Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 188 The Bloody Eyes Inside the Gate

Chapter 188 The Bloody Eyes Inside the Gate

With Luo Yi's spiritual suppression, Lin Luomei's state has been temporarily reversed. Although the evil spirit's erosion will continue, at least there is no need to worry about sudden death for a short time.

"Then let me see where that tall male corpse is now?" Lin Luomei put down the microphone in her hand, felt the power of the evil spirit in her throat, and spoke slowly.

"Li Qingzhi, where are you?"

The sound gathered like a stream of water, full of weirdness, it did not spread immediately, but began to spread along a specific route, like a murderous ghost hiding in the dark, passing through the wooden door, through the wall, and began to spread. Wander around the hotel, search.

Lin Luomei didn't need Li Qingzhi's answer, she just needed to hit Li Qingzhi's body with her voice.

In this way to confirm the location of the male corpse.

The devilish ghostly voice swayed around on the left side of the third floor, and then slowly descended the corridor. Every time it passed through a complicated environment, the voice would sound again.

Thrilling, fragmented, and with a weird tone of voice, it affects the range of several meters in front of you.

As long as it is within this range, both the evil spirit and the person being sought will involuntarily react, or answer, or collide and interfere with each other.

But beyond the distance that the sound can touch, even if it is a gap of one centimeter, there is no sound at all, which is strange.

Aisle, restaurant.
This time, Lin Luomei found the kitchen. It was dark and gloomy, and there were some old-fashioned kitchen utensils. The iron was rusted, black hairs grew on the wooden cutting boards, the chopsticks were corroded, and there were cracks all over the ceramic plates.

"Why didn't you find this kitchen last time?" Lin Luomei frowned, "Could it be that a certain evil spirit was in there at that time?"

With the ability of some evil spirits, it is possible to isolate the detection of ghost sounds.

"Have you found it?" Yang Jian asked.

"Not yet, I'm in the kitchen on the second floor, I'll go to other places right away." Lin Luomei said.

The sound turned out of the kitchen, and followed the corridors and stairs back to the lobby on the first floor.

"I searched the left side of the third floor, the second floor and even the first floor, and the evil spirits are not there." Lin Luomei herself was also a little puzzled.

Luo Yi said: "Maybe I went upstairs, there are more than three floors here."

The footprints of evil spirits spread from the first floor to the third floor, and it is very likely that they will also go to the top.

"Go directly, don't wait any longer!" After Luo Yi finished speaking, he opened the door first and walked into the depths of the dense fog.

The distance between door 13 and room 31 is not short, and the closer you get, the thicker the fog inside, and you almost lost your vision in the end.

But the strange thing is also the fog. When everyone turned around and faced the end of the room number with small numbers, the fog disappeared again.

It feels like a cat's eye on a door, which can only be viewed from a fixed side.


"There's a noise!" Yang Jian paused, and the ghostly eyes on his forehead scanned his surroundings.

"Ignore it, keep going!" Luo Yi said in a deep voice, the sound just now seemed to come from Room 23, and it sounded like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.



The voices come one after another, at different intervals and irregularly, but the severity is the same.

As the three of them walked through the door of Room 23, the sound stopped abruptly, as if the sound just now was to attract the attention of a few people.


When several people passed by Room 27, the door of Room 25 suddenly opened a crack. Luo Yi turned his head and saw that the inside was pitch black, and even with his supernatural powers, he couldn't see the scene clearly.

"Boom!" The door of Room 25 was slammed shut, as if startled by Luo Yi's turning around.

Luo Yi frowned, but his feet didn't stop.

When he looked away again, the door opened again with the unpleasant sound of grinding teeth. This time, the vision inside gradually became clear, and a ghost eye with a dark outer circle and blood-red pupils appeared on the upper part of the door crack.

Luo Yi looked back again with a feeling, and the door of room 25 had disappeared.

