Chapter 246 The Pursuit

The room was quiet, and time passed bit by bit.

Luo Yi pulled out the USB flash drive on the computer, and went through the information in his mind carefully.

Most of the things in this USB flash drive have been collected by the intelligence department of Yuzhou City, and a small part can be regarded as confidential.

"It's absolutely impossible for Tang Wanwan to have access to the information. It seems that someone at the headquarters has released the water, but I don't know if it's Cao Yanhua or Zhao Jianguo before leaving, or even the high-level people behind them."

The tentacles of the circle of friends involve all walks of life. Although Tang Wanwan is an operator and is the closest group of people to the intelligence center, Luo Yi does not believe that she can get access to such top-secret information at her level.

The only explanation is that someone is going along with the flow, trying to use Tang Wanwan's hand to leak the secret, and Luo Yi's hand to eradicate the circle of friends.

If Luo Yi succeeds, then naturally everyone will be happy. If Luo Yi fails, Tang Wanwan will be dealt with for stealing top-secret information from the headquarters. All in all, the headquarters will definitely not suffer.

What's more, they want to see the two sides fight desperately and hurt each other, so that no matter which side is left behind, it will no longer become a serious problem.

It's a pity that the arrival of the man in the suit broke the situation where the two tigers fought and there were bound to be casualties.

Luo Yi put away the USB flash drive and sat quietly in front of the window.

The matter between him and his circle of friends is about to start. The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, he has already occupied two of the three. He only needs to wait for Yang Jian to come, or Zhang Lei to capture Li Yao, and then the real battle can begin. plan to complete the final hunt.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang.

"Finally there is someone who knows how to ring the doorbell." Luo Yi got up and took a look, Tang Wanwan was outside the door.

"You must be blinded now!" Tang Wanwan thought in her heart.

This time, she scored 82 points for her well-dressed appearance, and she believed that Luo Yi would give herself the remaining 666 points in the form of [-].

The door was opened, and Tang Wanwan stood on tiptoe with one leg leaning against the door, revealing a youthful and graceful figure.

At this moment, she has exquisite makeup, wearing a slim dress with a large swing, made of silk, with a smudged ink effect, high slits on the thighs, revealing white and greasy details, hollowed out waist, showing a bit sexy and beautiful, and a full-length dress The pendulum is elegant and agile.

Different from the sassy and capable during the day, at this moment she is confident, elegant, intellectual, and the whole look is full of high-end, quite eye-catching.

"It's just dinner, why is it so grand?" Luo Yi glanced at it.

Tang Wanwan stretched her hand across her waistline, "You don't understand this. You are a laborer at work, and you are an urban beauty after get off work. Work and life must be separated."

"Besides, with my figure and my natural hanger, I look beautiful in anything I wear!" Tang Wanwan was a little smug.

"Heh", Luo Yi took another look, "Smelly!"

"Where is the smug beauty, you should say that I am young, beautiful, and rich, and I am perfect." Tang Wanwan compared a pair of scissors, and said with a smile.

"In that case, let's go!" Luo Yi finished speaking and was about to go out.

"Wait, you just go out like this, besides, where is Xiao Yu!"

"She ate buffet in the afternoon, and she ate too much, and now she's lying down and humming," Luo Yi said, "Anything else, what's wrong with me?"

"The high-end restaurant I made a reservation for, that requires formal attire."

"This is my formal attire!" Luo Yi closed the door and walked towards the elevator first.

"Your clothes are formal clothes, what do I call them?" Tang Wanwan murmured.

"What movement!" Luo Yi said suddenly.

"I didn't say anything!" Tang Wanwan covered her mouth, thinking that Luo Yi had overheard her muttering just now.

"Not about you, but upstairs!"

"Upstairs, what's wrong upstairs?" Tang Wanwan subconsciously raised her head to look, but she didn't find anything unusual, and she turned her ears to listen, but she didn't feel anything unusual either.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway." Luo Yi thought for a while and gave up his plan to explore.

There are always such and such things in this world, and even Jesus can't control them.

The elevator descended rapidly.

