Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 129 Cao Yang Suffered Another Critical Attack

Chapter 129 Cao Yang Suffered Another Critical Attack

Yang Jian shook the pot and walked off. He spoke for less than 30 seconds, which can be said to be quite perfunctory.

"Hey, I didn't expect it, your goal will not be realized!" Yang Jian sat down with a complacent expression.

Cao Yanhua couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw Yang Jian, who had put down the pick, so he could only call Wang Xiaoming first, and asked him to report and share the supernatural event on his behalf.

"I heard that there will be a captain plan in the later stage of the headquarters." Luo Yi looked at the complacent Yang Jian and said.

"Captain's plan, what is that?" For some reason, Yang Jian had a bad premonition in his heart. He didn't want to pay attention to Luo Yi at first, but he couldn't hold back his inner curiosity. After all, he has now become a member of the headquarters team.

"The recovery of supernatural beings is inevitable. Considering the frequency and seriousness of such incidents in the future, ordinary Interpol will not be able to maintain the law and order of a city. You should understand this when you look at Dachang City. So as early as half a year ago The country has formulated another plan, which is currently named the captain plan, and plans to use the resources of the entire country to cultivate a certain number of top ghost masters." Luo Yi explained.

"Exhaust resources?" Yang Jian confirmed. He couldn't be clear about what these four words mean. If the background of the headquarters is really used to make a few ghost masters, he can't imagine that it will push a person away. to what position.

"Yes, if you become one of the captains, then the value is basically equal to that of Wang Xiaoming. You should be very clear about Wang Xiaoming's status." Luo Yi said.

Regarding Wang Xiaoming, Yang Jian certainly knew that during the starving ghost incident in Dachang City, Li Jun’s mission was to protect Wang Xiaoming, and even when the supernatural was uncontrollable, he asked Li Jun to abandon the masses and sacrifice himself to keep Wang Xiaoming alive. Such a person can imagine his position in the headquarters.

"But you said what does this have to do with me, I just became an official Interpol." Yang Jian said.

He had been a reserve criminal policeman for a while, but he was officially in charge of Dachang City after Zhao Kaiming's death, only a few days away from today.

"You are also on the consideration list of the captain's plan!" Luo Yi had a weird smile on his face, as if something pleasant would happen later.

"how is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? You may not have noticed the starving ghost incident, the headless ghost incident, the Huanggang Village incident, and the starving ghost incident. You have experienced many incidents, and there are A-level and S-level disasters and destructions in it." sexual incident."

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and pointed around: "Do you think that for other people, their resumes will be richer than yours? Don't forget, Lingyi has just recovered for a few years now, and the earliest batch of ghost masters such as Cao Yang and others It’s just a little over a year of living.”

"If it's only based on credit, then Cao Yanhua's actions today seem superfluous. There must be something else that I don't know?" Yang Jian keenly sensed the strangeness.

"Do you know the circle of friends?" Luo Yi continued without waiting for Yang Jian's answer: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even the headquarters will not be monolithic. Cao Yanhua wants to support his people to the top. The power of the circle of friends, the military The same is true of power and so on."

"Although the cake at the headquarters looks quite big, once there are too many people, everyone will get very little, and you have to prevent uneven distribution. Someone flipped the table so that everyone can't eat. "

"Then since all parties are doomed, why bother to look at the credit history." Yang Jian said disdainfully, he has always disliked these machinations and tricks.

"It can only be said that the general distribution plan has formed a tacit understanding. This kind of thing is to be announced to all ghost masters. Can you tolerate Xiong Wenwen, a kid, sitting on your head as the captain?"

"Of course it's impossible." Yang Jian blurted out that Xiong Wenwen was the team leader, and with that little brat's character, he would rather resign than quit.

"That's the end of it. As long as your credit is great enough and you can convince the crowd, even if one party is dissatisfied, what can you do to you? " said Luo Yi.

"So you are actually trying to pave the way for me this time?" Yang Jian also reacted, this time it seemed that he had misunderstood.

Luo Yi nodded: "That's right, you haven't become a ghost master for long, you have no foundation, and you don't have any powerful support. If you want to take the position of captain, you have no other choice but to show off your achievements and resume, so this time we hold a meeting In addition to promoting the strength of the headquarters and cultivating ghost masters, it is also building momentum for you."

"No wonder Cao Yanhua didn't mention your matter, so this matter is a plan that you and Cao Yanhua have discussed a long time ago?" Yang Jian recalled, "But I don't understand one thing. If you create momentum for me, then you What should I do, don't you want to be the captain?"

"You don't have to worry about me, I have my own way!" After Luo Yi finished speaking, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the cold and terrifying spirit made Yang Jian unconsciously look away.

"Someone is going to be unlucky again, I don't know who provoked this evil star again this time!" Yang Jian thought to himself.

After a moment of silence, Yang Jian turned his head again, "Tell me, is there still time for me to go up and say a few words?"

Luo Yi asked back: "What do you think?"

"It should be a bit choking." Yang Jian thought for a while, and his tone was embarrassing.

"What are you talking about? I originally asked you to share with us, but you two are hiding here one by one." Cao Yang took a stool and forced it to Luo Yi's left.

"I'm talking about you, Cao Yang, who is about to be promoted to be a boss!" Luo Yi glanced at him, and moved the stool so as not to be crowded with him.

"Cao Yang, upgrade?" Yang Jian's eyes flickered, Luo Yi's words seemed to have no beginning and no end, but if combined with the captain's plan he mentioned earlier, the meaning is very clear and straightforward, this Cao Yang is a reserve captain.

"It's just that I don't know which side is standing behind him, Cao Yanhua?" Yang Jian couldn't help but speculate. After all, both of them have the surname Cao, so maybe there is some unclear relationship.

In fact, even Yang Jian didn't think that he was right, the two were indeed uncle and nephew.

Cao Yang's eyes flickered, he laughed and didn't answer Luo Yi's words.

"He really knows a lot. Even Cao Yanhua just mentioned this matter to me. I didn't expect him to know it too." Cao Yang was a little shocked.

Without entering the high-level, a lot of information is missing.

This is the same as managers. In terms of professional skills, they are usually inferior to ordinary employees, but they can get higher wages, gain more recognition and status, relying on the resources and information in their hands.

"I want to ask you something, I have also controlled two evil spirits, do you think if I were to face the starving ghost, would I be able to imprison it?" Cao Yang asked.

He has never faced an S-level evil spirit, and he doesn't have a clear and intuitive understanding of this level of evil spirit.

Luo Yi said: "Although Xiong Wenwen is annoying, I think he has a good sentence."

"What?" Cao Yang asked.

"It's the first sentence he said while standing on the table, you can think about it." Luo Yi patted Cao Yang on the shoulder.

"What do you mean, Yang Jian?" Cao Yang was a little confused.

"Hey!" Yang Jian kept silent, with a malicious smile on his face.

"Little kid, what was the first sentence you said?" Cao Yang raised his neck and said to Xiong Wenwen who was opposite him.

Xiong Wenwen climbed onto the table with all hands and feet, and pointed at Cao Yang's nose.

"I'm not targeting any of you, I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish!"

(End of this chapter)

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