Chapter 128

After the farce dissipated, Cao Yanhua took over the microphone and officially opened the report meeting on the starving ghost incident in Dachang City.

First of all, the routine is naturally to thank everyone for coming, and then roughly describe the starving ghost incident, mainly highlighting how dangerous the situation is, how dangerous the crowd is, how urgent the time is, and so on.

Then there was a burst of praise to Yang Jian, saying that he was upright, unruffled in times of crisis, brave and decisive... Every line was full of praise for Yang Jian, and there was a feeling of praising him as a hot fried chicken.

But Yang Jian didn't pay any attention to such flattery.

He wasn't the kind of stunned young man who would be moved after being flattered a few times, and then devoted allegiance wholeheartedly.

But it doesn't feel right to listen to it.

"Why do I feel something is wrong? Did you say something to Cao Yanhua?" Yang Jian frowned and asked Luo Yi.

"Why do you say that?" Luo Yi asked.

"We settled this matter together. Why did he only talk about me and not you?" Yang Jian pointed to the eloquent Cao Yanhua in front of the stage.

Luo Yi said: "The starving ghost was completely crucified by your last blow. Of course, I have to preach it for you. After today, everyone will know that you are the ghost-eyed detective Yang Jian. You are so majestic. willing?"

"Why do I feel like you're cheating on me again?" Yang Jian rolled his eyes and said.

"Where does this word come from?"

"Hehe, back then you told me that if you didn't solve the starving ghost incident, everyone would die in Dachang City. After I made up my mind and really entered the small building of the Republic of China, you rescued all the citizens of Dachang City. , This is not called cheating me, what is this?"

"So that's what happened." Luo Yi turned his eyes, and quickly came up with an excuse, "Isn't that for you to have no worries, look at you now, your strength has more than doubled, and you are in good condition. You will be on the podium to give your victory speech later, without my words at the time, how could you have come to this point so quickly."

The corner of Yang Jian's mouth twitched: "Does that mean I have to thank you?"

"That's not necessary. With the relationship between the two of us, it's better to say thank you." Luo Yi chose to ignore Yang Jian's expression.

"That must be done. If there is such a high-risk incident in the future, I will be the first to call you!" Yang Jian gritted his teeth.

Although he was lucky enough to survive this time, he knew the risks involved. Whether it was risking suicide or dealing with starvation ghosts, it could be said that he was close to death.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what I say or how I do it. You should understand your own personality. If you don't want to, it's useless for me to force you." Luo Yi said calmly.

"I..." Yang Jian opened his mouth, "but."

Luo Yi waved his hand and didn't answer any more. Luo Yi naturally understood Yang Jian's meaning, but this path was what he should take, but because of Luo Yi's relationship, his preparation time was reduced, and he had to bear the burden. The risk is a little more.

Yang Jian raised his hand and said, "You think too much, actually what I want to ask is whether you should give me some."

"It's your turn to take the stage!" Luo Yi interrupted.

Yang Jian turned his head to see that Cao Yanhua on the stage was waving to him with an encouraging face.

"I didn't expect that one day you, a scumbag like you, would be able to give a speech on stage. What a twist!" Luo Yi said, Yang Jian's forward body paused, and his face darkened.

"Is it really meaningful for us to hold such a meeting?" Li Jun asked Wang Xiaoming.

As a soldier, in his opinion, it is more important to imprison the evil spirits in practical actions, and this kind of meeting without nutrition is more like a waste of time.

"Now there are at least four S-level supernatural incidents in the world, three of which are abroad. Basically, European and American countries have solved these incidents, and the status of these countries in the world has been restored in just a few months. One up, do you understand what that means?"

Wang Xiaoming said meaningfully that although he is a scientist, he is not a researcher who can only drill in the laboratory. He also has some understanding of the international situation.

"It is important to solve problems, but it is also important to promote the ability to solve problems. Many things should not just look at the surface."

"The society in which human beings live is actually the same as the animal world. Only by constantly showing off their muscles can others be in awe and gain more voice." Wang Xiaoming said plainly.

For a scholar like him, he knows everything and knows everything. Even if he does not attend the headquarters meeting, he can understand the headquarters' intentions.

"It's like an arms race. In the past, we were comparing who had the longest range and power, but now we are comparing whose ghost master is stronger and stronger." Li Jun said thoughtfully, "It's just that I didn't expect this day to come. It’s so fast, and it’s clear that the previous era was an era when soldiers defended their homes and the country, but now they have to rely on a group of people who are not even mentally stable to maintain peace.”

This kind of huge change is really quite ironic for people like Li Jun.

Cao Yanhua took the lead on the stage, "Everyone should have read the information about the starving ghost incident in Dachang City, but the information is only information after all, and it is difficult to clearly state the crises and risks in it, so we invite Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian, you are a person who experienced it first-hand. Come and tell everyone about this starving ghost incident, and share your experience with other ghost masters." Cao Yanhua handed over the microphone.

Yang Jian stood in front of the stage expressionlessly, and looked up. Zhao Jianguo and Wang Xiaoming looked forward, Cao Yang and Xiong Wenwen were curious, and Luo Yi was joking.

"Are these guys trying to put me on the fire?" Yang Jian said dissatisfied.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

Yang Jian has known since he was a child that the rafters in his early years rot first. Solving the starving ghost incident has too much influence and too much credit. These things are enough to make him a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of other ghost masters.

Ghost masters are inherently unstable, who can guarantee whether these envious ghost masters will do something irrational because of jealousy.

Therefore, he had to remove himself to make his own existence the weakest. Otherwise, if he really followed Cao Yanhua's wishes and made this matter a reality, there would be a lot of trouble in the future.

"Then I will briefly share it." Yang Jian was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought of it, "Actually, I didn't participate much in this matter. The main strategist was Professor Wang, and the action was Luo Yi, the person in charge of Yuzhou City. Leading, I am just responsible for bringing the golden box, and after Luo Yi subdues the evil spirit, I will lock the evil spirit in the box."

When Yang Jian said this, Cao Yanhua and Wang Xiaoming had already started shaking their heads.

"This kid pushes four, five, six, this is to hide his strength and bide his time, and push Luo Yi to the front!" Zhao Jianguo said.

"This is also normal. Yang Jian has only become a criminal policeman, and his background is not enough. Even if we want to support him, he has no confidence to suppress these rebellious ghost masters." Wang Xiaoming said.

"If this matter is replaced by someone else, I'm afraid I would like to publicize it and make it known to everyone. It's hard for him to recognize himself at this time and understand the principles of being wise and protecting himself." Cao Yanhua took the words, "It's just a pity for us I originally wanted to set him up all at once, but it seems that he is going to miss this opportunity."

A ranking list also appeared in Wang Xiaoming's mind, and Yang Jian's position was not up or down, which was quite embarrassing.

Yang Jian continued: "If you have any curiosity, you can ask Luo Yi. I think he must have more feelings than me, and he has more experience to share with you."

(End of this chapter)

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