Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 123 Graveyard Master Luo

Chapter 123 Graveyard Master Luo Qian

Just as Luo Yi stretched out his hand, the door of the cabin opened.

The view inside is dark, but it is quite tidy.

Looking around, Luo Yi saw that the display in the house was extremely simple, without modern technological home appliances and entertainment facilities.

There was a one-meter-wide wooden bed near the corner, covered with a black-pattern quilt, and next to it was an old wooden table covered with dents.

An oil lamp was lit on the table at this moment, and while the light was flickering, there was a faint smell of corpses, which indicated that it was not kerosene but corpse oil inside.

In the land of spirits, only things involving spirits can be used here all year round.

There are some tools hanging on the wall behind him, such as axes, machetes, etc., but these are ordinary iron tools, and there is nothing unusual about them.

There are no pots and pans, and no fire on the stove. The only smoke and fire comes from a small corpse oil lamp on the table.

"Young students, have you seen enough? Sit down when you've seen enough." Suddenly, a cold voice came, flat and flat, without the slightest ups and downs. Dealing with functional imbalances.

Luo Yi suddenly turned around, and at some point behind the swaying flames, there was another person, an old man in a long gown with a sparse head, sunken eye sockets, and many black spots. He was sitting behind the table at the moment, holding a teapot in his right hand, and Hold the spout and add two cups of tea.

The tea dripped down, like jade beads falling into a cup, not too much, not too little.

"This should be the owner of the cemetery." Luo Yi was vigilant, and put his left hand on the Ghost Slaying Knife intentionally or unintentionally.

Under the three-color field of vision, the front is pitch black, as if walking into a black hole, without the slightest light.

"This level of horror is the scariest ghost I have ever seen!"

Luo Yi's heart skipped a beat, and in fright he almost drew his knife and slashed at him, then turned around and ran away.

Confrontation and staying away are direct reflections of the body's instincts.

Luo Yi gritted his teeth, suppressed this emotion, and slowly let go of the Ghost Slaying Knife.

"Look again!" Luo Yixin said.

From Yuzhou City, following the blood-stained paper money all the way to here, retreating without understanding anything, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts and returning in vain, besides, Luo Yi didn't feel the killing intent here.

It also means he is safe for the time being.

"It's rare to have a visitor, try my tea!" The old man behind the table picked up a cup of tea, put it in front of Luo Yi, and took a sip from the cup in front of him, with a look of satisfaction, as if the tea was very good .

Luo Yi looked around and saw a green and white teacup more than one inch high, filled with blackened tea, without the unique fresh fragrance of tea leaves, but with an inexplicable rotten smell, as if the tea had expired.

"Then try it!" Luo Yi pulled out the seat, sat down, picked up the cup of tea with a strange taste, put it in his mouth and drank it down.

"A cow chewing peonies is a waste of my good tea!" The old man nodded Luo Yi in dissatisfaction.

He poured another cup for himself, and put down the teapot in his hand after pouring, but he didn't want to add some more to Luo Yi.

Here Luo Yi tea flows down the throat through the mouth and tongue, the taste is soft and sweet, as if drinking from a clear spring, the stale air in the taste is no longer there.

More importantly, after drinking this cup, Luo Yi felt that the spiritual power in his body began to recover slightly, but it was also strange that the revived spiritual power did not oppress the body and consciousness.

For ghost masters, the power of evil spirits is a double-edged sword. If the recovery is too high, it will intensify the erosion of one's body, resulting in a short life. However, if the recovery is not enough, it is not enough to deal with supernatural events, and it is still dangerous.

But this tea is different, it can revive the power of evil spirits but it won't let the revived power corrode the body.

It is as if it bears the cost of this recovery on behalf of man.

"If you can drink this kind of tea all the time, wouldn't it be possible to control evil spirits at no cost?" Luo Yi was surprised in his heart, these old seniors really have a lot of fun.

"Senior, good tea, let's have another cup!" Luo Yi looked surprised, and reached out to grab the teapot on the table.

Stretching out his long arms, pinching his five fingers together, the teapot that was supposed to be in his hand disappeared like a mirror in water. This feeling was like grabbing a handful of air.

"Failed?" Luo Yi's pupils shrank.

"You are not very big, but you are not too greedy. I still want to drink the old man's tea." The old man pinned his left hand, and the teapot reappeared.

"Try again!" Seeing that the old man didn't have any malice, Luo Yi became more courageous. This time, he didn't want to drink tea, but wanted to see how far he was from these real bosses.

The origin of the sacrificial gods vibrated, the bloody kingdom of the sacrificial gods unfolded, the golden sacrificial characters turned, and under the reddish light, a hand pierced through the void and took it towards the teapot again.

This shot, Fang Cun saw the real trick, the tea that the old man had originally poured began to flow back strangely, and ripples appeared in the air, like water waves.

"Good boy, it's really not bad." There was a hint of admiration on the old man's face, his left finger fluctuated slightly, the teapot disappeared, and when he turned his palm, a terrifying supernatural pressure was suppressed, and Luo Yi's ghost realm fell silent instantly, and everything returned. normal.

Luo Yi lost, simply and neatly, even if he used the restart, it was still not enough to defeat the flipping palm.

"Even so, isn't that enough?" Luo Yi had already played Huang Quan to the peak of his ability in a short moment just now, but even so, it was still not enough for this old man.

One point difference in spirituality is ten points difference, and it is not surprising that the winner will be determined in a short time.

"But if you add the Ghost Slaying Knife, it shouldn't be a big problem for you to sneak away by surprise." Although he hasn't been able to find out the details of the old man, at least he has done the calculations in his heart, and his own safety is relatively guaranteed. .

"Senior is amazing, junior is ashamed!" Luo Yi praised sincerely, for these old people who have dedicated their entire lives to fighting against spiritual recovery, Luo Yi still admires them from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm almost buried. If I can't hold down you, a kid who just debuted not long ago, wouldn't it be a waste of my life." The old man heheed, and took another sip of tea.

"I haven't had time to introduce you just now. The junior Luo Yi is now the person in charge of Yuzhou City appointed by the headquarters." Luo Yi cupped his hands.

"Luo Yi, the code name is God of Sacrifice. His strength is so-so, but his name is quite big. He dares to use God as his code name." The old man curled his lips, suddenly feeling that his name as the owner of the cemetery was not high enough.

"Senior knows me?" Luo Yi tentatively asked without changing his face, "Could it be that I broke the ghost train No. 1462 in Hailin?"


The old man snorted coldly, "Not only do you know, you broke the old man's truck, how can the old man know you?"

(End of this chapter)

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