Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 130 The Handed Over Starving Ghost

Chapter 130 The Handed Over Starving Ghost
At the end of the meeting, ghost masters and special forces members from surrounding cities left one after another.

Only Cao Yanhua, Wang Xiaoming, Zhao Jianguo, Li Jun, Cao Yang, Yang Jian, and Luo Yi were left at the scene. Originally, Xiong Zi tried his best to stay, but when he saw the two languages ​​that Luo Yi brought him When counting the exercise books, he ran away without looking back.

"Good guy, I really have you. This brat is not afraid of anything. Except for his mother, you are the first one who can restrain him." Zhao Jianguo couldn't help smacking his lips when he looked at the deflated Xiong Wenwen.

"This is called hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, you have to poke his sore spots!" Luo Yi raised the elementary school workbook in his hand and smiled unconsciously.

These two exercises were brought in from a bookstore through Huangquan just now, and the purpose was to let Xiong Wenwen leave consciously.

"By the way, do you really not think about Xiong Wenwen's mother? His mother is in her early thirties, and she really looks upright. She is a big beauty. This little brat is not lying about that." Zhao Jianguo said.

"That's right, why don't you be unhappy when the time comes? It's so much fun to beat a bad boy during the day and his mother at night!" Cao Yang winked at the side, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"That's right, if you marry his mother, you'll be a fat boy for nothing, which will save time and effort!" Yang Jian followed suit.

"No, I still want to be self-reliant when it comes to having a baby. If anyone of you can't do it and want to pick up a ready-made cheap son, I'll call Xiong Wenwen back for you." Luo Yi said.

"I can't bear it, I want to live two more years." Cao Yang waved his hands repeatedly.

Luo Yi looked at Yang Jian again, and Yang Jian hurriedly said, "You know, I like that kind." He gestured twice on his chest and behind his butt.

"Isn't Zhang Wei stored in your computer?" Luo Yi asked strangely.

"If I don't like it, I can't let him stay!" Yang Jian scratched his head.

"Damn!" It really refreshed Luo Yi's three views.

"Don't look at me, I'm married!" Zhao Jianguo denied in a panic when he saw the three of them staring at him.

"So it's ok if you don't get married?" Cao Yang looked sideways at Zhao Jianguo, showing an expression that I understand.

"That means you are still willing in your heart?" Yang Jian followed up.

"No wonder you always mention Xiong Wenwen's mother, and send bodyguards to Xiong Wenwen. The drunkard is not interested in drinking, is it at his mother's place?" Luo Yi snorted, "It's true that you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. It's the leader, but you want to sleep with your mother, it's a beast!"

"I" Zhao Jianguo wanted to cry but had no tears. I wanted to make fun of Luo Yi, but why did I get myself involved?
"You guys stop making trouble!" Cao Yanhua stood up with a dark face and separated them, "Speaking of a widowed woman behind your back, are you embarrassed?"

"You defend her like that, don't you?" Cao Yang looked at Cao Yanhua in amazement, and thought, "This old boy won't want to let his aunt down, will he?"

"Shut up, you won't be suffocated if you don't talk!" Cao Yanhua glared at Cao Yang.

"These two must have some ulterior relationship." Yang Jian's eyes searched between the two. Although the conversation between them was also about names and positions, there was one difference. It was too commonplace!

Cao Yanhua didn't notice Yang Jian's expression, but said to Luo Yi: "There is something that our headquarters wants to discuss with you, it's about starving ghosts!"

"What do you want to say?" Luo Yi actually had a vague guess in his heart, but he still wanted to wait for Cao Yanhua to say it before confirming.

"The starving ghost was imprisoned by you and Yang Jian, and I know that you have worked hard, but." Cao Yanhua paused, as if he was thinking about how to make his words more tactful and easier for people to accept.

"Let me do the talking!" Wang Xiaoming secretly said in his heart that Cao Yanhua loves to use an official accent, and his speech is coy and twisted.

"We want you to hand over the starving ghost to the headquarters!" Wang Xiaoming said succinctly.

