Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 247 The Water Ghost

Chapter 247 The Water Ghost
It was eleven o'clock in the evening when we got back to the hotel.

As a ghost master, Luo Yi doesn't need to squeeze the elevator with others, and there is even a special person here who will stand at the elevator entrance to adjust the floor of the elevator, so that they can enjoy the greatest convenience.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened.

A man with a numb and stiff face was standing at the elevator entrance, holding a gun in his hand, exuding a strange smell from his whole body.

Seeing him, Luo Yi thought of Ghost Slave.

"Captain Luo, I guess it's you. I knocked on your door just now, and a little girl said you were out." Zhang Lei said.

"You came to me again, what's the matter?"

"On the 27th floor, there is a ghost master who is insane. According to the information from the headquarters, he has killed two hotel service staff and is in a highly dangerous state, so Shen Liang asked me to go and have a look."

When Zhang Lei was speaking, there was another gunshot, and then three more in succession.

"Two gunshots, the ordinary people in this hotel started to fight back." Zhang Lei said.

Luo Yi sneered, "When I get angry, blood is spattered for five steps, let alone these agents!"

Ghost masters are powerful and noble, but it is impossible to let these well-trained personnel be slaughtered by relying on this.

"If they kill this ghost master, I'm afraid they will be in trouble!" Zhang Lei's eyes were sullen.

It is difficult for these agents to restrain ghosts, but it is not difficult to kill a ghost rider.

And once a person dies, the ghost will revive immediately, which will cause a new supernatural event. If he wants to deal with it at that time, he must revive the evil ghost on his body. This is something he is unwilling to accept.

Luo Yi raised his head, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick reinforced concrete, "I'm afraid that person has already recovered, otherwise, the spirit shouldn't be so strong!"

From the time he left the house, he felt the spiritual fluctuations. Thinking about it now, the ghost master might have a sign of recovery at that time.

Sleeping at night is when the ghost master is most vulnerable, and the ghost master and the evil spirit are like two ends of the balance, one after another, one side is weak and the other is strong, and the symptoms of the evil spirit's recovery will become more intense.

Even Luo Yi never avoided this point. When he fell asleep last time, the spirit of the sacrificial god covered the entire city of Yuzhou, and even expanded to the two surrounding critical cities.

"It seems that this thing is useless." Zhang Lei put away his pistol, suppressing his anger in his tone. He was only going to warn, but now it has turned into dealing with supernatural events. No one would be happy if he were to do it.

Zhang Lei turned his face away and tried to twitch the corners of his mouth, but he didn't smile in the end, "If possible, I hope you can go and have a look together. Although I can handle it, I have more confidence with your care."

"not interested!"

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Zhang Lei said, "He's upstairs after all!"

Luo Yi shook his head, "This is not my management area, I have no responsibility or obligation, and it's not good to do things that are done by others."

The Ping An Hotel is in Dajing City. There are many city leaders here, and there are dozens of first-class ghost masters. When will it be the turn of a dying Zhang Lei to deal with it.

But now that something happened, none of these people could see it. If there was nothing tricky about it, Luo Yi wouldn't believe it.

Zhang Lei was silent for a while, "Actually, I also understand, but people are in the arena and can't help themselves. You can choose because you are strong, but I am different. I don't have much room to refuse."

Luo Yi's heart skipped a beat, and sure enough, no one who can survive several supernatural events is an idiot.

"Good luck," Luo Yi looked back, "Don't forget our deal, if you die tonight, I will have to change another partner."

Zhang Lei chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

"That's the best, otherwise the headquarters will definitely come to me again to collect your body." After Luo Yi finished speaking, he walked out of the elevator.

Zhang Lei looked at Luo Yi's back, stretched out his blackened fingers, and closed the elevator door.

Luo Yi glanced away, and the pale face in the elevator flashed past, like a dead person!
Luo Yi opened the door, the lights inside were bright, and Huang Shiyu had obviously woken up.

In fact, she had been waiting for an hour.

"Brother, there is a supernatural event here, take a look!" Huang Shiyu pointed to the position above his head.

"Tick! Tick! Tick!"

The sound of water dripping reverberated in the suddenly quiet living room, accompanied by an unpleasant smell of blood. This smell was mixed into the air, making the already somewhat airtight room damp and cold. Infiltrate.

Luo Yi raised his head, and the originally snow-white ceiling began to turn red, and red lines emerged, and finally gathered into drops of bright red blood, dripping down the living room.

