Chapter 189 The Lost Face
After a simple test to no avail, Luo Yi could only deal with Room 31 with Yang Jian first.

After all, if the delay continues, the male corpse may be found again. If it is not necessary, Luo Yi does not want to fight with him, because he can ignore the side effects of the hatchet, which means that he is likely to be able to weaken or even eliminate the ghost sword attack.

In this case, even if Luo Yi can restart and repair the injury, the pain of broken limbs will still exist.

As for the hatchet, Luo Yi had no idea. He already had the Ghost Slaying Knife. To some extent, the splitting characteristics of the Ghost Slashing Knife were better than dismemberment, and more importantly, the backlash of the Ghost Slashing Knife was not a hatchet. If you hurt one thousand enemies like that, you will hurt yourself eight hundred.

Luo Yi is not a masochist, he doesn't want to get stabbed every time he handles an incident.

Besides, if Li Qingzhi is really imprisoned, all the evil spirits in this supernatural hotel will probably lose control. At that time, the real supernatural place will invade reality, and Zhongshan City may not be able to protect it.

"I'll open the door!"

The door opened, and there was a glimmer of light inside.

When the door was completely pushed open, the light projected out, and the long dim light even illuminated a large part of the aisle behind them.

"This..." Lin Luomei's eyes twitched slightly.

This was the first time since she entered the hotel that she saw light other than the flashlight in her hand.

Is it dangerous, or safe?

But in any case, the yellowish light is better than the endless darkness.

The three turned around and entered. The decoration style of this room is very similar to that of Room 13, but the layout is much larger. At first glance, there is a feeling of broad vision. It can be seen that the original management staff of the hotel spent a lot of money. Put some thought into the arrangement.

"Damn it!" Yang Jian cursed suddenly, and then footsteps sounded quickly.

Luo Yi withdrew his gaze from the bedroom on the side and looked at the wall on the right.

There are newspapers all over the wall, and each newspaper is covered with masks of young, old, charming, childish, or frightened faces.

There are men and women, old and young, with their eyes closed, their facial features three-dimensional, and even the pores and fluff on their cheeks are lifelike.

"This is the faces of those people in Room 13!" Lin Luomei felt chills in her heart.

Luo Yi made a rough calculation, and there are no less than three hundred faces on this wall alone, and there are at most thirty corpses in Room 13.

This means that the only thing the evil spirit cares about is the human face, or the memory.

As for the body, it doesn't care at all.

Luo Yi picked up a face, the corners of which were still oozing with semi-coagulated blood, and there was only a bloody smell, and the smell of corpses was not strong, which meant that this face was peeled off within the last two or three days. down.

And at the top position, some faces have been festered, and the rotten eyeballs fell from the eye sockets, relying on one or two nerves and blood vessels to connect, just hanging on the cheeks, weird and terrifying.

These faces are at least half a month old.

The black blood ran along the newspaper, pulling out black vertical lines in the field of vision, and there were such dead faces at the nodes.

"The ghost put the victim's body in room 13 and his face in room 31, but why did he do that?" Lin Luomei wondered, usually, evil spirits can only kill people, but they can't do these things. Scary but pointless things.

"Then it depends on Yang Jian!" Luo Yi said.

"There is no danger in these two rooms, there are no evil spirits, and there are only corpses that have already died. What's the point of such an arrangement?" Yang Jian frowned.

Since he didn't encounter any evil spirits when he came in this time, Yang Jian couldn't figure out what was wrong with it for a moment.

Luo Yi sneered and took off a face from the wall: "Let me remind you, think about that evil ghost outside the door!"

That tall male corpse.

"There is no danger in these two rooms, so the danger is not inside at all, but outside. If we want to find Zhao Lei, we must go deep into the Caesar Hotel. If we want to find this ghost, we must come to this place. As long as we come here, we will sooner or later You will encounter that tall male corpse, and you will be killed." Yang Jian immediately figured out what was going on.

"So when we were on the second floor before, it was actually a trap to attract the tall man's corpse to kill me, but it didn't expect that our strength is no longer the time of No. [-] Middle School, so its calculation failed."

"Thinking about it this way, this evil spirit has been planning all this for several months. It has set up traps, laid out bait, and finally even risked itself to attract another evil spirit to put me to death. .” Yang Jian’s face was gloomy, his eyes were full of sternness.

"It seems that it likes your ghost eyes very much!" Luo Yi looked at the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead, and didn't mention the headless ghost on his body, because after the Seventh Middle School incident, Yang Jian only had ghost eyes and one evil ghost .

This ghost eye is indeed a very special existence in the whole world, ghost domain, modifying reality, connecting to spiritual places, restarting, and even the mystery that has not yet unfolded on the tenth floor.

"First there was the Lord of Ghost Eyes, and now there is him!" Yang Jian felt heavy in his heart. An evil ghost that was far less terrifying than him was already so difficult to deal with. If one day the Lord of Ghost Eyes came and wanted to take away the original What about the puzzle pieces that belong to it?
Luo Yi said coldly: "Don't think too much, the ghost master is fighting with ghosts, even if you really can't fight, why don't you just choose to give up, and you can't catch them without your hands!"

"Next, this is Zhao Lei's face!" Luo Yi threw the face in his hand to Yang Jian.

Thick black water had already flowed out from the edge of this face, and when fingers touched it, there was a disgusting and slippery feeling, as if touching the fat in the large intestine.

Zhao Lei has been dead for too long, the flesh on this face is almost melting.

He was hopeless, and even if he found a suitable body, it would be too late.

Yang directly turned his face, his eyebrows drooped, and he clenched his left hand with the two behind his back. The nails on his fingers were embedded in the flesh, and the veins on his arms were exposed.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Yang Jian controlled the headless ghost, and put his face on the ghost slave Zhao Lei behind him.

The face was wrinkled, the facial features were distorted, the cheeks were swollen, and the closed eyeballs were protruding. No matter how hard the headless ghost tried, it couldn't help Zhao Lei restore his original appearance.

Lin Luomei felt her stomach churning after just one glance, and quickly looked away, not daring to look any further.

She turned her head, and suddenly saw a beautiful face at the edge of the lower right corner, it was: "Tong Qian!"

It was a woman's face, with regular features and a ruddy complexion, as if she had fallen asleep.

"It seems that she is very lucky!" Luo Yi reached out to pick up the face, which was in much better condition than Zhao Lei. Maybe the evil ghost still had the idea of ​​replacing Tong Qian before yesterday.

Only in this way can it explain why Tong Qian has been missing for several days, but her face is so well preserved.

Even, Luo Yi suspected that this face was just peeled off before Luo Yi and the others entered the Caesar Hotel yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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