"That's what Professor Wang meant. The starving ghost is too dangerous, and the headquarters also has considerations from the headquarters." Cao Yanhua took the words and added.

In the past, when encountering such a thing, he didn't give orders, and the ghost master below would obediently hand over the evil ghost, but now it seems that the roles have been reversed, and he has become the ghost master.

There is no way to do this, the truth is that Luo Yi and Yang Jian are too strong, and the ghost masters under their hands can't handle it, otherwise they wouldn't be so aggrieved.

"Everything is for the sake of the overall situation, bear with them first." Cao Yanhua comforted himself in his heart.

"I have no objection, but if anything happens to the starving ghost in the future, just don't look for me!" Yang Jian shrugged. The starving ghost is not in his hands, and it is placed at Luo Yi's place and at the headquarters to deal with him. Words don't make much difference.

"Luo Yi, what do you think?" Cao Yanhua felt a little uneasy, he knew Luo Yi's character, basically none of the evil spirits in his hands could spit out.

So whether Luo Yi can agree, he has always been pessimistic.

But there is no way, this matter is beyond his control. For Cao Yanhua, he is under a lot of pressure. After all, no one would be willing to put an S-level evil spirit that is comparable to nuclear weapons outside, even if this person Also a member of Interpol.

The core thought of the non-me race is: You are not me, how can I be at ease if you tell me to let you go?

"So this is the decision of the entire headquarters?" Luo Yi asked calmly.

"That's right!" Cao Yanhua nodded, and there is nothing to hide now.

"Okay, I'll hand over the starving ghost to you!" Luo Yi's face darkened, and the blood-red moonlight enveloped the entire meeting room. Li Jun hurriedly revived his will-o'-the-wisp to block in front of several people.

Cao Yang on the other side also had a solemn expression, and the evil spirit on his body was ready to attack. If Luo Yi really turned his back on him, he would strike without hesitation.

"Don't be nervous, Luo Yi is not an enemy!" Wang Xiaoming patted Li Jun to let him relax.

"Hmph!" Luo Yi snorted coldly, and the ghost domain suddenly expanded, sending the two of them flying straight into the air.

"Although you two are good, you are still too far behind me, so put away your little thoughts!" After Luo Yi finished speaking, his figure gradually faded.

"He went to fetch the starving ghost!" Zhao Jianguo said. He had seen Luo Yi's arrival before, and he was amazed at this ability to travel hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

"It's good that we've reached an agreement, you two should stop now!" Cao Yanhua said to Li Jun and Cao Yang.

Luo Yi's speed was faster than the few people imagined. Before Li Jun's will-o'-the-wisp went out, Luo Yi's figure had solidified again.


When the heavy metal fell to the ground, Cao Yanhua looked down and saw that it was a gold box.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Cao Yanhua smiled, this result was much better than he expected.

"That's not necessary!" Luo Yi said coldly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely record your credit this time, and I will order the supplies you want to be sent to Yuzhou City as soon as possible, as well as Yang Jian, and the headquarters will never treat you poorly for paying for supernatural events." The person." Cao Yanhua patted his chest and signed the ticket.

"That would be the best!" Yang Jian nodded.

"If I were you, I wouldn't open this box!" Luo Yi snapped suddenly.

The fading blood in the room reappeared, this time directly enveloping everyone, there were many ghosts at the edge of the darkness, the air was filled with the smell of incense, and the whole space was full of murderous intent, which was Luo Yi's undisguised malice.

"His ghost domain has changed!" Yang Jian raised his head and looked at the extra blood moon in the sky, feeling extremely horrified in his heart.

"Stop, Li Jun!" Cao Yang's complexion changed suddenly, as if he had thought of something unbelievable, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop Li Jun, "This box cannot be opened!"

"I'll give you the steps, don't make it difficult for me!" Luo Yi looked at them and sneered in his heart.

Li Jun raised his head and glanced at Luo Yi, clenched his palms desperately but then loosened them dejectedly, and finally let out a long sigh, annihilating the desire to check.

(End of this chapter)

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