. This kind of darkness was like the darkness that belonged exclusively to the evil spirits in the three-color space.


Luo Yi regained his composure, and a strand of rags and velvet fell in front of his eyes. Withered grass and a half-split bloody doll's head were scattered on the ground, and the wishing ghost three meters away was directly split in half by the knife, with black blood internal organs. Everywhere, the smell of corpses is pungent.

Wei Si Wa took the blow instead of Luo Yi.

But for a moment, the two halves of the corpse of the starved ghost in Luo Yi's vision began to close together, and the black blood all over the ground gradually flowed back.

This is the scene in Luo Yi's eyes that has been slowed down countless times, and it is almost invisible to outsiders.

"Zhao Kaiming!" Luo Yi shouted.

"Damn it!" I didn't know whether he was scolding Luo Yi or a wishing ghost, Zhao Kaiming immediately closed his eyes after cursing angrily, "I make a wish"

Listening to wishes is the instinct of the starving ghost. It can refuse to realize it, but it cannot refuse to listen.

This wish caused a millisecond delay in the restart of the wishing ghost. Luo Yi reached out and pulled out a rusty black coffin nail, threw it out with the ghost domain, and nailed the restarting wishing ghost to the ground with one blow. .

"Step!" As if something heavy fell to the ground, Luo Yi twisted his body, flipped the Ghost Slaying Saber over, and took three consecutive shots with the blade!
The suppression of the ghost ruler was triggered, and the starving ghost was silenced for a short time again.

"Success!" Yang Jian's eyes lit up, the wishing ghost was subdued, and the starving ghost was shrouded in Luo Yi's ghost domain by a brief silence.

Luo Yi put away the long knife, and mobilized the chains to cover the starved ghost's body. At this time, his level of terror dropped sharply, and it was no longer enough to use the ghost domain to change the reality. live it.

"I've already given you what you want, and I hope you will keep your promise!" Zhao Kaiming looked at Luo Yi who was approaching step by step, without any fear in his heart, only nervousness and uneasiness, these were for his daughter.

"Do you know what your daughter said when I first met her?" Luo Yi said blankly.

"What did you say?" Zhao Kaiming's expression changed.

"She said she wanted her father to beat me to death!" Luo Yi lowered his head, his eyes were dark.

"Tong Yan Wuji, Luo Yi, she is still a child!" Zhao Kaiming got up and fell to his knees.

The wishing ghost is imprisoned, the starving ghost is silenced, and he has nothing but this ridiculous dignity.

"People always have to pay for what they do, you are the same, and she is the same!" Luo Yi picked up a broken step from the ground, and slowly wiped the blood on the scabbard.

"Yang Jian, we should go!" Luo Yi said coldly.


The door of the classroom was opened, and a headless corpse fell to the ground in the classroom behind him. Without the evil spirit, even the top ghost master's body would not be much harder than a straw.

(End of this chapter)

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