Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 222 Buy some cemetery for investment

Chapter 222 Buy some cemetery for investment

Fang Yanchu followed Luo Yi's gaze and looked forward, there was nothing there.

"Why don't you seem surprised at all?"

Luo Yi put away the photo, "Why should I be surprised? I'm just a ghost master. If it wasn't for my special ability, I wouldn't even come here."

"Will you kill her?" Fang Yanchu said.

Luo Yi and the woman in the photo, one belongs to the government, and the other is from the private sector.

She had never encountered such a thing before, and wondered how Luo Yi would deal with it.

"That depends on her situation." Luo Yi said.

"According to my inquiries just now, this woman has cheated a lot of rich people. Three or four big bosses are around her, and some of them have families."

"I don't know what's so good about her. I don't think she's as good-looking as I am!" Fang Yanchu said narcissistically.

"Is there a dead person nearby that has something to do with her?"

Fang Yanchu thought about it for a while: "There is one, but that one is already very old, in his seventies, and I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup this woman poured into him, and actually asked him to take out the coffin and give it to her." .”

Luo Yi asked, "Anything else?"

"I didn't find out, but people here generally have a bad opinion of this woman, but there are also a small number of men who have some strange thoughts about her." Fang Yanchu mentioned those people with a look of disgust on her face .

"Just now, a few middle-aged people asked me if she and I were good friends. They almost asked me if I wanted to be adopted too?"

A money-worshiping woman is best dealt with, because she won't let you guess her mind, just spend money on it, but it's hard to deal with someone like Fang Yanchu.

Luo Yi stood beside her, not knowing what she would say next.

"It's true that men become bad when they have money, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot one by one, it's not a good thing!"

Fang Yanchu cursed a few more words in a low voice.

Luo Yi rubbed his chin, "So, she is using this ghost to cheat money?"

At present, it seems that the Peach Blossom Ghost controlled by this woman is deceptive, can attract the opposite sex, and can also create illusions, but it doesn't know how to attack.

"Then I've completed the task you gave me, so can you help me in return?" Fang Yanchu took out a black letter from her bag, and tentatively handed it to Luo Yi.

"If I gave the letter, your task will not be considered complete, so you need to hand it to that evil spirit after he recovers." Luo Yi pushed the photo back.

Fang Yanchu looked helpless, "So, we still have to face the evil spirits directly!"

Luo Yi looked at the time: "Calm down first, the time left is not long."

Fang Yanchu squeezed the letter in her hand, and frowned, "It seems that no matter what, I won't be able to escape this test."

Luo Yi sat down again, "The moment you become a messenger, you have no choice. You should be glad that although there is a problem with the ghost post office, the distribution of supernatural tasks is still carried out from simple to difficult."

"If it's a mortal situation, you should really have a headache."

"If it's inevitable, then there's nothing to worry about, just buy a coffin and lie down." Fang Yanchu sighed.

"Speaking of which, I bought more than a dozen cemeteries in one go this time. If I die, I will leave these cemeteries to my family."

Luo Yi glanced at her, "Keep a cemetery? Thank you for thinking it out, don't make your parents mad at you."

"My parents don't know how to manage money and don't have any talent for business. If I leave the money to them directly, I'm afraid it won't be long before other relatives borrow it. It's better to leave some real estate to them."

When the matter came to an end, Fang Yanchu seemed to let go, her expression was less restless and more reminiscent and open-minded.

"In real estate, houses have been hyped back and forth. Although cemeteries are unlucky, they are bound to usher in a wave of rising prices in today's aging society."

"And now there are supernatural events. I went to the Internet to find some relevant information these days. I found that there have been many strange cases in the past year. The number of accidental deaths is gradually increasing, so I chose the cemetery as a place for them. You can’t go wrong with your pension investment.”

"Luo Yi, if you have money, you can also invest in it. Believe in my judgment. I have been investing for several years, and I have never been wrong." Fang Yanchu said confidently.

"Evil ghosts are revived, supernatural events are gradually increasing, and the death rate of ordinary people will indeed increase greatly, but I am not optimistic about the value increase of the cemetery. If you want to ensure the increase in wealth, you'd better invest in gold, or try to control this power .”

"Those who follow the trend will never be able to stand alone!"

"Instead of pinning your hopes on the ever-changing market, it's better to take it into your own hands."

After Luo Yi finished speaking, without waiting for Fang Yanchu's reaction, he got up and walked towards the distance.

Fang Yanchu looked at the direction he was heading, and hurriedly stood up, "What are you trying to do?"

Luo Yi said indifferently: "I've been waiting for two hours, and I don't want to wait any longer. I'm going to die anyway. It doesn't make any difference if I die an hour earlier or an hour later, so I plan to help him."

"What do you think, Liu Ranyang!"

As soon as Luo Yi finished speaking, the man on the long wooden chair in the distance slowly turned his face. His eyes were cloudy and covered with dead spots. He was clearly only in his early forties, and his skin had sagged and aged like an old man.

"Young people nowadays are so arrogant, don't they know how to respect the old and love the young?" Liu Ranyang's numb face showed a gloomy look, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes looking at Luo Yi.

"Respect the old and love the young, you deserve it too?" Luo Yi sneered, "You dare to eavesdrop on the conversation of a city official, you are not small!"

"Can you say, can't I still listen?" Liu Ranyang raised his arms and put them on the railing, with a threatening tone in his tone.

"Ah, his hand!" Fang Yanchu exclaimed.

Luo Yi took a closer look. That arm was pale and thick, exuding a cold aura, with full muscles, it looked like the arm of a bodybuilder.

"Heh, you think a ghost arm can scare me, so you use this to scare a city official?"

"One arm won't work, so how about adding this?" Liu Ranyang raised another leg, revealing a chunky calf.

Luo Yi's eyes flashed brightly, "It seems that you are lucky, are there two matching puzzle pieces?"

"Are you afraid? Young man, it's still too late for you to admit your mistake, or don't blame me for dragging a person in charge of the headquarters before I die."

"Young students?" Luo Yi's eyes were dark, "I've only heard this word from two people. One of them is called Meng Xiaodong, and the other is called Luo Qian. What kind of thing are you, worthy of pretending to be big in front of me? "

"Luo Qian!" Liu Ranyang's complexion changed when he heard the name, the circle of supernatural beings is very small, especially the outstanding ghost masters are rarely unknown, and the name Luo Qian is more than just two words that can be summed up up.

As the ghost masters who suppressed an era, they can already be called legends.

(End of this chapter)

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