At the entrance of the hotel, there was a brand new blue Porsche next to it. There were a few cartoon pictures pasted on the door, and there were two cat ears on the roof, which made the originally luxurious car look a little funny.

"This is your car?" Luo Yi confirmed.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Tang Wanwan took out the car key and pressed it, the headlights turned on, and the whole car looked like a big blue fat man opened his eyes.

"I refuse to ride in such a childish car, what about Jiang Cheng, let him drive over!"

"He's already off work, so why bother? Taking my car is the same. As for the childishness, this car is a little childish for elementary school students, but it's just right for me!" Tang Wanwan touched Touching the picture on the car, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

"I think the hotel's buffet is also good. In the afternoon, I saw Huang Shiyu eating very happily."

"No, I've already decided on my position. It's a total of 5000 yuan, which is worth half a month's salary!" Tang Wanwan grabbed Luo Yi and refused to let him go.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have agreed to you!" Luo Yi felt a little regretful in his heart, and sat directly in the back row.


"Huh?" Tang Wanwan stood there holding the car keys, "Shouldn't you be driving?"

"Why should I drive?"

"Isn't this gentlemanly? And I'm wearing high heels!" Tang Wanwan raised her right foot, revealing a pair of 10cm slender high heels.

"You have to know that to a certain extent I am your boss, so this car should be driven by you, a migrant worker." Luo Yi refused.

"You..." Tang Wanwan got angry, got into the car bitterly, took off her high heels and started driving.


The night view of Dajing City is bright.

The light of the neon lights outside shone over, forming shadows in the car, Luo Yi looked relaxed, and did not use the ability of evil spirits to detect.

Liveliness and prosperity do not mean fun and fun to him, but mean that the place is relatively safe and there are no supernatural events.

It seems that from the moment he became a ghost master, Luo Yi has been keen to hide in the dark and look at the world around him coldly. This kind of behavior is somewhat like a ghost.

I don't want to blend in with ordinary people, and I can't blend in with ordinary people.

"If this continues, I may really not be far away from ghosts." Luo Yi said in his heart, if he hadn't always thought about his identity as a human being, it would be hard for Luo Yi to imagine what he would become.

"Blood-eyed ghost!" Behind Luo Yi, in an unknown ghost world, a ghost still looked at Luo Yi numbly and viciously. crisis.

"There are more than ten hours left!" Luo Yi didn't even need to look back to know the scene behind him.

It has been eight days since the sleeping incident. As long as we survive tonight, many things will be much easier. This is why Luo Yi chose to leave the hotel. There are many ghost masters there, and each ghost master means a person. Trouble, and a bunch of ghost masters gathered together, it is inevitable that some accidents will not happen.

Just like the noise he heard when he went out.

As soon as Tang Wanwan's car stopped, a man's voice appeared beside the car.

"Huh? Isn't it late? Today we really have a good understanding, and we came to the same hotel by coincidence."

Luo Yi turned his head to look, and there was a stylish young man in a suit standing outside the door, holding a rose in his hand, and greeted Tang Wanwan in the driver's seat in a familiar tone.

Seeing this person, Tang Wanwan's face darkened, "Wang Yuan, who has a heart-to-heart with you, why are you here?"

"This is called meeting thousands of miles by fate. You see, we have come to the same hotel by coincidence now, just like we chose the same school and were assigned to the same class when we were studying. This is called destiny. Even God is matching us."

"If I knew you were here, I wouldn't have come!" Tang Wanwan put on her shoes and got out of the car with a sullen face.

"Wow," Wang Yuan exclaimed, "Wan Wan, you are dressed up so beautifully and charmingly today, just like the fairy in my dream."

"This flower is for you, although it is not enough to set off your beauty."

"You'd better keep hooking up with other ignorant little sisters!" Tang Wanwan waved her hand away, "Also, don't pester me anymore, I've already said that it's impossible for us, and"

"And what?"

"And I already have a boyfriend!" Tang Wanwan said.

"You are lying to me again. I asked my aunt last time, and my aunt assured me that you are still single. It has only been two days. How could you have a boyfriend?" I've seen through your expression.

