Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 221 Peach Blossom Ghost

Chapter 221 Peach Blossom Ghost

In just about 10 minutes, Luo Yi found the recipient.

He is about forty years old, and he is probably a ghost master of Yang Jian's father's generation, but now he is about to die due to the awakening of evil spirits.

Luo Yi sighed: "After so many years of suffering, are you still unable to survive?"

Luo Yi can feel that the evil spirit he controls is not terrifying, but even so he can't survive.

This world is not different, and will always be limited by lifespan, and the length of lifespan depends on the health of a person's body. Obviously, under the constant erosion of evil spirits day and night, his body has reached the point where it is exhausted.

Therefore, death was already a certainty, and judging by his appearance, he knew it himself, otherwise he would not have shown such a complicated expression.

Fang Yanchu looked at the middle-aged man and said: "He is in his prime, he must be very sad to die so early."

"This is the fate of ghost masters. Most ghost masters can only live for a few months to a year. If he can live up to now, he is considered the best among them." Luo Yi said calmly.

Fang Yanchu put herself in the place and thought for a while, and suddenly felt that these ghost masters were also very sad, so what if they had power, they couldn't even die.

"Can't you be saved?"

"In his condition, unless he is replaced with another body, there is no way to save him!"

"With another body, a ghost master of this level can do it?" Fang Yanchu said.

"Wouldn't it be that once you're about to die, you can change your body, just like the most popular brain-computer interface abroad, upload the memory to the cloud for storage, and download it to the body when necessary, to achieve a sense of eternal life."

"These are too far away from you, you'd better figure out how to survive after his evil ghost revives." Luo Yi stopped to explain, "Let's go, sit there!"

Zhang Yanchu looked along Luo Yi's fingers, and it was the place where she had pretended to be on a blind date, but was actually looking for information.

"You want me to find information? Didn't you say it's meaningless?"

"Now it makes sense, because there is more than one evil spirit here. I need to know the information here, and you are responsible for collecting it."

Wei Xun and Han Ji were frightened out of Baqiao Village by an evil ghost. According to them, this is a romantic ghost that can confuse people, lure people to bed, and then kill them.

And now there are still three hours before the person Zhang Yanchu is looking for dies. In the middle of this process, she can help find another evil spirit, and then Luo Yi will let Huang Shiyu deal with it.

"More than one evil spirit?" Fang Yanchu's eyes widened, "And you want me to help you find the evil spirit?"

"That's right, you can experience evil spirits in advance, which will be very useful for you as a messenger in the future." Luo Yi said flatly.

"In the future," Zhang Yanchu carefully considered these two words, "Luo Yi's original words to me before this were to let me prepare the coffin and arrange the funeral, but now he mentioned the future."

Fang Yanchu was indeed, as she said, a child of someone else's family. This small change was quickly figured out by her, so she decided to accept Luo Yi's proposal.

"Okay, I agree!" Fang Yanchu said decisively.

She is a newcomer who hasn't even crossed the threshold yet, and the information she knows is obtained from the few words between Luo Yi and the other couriers in the ghost post office.

Rushing to get closer to a supernatural event, although it will increase your own danger, but you can get more information, and even make friends with Luo Yi, so that he can take care of yourself a little.

This is very good for her own survival!
"Smart way, the evil ghost I'm looking for now, code-named Merry Ghost, the rule is that it can confuse people, sit here now, and help me find out some anecdotes about men and women." Luo Yi said.

Since the Merry Ghost can be encountered by Wei Xun and Han Ji, it means that this evil ghost stays nearby.

In fact, the best way is to let these two repeat the previous things again to draw the evil spirits out.

If they can trigger the law once, they will definitely be able to trigger the second time, but the purpose of this mission is to train Huang Shiyu, so Luo Yi does not intend to guide and take action. He is more here to cover the situation and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Luo Yi handed over the information reported by Wei Xun to Fang Yanchu. After reading it a few times, the latter walked over confidently, and began to inquire about the situation with the elders and aunts.

