Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 196 The Approaching Truth

Chapter 196 The Approaching Truth

Yang Jian's words silenced everyone present.

If they can't even enter the ghost domain in Yuzhou City, what is the point of their participation in this meeting?
"The people present are all very good ghost masters. If you have good suggestions, you can actively put them forward. I believe it will be very helpful to solve the affairs of Yuzhou City." Shen Liang observed his words and quickly relieved everyone. .

Yang Jian glanced at him through the screen, feeling somewhat displeased with his tact.

"We detected that Luo Yi's last call was to the operator Tang Wanwan. You can listen to this recording and see if you can find any clues." Cao Yanhua signaled, and the staff quickly walked out and played the recording. .

Tang Wanwan was sitting at the far corner of the table, her mind was a little down. She clearly remembered that Luo Yi had talked to her a few hours ago, and her emotions and tone were quite calm and normal. Why did something go wrong suddenly now? up?
"Wait, I seem to be complaining about Shen Liang in the recording, he won't wear shoes for me!"

Tang Wanwan suddenly realized this, and felt an urge to rush forward to unplug the power, but she didn't dare to act rashly due to the attention of dozens of ghost masters in the arena.

The sound of rustling electricity sounded, and the voice began to broadcast.

"The supernatural incident in Zhongshan City has ended. The blockade of the city can be lifted, and the Caesar Hotel will be closely monitored. After that, the headquarters will coordinate with Tong Qian."

"Great, are you going back to Yuzhou City now?"

"That's right, go back and get some rest for two days."

"Need me to find"

"I don't know who will be transferred. The new official has three fires, but don't burn it on my head."

Listening to her own voice on the phone, Tang Wanwan felt as if she died on the spot.

"The fire of the new official is really going to burn me now." Tang Wanwan thought in her heart, she raised her head, and carefully cast a glance at Shen Liang who was sitting on top with no expression, she couldn't help but feel a little unlucky.

However, at this time, no one noticed her little emotions.

"Tang Wanwan, tell me, what is the biggest difference between this call and the previous call, or do you feel that Luo Yi's emotions are abnormal?" Cao Yanhua said.

As an operator, Tang Wanwan should have a clearer understanding of Luo Yi's emotions, which is the fundamental reason why she also participated in this meeting.

Tang Wanwan let go of her small thoughts and began to recall the conversation that day, "There is no difference, Luo Yi and I have always talked like this, without much fluctuation, and there is a sense of self-confidence and domineering in our bodies. Mentally stable."

Cao Yanhua nodded. This was the impression Luo Yi gave to most people, and it was also the reason why the headquarters wanted to keep him. There are too few ghost masters with top strength and a stable mind in China.

If he continues to grow, it might be possible to replace that one. After all, that one is too old, and the headquarters needs a new Dinghaishenzhen.

"But there is one thing, he said that he needs to rest for two days, which I rarely hear." Tang Wanwan added.

"After dealing with many supernatural events in Zhongshan City, I feel a little tired and need to adjust. This is a normal thing." Chen Yidao, he has seen the supernatural files in Zhongshan City, and knows that Luo Yi has dealt with several supernatural events there. Only evil spirits.

When ghost masters face undead evil spirits with different rules, they are under a lot of physical and mental pressure, which is why most ghost masters have great emotional ups and downs.

Rowling nodded, "I also noticed this just now, it's indeed a bit unusual."

Zhang Han and Meng Yiqi nodded at the side. Luo Yi, as a different kind, has no risk of the evil spirits reviving, and he is keen on imprisoning evil spirits, and he is very active in dealing with supernatural events. He has never seen him showing a tired look.

If it was only Tang Wanwan who said that, everyone would think that she had too little communication with Luo Yi, so Luo Yi didn't reveal too much in front of him, but if Rowling and the ghost master behind her think so, then it is There is really a problem.

People don't hide their emotions in front of everyone, especially in front of their close partners. Those stereotyped poker faces only appear in TV dramas.

"The last time the captain had this kind of emotion was after the starving ghost incident in Dachang City. Although the supernatural incident this time is complicated, it hasn't reached the S level." Rowling said.

