Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 114 The Real World of Worshiping Gods

Chapter 114 The Real World of Worshiping Gods

"The ghost domain spread out, they succeeded!"


"As expected of a top ghost master, it's too powerful!"

"The city was saved, great!"

"Thank goodness it's finally fixed!"


Outside Dachang City, in the temporary war room, voices of surprise came, and Zhao Jianguo's thick black eyes were full of tears, "Live up to everyone's expectations, live up to everyone's expectations, well done!"

On the other side, Dajing City.

"The green and black smog above Dachang City is disappearing. The satellite has successfully obtained the view of the city. The evil spirits have been imprisoned. Luo Yi and the others have succeeded."

Tang Wanwan from Dajing City looked at everything on the screen and was so excited that she almost jumped up.

"I have to notify other people quickly! Notify them!" Tang Wanwan picked up the computer on the desk and ran all the way to the door of Cao Yanhua's office.

"Great, it's finally resolved!" Cao Yanhua's excited voice came from inside before Tang Wanwan knocked on the door.

Tang Wanwan put down her raised right hand, "I'm really confused, even my operator knows, why don't they know, and don't know how he is, whether he is injured..."

Holding the computer in her arms, Tang Wanwan returned to her desk full of worries, "Just make a phone call to confirm, everything is over, he should be able to talk!"

The headquarters has a rule that when dealing with supernatural events, the operator at the headquarters cannot actively contact the ghost master.

Because in many cases, the sound of talking and the ringing of the phone will reveal the traces of the ghost master, or affect the processing status of the ghost master. It is very likely that this distraction will put the front-line ghost master in crisis.

Therefore, unless the ghost master takes the initiative, there will be no blind operator who will actively contact the ghost master during the supernatural event.

This is for the life and safety of the ghost master.


"Luo Yi, those evil spirits?" Yang Jian frowned.

There were five evil spirits released by Zhao Kaiming before. After Yang Jian dealt with and dealt with them, there were still four left. Now that they have left, it is equivalent to throwing these four time bombs here. There is a good chance that there will be problems later on.

"Let other people handle it. I'm really not in the mood to deal with them now. In order to imprison these two evil spirits, I haven't closed my eyes for several days and nights. I'm so tired, I need to take a break." Luo Yi said.

"That's right, the wishing ghosts and starving ghosts have all been cleaned up. There is no need to deal with the remaining mess. Li Jun and Tong Qian can take care of this." Yang Jian nodded. .

These days, he took no less risk than Luo Yi. Hearing Luo Yi's words now, he couldn't help but feel muddy and exhausted.

"At this moment, I just want to find a place to sleep comfortably, and we can talk about everything tomorrow." Luo Yi said wearily.

The complexity of this incident, the great impact, and the high degree of danger made it difficult for him to rest these days.

"Okay, let's talk tomorrow." After Yang Jian finished speaking, a scarlet ghost circle pierced the void and left.

"It's time for me to go back." Luo Yi held a big golden box, and the image of Raffles appeared in his mind.

Advent begins!
Back at the base camp, Luo Yi went straight to the ghost domain for a thousand meters underground. After imprisoning the ghosts on his body, he closed his eyes and rested in the safe house.

The outside world is hustle and bustle, and the hero quietly retreats, not only him, Yang Jian, Wang Xiaoming and others are all like this.

After the starving ghosts were imprisoned, the rest of the population migrated, and the headquarters was responsible for urban reconstruction.

In deep sleep, Luo Yi returned to that dream again.

The black robe hangs down, and the breeze blows gently. The exquisite pattern woven with gold silk on the black robe shines as if it came to life. The robe is dragged, revealing the quaint floor tiles on the ground.

A figure walked up the stairs without rushing, one step at a time, one step at a time, after nine times, the scene around him suddenly changed, a tall building rose from the ground, a black stone seat appeared at the top, and the vision on the left and right instantly widened distant.

A blood moon hangs high in the sky in the distance, and the hanging light makes the whole space glow slightly red.

The moonlight was scattered, the smoke was lingering, and the sound of praise and prayer came from behind like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

The figure turned around and sat upright with his robe lifted.

What is in front of me is an ordinary nine-story stone step, but a hundred-foot-high altar.

Under the steps, countless people knelt down on the ground, holding tributes and incense candles in their hands, and golden lights emerged from the heads of these believers, paving a golden character in the air.

Luo Yi looked intently, that character seemed to be "Sacrifice"?

The figure in the black robe on the high platform breathes slowly and heavily, showing infinite power in every movement of his hands and feet. When the air flow is in and out, the wind is surging and the space is rumbling.

"Worship the gods, worship the gods!"

"Worship the gods, worship the gods, worship the gods!"

"Is this the memory left in the origin of the sacrificial god?" In the safe house, Luo Yi opened his eyes. There was no surprise or joy in his eyes, but indifference and calmness.

With the recovery of the worship god, Luo Yi's emotions as a human being are gradually being worn away, which is an inevitable process.

All people have no self, gods and men have no merit, and saints have no name.

The same is true for ghosts and gods.

"Let's get started, I want to restore the origin of the priest as soon as possible, and completely become the new priest!" Luo Yi stood up and walked to a huge golden box.

The scabbard was hooked, the box was opened, and a middle-aged man with a thin face and a huge beer belly appeared inside, wearing a tattered black windbreaker. Luo Yi was very familiar with this face, Interpol Zhou Zheng.