"Knowing that a supernatural event has happened and still not leaving?" Luo Yi frowned.

"I'm afraid you won't find me when you come back, and I don't think it's scary!" Huang Shiyu said seriously.

"In the future, if you encounter such a situation, you should leave first. You know my methods. Ordinary evil spirits can't keep me. With you here, maybe I have to take care of you, which will make the situation even more dangerous!" Luo Yi said calmly.

"Understood." Huang Shiyu lowered his head and whispered.

"You can't stay here anymore." Luo Yi glanced at the top again, the wall skin had already started to fall off, and water droplets mixed with mud and sand continuously penetrated the ceiling and fell on the floor, corroding potholes one by one.

This scene made Luo Yi's heart sink.

The blood of this evil ghost can corrupt the environment, and before long, the entire building will be completely corroded, from the 27th floor to the 1st floor, turning into a hollow cylinder.

At that time, all people and objects will be soaked by the evil spirits and turn into pus.


Luo Yi pulled Huang Shiyu up and asked her to follow behind him. Just as he stepped on the door, the light went out all of a sudden, and the air was even more humid. Water droplets kept coming out from the nearby walls, and there was a breath of water in the air. Musty smell.

There was a loud bang behind him.

"Ahem!" followed by a man's voice, "Why did you fall?"

Luo Yi raised his head, and in the darkness, Zhang Lei's face appeared upstairs.

The upper floor has been cracked, a stone slab fell down, the house was full of smoke and dust, and the thick water mixed with blood poured down from the upper floor and began to gather in Luo Yi's previous house.

"Captain Luo!" Zhang Lei shouted.

"Are you doing something?" Luo Yi's face turned cold, and a red light appeared in front of his eyes, which was menacing.

"No, Team Luo, this person just happens to be upstairs above you, facing your room!" Zhang Lei shook his head hastily, "And I just felt rushed, and I saw this scene when I opened the door."

Luo Yi estimated the time, and his murderous aura subsided slightly.

Zhang Lei jumped down, holding a corpse in his hand, "The person is dead, this ghost escaped from the body, and now I don't know where it is?"

Luo Yi took a look, this man was very young, his face was pale and swollen, especially the mouth, which had been cracked to the base of the ears, as if it had been torn by something, his teeth and tongue had been lost, he looked a little horrified.

"The ghost should have escaped from his mouth," Zhang Lei analyzed, "And I saw some fingers, flesh, and bones in the corpse water. These should be his backlash."

"Do you have any information about him?" Luo Yi asked.

Zhang Lei's eyes lit up, he would not fail to understand what this sentence meant.

"This man is a student who fell into the school's pond two months ago. He was very lucky. Not only did he survive by chance, but he was also allowed to control a water ghost. But this man thought he had gained superpowers, so he He frequently used this kind of power to pick up girls in school, and later the headquarters observed him and let him join the headquarters. This time, he came to Dajing City to participate in the training in a few days."

"Oh, superpower!" Luo Yi snorted noncommittally.

"Later, this person realized that he was driving an evil spirit. He once asked the headquarters for help. According to records, he said that every time he used the power of the evil spirit, he would spit out water. At first it was clear water, then it was muddy water, and finally Some fingernails and hair were even spat out from behind, and just now I saw half a dead head appearing next to it, I think this is the culprit who broke his mouth."

"Spit water?"

Luo Yi glanced back, the whole room was already covered with a layer of knuckle-deep water, all the appliances and beds were corroded, and within a few minutes, this room would completely collapse like the upstairs go down.

"Fortunately, it's water, not blood!" Luo Yi said, it seems that only a small part of the blood that has the ability to corrode.

"What did you say, Team Luo?"

"It's nothing, the water has already gone out, and when it reaches the passage, it will be submerged soon. We need to find that evil spirit quickly, and we can't let it continue to recover." Luo Yi said.

The evil spirits should be dealt with sooner rather than later. It is best to imprison people and ghosts together when the ghost master has just died and the evil spirits start to recover. This method is the least dangerous and the most efficient.

If necessary, the ghost can even be dug out at this time to create a new ghost master. Of course, the danger of this method is still there, but compared with the luck of controlling evil ghosts in supernatural events, the probability of success is higher. Much higher.

"This person just died, and the evil spirit hasn't recovered completely. If you wait a few more minutes, it might be impossible."

