Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 197 Support arrives

Chapter 197 Support arrives
The meeting ended after only 45 minutes. Luo Lin and the Yuzhou ghost master team continued to try to wake Luo Yi up.

Wang Xiaoming went to pick out supernatural items that were beneficial to solve the current situation.

Shen Liang is responsible for coordinating the ghost masters at the headquarters to launch support.

An hour later, Yang Jian, the first wave of supporters, arrived.

He successfully invaded the Scarlet Ghost Domain covering the entire Yuzhou City, and entered the main city area.

However, the closer to Luo Yi's location, the deeper the level of the ghost domain, and Yang Jian could only come to the top gate.

There was nothing he could do about the location of the small open-air garden more than ten meters away, let alone being close to Luo Yi.

"Thank you, Yang Jian." Zhang Han sincerely thanked Yang Jian. Although he didn't solve the problem, he was the first to rush to him. This favor must be recognized.

"My ghost domain is not bad. If I can't help it, you don't have to think about the regular leaders of the headquarters." Yang Jian said cruelly, although the words were not pleasant, but it was the truth.

Zhang Han was silent, he didn't have to believe other people's words, but Yang Jian and Luo Yi had been dealing with each other for more than a day or two. The two sides had helped each other many times and had a good friendship.

"Team Luo's ghost domain is still expanding, but the speed has slowed down a lot. It is preliminarily estimated that it will involve part of Dachuan City and Dagui City." He Qin said.

"Notify the people in charge of the two places and let them organize the evacuation of ordinary people in the corresponding areas." Rowling said.

"Is there anything else to report?" Wei Xun asked from the side.

"Yuzhou City is now in the middle of the night, and there are still a small number of ordinary people who are alert to this matter. The local forces can still maintain order, but if it is not resolved at dawn..." He Qin worried. When there are too many people, it is easy to cause trouble. panic.

Rowling checked the public opinion on the Internet and said: "Notify all official media, big V, and well-known bloggers to unify the caliber and contact the headquarters. Allow someone to take the opportunity to make trouble."

Wei Xun said: "There is another thing. There is a fault phenomenon in the entire Yuzhou City. With the Raffles City where we are located as the center, a barrier area spreads out from here to the surroundings, just like layers of walls, dividing the entire Yuzhou City. It's a different area."

"What do you mean?" Rowling asked puzzled.

"This is Luo Yi's unique ghost domain. The visual point of view is that this is the sea, and Luo Yi himself is in the eyes of the sea. The farther away from him, the closer to the coast and the water surface. It is easy for people inside to go out, but if you want to It is difficult to enter from the outside." Yang Jian gave an example to explain this phenomenon to several people.

"So going out from the inside seems to follow the trend, but coming in from the outside is like swimming back. Unless you have strong abilities, you can't do it basically." Meng Yidao.

"I didn't expect this level of restriction." Rowling pointed her right index finger at the table, lost in thought.

Before, she kept all the district and county leaders in their posts and did not let them come to support, so that this problem has not been discovered until now.

"That is to say, this matter cannot be hidden, because there will always be people traveling back and forth." Meng Yi said.

"Pay close attention, and reevaluate tomorrow morning. Now is an extraordinary period, and the measures must be decisive but cautious." Rowling replied, this is a matter of balance, and how to measure it needs to be grasped by the people on the scene.

Two hours later, Wang Xiaoming, Li Jun, Xiong Wenwen, Tong Qian and others all came. Wang Xiaoming brought two supernatural items, one is a ghost speaker, which can change human voices into ghost voices, which is somewhat similar to Lin's voice. The evil spirits controlled by Luomei can scare away evil spirits by making noise.

Another supernatural item is the ghost hand, which is the body of the ghost finger before, and it is also a ghost to put it bluntly.

The function is the same as the ghost finger, which can pin the ghost domain, which is why Li Jun can invade the city center.

"Luo Lin, we have detected that many ghost masters have arrived at the edge of Yuzhou City. These people have no contact with us on weekdays. Do we need to be warned?" Wei Xun walked into the door quickly, holding a stack of documents.

"Folk people?" Rowling asked.

"No, most of them belong to the headquarters, and a few belong to the circle of friends and ghost forums." Wei Xun replied.

This is the advantage of being backed by the headquarters. Basically, all ghost masters in the country have records.

Although the information will not be very clear, at least there are basic information such as name, photo, code name, and the time when he became a ghost master.

These can roughly determine the scope of these people's abilities.

Rowling thought for a while and said, "Don't worry about them. Ghost masters who don't even have the ability to enter Yuzhou City are generally not a threat. The most important thing now is to wake up Team Luo. As long as Team Luo wakes up , no one can turn the storm."

"Ghost hand can give me a try. If the suppressing ability is strong enough, maybe I can go to Luo Yi's side." Yang Jian said.

Among the current few people, his ghost domain is the strongest, which even Li Jun has to admit.

"If Yang Jian can successfully invade, Tong Qian can use the ghost speaker to try to repel the evil spirits around Luo Yi." Wang Xiaoming said.

These two items were selected by Wang Xiaoming from hundreds of spiritual items. As long as Yang Jian can succeed, there is a great chance of awakening Luo Yi.

Yang indirectly passed the ghost hand, tried it briefly, and found that this ghost hand could almost nail his two layers of ghost domain, even the third layer can be affected, which made him a lot better at handling this incident Confidence.

"You can try it. This ghost hand is very powerful." Yang Jian continued, "We are already very close to Luo Yi. According to my estimation, it may be a ghost domain on the first floor."

"First floor?" Zhang Han's heart skipped a beat, "There are evil spirits in Team Luo's ghost domain, but there are no ghosts in the current terrace location, either the evil spirits have already run out, or they are hiding. .”

"The character of the Yiluo team will definitely keep the evil spirits in the deep ghost domain, so the possibility of them escaping is very low, which means that once Yang Jian enters, it is very likely that he will suffer from the evil spirits inside." The attack of evil spirits."

"Let's get started!" Yang Jian raised his arm to make the four ghost eyes overlap. He had tried it before, so this time he decided to go all out.

"Wait!" Zhang Han interrupted loudly.

"What's the matter, Zhang Han!" Yang Jian couldn't help asking looking at Zhang Han who looked nervous.

"I'm afraid we all have to go in together. There are evil spirits in Team Luo's ghost domain, and they were imprisoned by him before." Zhang Han said solemnly, "Once we enter, we may immediately break the law of those evil spirits, so we must make all-out plans. .”

"You said that Luo Yi imprisoned the evil spirit in his own ghost domain?" As soon as Zhang Han finished speaking, even Wang Xiaoming was shocked.

Using one's own ghost domain to restrict evil spirits, isn't this the way of the land of ghosts?

"I don't know how the captain did it, but it's true." Zhang Han didn't say that Luo Yi could still control evil spirits, which was even more shocking than using the ghost domain to restrict evil spirits.

Wang Xiaoming suppressed the curiosity in his heart, "Li Jun, Tong Qian, you go in together."

Yang Jian threw out the ghost hand, and suddenly the withered and blackened palm fell into the red light, with five fingers facing down, and a cold breath came from it.

The spiritual confrontation has already begun, the red light has begun to weaken slightly, and the suppressing power of Luoyi Ghost Domain is being gradually reduced, but the process is a bit slow.

Yang Jian waited for half a minute for the amputated hand to fully recover, so that it could exert its maximum effect.

(End of this chapter)

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