This is a starving ghost!
The moment the box was opened, the starved ghost's dark, empty pupils opened without any emotion or emotion.

Seeing that the law was triggered, the blue-black smog began to spread rapidly.

Luo Yi's long knife came out of his body, and the splitting feature of the ghost-slaying knife was triggered. In the three-color space, the starving ghost in front of him was like a pool of dark thick water.


Half of the starving ghosts were locked in golden boxes, and the other half's corpses were covered with black chains. Under strong pressure, they were trapped and unable to move.

Luo Yi's ghost-slaying sword returned to its sheath, and the restart was completed simultaneously.


Under the chains, the spirit of the starved ghost decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, while Luo Yi's power gradually became stronger and stronger.

After 10 minutes, the starved ghost slowly closed its pitch-black pupils, and the spirit on its body was silent, as if it had completely quieted down like a corpse.

Luo Yi picked up half of the corpse, threw it into the golden box, and brought out the other half of the starved ghost to sacrifice again.

Five minutes later, the other half of the starving ghosts followed suit.

After completing the sacrifice of the starving ghost, Luo Yi opened his ghost domain.

The ghost domain, which was originally as dark as ink, has completely changed its appearance now. An ancient stone platform is towering, above which is a nine-story bluestone staircase. At the end of the stone staircase is a stone chair. The golden sacrificial characters flow slowly in the void behind the stone chair. , Luo Yi raised it under his feet, and the next step was in front of the seat, he turned around with his robe lifted, and sat on the high platform.

The color of blood appeared in the sky, except that there were no prayers and praises from mountains and tsunamis and endless tributes from believers, this scene was almost exactly like a dream.

Luo Yi waved and opened another golden box.

Inside was a withered, blackened, stiff, and stinky evil spirit. In the back of the evil spirit, a rusty black coffin was nailed there, piercing its body in half.

This is wish ghost!
The ghost-slaying knife crossed the void three times in a row, cutting the wishing ghost in the box into three pieces.

The restart was synchronized with the sacrifice, and the gurgling spirit poured into Luo Yi's body like a stream of water, the color of the blood moon in the sky gradually deepened, and the golden sacrificial characters behind him became more and more shining.

Half an hour later, Luo Yi opened his eyes, and the three broken corpses around him fell to the ground, and the three puzzle pieces of the wishing ghost had fallen silent.

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and gently floated the space in front of him. At this moment, he felt that he could instantly change everything around him.

"I'm almost at the supernatural level when Yang Jian received the funeral mission at the ghost post office. At this time, my younger generation has no opponents. I am afraid that only Zhang Xianguang and his ilk will be qualified to fight me."

After sacrificing the starving ghost and the wishing ghost, Luo Yi's strength changed drastically.

Sishen's divinity was completely awakened, and he began to gradually take over all the abilities of Sishen, instead of just borrowing it as before, acting as a burglar.

"What about half of the starving ghosts?" Luo Yi suddenly noticed that half of the evil ghosts around him were gone. After sacrificing the other half of the starving ghosts before, Luo Yi began to deal with the wishing ghosts, but now the half of the hungry ghosts The dead ghost disappeared at this moment.

Luo Yi mobilized the ghost domain, and he had a clear view of the surroundings. Under the high platform, a starved ghost with half entity and half shadow wandered around.

"Come here!" Luo Yi's heart moved, and he said directly to the starving ghost.

Hearing Luo Yi's voice, the starving ghost really walked up slowly, and he was able to walk through the void in Luo Yi's ghost domain, as if this was also his ghost domain.

"Sit down!" Luo Yi ordered.

The starving ghost's dark pupils raised up, and he sat down slowly after a moment of reaction.

"Pick up the third bottle!" Luo Yi took out three bottles of Coke and put them on the ground.

However, after waiting for half a minute, the starving ghost did not move.

"It seems that I can only order some very simple things." Luo Yixin said.

"But is this a special case?" Luo Yi felt that there was a slight connection between himself and the starving ghost, just like the relationship between a ghost master and a ghost slave.

Luo Yi took out another evil ghost and tried it again, but found that he couldn't directly control it.

"Is it a sacrifice?" Luo Yi repeatedly experimented, and finally found that only the sacrificed evil spirits can be controlled, and they can also walk freely in their own ghost domain, as if they have obtained the right to use it.

"There is no faith and no incense in this world. I was still thinking about how to continue to develop at this point. Now I have a bold idea."

If there are no ordinary believers, then ghosts will be used instead, and the kingdom of faith will be transformed into a kingdom of evil spirits.

It's like hell.

"It's just that the risk is quite high, and I have to be careful."

There is the matter of the wish ghost controlling the starving ghost first, so Luo Yi can't help but be careful. Once the starving ghost devours enough evil ghosts, it will immediately turn back, and the same is true for the wish ghost.

Even if evil spirits are to be placed in his ghost domain, such evil spirits with particularly high growth rates must not be placed.

"It would be great if I could devour these evil spirits!" Luo Yi was quite envious of the starving ghost's ability to devour spirits, but unfortunately, Sishen couldn't do this yet.

"Maybe there will be a chance to control it in the future." Luo Yi looked at the starving ghost, and a hint of speculation flashed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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