Chapter 258 Rescue Team
Wang Xiaoming's laboratory is located in the outskirts of Dajing City, where there are few people and the environment is quiet, which is very suitable for research.

However, at this time, black cars with special license plates came here one after another. When they walked to the outside of the park where the laboratory is located, the cars stopped one after another. go down.

The leader is Cao Yanhua's nephew, Cao Yang, and next to him is Gao Ming, one of the leaders of Dajing City.

Cao Yang flipped onto the roof twice and looked up.

The experimental park, which is always clean and bright on weekdays, is shrouded in darkness, like a thick smog, lingering, and it has not changed since the beginning, at least in the eyes of people outside.

The coffin-shaped ghost domain did not move, and no one came out, not even the shadow of the ghost.

Gao Ming looked at the time with a serious expression, "They have been trapped for more than an hour."

The law of killing ghosts is now considered semi-public, especially for Wang Xiaoming, Luo Yi, Li Jun and others, they are even more familiar with it, so they will perform tasks very quickly, if they can do it, they will do it, if they can’t, they will fail .

Cao Yang also understands this truth, "It should be some new changes in the evil spirits. If Wang Xiaoming is as bold as Wang Xiaoming in the study of evil spirits, there will be some troubles, so this time it will be a hard battle, and we may all face it. new challenge."

Gao Ming said: "I just hope that they are all right, otherwise the number of suppressed ghost officers will increase a bit, and there will be no more fun."

After Gao Ming finished speaking, the ghost masters behind him were a little terrified. Facing the supernatural events was different from talking in the office. Bragging is not against the law, but encountering evil ghosts will really kill people.

When Cao Yang was discussing cleverly, a cold and stern voice came, "The ghost domain of the ghost messenger is stronger. It's not that I look down on you, I'm afraid you won't be able to invade."

"Yang Jian, why are you here? Didn't you refuse to accept the mission from the headquarters?" Cao Yang asked curiously.

"I really don't want to pick it up, but who told me to owe someone a favor?" Yang Jian said after a moment's pause.

Gao Ming knew what was going on as soon as he saw Yang Jian's expression, "The debt of favor is the most difficult to repay, and sometimes it may cost your own life."

Yang Jian looked at the darkness in the distance, "Who says it's not."

"Take a sip?" Gao Ming took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and distributed them to the ghost master present. When it was Yang Jian's turn, the other party refused.

"Let me do the opening of Ghost Domain this time." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yang's eyes flashed with joy, "Of course, your Huangquan is stronger than mine, so you are naturally obliged to do so."

"I don't know what's going on inside. It stands to reason that the three trapped are all the best talents, so it shouldn't be so?" said a ghost driver who participated in the rescue.

"Maybe it's because of the evil ghost, otherwise there is really no reason." Yang Jian thought, he thought of the evil ghost that was always by Luo Yi's side. From the previous conversation with Luo Yi, he knew that the evil ghost The blood-eyed ghost has been tugging at Luo Yi's mind.

"I didn't expect that it was our turn to rescue this Luo Yi who dealt with the S-level incident this time. I still remember that he was still a rookie more than half a year ago." Gao Ming said.

Yang Jian scoffed at Gao Ming's statement, "You people always like to distinguish ghost masters of different time periods based on newcomers and old people, but you don't know that the strength of ghost masters can't be sorted by time at all."

"As far as Luo Yi is concerned, there are a few in the entire headquarters that are enough for him to fight. Last time, the city leaders Zhong Shan and Lin Long didn't even make a move in front of him. If he calls newcomers, what are these people called? ,waste?"

Yang Jian unabashedly expressed his distaste for this statement.

"It's because my concept is too outdated. I always thought that a year ago, at that time, a ghost master who controlled a ghost was the top existence. It's not like now, and he doesn't even have the qualification to play."

Gao Ming exhaled a smoke ring, and in the wafting smoke, one could dimly see Cao Yanhua and a group of ordinary ghost masters waiting anxiously hundreds of meters away.

"I have read Luo Yi's resume, and I have to say that it is very glamorous, even eye-catching. In less than a year, he has equaled or even surpassed our earliest city leaders."

"Dozens of supernatural events, many of which are S-level and A-level, but none of them killed him, but instead made him a top power step by step. Look at him provoking the circle of friends and openly fighting Fang Shiming, my friend However, he did not dare to act radically, which is enough to show that he is at least close to Fang Shiming." Cao Yang said with emotion.

Jiang Quan, a ghost master from the headquarters, took the words, "Not only that, you can tell after observing that Luo Yi's operator has a separate office and has the right to face Cao Yanhua directly over Shen Liang, and once a large-scale supernatural event occurs, Cao Yanhua will be the first Luo Yi was the only one who came to mind, which is enough to explain Luo Yi's current status, maybe within a few days, we will bow our heads and call Captain Luo."