A sly smile flashed across Tang Wanwan's face, "It's true, my boyfriend is in the car, if you don't believe me, open the door and have a look!"

"I don't believe it, just open it!" Wang Yuan opened the car door, just in time to meet Luo Yi's sinister gaze, and couldn't help but take a step back in fright.

"Sight", Luo Yi nodded, took Tang Wanwan's bag, took out a 10 yuan note from it, and handed it over, "This is a tip for you!"

Wang Yuan took it blankly, his face blank.

"Let's go!" Tang Wanwan looked at the deflated Wang Yuan, smiled happily, and pulled Luo Yi away.

Three seconds later, Wang Yuan rushed over.

"Who do you think I am, 10 yuan, and you actually gave me 10 yuan!" Wang Yuan stared wide-eyed, holding the 10 yuan note in his hand, dangling it in front of Luo Yi.

"Hey," Luo Yi sighed, "Sure enough, it's a big city, so the price is different!" After speaking, he took out 10 yuan from his bag, "I'll add another 10 yuan to you, and look after the car!"

Wang Yuan opened the corner of his mouth, "I"

"Not enough, give you another 10 yuan?"

"What are you doing for me?" Wang Yuan broke down, "Wanwan, am I that much like a parking boy?"

Tang Wanwan covered the corners of her mouth, and a smile flowed from her eyes, "It's a bit like it!"

"I'm not, let me tell you, my name is Wang Yuan, my grandfather is the boss of Hengshu Group, my mother is a specially-appointed professor at the University of Science and Technology, my father is the CEO of Guangmao Media, my elder brother is the captain of the Public Security Bureau, and I"

"What is your identity?" Luo Yi interrupted him roughly, "You have been talking for a long time, why haven't I heard what you have done and what your identity is?"

"I", Wang Yuan felt numb, "Why doesn't this person play cards according to the routine?"

"They leave you, the boss is still the boss, the professor is still the professor, you leave them, what are you?" Luo Yi asked contemptuously, "Could it be a person?"

"It's indeed a person." Tang Wanwan glanced at him again and said, "He's still an annoying second-generation ancestor!"

Luo Yi said: "Your suitor?"

"A piece of dog skin plaster, has been pestering me since I was in school, it's annoying to death!" Tang Wanwan gritted her teeth and said, "But his family and my family know each other again, and I don't see him when I look down. Pain."

"Am I so useless in your heart?" Wang Yuan couldn't believe it.

Tang Wanwan spread her hands, "The key point is that you really have nothing to do. Look at what you just said. None of your grandfather, your father, your mother, or your brother said anything about yourself."

"I didn't have time to fight, and I made an investment!"

"Please, we've both graduated for two years, and you haven't had time to fight, what have you been doing these past few years, romantic, drunk and dreamy, dancing in nightclubs?" Tang Wanwan said speechlessly, "As for the investment you mentioned, is it stock trading? "

"I also participated in blockchain transactions!"

"Fry coins?"

"I also bought a bar!"

"Wildfire, which loses money every year?"

"I..." Wang Yuan was at a loss for words, and looked at Luo Yi beside him with a straight neck and said, "What about him, what achievements has he made, and who is his father?"

"You're really hopeless, you haven't realized where your problem is." Tang Wanwan covered her forehead, the familiar headache came back.

"Don't mention the family background, look at what he is wearing, a black robe, what, you want to play the Matrix, he rides in your car, and let you be the driver, and the money is also taken from your bag", Wang Yuanyue The more smoothly he said, "Isn't this just a pretty boy, Tang Wanwan, you actually adopted a man!"

"Shut up!" Tang Wanwan raised her skirt and kicked, "If you get beaten later, don't blame me for not reminding you for the sake of years of classmates!"

"What, he still beats people?" Wang Yuan became more and more sure of his guess, "A person who likes to use violence is not worthy of your liking. You should find someone who can give you a sense of security and support." Man, uncles and aunts will not rest assured to hand over your future to a gangster who only knows how to fight."

"The point is, he's not as handsome as me!"

The corners of Luo Yi's eyes couldn't stop trembling, this guy really lacked the horoscope and the five elements.