Luo Yi fell into a deep sleep as soon as he came back, and did not explain this incident, so Luo Lin didn't know much about the incident in Zhongshan City, only knowing that it was originally a B-level incident, but because Tong Qian Lost contact, and then temporarily raised the level to A level.

"Luo Yi's state is very similar to an incident abroad called: A ghost in a dream. Yang Jian, you participated in the entire incident in Zhongshan City. You can talk about your views and see if you can find some clues from it." Wang Xiaoming road.

Many people know that the ghost in the dream incident is a struggle at the level of consciousness. If there is no evil spirit to control and protect the consciousness, even the ghost driver will basically die.

If Luo Yi is also involved in such a similar incident, then things will be a big deal.

"Speaking of dreaming, I did remember one thing. When I was looking for Xu Feng, the person in charge of Xiaochun City, I got into that ghost bus by mistake. I met Luo Yi on it, and at the same time there was a The invisible evil spirit, according to Lin Bei, a ghost master at the time, said that evil spirit has the ability to kill people in dreams."

"Is it really an evil ghost at the level of consciousness?" Shen Liang was a little horrified. Even if he is not a ghost master, he has also coordinated and dealt with many supernatural events. This kind of idealistic existence is more difficult to deal with than ordinary evil ghosts. .

The point is that it is almost impossible for outsiders to help.

Nuo Da has a headquarters, among hundreds of ghost masters, only a handful of people have mastered this kind of evil spirits, and almost none of them can help.

"Where's Shen Lin?" Cao Yanhua asked.

That's one of those people who can help.

"We can't contact him. He lost his status three days ago. We suspect that he is caught in a supernatural incident." Shen Liang said.

"Why at this time." Cao Yanhua sighed.

"Everyone wait a minute," Yang Jian interrupted, "When Lin Bei mentioned the ability of this evil spirit, Luo Yi didn't show the slightest nervousness, so I think that even if the evil spirit can affect him , should also be limited."

"At that time, he was probably only worried that this evil spirit would enter Yuzhou City or wrap around that little girl Huang Shiyu." Yang Jian added.

"Huang Shiyu!" Luo Lin frowned. This little girl was brought back by Luo Yi from the outside world. The two of them took the ghost bus together. If there was really something abnormal on the bus, she might know something about it.

"Are there any other abnormalities?" Wang Xiaoming continued to ask, Luo Yi knew a lot of information, if he didn't care too much about the evil spirit, then the possibility of the evil spirit invading him would be very small.

Yang Jian thought for a while, "There is one more thing. When we escaped from the Caesars Hotel, Luo Yi said that he heard and saw strange sounds and sights, and a door of room No. 25 disappeared in his eyes. , and after that we suffered a supernatural attack from a tall male corpse, that male corpse was terrifying, with just one knife, it almost killed the ghost candle."

"Slayed the ghost candle with one blow!" Gao Ming exclaimed.

You must know that it is a ghost candle, the latest achievement of Wang Xiaoming's laboratory can only be obtained through great credit, and it is worth the existence of five evil ghosts!

And this kind of strategic resources almost didn't last a single blow. What exactly did Luo Yi and Yang Jian encounter in Zhongshan City?
"Is he injured?" Cao Yanhua asked hastily.

"Although it looked fine to me, he was indeed injured at the time!" Yang Jian affirmed.

"If that's the case, I have a bold guess. Luo Yi may have been injured in the Caesar Hotel and was entangled by the ghost that had dreamed before, which caused him to fall into a deep sleep." Wang Xiaoming said.

A single evil spirit can't deal with Luo Yi, but what if multiple strange evil spirits attack at the same time?

"But there is another strange thing. If Luo Yi was injured in the Caesars Hotel, would his first reaction be to call Tang Wanwan?" Tong Qian said suddenly, "And I have seen Luo Yi's Means, ordinary injuries are not enough to affect him."

Wang Xiaoming also remembered Luo Yi's restart, and continued: "If there is such a method, then ordinary spiritual attacks can't hurt him!"

"Is it possible that Luo Yi didn't realize that he was being targeted by the evil spirit before the accident?" Tang Wanwan asked suddenly.

Tang Wanwan's words instantly touched the ghost masters present, and Yang Jian's heart trembled.

Maybe so!

(End of this chapter)

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