Gao Ming shrugged, "I don't care. Anyway, I don't have any aggressiveness. I just want to fish every day and get off work when the time comes. As long as I'm not allowed to work overtime, anyone can be the team leader."

"You need to restrain your temper a little bit. Now it's ordinary people like Cao Yanhua and Shen Liang who are in charge. Their way of doing things is simply to say that output depends on roaring. When the captain's plan is actually implemented, you will not be able to work like this. Be careful of being treated like a chicken by a certain captain, so come and kill the chicken to scare the monkey." Cao Yang glanced at him and advised casually.

Gao Ming took a puff of cigarette, and said indifferently: "Hey, I've already taken care of everything, I'll stay in Dajing City, the one who can be in charge here is either Professor Wang or you Cao Yang, as long as you don't make me famous, I will be safe."

Cao Yang grinned, and said in a calm tone, "You, if I am elected, I will be the first to question you!"

Hearing this, Yang Jian's face was neither sad nor happy, and he seemed quite calm, but there was a lot of turmoil in his heart.

"Sure enough, he is the person closest to the power center. Intelligence is mastery. The captain plan hasn't really started yet, and all the captains are about to surface. It's just me. With my achievements, should I fight for this captain?"

For a while, Yang Jian was a little upset.

Under the influence of Luo Yi, although Yang Jian's strength at this time is stronger than in the original book, his mind is not as tough as at the same time.

Cao Yang put out the cigarette butt in his hand, "Yang Jian, what are you thinking, get ready, we will invade in a minute, we can't let Luo Yi steal the limelight by himself, you and I are the ones who need to be exposed. "

Hearing this, Yang Jian glanced at Cao Yang, but Cao Yang started to check his belongings as if nothing had happened.

"It's not easy to become the captain. This Cao Yang pulled Gao Ming and the others into his camp with a few words, and gave me the news that I was also on the list of candidate captains. In terms of strength, I might surpass him." He's ahead, but when it comes to Linglong's mind, I'm afraid he's far behind." Yang Jian said in his heart.

Cao Yang didn't know that it was precisely because of this small detail that after becoming the captain, Yang Jian still decided to stick to Dachang City, so that the deviated wheel of history would be back on track again.

1 minute later.

"Get ready for action!" Cao Yang shouted.

The six people involved in the rescue took a deep breath and quickly gathered together.

"Yang Jian, it's up to you." Cao Yang politely gestured with his eyes.

"give it to me!"

Behind Yang Jian's head, big scarlet eyes quickly appeared on his arms. When the ghost eyes rolled, a dizzying feeling of nausea came.

The red light spread out like electricity, and traveled hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, leading directly to the laboratory where Wang Xiaoming and others were trapped.

The black mist surged, and the supernatural confrontation broke out at the slightest touch, and the red light was forced back like water mist.

"What's the matter, Yang Jian?"

Gao Ming asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that you can't invade the ghost town of ghost messengers, then our support team will become a funny team?"

"No", a smile appeared on Yang Jian's face, "They came out!"

Before Yang Jian could finish his sentence, a black-robed figure with indifferent eyes and a face so pale that he was not alive broke through the billowing black mist, with a long knife on his waist, and stood upright.

"It's you!"

Luo Yi uttered a few words, the surging spirit blasted the void, Huang Quan modified the reality, stepped out under the folded space, and instantly came to the rescue team.

"Yang Jian, it seems that you succeeded in controlling the evil spirit!"

"A fluke, a fluke!"

"Luo Yi, where's Professor Wang?" Cao Yang looked behind him, the black mist was slowly dissipating, and the research institute in the distance gradually became clear.

"Oh, I forgot." Luo Yi said in astonishment, and with a wave of his hand, two figures appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"It's great to see that you are all right." More than ten meters away, Cao Yanhua strode forward with an unconcealable excitement on his face, "But it made me anxious."

Cao Yanhua came over and patted Wang Xiaoming and Li Jun, and when he raised his palm again, Luo Yi dodged and took a big step away.

"Uh" Cao Yanhua clapped his hands in embarrassment, "haha, very good, very good!"

"Has the ghost messenger been dealt with?" Cao Yang asked.

"It's dealt with. The evil spirit has been imprisoned and is currently at Li Jun's place." Wang Xiaoming said calmly, without being overly happy.

"What about the coffin?" Cao Yanhua asked after recovering.

"The lid of the coffin has been damaged, and this supernatural item has been put away by Luo Yi."