An uneasiness that was so thick that it could not be resolved welled up in his heart, Luo Yi touched the knife with his left hand, and within the three-color field of vision, everything was normal.

When Luo Yi turned his head again, a phantom appeared, falling far behind Luo Yi, following him like a ghost.

"What's wrong?" Yang Jian asked Luo Yi, who looked back frequently.

"Could it be that evil spirit chasing after him?" Lin Luomei stood where she was, subconsciously moving her body closer to the two of them.

"Did you see what's behind that door?" Luo Yi asked.

Among the three, although Yi Luoyi is the strongest, the evil ghost may not be seen by the strong, it all depends on its laws.

"No, I just felt that there was movement inside door 23, but none of you dared to look, so I dared not." After Lin Luomei finished speaking, she glanced at the door of room 23 in fear.

Yang Jiandao: "Indeed, I wanted to take a look at it, but you said don't bother, so I also chose to move on."

"I'm asking about the room No. 25 with the door open!" Luo Yi felt something was wrong.

"Is it open?" Yang Jian's expression was full of doubts and vigilance.

"Didn't you hear the sound of the door opening?" Luo Yi frowned. Although the sound just now was not as loud as that in Room 23, the unique creaking sound of the door opening should be more likely to attract people's attention.

"No, I only heard the movement in room 25 from the beginning to the end." Yang Jian said.

"Me too, it's just that room." Lin Luomei also added.

"Is that door still there?" Luo Yi pointed to a large blank white wall, where there should have been a wooden door, but now it is empty.

"Yes!" Lin Luomei nodded as a matter of course.

"Indeed, can't you see it?" Yang Jian asked.

Luo Yi's heart tightened. It was impossible for Yang Jian and Lin Luomei to join hands to deceive him. The wooden door that had disappeared from his sight was clearly visible in their eyes.

"I'm triggering the law!"

Wooden door No. 25, the strange sound of opening the door, bloody pupils, lost vision of the wooden door.

"Did you hear the sound of the door opening? Or did you see that eye? But why didn't they hear or see it?" Various doubts came to mind, and Luo Yi's brain pondered for a moment.

He carefully recalled the scene when he came from the door of No. 13, and found that he did not do anything out of the ordinary.

"It's a pity that I was at the forefront just now, otherwise I could judge based on the words and deeds of the two of them, how exactly this evil ghost's law was triggered." Luo Yixin said.

"Wait for me for a minute, I'll go over there and have a look." Luo Yi thought for a while and decided to confirm again.

The door of room 31 has not been opened yet, if there is also a ghost inside, the three of them will be attacked immediately.

In a situation where there was no way to advance or retreat, if that tall male corpse came back again, it would completely block him and the others here.

So the safest way is to deal with the blood-eyed evil spirit behind him first.

Luo Yi turned around and returned to the position of door 25. With his memory, he was sure that the wooden door existed at this position a minute ago, but now it disappeared.

Five fingers touch the wall, and the white paint feels cold and frosted. This place is like a real wall. There are no ghosts or ghosts. It is ordinary and ordinary.

The place where Luo Yi stretched out his hand near the doorknob was also empty.

However, in the eyes of Yang Jian and others, Luo Yi's hand had already passed through the wooden door and fell into darkness.

The ghost domain opened up, and the invasion began. The surging spiritual power flowed into the wall like a stream of water, but it didn't damage the wall at all.

But in Luo Yi's perception, it seemed like an empty world inside. After all the power entered, it was like water droplets flowing into the sea, and there was not even a single wave.

This is a unique manifestation of the spirit land. This is an independent small space. As long as the spirit cannot break through its upper limit, all the power flowing into it will be gradually assimilated.

"Could it be that the evil spirit has already left?" Luo Yi returned to the two of them with a gloomy expression.

But behind him, a ghost with blood-red pupils followed closely behind him like a tarsus maggot.

However, no one can see all this!
(End of this chapter)

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