"Then we split up?" Zhang Lei said.

Luo Yi glanced at him, "Are you sure it's a split, not a grave?"

In unknown supernatural events, grouping usually does not make mistakes. Acting alone is no different from taking death. Horror movies have told us this truth countless times.

"Don't worry, I can hold on for a while!" Zhang Lei said, stepping out of the water.

Luo Yi frowned, "This man is so reckless, was he influenced by the evil spirit, or did he think that the evil spirit he controlled was strong enough to ignore all dangers?"

"Brother, should we follow him, I feel like he's going to die!" Huang Shiyu also said.

"People are stupid and have no medicine, and even doctors become idiots, let him go." Luo Yi shook his head.

"Xiaoyu, according to his description just now, do you feel that this ghost is somewhat familiar?"

Huang Shiyu thought for a while, "I feel a bit like the water ghost in the story!"

"That's right, so the water here should be the most dangerous. That ghost must be hiding in it." After Luo Yi finished speaking, the Scarlet Ghost Domain unfolded, enveloping Huang Shiyu together.

It has to be said that Huangquan is really a panacea-like ability, able to break through, escape, isolate, filter, change reality, and blur the five senses.

Walking in the ghost domain, although you can't avoid all spiritual attacks, you can at least have a little more reaction speed, and in many cases, this reaction time is enough for Luo Yi to launch a counterattack and imprison the evil spirit.

This is especially true when there are coffin nails in hand.

"The water seeped down from the upstairs, and our place was the first to be destroyed. Is it possible that the ghost is in our house." Huang Shiyu looked back.

"Not here. I've already checked. The ceiling collapsed because of the pus corrosion on these corpses. It has nothing to do with this evil ghost hiding."

Luo Yi carefully observed everything around him.

In the corridor, the light flickers on and off, and the damp water droplets condense on the walls and ceiling, and when they touch the laid lines, they make a squeaky sound.

The siren had already sounded, but under the influence of the supernatural, the sound was more than half smaller than usual, and it was intermittent, sometimes even noisy and chaotic, like whispers of demons.

"Stand in my ghost domain all the time, don't touch the water, even the water drops dripping from the ceiling!" Luo Yi instructed.

The water vapor in the air became more and more dense, and it was wet everywhere.

Huang Shiyu pinched his nose, there was a stench of rotten flesh to the point of pus.

Going inwards in the corridor, the light is getting weaker and weaker, and you can only see clusters of shadows indistinctly. The ghost domain flows across the ground, and you can clearly feel that the accumulated water is increasing. Two or three centimeters away.

As the water flow deepened, the rotten stench that permeated the air became more intense.

Luo Yi turned his head, but there was no movement behind him, and Zhang Lei's figure was no longer visible.

"Brother, look!"

Huang Shiyu suddenly pulled Luo Yi.

Not far in front of him, a pool of knee-high water gathered together, standing there abruptly like a transparent jelly, and the water flow was only about three centimeters under Luo Yi's feet. normal.

"If there are no accidents, the evil ghost should be ahead." Luo Yixin said.

Huang Shiyu: "Why did it stop here?"

As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places, but the scene in front of them is obviously contrary to common sense.

"Maybe someone has touched its law!"

Before Luo Yi finished speaking, there was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water inside the house.


A woman's exclamation stopped abruptly, and ripples appeared on the surface of the water in front of it, and soon a bright red blood gushed out from it, and there was a nameplate hanging on the chest.

Room Department, Chen Meng!

"It seems that when this person was cleaning, he triggered the law of the evil spirit, so he was dragged into the water and killed!"

Soon a corpse of a woman in uniform floated up, with bare feet and disheveled hair, she looked about 27 or [-] years old, her eyes were closed, her face was pale and her figure was swollen.

It's like being soaked in water for days.

However, Luo Yi had met this woman once when he went downstairs, and it would not take more than half a day for her to die, and the exclamation just now was probably made by her.

From a living person to a cold and curled up corpse, it took less than ten seconds.

What's even more strange is that the body of a dead person can be hidden in the small puddle in front of him, and if she didn't take the initiative to surface, Luo Yi wouldn't even know that the dead person was hidden in this wet water.

"This pool of water is inconsistent with what I imagined, and perhaps all the answers can be found below."

The blood under Luo Yi's feet spread, gradually dipping down from the water surface, rapidly changing the color of the puddle like paint.

