Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 143 3 Shot Headshot

Chapter 143 Three headshots
The missing person in charge of Koharu City was found, but he seemed unwilling to get out of the car.

"The timing is wrong and you don't want to get out of the car? That's not your fault!" Yang Jian's face turned cold.

In order to find this person, he got on this ghost bus by mistake. Now that the person has found it, you tell me you don't want to get off?
"For the sake of being Interpol, don't force me!" Xu Feng said coldly, if he wanted to get off the car, he would have gotten off a few days ago, why wait until now.

"So what if I force you, don't you dare to fight us!" Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

"It's not about the two of you, why did you get me involved?" Luo Yi said speechlessly.

"If you don't help me, why don't you help him?" Yang Jian turned his head, "Aren't you comrades who share life and death?"

"You..." Xu Feng looked at the two of them, feeling a little flustered in his heart. He could still make gestures with Yang Jian, and if he added another person, he might suffer a disadvantage.

"Brother Luo, this is a matter between Yang and me. Please don't get involved. I will visit Yuzhou City in person afterwards." Xu Feng also saw that Luo Yi was not easy to mess with, and spoke more politely.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Luo Yi asked back.

"Of course not, it's just that Brother Luo still has a little girl with him. We didn't know how serious it was when we started our hands. If we hurt her, wouldn't it be beautiful." Xu Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were a little cold.

"Are you threatening me?" Luo Yi's face was grim, and he couldn't help rolling over with evil spirit.

"You dare to use the means of evil spirits in the car, aren't you afraid of death?" Xu Feng's eyes shrank sharply, and he could feel that there were spiritual fluctuations in Luo Yi's body, and the cold feeling unique to evil spirits stimulated Makes his hair stand on end.

Supernatural means cannot be used on the ghost bus. This is an iron rule. No matter whether it is a human or a ghost, it will be suppressed by this bus, and even unpredictable consequences will occur.

But he didn't understand why Luo Yi was fine until now.

"Whether I will die or not is uncertain, but your death is doomed, and no one can save you!" Luo Yi stood up and strode towards the back of the car.

"You are crazy, you lunatic, do you know that doing so will cause unpredictable things to happen in the car?" Xu Feng looked at Luo Yi who was walking step by step, and couldn't help regretting in his heart, why did he talk too much? provoke him.

The ghost bus will indeed suppress the ghost master or evil spirits on the bus, but it will take a little time.

"Shoot or not?" Xu Feng had a battle between heaven and man in his mind, and if he took a shot, it might cause the ghost bus to stop, and if he didn't take a shot, he would become a target.

And he didn't have the confidence to survive this attack as an ordinary person!

step, step~

Luo Yi got closer and closer, until now he was only two seats away.

"Yang Jian, are you just watching him go crazy?" Xu Feng hurriedly asked Yang Jian who was standing beside him, wanting him to stop Luo Yi.

"It's you who provoked him, so what's none of my business?" Yang Jian folded his arms, looking like he had nothing to do with himself.

"Once we fight, you will die too!" Xu Feng finally wanted to persuade.

"Death is death, what, you were very brave just now, why are you scared now?" Yang Jian sneered.

"Another lunatic, you two bastards! I admit it, I will get out of the car with you, and let you complete the task." Xu Feng raised his hands, surrendering as a bachelor.

Fate is not important, and he is unlucky to meet such two masters who are not afraid of death.

The fluctuating spirit on Luo Yi's body gradually subsided, and the outstretched hand slowly retracted.

Call ~
Xu Feng let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Not only him, but even Yang Jian on the side was actually relieved. Although he spoke cruelly beautifully, the fear in his heart was actually no less than that of Xu Feng.

The moment Luo Yi stood up, he felt maliciousness coming from all directions. Once Luo Yi made a move, this maliciousness would erupt immediately, attacking the people in the car indiscriminately.

He was not sure that he could take this kind of attack. The reason why his tone was still so strong was because Luo Yi's actions were helping him, and because he couldn't stop him.

I can't beat it, it's just that I don't have the right to speak, what else can I do besides being with me when the boss makes trouble?

Yang Jian felt a little tired.

"I think using the means of worshiping the gods to suppress you, a ghost master who only controls one ghost, is a bit bullying the small." Luo Yi said coldly.

"You say yes!" Xu Feng tightened the windbreaker on his body. In his opinion, this is the step Luo Yi was looking for, but he doesn't want to haggle with this lunatic now, so as not to cause additional troubles.

"So I think it would be better to kill you directly!" Luo Yi said as he took out a handful of gold USP from the inside of his clothes.

"What!" Xu Feng's eyes widened suddenly, obviously he didn't expect Luo Yi to act like this.

"Bang bang bang!"

Luo Yi fired three shots in a row, and the bullet passed through Xu Feng's head, leaving a big hole in his brain, and the splashed blood flew everywhere.

Xu Feng's eyes widened desperately, and his pupils were filled with shock. He never dreamed that he died not because of a supernatural event, nor because of the resurrection of an evil spirit, but because of three yellow pure gold bullets.

How absurd is this method of death for ghost masters!
Luo Yi stood in front of him, watching his weak struggle with cold eyes. After just a few breaths, Xu Feng's breathing became more and more rapid, his chest heaved violently, and his throat made a turbid low-pitched "ho ho".

He raised his hands high and then lowered them weakly. Soon he lost his heartbeat and died completely.

The vitality of the ghost master is indeed strong, but if half of the brain is gone, even if the evil ghost is the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, he will not be cured.


The man wearing a peaked cap by the window on the left jumped up from his seat and watched this scene in horror.

How can anyone say that a disagreement breaks people's brains?
Fortunately, he didn't ask this question, otherwise two people would tell him, and they would.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Luo Yi turned around with a gun, aiming the gun at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"No, no, he's damned, he died well, you see we sit so far away, I don't know him well." The man raised his hands, his body pressed against the wall behind the car, and his head turned into a rattle.

"That's good." Luo Yi put away his pistol, and just turning around, the blood stained on his body and face disappeared completely as if wiped away.

"It turns out that you lied to him, but you scared me. I thought you were really going to use evil spirits in the car?" Yang Jian glanced at the dead Xu Feng and rubbed his nose.

The taste of blood is a bit offensive!

"That's what I really planned!" Luo Yi looked at him and said seriously.

"..." A trace of fear suddenly flashed in Yang Jian's heart, "I really have to stay away from you in the future, lest you cause trouble and kill me!"

"Maybe!" Luo Yi shrugged.

"You too, what are you doing so cruel and bloody, you forgot, there is a child there!" Yang Jian pouted, signaling that there was Huang Shiyu beside him.

Luo Yi glanced at her and said: "Her grandfather is a ghost master, her parents are ghost masters, and I am also a ghost master. From now on, no matter whether she chooses to be an ordinary person or become a person like us, these are all her choices." It should be experienced."

"She doesn't have to do it, but she has to know!" Luo Yi said coldly.

This is her fate, it was doomed from the moment she followed Luo Yi.

"I don't know if it's good or not for this child to follow you." Yang Jian shook his head speechlessly when he heard Luo Yi.

He didn't ask where Huang Shiyu's parents were, because it was common for ghost masters to die short.

(End of this chapter)

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