"It's damaged, no wonder you were trapped this time." Yang Jian finally understood why Luo Yi was delayed by this incident for so long.

"The matter is settled, as long as people are fine, having you at the headquarters is much more important than a supernatural item." Cao Yanhua Hong said.

Before a few people were happy, a high-spirited voice came.

"Who do you think, such a big ostentation, was blocked in the laboratory by an evil ghost, the famous Sishen, Luo Yi?"

Luo Yi's eyelids twitched, and he said displeasedly, "Who is talking nonsense there?"

"Humph", the frivolous and arrogant man in a suit pushed away the ghost masters in front of him, and swaggered to the crowd. Behind him were several ghost masters who were not smiling, and one of them was He stared at Luo Yi fiercely, wishing he could kill with a knife.

Luo Yihan said in a cold voice: "It seems that you are lucky, and you were caught out, but you should never have appeared in front of me again?"

This person is obviously Liu Xun, the ghost driver in the circle of friends who was buried alive by Luo Yi at the airport.

"I will always remember Team Luo's generous reward last time. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely repay it a hundredfold." Liu Xun gritted his teeth.

Buried alive, still in front of so many ghost masters, when did Liu Xun be so embarrassing, this revenge must be avenged.

"Last time you looked pitiful and panicked in front of me, but now you dare to show your teeth at me. It seems that the words of dogging others are true. Why, do you think these few people can keep you?" Luo Yi The corners of his eyes sank, and cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Liu Xun said arrogantly: "You know, I am a member of the circle of friends. If you slap me in the face, it hurts my dignity. It is the face of the circle of friends. We will definitely not let you go!"

"Heh, it's just a vicious dog who bullies others and has the face to raise his dignity. Ask yourself these two words, can you write them?"

"It's like how amazing you are, and it's not like accidents happen, and others need to be rescued. The last incident in Yuzhou City, and the escape of ghosts this time, I think you are a person who wants to win fame and declare war on the circle of friends. , I think I just want to make some news, take advantage of the hot spots in the circle of friends, and put money on my face, I have seen a lot of people like you these years."

Liu Xun continued to sneer, "Do you know what happened to those people who offended my circle of friends?"

"They are all dead, and it's not just them who died, but their relatives, family members, friends, and even the family dog ​​died!"

"You dare to threaten me!" Luo Yi glared, taking a step forward to crush this arrogant person who uttered wild words to death.

"Wait!" Jiang Shangbai took a step forward and stopped Luo Yi.

Luo Yi lowered his left hand and put it on his waist, and said in a cold tone, "What are you that dare to stand in front of me?"

"Although what this dog said was ugly, he was right about one thing, that is, my circle of friends cannot be insulted."

"So what if I'm humiliated?"

Jiang Shangbai laughed twice, and said frivolously, "Then you must die!"

Luo Yi laughed back angrily, "Dare to be so arrogant, it doesn't seem like you are a nobody?"

Jiang Shangbai tore open his clothes, and said domineeringly: "Listen, I am Jiang Shangbai, if you don't like to be called, call me Team Jiang, I can bear it!"

Luo Yi grinned grimly, "With such a big tone, I thought it was Fang Shiming who came, but it turned out to be just a little bastard."

Jiang Shangbai roared angrily, "You're courting death!"

"I think it's you who is looking for death!"

Cao Yanhua looked at the situation where the gunpowder was gradually rising, and hurriedly stood up and warned: "This is the headquarters, you stop!"

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

The two said in unison.

"Luo Yi, he is deliberately provoking you, look behind them!" Wang Xiaoming reminded in a low voice, "This is not a good time, they are well prepared, and what is sure is that you have just dealt with many supernatural events, the status Not good, I want to kill you in one fell swoop."

When Jiang Shangbai came this time, he led more than ten ghost masters, obviously well prepared, and the headquarters couldn't help Luo Yi in an open and honest manner due to its own position, otherwise it would make the huge circle of friends The forces are separated from Germany.

So they can only help each other.

"Jiang Shangbai, this is not a circle of friends, don't go too far." Cao Yanhua glared at the people in the circle of friends.

"Cao Yanhua, I know this is not a circle of friends, but this is also not the headquarters. I am teaching a person who has a grudge against the circle of friends in a place where no one cares. Is there a problem? Or is it that you, Cao Yanhua, want to help him out? , to suppress my circle of friends?"

"You" Cao Yanhua was impatient. He could do this, but he couldn't admit it. Once he recognized it, it would be equivalent to the headquarters declaring war on the circle of friends, which would be tantamount to shaking the supernatural situation in the country.

Jiang Shangbai sneered wildly and said: "I advise you to stay away, lest you will be ruined later!"

(End of this chapter)

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