As the supernatural spread, a light red world appeared in front of Luo Yi, and the small puddle in front of him turned into a huge pond, with dozens of corpses floating up and down in it.

There are men and women, with different shapes, but most of them are young women. The most well-preserved ones should belong to the Chen Meng just now. The worst corpses have been decomposed, and the exposed skin is covered with mucus. White nets were drawn out of the current.

Like the traps that spiders use to catch their food.

Suddenly, the female corpse on the top opened its dull eyes and looked around blankly, as if sensing something.

It was Luo Yi's supernatural power that touched the world of evil spirits and attracted the attention of evil spirits.

"It seems that Lin Shan has killed many people. All the living people who died in his hands were manipulated by evil spirits, and they were silenced below, turning into ghost slaves."

The ghost slave named Chen Meng observed again for a while, then closed his eyes, his body sank slowly, and the half meter of condensed water moved forward again, looking for the next target.

Heavy footsteps sounded quickly, and at the same time there was the sound of water splashing.

"Has the ghost appeared? I heard a voice from here." Zhang Lei's stiff figure appeared.

"It's in the water!" Huang Shiyu exclaimed, "I saw a human face!"

At the same time, the water in front of him actually started to flow backwards, and the blood water kept pouring up like rain, and it was already blood red in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Lei subconsciously took a step back, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"Congratulations, you've won the prize!" A weird smile appeared on Luo Yi's face.

"What do you mean..."

Before Zhang Lei finished speaking, a pale ghost hand stretched out from the water and grabbed his ankle, causing him to stagger and lose his balance in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Lei felt that his ankles were icy cold, and the chill could even pass through his skin and reach his heart.

A great suppression came from the ghost's hand, and the evil ghost in the body was instantly controlled before it had time to react.


Without even waiting for him to call for help, a strong force like a bull's pull came from the ghost's hand, causing it to sink into the bottom of the water at once, and the female corpse disappeared together with his figure.

"He fell!" Huang Shiyu exclaimed, and unconsciously grabbed the corner of Luo Yi's clothes with his small hand.

Luo Yi's face remained unchanged, "Don't worry about him, the one pulling him is just a ghost slave, not a real evil ghost, if he can't even handle this situation, he is not worthy of being the person in charge of a city."

Sure enough, within a few breaths, a thick hand stretched out of the water, and the water droplets flew up due to the huge movement.

A head emerged from the water, breathing heavily.

"Damn it, I was dragged by a ghost slave and almost died!" Zhang Lei panted violently, and his already numb and dark face became even more ugly at this moment.

A rather vicious Interpol almost died in a small puddle less than half a meter away. If outsiders knew about it, they might laugh out loud.

There was panic in Zhang Lei's eyes, "When the ghost hand grabbed me just now, I felt that my whole body was quickly suppressed from the body to the evil spirit. Except for the thoughts in my head, I was almost the same as a corpse !"

"It's good if you don't die, have you found the real evil spirit?" Luo Yi asked.

Zhang Lei struggled to get up, "It's a drowsy area below, and there are many corpses, but according to my observation, those are not the source of the problem."

"En." Luo Yi nodded, Zhang Lei's statement was consistent with what he had observed, the real evil spirit was not in the water, it was just killing people through the waters.

"Captain Luo, help me, I'm trapped by these ghosts!" Zhang Lei shouted anxiously.

Luo Yi took a look, on his arms, legs, and waist, there were several white arms wrapped around him, some of the skin and flesh had disappeared, and only some tendons and bones remained.

Every time Zhang Lei loses one, another one will climb up. As time goes by, the movement under the water becomes more and more loud. It seems that many corpses are approaching rapidly, with the purpose of killing Zhang Lei. Completely dragged into the water.

He was struggling to resist at this moment, but he couldn't stop his body from sinking.

The chest that had already protruded from the water began to fall again under the pull of these ghost slaves.

Zhang Lei arched his back, trying to press more of his body on the water, but the ghost slaves hanging on his back didn't allow it, they were like huge cold stones, dragging him tightly.

"No, I can only eat ghosts, but not these ghost slaves. There are too many of them, and I can't deal with so many at once!" Zhang Lei explained again.

He knows very well that the evil spirits he controls are not durable, nor do they have the ability to process supernatural powers in batches. Once the scene becomes stalemate, he will either die from the recovery of the evil spirits, or be swallowed by the stagnant water and drown alive in the in the water.