Luo Yi glanced at Fang Yanchu, who quickly blended into the crowd, and couldn't help sighing: "This person is beautiful, and he can really save a lot of trouble."

In this era where beauty is justice, it is easier to be good-looking, no matter what you do.


"Hello, meet me?"

Just as Luo Yi closed his eyes and fell asleep, a woman wearing wide sunglasses sat across from him.

She has a fiery figure like a devil, big wavy golden curly hair, and slightly heavy makeup. She wears a crop top and a goose-yellow ultra-short miniskirt on her lower body, revealing a large section of beautiful legs underneath, and black high-heeled shoes on her feet. Luo Yi roughly estimated that it might be ten centimeters tall.

"I'm Lily, you can also call me by my Chinese name, Li Keli."

Luo Yi opened his eyes, "Blind date?"

"That's right, otherwise why would I come to this blind date corner?" Li Keli took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of big eyes.

"You've found the wrong person." Luo Yi said flatly.

"I know, my original blind date didn't come today, I think you are alone, why don't we get to know each other." Li Keli said generously.

Luo Yi turned his head to look at Fang Yanchu, she was still chatting with someone there.

"Okay, let's play with you for a while."

"I still don't know your name?" Li Keli smiled, giving people an intuitive feeling of warmth and generosity.

"Just call me Yang Jian!" Luo Yi sold Yang Jian without hesitation.

"Yang Jian," Li Keli nodded, "Nice to meet you."

Luo Yi: "How happy are you?"

"Uh," Li Keli paused, "Don't mention how happy I am."

Luo Yi: "Why didn't you mention it?"


Li Keli tried her best to maintain a smile on her face: "Now that we know each other, let's ask some practical questions, shall we?"


"You first, me first?" Li Keli said.

"You can ask anything?" Luo Yi said.

"Of course, I have nothing to say to others, and I came here with sincerity." Li Keli said confidently.

"Okay," Luo Yi thought for a while and said, "You're still single, so no one wants you?"

Li Keli tightened her hands, and the expression on her face suddenly changed. She gritted her teeth and said, "Of course someone wants me, but my standard for choosing a mate is too high, and ordinary men can't catch my eye."

Luo Yi: "Too tall, how tall is it?"

Li Keli: "As high as a three-story building."

"That's not very high?" Luo Yi said.

"I said that the person who chases me must have a deposit as high as a three-story building, do you have one?" Li Keli teased.

Hearing this, Luo Yi lowered his eyelids and frowned.

"Little boy, I can't cure you anymore." Seeing Luo Yi's expression, Li Keli couldn't help but feel happy.

"Do You have a Car?"

"The company has provided one, but I usually commute to and from get off work by myself, which is faster."

"Just walk, it's faster!" Li Keli rolled her eyes, "Do you have a room?"

Luo Yi: "It's ready."


Luo Yi: "Are you still in love now?"

Li Keli sneered: "You don't have anything, why are you here for a blind date?"

"I have everything, why should I date?" Luo Yi asked back.


Li Keli picked up the bag on the seat and put the sunglasses on her face, "Goodbye!"

Luo Yi said: "Are you sure we want to see you again?"

Li Keli snorted coldly, "Stop dreaming, goodbye means never seeing you again!"

"Hehe, Li Keli," Luo Yi looked at Li Keli who was leaving angrily, with a strange smile on his face, "Whether you see or not is not up to you."


"What did you say, Luo Yi?" Fang Yanchu hurried over, her eyes full of curiosity.

"It's nothing, how did you inquire about it?"

Fang Yanchu smiled complacently, "There is nothing that Fang Yanchu can't handle."

Luo Yi glanced at her and said, "It seems that you have gained something."

"Of course, I not only inquired about the specific person, but also got her name and photo, you see!"

Luo Yi took the photo in Fang Yanchu's hand. On it was a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses and a beautiful dress. On the back of the photo was written a name with a marker, that is,

Li Keli!
So, this is not a romantic ghost, but a romantic ghost?

To be precise, he is a ghost master who controls evil spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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