Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 142 The Missing Detective

Chapter 142 The Missing Detective

After stopping for a while, the ghost bus restarted quickly and disappeared like a mirage in the sight of passers-by.

The crowd who were frightened by the gunshots suddenly became frightened, and the complaints in their mouths turned into panic.

"There is something wrong with this car." Yang Jian looked at the rapidly disappearing cityscape around him, and then thought of Luo Yi's words before, and stood up uneasily.

"Interpol, I order you to stop!" Yang Jian drew out his gun and pointed it at the driver in the cab.

However, the driver still held the steering wheel and didn't even turn his head.

"It's not right, that little girl fired a shot just now, and a normal person would have been terrified if he encountered this kind of thing, why is he acting like a normal person?" Yang Jian put his hand into the cab and used the gun Poke the driver.

The driver, who had been driving the whole time, fell down weakly at this time, his hat fell to the ground, his stiff and pale face revealed a heavy dead air, his mouth was slightly opened, and a foul stench was faintly emitted.

"Dead?" Yang Jian's eyes narrowed. The driver was already a corpse, and based on his experience, he had been dead for at least a few days, because his body had shown slight signs of decay.

"It's really bad luck," Yang Jian cursed angrily, "I thought it was just to find a lost satellite phone, but I didn't expect to be caught in a supernatural event."

Luo Yi looked at the angry Yang Jian and secretly laughed.

"Do you know what's going on here?" Yang Jian sat down again with an ugly expression, the unknown is always scary.

Luo Yi said: "Speaking of looking for someone, I remembered it. If my prediction is correct, the person you are looking for is right there. You can check the supernatural files of the headquarters for the condition of this car. I have reported it before. !"

"Is this the ghost bus?" Yang Jian suddenly remembered that Luo Yi had mentioned this matter outside Huanggang Village.

"That's right, it's that ghost bus!" Luo Yi said.

Yang Jian's ugly face relaxed a bit. He had some understanding of this incident. The level of horror is indeed high, but as long as he grasps it well, the chances and gains are not small, and he doesn't need to face it alone. After all, there is Luo Yi. The presence of a powerful ghost master undoubtedly made him a lot more relaxed.

"Are you here for errands?" Yang Jian changed seats again and came to Luo Yi's right aisle.

"I plan to go back to Yuzhou City after finishing my work. When I saw this familiar car, I got on it!" Luo Yi said flatly.

"This thing is really your means of transportation," Yang Jian pouted, "How can you be sure that this car will go to Yuzhou City?"

"I've sat in Yuzhou City, and of course it will go to Yuzhou City. Are you stupid?" Luo Yi rolled his eyes.

After Yang Jian finished asking, he knew that he had asked a stupid question. He thought for a while and said: "This car has to pass through so many spiritual places, how do you know when it will return to Yuzhou City? It needs to be opened for ten days and a half months, can you just stay here all the time, if you can bear it, can she also bear it?"

Yang Jian pointed to Huang Shiyu, and Luo Yi finally understood what he really wanted to ask.

"On the seventh day of every month, this car will stop at Yuzhou City. Unfortunately, today is the seventh day!" Luo Yi didn't hide anything.

This kind of small information sharing is not a big deal, he is no longer what he used to be, and he doesn't need to live so cautiously and fearfully.

Luo Yi continued: "You can ask that piece of human skin paper or that red ghost cupboard for this information, of course, the premise is that you are not afraid of being tricked."

"Is this a deal between you and the ghost cabinet?" Yang Jian asked back.

The ghost mirror and the ghost cabinet Luo Yi have been kept in Dachang City and have not been used. Yang Jian used the ghost mirror once when he hanged himself. He has learned about the ghost cabinet, but he has not used it yet.

"That's right, just such a message about the boarding point, I almost died, so be careful when you trade." Luo Yi now recalled that the ghosts in the ghost train car were still a little scared. The last point, I am afraid that the grass on the grave is ten feet high now.

"Even you almost had an accident!" Yang Jian said in surprise, he was quite clear about Luo Yi's strength, after all, the two cooperated to imprison the starving ghost and the wishing ghost.

But as far as he said, he almost died for a site information in the deal with the ghost cabinet. One can imagine how tricky this ghost thing is.

"You will gain everything, and you will lose everything!" Yang Jian said softly, this was a sentence left on the note.

"If you believe this sentence, you are really stupid. You will lose more than you can gain by making a deal with evil spirits. Just look at Zhao Kaiming's fate. His whole family is dead." Luo Yi said disdainfully.

How attractive and tempting to get everything, but these four words are fundamentally ridiculous. The devil is not God, how can it be possible for people to get everything they want.

"This sentence should be changed to: You may get something, but you will have nothing in the end!" Luo Yi said, only this description can truly reveal the danger and horror of the ghost cabinet, and serve as a warning.

"At first I wanted to use it, but now that I think about it, I'm really scared!" Yang Jian replied.

"This kind of evil ghost can only be rescued in an emergency, and you can't rely too much on it, otherwise you will always be the one who suffers." Luo Yi shut up after finishing speaking. The team is somewhat secretive.

"I don't know when it will be the end." Yang Jian shook his head, suppressing the irritability in his heart, "Let's deal with the missing Interpol first!"

"This is coming for me!" The man in the windbreaker at the end of the carriage tightened his clothes tightly, with a serious expression, but he was not afraid, because he already knew from the conversation between the two of them that they were also Interpol. To some extent, they are colleagues.

"Are you Xu Feng?" Yang Jian looked at the man in the windbreaker who raised his head and asked.

"It's me." Xu Feng nodded, "The headquarters asked you to come to me?"

Xu Feng's face was extremely haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked a little scary.

"Why do I feel that you are dying?" Luo Yi turned his head, laying his hands on the back of the seat, watching with interest.

Xu Feng pursed his lips, unable to express his suffering. He had already been on this bus that belonged exclusively to the evil spirits for seven or eight days. If he wasn't a ghost driver, he would really be dead.

Yang Jian said: "You have been missing for several days, the headquarters is looking for you, get off with me later."

"You seem to know this ghost bus very well?" Xu Feng frowned deeply. He had been on this bus for a long time, but he had never met the two of them. Under such circumstances, why did they know so much?
"I don't understand, but Luo Yi does. By the way, I forgot to tell you that my name is Yang Jian, who is in charge of Dachang City. This is Luo Yi, the person in charge of Yuzhou City." It is necessary to turn against each other.

"It takes time to get off the car, and I haven't waited for it yet." Xu Feng shook his head and said, even though he was already very sleepy, he still didn't want to get out of the car.

"You want to use this car to suppress the evil spirits in your body?" Luo Yi saw through his intention at a glance.

"You really know a lot!" Xu Feng was startled, and his eyes became vigilant.

He had always thought that Luo Yi and Huang Shiyu were ordinary people who got in by mistake, but after seeing Yang Jian, he changed his mind, because Yang Jian used ghost eyes as soon as he got in the car, which made him discover the ghost master. identity.

In the subsequent conversation, he found that Yang Jian seemed to be quite convinced of Luo Yi, so Luo Yi could no longer be an ordinary person.

"That is to say, I was wrong." Xu Feng moved his eyes and landed on the electronic display screen on the car.

There's a number there: 3.

"There were no invisible evil spirits getting on the bus at that stop, but this Luo Yi changed the number, whether he was carrying a ghost, or he himself..."

(End of this chapter)

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