Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 167 Buried 1 Meters Deep

Chapter 167 Buried Ten Thousand Meters Deep
A few people boarded a small military truck and followed the navigation to the Caesar Hotel. Perhaps knowing that the incident was about to start, Xiong Wenwen, who had always been messing around, rarely calmed down.

After getting out of the car, a few people walked through the deserted streets, the place has been emptied.

Go straight along the main road, and at the corner of the road stands a magnificent European-style hotel.

This is the destination of several people, Caesar Hotel.

Luo Yi's face turned cold when he saw this, because there were two people sitting on the steps that should have been strictly forbidden, staring at them with strange expressions, half smiles but half smiles.

"Detective Luo, Criminal Police Yang, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be alive!" The person who spoke was a young man in his early twenties, with cold eyes and a strange expression in his mouth.

"If you, Guo Fan, are dead, none of us will die!" Yang Jian glanced at him and said coldly.

This Guo Fan has always envied Yang Jian for solving the S-level Dachang City starving ghost incident, and gained a lot of fame and benefits.

In his opinion, with the resources of the headquarters and Wang Xiaoming's plan to deal with a mere starving ghost, it is simply a matter of hand.

This Yang Jian was just lucky, he picked up this credit just in time, if he was there at that time, this credit should belong to him.

"Of course you won't die. After all, you brought Wenwen, the heart of the headquarters, with you. Why, are you afraid that the boat will capsize in the gutter and ruin the reputation of both of you?"

Guo Fan stood up and stood on the steps, looking down at the two of them with a sarcastic tone.

"I heard that your person in charge Luo blocked the entire Zhongshan City, and also cut off the communication between the headquarters and here, and didn't allow us to approach here. It's a bit ugly to engage in such a big battle for a B-level incident, right?"

On the other side, Lin Long spit out a smoke ring while talking, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it fiercely, staring at the two men fiercely, as if what was under his feet was not a cigarette butt, but Luo Yi and Yang Jian.

"You think I'm doing this to grab the credit?" Luo Yi said.

"Isn't it? B-level ghosts, A-level credits, there are not many opportunities for this." Lin Long mocked Luo Yi.

"You are really ignorant and fearless, no wonder you have been Interpol for more than a year, and now you are still like ants!" Luo Yi looked coldly at the two jumping up and down, with a gloomy expression.

"You two trash, the last time I scolded you was to flatter you, you can't get in Dachang City, and you can't get in this shabby hotel, it's useless except to slap you, I don't know who recruited you two trash . " Xiong Wenwen couldn't bear to watch, and activated his natal skills.

"Xiong Wenwen, this is not the headquarters. No one is spoiling you. You'd better be careful what you say, otherwise Zhongshan City is afraid that you will come in and not get out!" Scolding will be uncomfortable.

"So, are you threatening me?" Xiong Wenwen jumped onto the stone pier and asked, pointing at Lin Long's nose.

"You think it is, that is, don't forget that this place has been cut off from the outside world by someone, and the headquarters can't see what's going on here."

"So what about the spirit boy? If you die, you will die. At worst, you will hand over the evil ghosts on your body. Without Xiong Wenwen, there will be Li Wenwen, Zhang Wenwen. You must know that the special ones are ghosts, not you little brat!" Lin Long looked at Xiong Wenwen with disgust and cruelty in his eyes.

"You..." Xiong Wenwen was really a little scared now, these people were not like this in front of him before.

"Holding and coaxing you on weekdays, you really think of yourself as a big shot. Without the headquarters, you, Xiong Wenwen, would have been crushed to death long ago!" Guo Fan said equally viciously.

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Yang, fuck him! Fuck him!" Xiong Wenwen hid behind the two, his voice trembling.

"Sure enough, the wicked will be tortured by the wicked, and the fake meets the real." Yang Jian cast a glance at Xiong Wenwen.

At this time, Xiong Wenwen consciously shut up, and rarely chose to bow his head.

"What should I do?" Yang Jian looked at Luo Yi, and the ghost on his body began to stir.

"Bury it, this kind of person is disgusting even alive!" Luo Yi said, a red light flashed away, and two gold boxes rolled up from the war room behind him.

"Boom!" The box opened.

"Did you go in by yourself, or kill you and put it in again?" Luo Yi raised his head, his pale face was a bit sullen.

"Don't think that solving an S-level incident is a big deal. Newcomers should have the self-awareness of newcomers. Don't be presumptuous in front of seniors, or you will die easily!"

Before Lin Long finished speaking, the weirdness on his body had already struck. At the same time, Guo Fan also struck without hesitation.

These two people stopped here not at all to help Luo Yi and Yang Jian solve the supernatural incident, but to intercept and kill a few people here.

Their idea is also very simple. Since there are no S-level supernatural events, they should step on the person in charge who resolved the S-level events.

"It's so naive!" Luo Yi's Ghost Realm was like a surging tide, Lin Long and Guo Fan's ghosts were like wooden boats on the sea surface, they were smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye.

"I just thought about it, you two weak chickens don't even deserve a coffin, just go to the ground!"

Luo Yi stretched out his five fingers, and gently grasped it in the void. The bloody ghost domain was instantly folded and distorted, and the reality had been modified!

"how come!"

Lin Long and Guo Fan were horrified to find that Luo Yi and Yang Jian in front of them were getting bigger, and even Xiong Wenwen, the little boy they had looked down upon before, seemed to have turned into a giant at the moment.

"It's us who are shrinking. He changed our body shape with supernatural powers, but how is this possible?" Guo Fan said.

"You don't need to know this!" Luo Yi said, his voice rumbled like thunder, matching his current figure, it was like a towering god descending on divine punishment.

Luo Yi turned his palm over and pressed down lightly.

In the eyes of Guo Fan and Lin Long, the blood-colored world began to shatter, and the terrifying ghost pushed the whole world sinking rapidly.

This moment seemed to be the end of the world, endless darkness invaded, and what enveloped them was boundless and suffocating coldness and silence.

"Disappeared, they turned into fly ash and disappeared!" Xiong Wenwen jumped out, looking in front of him in surprise.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes the two of them standing in place with terrified expressions, and being pinched by Luo Yi out of thin air, they disappeared bit by bit.

"It didn't turn into fly ash, but was sunk into the ground, but the speed was too fast, forming an afterimage on the spot!"

Yang Jian's eyes shrank, and he looked at the slowly disappearing bloody space in shock.

"Why didn't you just kill them?" Yang Jian said, he didn't believe that Luo Yi's heart softened.

"Killing them is just a moment of pain. It's more terrifying than letting them be buried alive below [-] meters, without seeing the sun, and being immortal." Luo Yi snorted coldly.

These two are veteran detectives, they must know their situation, there is no ghost town, no rescue, if they want to survive, they can only get through the ground and climb up step by step.

This kind of scene, just thinking about it, feels creepy!

(End of this chapter)

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