Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 122 The Hut in the Cemetery

Chapter 122 The Hut in the Cemetery
After exploring, Luo Yi finally discovered the true face of this strange place, which was the supernatural place Luo Qian was in charge of.

Endless cemetery!

"Luo Qian in this period shouldn't be dead yet, but he's about to die, why don't you go and have a look!" Luo Yi hesitated.

Luo Qian rarely appeared in the original novel, but it is undeniable that this person's strength must be extremely powerful.

Among the group of seven members of the Republic of China, none of them was trying to gain fame and fame. Just pick any one out, and they can instantly kill the younger generation of this era.

Zhang Dong wiped out the evil spirits, Meng Xiaodong invaded infinitely, Qin Lao talked about the future, Luo Qian buried everything.
These old people can be said to have dealt with ghosts all their lives, and they are among the best in the world in terms of strength and knowledge.

Although Luo Yi is now completely in the leading position of the younger generation, he still doesn't have the confidence to challenge them.

"Captain, do we need to look for them?" Wei Xun asked softly.

Those who accidentally touched paper money were attracted here, and just now, Wei Xun also picked up the mineral water bottle they left behind.

"There's no need to look for them, they're all dead!" Luo Yi pointed out, and there were more than a dozen corpses scattered among the nearest graves at the foot of the mountain. The brown soil on the ground had been stained reddish-brown by blood.

Not only here, but also in front of several graves around. It can be said that no one who went down the road from the top of the mountain was spared, and all of them died here.

The cold wind blew past, and there was a stench that could not be concealed from the mouth and nose.

Wei Xun looked at the corpses around him, and his heart sank, but there were no less than dozens of people he saw, and there were others he didn't see.
"You go back and mobilize all the ghost masters and special forces, the action team, be sure to collect all the red paper money, and don't miss one." Luo Yi turned his face and said solemnly.

Paper money can pass, and evil spirits can also pass. Luo Yi doesn't want to wake up one day, a ghostly place descends, and the door of the house is full of evil spirits.

"Okay!" Wei Xun looked at Luo Yi with a serious and solemn expression, and his heart was filled with turmoil. He had never seen Luo Yi give such a serious and solemn order in the past few months since he joined the job.

Even the starving ghost incident in Dachang City never happened.

"Is this place still more terrifying than S-level?" Wei Xun glanced at the seemingly endless tomb in all directions, and the chill in his heart spread all over his body.

"Luo Qian, Luo Qian, are you playing tricks or is it really just an accident?" Luo Yi thought carefully in his heart.

The Hailin No. 1462 ghost train incident comes first, and the endless cemetery opens the passage to Yuzhou City after.

It's hard not to let Luo Yi be distracted.

"These big bosses of the Republic of China should be more than that, but they broke the car he used to transport the graves. It should be repaired by his means." Luo Yi rubbed his chin and decided to go and see it. look.

If you really start to do it, you will run away at worst.

I can be regarded as a leader of the younger generation. Judging from the attitude of these seniors in the Republic of China, they should not interfere too much with the current spiritual situation.

After all, Zhang Xianguang, Chen Qiaoyang and other young masters were in front of them, so there was no reason to bypass them and deal with him.

After making a decision, Luo Yi stepped directly down the mountain. From the middle of the mountain, some graves gradually began to appear on this mountain. There were no tombstones, no sacrificial rites, and no tribute. In the worldview of ordinary people, these are usually lonely ghosts. .

Luo Yi wanted to dig open the grave to have a look, but he was afraid of causing a chain reaction.

It was only over a mile from the foot of the mountain to Luo Qian's cabin, but Luo Yi walked very slowly. At first he wanted to see the evil spirits in the tomb, but later he found that there seemed to be a lot of good things in front of the tomb. Such as some enshrined rice, lit joss sticks, and even some weirdly shaped paper money.

"Good guy, I really want to open the ghost domain and let it sweep all of it."

Whenever Luo Yi has this urge, the source of the god of worship will vibrate, warning him of a huge risk.

Taoists say that cicadas feel the autumn wind before it moves, martial arts practitioners have whim, and Confucianism has the sincerity to foretell. In fact, it is all about this kind of intuition.

Sometimes when Luo Yi reads books, he feels that these mysterious things are probably the ghosts of evil spirits, but it is difficult to preserve supernatural things, and these phenomena are misinterpreted by later generations, causing some deviations.

"There is only a faint smell of grave soil in the tomb at the corner. When we get here, the top is covered with grave soil. It can be said that the materials needed to build a tomb in the center can be used to build tens of hundreds of small tombs on the edge. , and this is still not enough to suppress the sleeping evil spirits inside, you need three sticks of incense and a bowl of raw rice." Luo Yi said in shock.

The closer to the cabin, the fewer the tombs, and the larger the area occupied by each tomb, the more grave soil and tributes are consumed, which also means that the evil spirits buried inside are more powerful.

"This ghost is so scary!" A tombstone appeared in front of Luo Yi, and there was a photo on it. In the picture, there was a young woman with fluttering long hair and graceful demeanor. Her brows were cold and arrogant, and her eyes were cold and energetic.

As Luo Yi's figure moved, the ghost also rolled its eyes, as if it was watching him.

"She can see me!" Luo Yi was shocked, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that the woman in the picture was alive, as if she was about to come alive out of the photo.

The tomb shook slightly, and some soil began to slide down from the top of the tomb. The incense in front of him burned at a speed visible to the naked eye. Amidst the smoke, the ghostly eyes of the woman seemed to blink.

"I can't look at it anymore, she is using my spirit to overturn the covered grave." Luo Yi looked away, but the fear in his heart became more and more serious.

Looking away, the tomb became stable again, and the incense began to burn slowly. Everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

"Ghost thing, it's really powerful!"

Luo Yi seemed to appear in the center of the cemetery, but in fact he was within the blood-colored ghost domain. The ghost on this tombstone still saw Luo Yi through the ghost domain of worshiping gods and the suppression of the ghost fragrance from the grave. different.

Luo Yi looked around carefully, and found that there were twenty or thirty graves similar in size and shape to this one, which also meant that there were at least twenty or thirty ghosts here that Luo Yi couldn't deal with at all.

And in front of these tombs, there are several larger tombs.

The things buried there are beyond imagination.

As Luo Yi approached, the real appearance of the hut was revealed, old, decayed, and crumbling.

The whole cabin is made of wood, the bottom is more than three feet high, the wooden floor is attached to it, and there is a small door in the middle, with a coffin nail stuck on the door, as if the whole cabin is also a ghost generally.

A shovel and a hoe were placed in the corner of the edge. Luo Yi swept his eyes and found that these two items were slightly glowing.

"These are also two supernatural items!"

Luo Yi stepped on the wooden floor, and the old wood sagged slightly, making a creaking sound, as if it was old and overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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