Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 168 Evil Ghost Traces

Chapter 168 Evil Ghost Traces
"Xiao Luo, if you hit hard this time, maybe some people in the headquarters will have a problem with you again." Xiong Wenwen said.

"You still know this?" Xiong Wenwen's words surprised Yang Jian.

"Hmph, you adults think you know a lot, and you don't take me seriously, and you don't avoid me when you talk or do things. Do you really think that I am blind and deaf, unable to see or hear?" Xiong Wenwen pouted, He is very dissatisfied with Yang Jian's old-fashioned style.

"Then what do you say?" Luo Yi said.

"You can find an excuse, and then say that they threatened me, and you did it for me." Xiong Wenwen patted his chest and nodded to Luo Yiang.

It means, don’t be afraid, I will support you!

Luo Yi glanced at him unexpectedly, but he didn't expect this little brat to be quite righteous.

"I really don't like the two of them, but this shot is not all to punish them."

Luo Yi decided to deal with Lin Long and Guo Fan, on the one hand, because they disobeyed the management and spoke poorly, and on the other hand, it was to cut off future troubles and prevent the ghost master from being tampered with.

"I don't know if you have noticed that there is something wrong with their behavior and state!" Luo Yi said.

"If you think about it carefully, something is wrong. They came at an inopportune time, and they came too casually," Yang Jian said.

These two people had entered Zhongshan City as early as three days ago. As a result, Tong Qian has not been found, the head balloon incident has not been resolved, there is no information, and their actions are reckless and cruel. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit abnormal.

Even if they are really average and can't imprison evil spirits, basic exploration actions and obtaining some simple information can be done, but they choose to do nothing and just block the door here, as if A general waste of time on purpose.

These are totally illogical and not in line with common sense.

It is impossible for a ghost master who does nothing to take the position of the person in charge, and this time there are only two passive strikers, so Luo Yi suspects that they have been influenced by evil ghosts, but they haven't noticed it yet .

But Luo Yi did not investigate and confirm their situation carefully, because if it was really a supernatural influence, then what they are doing now must be what the evil spirit wants them to do.

Intercept Luo Yi and the others!
So he had to cut through the mess quickly and deal with the two of them cleanly, in order to break the arrangement of the evil spirit and find out the location of the evil spirit earlier.

"But these are not important anymore, let's deal with the matters in this hotel first!" Luo Yi stopped to think, and directly pushed the door and walked in.

The hotel is resplendent and magnificent, with a wide view, a comfortable view, more than ten meters of bright chandeliers, gorgeous and bright Western-style murals, and a red carpet with exquisite patterns on the floor. Stepping on it, it seems to be walking on cotton, which makes people feel like entering a European palace. illusion.

But it is this kind of grandeur that makes people more vigilant. Without it, this place should have closed down when Tong Qian disappeared three days ago. At this time, not to mention opening the door, even the electricity should have been cut off.

Moreover, before Luo Yi came, he also ordered Wang Zhao to clear the nearby streets and all residents to move out temporarily.

So when they came before, there was no one on the street, and there was a cordon around them, which meant that it was impossible for anyone to stay or go to work.

But here, Luo Yi looked at the front desk.

A female receptionist in a blue and black uniform with curly hair, a good face and a curvaceous figure was standing there with a professional smile on her face.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Her voice was soft and pleasant, which made people feel very comfortable.

Judging by Luo Yi's criteria, no matter the image, temperament, or demeanor, they are almost impeccable. If a normal hotel had such a female receptionist, the business would definitely not be bad.

"Look, your eyes are straight. You're really worthless, as if you've never seen a beautiful woman." Xiong Wenwen couldn't feel the weirdness of the scene, but felt that Luo Yi and Yang Jian were greedy for the charm of the female receptionist.

"Shut up, didn't you realize that this hotel is sealed off? Why are there still people here?" Yang Jian glared at him and said.

After his reminder, Xiong Wenwen suddenly realized that they had broken the seal when they came in.

And if someone enters, the seal will definitely not be complete, but now something contrary to common sense has appeared, there are people here, and a beautiful woman stands there at the front desk, as if they are in normal business.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" The female receptionist still showed a professional smile, without the slightest dissatisfaction in her tone and demeanor, as if she had been professionally trained, elegant, calm, and generous.

Other than that the voice was a little mechanical and the eyes were a little dull, they were almost impeccable.

Luo Yi and the others were silent. In the face of the unknown, their words and deeds were very cautious.

"Gentlemen, is there anything I can do for you?" The female receptionist spoke again, tirelessly.

If you observe carefully, you will find that her tone of voice, speech speed and body language are exactly the same every time she speaks, just like a movie card, playing repetitive content over and over again.

This mechanical sound echoed in the empty hall, making people feel an inexplicable chill.

"Ignore her for now!" Luo Yi said, don't provoke things that are obviously wrong, and observe more before talking.

After a moment.

"There are footprints here!" Yang Jian shouted at the stairs.

Luo Yi walked over, and there were black footprints in the middle of the stairs. The footprints were larger than normal adults. If you looked closely, you could smell the stench, and under the footprints, the fine fluff on the floor was curly and scorched. , There are even small potholes in the arch of the foot, which are the traces of the rotting corpse water burning.

"The direction of the toes is inward, and there is a ghost on it. The traces of the first half of the journey seem to have been erased. The preliminary prediction is that a ghost came from the outside and stayed in this hotel, but I don't know if it is the ghost controlling Zhao Lei, or that ghost. A balloon ghost with a human head, or something else." Yang Jian analyzed it.

"Should I predict it? I encountered a ghost just after I came in, which made me panic!" Looking at the dark footprints, Xiong Wenwen felt a little creepy.

"No need for now!" Luo Yi pressed his hand on his shoulder, and the evil ghost who had just recovered a little bit was instantly suppressed and fell silent.

"It's amazing, boss, I feel that the agitation of the evil spirit in my body has been suppressed. Just now, it seems like I have returned to the time when I just controlled the evil spirit a few months ago." He also became a boss from Ronaldinho.

"As long as you do your best, I promise you will get out of here alive." Luo Yi said relaxedly, it was just a piece of cake for him to suppress an evil spirit, if he was willing to spend time, he could even make it fall into a dead state.

"Don't worry, with my brother Xiong, I will definitely find out the information for you!" Xiong Wenwen touched his body with both hands, and the smile on his face could not be concealed at all.

"Go up and have a look?" Yang Jian said, judging from the existing clues, the evil spirit is upstairs.

Luo Yi shook his head and said, "Don't worry, save people first."

"Save someone, save someone!" Xiong Wenwen asked doubtfully, "Could it be saving her?" Xiong Wenwen pointed at the female receptionist, his expression changed instantly, "I knew that you adults, dirty, can't leave when you see a beautiful woman Move."

"We're dirty, and I don't know who hugged her thighs to wipe her nose and tears before, one by one, Aunt Tong." Luo Yi sneered.

"You mean she is Tong Qian!"

(End of this chapter)

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