"For the sake of my college classmates, I advise you to go quickly and stay away from me, otherwise I really don't know what will happen later." Tang Wanwan said earnestly.

"Wanwan, I really like you, you have to believe me, I must be better than him, I think with my sincerity to you, I won't lose to him," Wang Yuan said seriously.

"I just lack an opportunity. I don't want to prove how great I am, but to tell you that I am the man who loves you the most!"

"Heh," Tang Wanwan sneered coldly, "This is so proficient, have you practiced it with many women?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Don't worry about it, it's impossible for us!"

Tang Wanwan was a little crazy.

Wang Yuanhong said: "Don't say it's impossible, nothing is impossible here."

"How do you want to let it go?"

"I can compete fairly. As long as you are not married, I still have a chance."

Tang Wanwan was angry and impatient. This guy was usually easy to dismiss, but today he suddenly went crazy and pestered him endlessly.

There is no other way, I have to use a big move!
"Give up, I'm already pregnant with his child, you have no chance!"

"." Luo Yi.

Wang Yuan was also stunned when he heard this sentence. He thought about all the ways Tang Wanwan could refuse, even ignoring him directly, but he didn't expect her to say that.

"I don't make drafts when I lie. I don't believe it. With such a slender figure, how could you be pregnant?" Wang Yuan had an intuition that the pregnancy must be fake.

Tang Wanwan also realized that what she said was a bit outrageous, how could a pregnant woman still hate the sky, but the words have already reached here, so they can only continue to make up.

"I'm not showing my feelings, but it's been a long time!"

"How long is a long time?" Wang Yuan asked with a half smile.

Tang Wanwan felt a little confused, "It's broken, what should I do, I don't know how long the pregnancy will last!"

"It's been about two hours!" Luo Yi looked at his watch and said solemnly.

Wang Yuan: "Huh?"

Tang Wanwan: "."

Wang Yuan felt a little dizzy, "Two hours, you just, I, green?"

Luo Yi's words directly penetrated Wang Yuan's inner defense and shattered the fantasy in his mind. At this moment, he felt his heart was bleeding.

Some want to give up.

"No, I'm not reconciled. She would choose such an ordinary man instead of me. I must prove that I am better than him and let her know that I am the best man present." Wang Yuan said in his heart.

"As for the matter of pregnancy, just treat her as going to practice skills!"

As soon as Wang Yuan closed his eyes, he was so damn competitive!

"I don't care, as long as you leave him and the child is born, I'll take care of it. If I love you, I will tolerate everything about you." Wang Yuan shouted loudly.

"Crazy, crazy!" Tang Wanwan felt that Wang Yuan was in a daze, and could even say such words.

Wang Yuan also felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, but he was not timid, and still looked at Tang Wanwan sincerely.

Tang Wanwan felt a chill down her back. Can a normal person say this?
"The words have come to this point, and he still refuses to give up." Tang Wanwan scratched her hair and thought, "No, I must completely stop his thoughts!"

"Give up, you don't deserve to raise his child." Tang Wanwan shouted again.

"So the clown is actually me!" Wang Yuan stumbled, feeling dizzy in his head.

"What you said just now seems to be a line from a certain movie," Luo Yi sneered.

"Young people nowadays really know how to play. I often don't fit in with you because I'm not perverted enough!"

The veins on Wang Yuan's forehead popped out, his eyes were full of anger, "You dare to laugh at me, I think you have never been beaten by the second generation ancestor!"

"Are you sure?" Luo Yi revealed the long knife at his waist.

"Don't hide behind women if you have the ability, and don't hold a knife. Let's have a one-on-one, fair and square battle between men to see who is qualified to stay by Wanwan's side!" Wang Yuan lost People do not lose, still loudly said.

"Fight with me, the consequences will be very serious!"

"What are the consequences, let's talk about it first!" Wang Yuan said loudly.

"You need to find a carpenter to measure your height, change into new clothes, and find a shady place to lie down so you don't stink from the heat."

"???" Wang Yuan reacted and screamed, "Are you cursing me? I'm damn!"

(End of this chapter)

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