"Don't panic!" Luo Yi snorted coldly, stretched out his left hand and placed it directly on his shoulder, clasped his five fingers to death, and the mighty power of the ghost body began to operate at this moment.

With Luo Yi's ability, he could easily lift a thousand catties with one arm, but at this moment, it only allowed Zhang Leiduo to float up a short distance.

This shows that in such a short period of time, the number of evil spirits under his feet is definitely more than a dozen.

"Go away!"

Luo Yi yelled, and the blood in the palm of his hand spread down, covering Zhang Lei's whole body in a short time, and all the ghost slaves withdrew their hands as quickly as if they were electrocuted the moment they came into contact with the red light.

"Wow!" Zhang Lei jumped out all of a sudden, and then the ghost slaves who touched Luo Yi's ghost domain also floated up at this moment.

The soaked white bodies of dead people filled the water one by one, like fried fish in the river. Under the fermentation of the hot sun and air, they gave off an unspeakable stench.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Lei pressed his scratched chest, grinned his teeth and thanked him, then turned his head and looked at the water surface with lingering fear.

porphyrin ~ porphyrin ~ porphyrin ~
"What's the sound!" Zhang Lei had just suffered a supernatural attack, and at this moment there was a shadow of a snake.

Luo Yi took a step back, and the scene in front of him began to change.

Bubbles rose one by one from the bottom of the water, and soon the surrounding area seemed to be boiling hot water, all the water began to boil, and the small puddles that were no more than half a meter in size began to gush out, and the rolling water flowed out from inside, and soon became like Like a river that broke its embankment, it poured into this empty hotel.

The real spirit of the evil spirit is about to come.

If Luo Yi's predictions are correct, this is the real haunted area where the evil ghost is, this is the turbulent waters!

"How about withdrawing?"

A trace of fear flashed in Zhang Lei's eyes. The ghost slaves had tormented him enough just now. If the real evil ghosts attacked, he might die here immediately.

Luo Yi sneered, "Do you think it's you running fast, or the water flowing fast?"

Zhang Lei glanced at the rapidly rising water level. If it wasn't for Luo Yi's ghost domain package, he would have been completely submerged at this moment.

And at this moment, the water flow has completely broken through all the doors, windows and corridors. Standing outside and watching, the entire 33rd floor of the Ping An Hotel is like a ball filled with water, fiercely spraying water outwards.

This kind of scene frightened the ghost masters and hotel staff who were watching downstairs.

This is the supernatural version of a waterfall that falls from the sky.

"The time is ripe." Luo Yi chuckled, with an expression of wisdom beads in his hands.

"What?" Zhang Lei didn't understand what Luo Yi meant.

Luo Yi said: "The ghost is coming soon!"

"How do you know?" Zhang Lei's heartbeat started to speed up.

Luo Yi grinned, "Because now you are the only person in this building who triggers the law of evil spirits. If the evil spirits don't look for you, who else will they look for?"

Hearing Luo Yi's words, Zhang Lei stood there in a daze, with a trace of unshakable fear running from his heels to Tianling Gai.


At this time, Zhang Lei finally reacted, but the real evil spirit is close at hand!

This is an evil ghost with swollen body and no blood at all. Its body is broken in all directions, like a torn water bag. Countless water flows out from its broken body. , showing a festering grimace.

The evil spirit approached quickly, and the turbulent washing force kept hitting Luo Yi's ghost domain, with a tyrannical and stubborn intention that he would never give up until he broke through the south wall.

But Luo Yi didn't panic. He was ready when the water flow was abnormal, and a rusty coffin nail slipped from the black robe.

It is full of traces of years of erosion and a cold and deadly feeling that belongs only to evil spirits.

Gently grasping the five fingers, while the cold touches the body, the wrist flicks and exerts force, and a huge force flows from the palm of the palm, pushing this dangerous and old fixed cauldron.

The coffin nails were released, and with the sound of cracking the air, the air flow was pushed away, the water flow was forced away, and it rushed forward like an arrow from the string. When the evil ghost reached out and was about to reach Luo Yi, it pierced straight into the center of Luo Yi's eyebrows. .

Luo Yi stretched out his right hand, his five fingers opened and closed like an eagle's claw, and grabbed the evil spirit from the dark tide.

As the evil spirits were restrained, the raging water quickly dried up, and the supernatural products quickly disappeared.

Water ghost, imprisoned!
(End of this chapter)

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