Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 259 Jiang Shangbai's Provocation

Chapter 259 Jiang Shangbai's Provocation
Just after Luo Yi had dealt with the ghost escape incident, Jiang Shangbai led the circle of friends to appear.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

Although the headquarters has long been dissatisfied with the circle of friends, the foundation and heritage of the circle of friends is here. Even the headquarters cannot suppress it on a large scale, let alone launch a confrontation with great fanfare.

And the circle of friends is obviously sure about this.

Cao Yanhua said angrily: "This circle of friends is really too much. Relying on the power of a veteran ghost master in China, they dare to be so arrogant and domineering in front of me. They simply don't take the headquarters seriously."

On the surface, this incident seems to be a personal grievance between the circle of friends and Luo Yi, but in fact it is also throwing face at the headquarters.

Wang Xiaoming said: "It seems that the headquarters has forced the circle of friends to be very uncomfortable these years. If it weren't for this, they would not surround Luo Yi here with such a big fanfare, and sweep the face of the headquarters."

Li Jun snorted coldly, "People in the circle of friends have always had their eyes above the top, and they are used to being domineering. All those who offend them are basically cut off, even though Luo Yi is a city leader, no exception."

"Although I knew that sooner or later there would be such a day when the headquarters and these folk forces would directly confront each other, I never thought that this day would come so soon." Wang Xiaoming said calmly.

Li Jundao: "The circle of friends has always regarded the ghost forum as a private force. In my opinion, the circle of friends is not the same. It's just that they started earlier and have stronger strength."

Wang Xiaoming shook his head, "Actually, it is this kind of sectarianism that makes the close cooperation between the headquarters and Moments go from the very beginning to today."

Cao Yanhua looked ugly, "The circle of friends is restless, and Fang Shiming is not a person who has been under others for a long time. This time, Jiang Shangbai was angry. On the surface, he was targeting Luo Yi, but in fact he didn't want to show his strength so that he could prepare for the next captain's plan. Occupy more advantages and attract more ghost masters."

As a high-ranking person, it is the most basic thing to take one step and see three steps. The circle of friends has developed so fast over the years, and there are not many think tanks behind it. I am afraid that no one will believe it.

Doesn't Jiang Shangbai know that Cao Yanhua and other people in charge of the headquarters are here?
Of course he knew, and what he chose was the opportunity when everyone was there, and what he wanted was to kill Luo Yi in full view. , the circle of friends is still the top big force that is strong, fierce, and cannot be offended.

Cao Yang put eye drops on the side and said: "The circle of friends has always been arrogant, and this Jiang Shangbai is even more rebellious, and he doesn't know how to advance or retreat."

When Cao Yanhua was furious, he was even more angry when he heard this, "I want to ask Fang Shiming, why did he tear up the agreement between us and dare to reach out to the Interpol at the headquarters."


Luo Yi's ears twitched slightly, "There is still an agreement between friends and headquarters?"

Wang Xiaoming explained in a low voice: "Yes, although the headquarters must maintain stability and cannot use supernatural means on a large scale, the ghost masters and supplies under it are actually far more than a circle of friends."

Luo Yi nodded, which is very understandable.

Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and sell it with the emperor's family.

To a certain extent, the headquarters is orthodox and official, and its appeal is far stronger than that of local forces such as the circle of friends and ghost forums.

It is precisely because of this influence that the headquarters has achieved the number one position in Asia, and the top experts may not be enough, but in terms of the base number of ghost masters and the number of supernatural items, it far exceeds any country and power .

It is very strange that the circle of friends can survive on the side of such a huge force, and it seems to be living happily.

At first, Luo Yi also thought that the headquarters didn't think about the civil strife, so he let his circle of friends go.

But thinking about it now, it's very unreasonable.

With such a powerful force, if you really want to clean up the circle of friends, you only need to press down in the name of righteousness, not to mention destroying the dead, at least it will scare away most of the core personnel in the circle of friends.

Even if the remaining three melons and two dates stubbornly resist, the ending will not be too good.

Even if Fang Shiming can't be dealt with, he can't even think about surviving on this land.

But now something has happened, which can only show that there is an unknown secret transaction, maybe it is the 'agreement' mentioned by Cao Yanhua.

Soon, Cao Yanhua's phone was dialed.

In Ping An Building, a man with a handsome face and a casual suit looked at the ringing phone and smiled coldly.

"President Fang, your phone is ringing?" The female secretary next to her asked cautiously.

Fang Shiming seemed to have expected the incoming call, picked up a glass of red wine, and slowly shook it a few times, "Of course I heard it, let him hang out first!"

Just when Cao Yanhua's patience was about to run out, the phone picked up.

"Hello, who is it?" Fang Shiming panted, and asked in a hurried tone knowingly.

"I'm Cao Yanhua, Fang Shiming, and Jiang Shangbai led more than a dozen ghost masters from his circle of friends to intercept and kill the Interpol at my headquarters, and they were still in front of me. Did you agree to this matter? Did you instigate it?" Yes? Now you have to give me an explanation." Cao Yanhua said forcefully.

"What?" Fang Shiming exclaimed, "This Jiang Shangbai is really getting bolder and bolder. He dared to intercept and kill the person in charge of the headquarters. Cao Bu, what's the situation now? Is the other party dead? If he dies, I will immediately pay you. Don't worry, my circle of friends has always been fair and just in doing things, and I will pay as much as I should, and it is absolutely unambiguous."

A black line stood up on Cao Yanhua's forehead, "I disappointed you, the other party is not dead yet!"

"That's the beating. If the other party fights back, I won't be able to pay the money. This is called mutual assault, and there is a legal basis for it." Fang Shiming sighed.

"Don't talk about these things, I'll just ask you, did you order this matter?"

"Cao Bu, you have wronged me," Fang Shiming's aggrieved voice came from the microphone.

"How dare you say you don't know?"

"Of course I don't know. Didn't you tell me to keep a low profile? So, I usually don't even go to the company. I just raise flowers at home, feed the fish and so on. I really don't know what happened in the company." Fang Shiming continued to pretend to be confused.

"Fang Shiming, don't pretend to be confused. Jiang Shangbai belongs to you, and the dozens of ghost masters you mobilized are also members of your circle of friends. You, the CEO, don't know if you ask me at this time. Is the circle of friends still yours?"

Fang Shiming was stimulated by these words, and his voice suddenly became cold, "Cao Bu, you can't talk nonsense. Moments are everyone's circles of friends, not Fang Shiming's alone. Besides, you forced me to leave the stage at the beginning."

"It's good now. I'm retired. I don't interfere with the company's affairs. I don't fight for power with the headquarters. I don't even participate in the captain's plan. If something happens, you still come to me. Don't you think it's a bit deceptive?"

Cao Yanhua said in a tone of embarrassment, "You and I know whether this incident was arranged by you, and I will not argue with you now, just ask you, can you tell Jiang Shangbai to stop immediately and let him go back?"

"The executive president has long existed in name only. I am only an honorary director now. Jiang Shangbai is also a director. Everyone is equal. I have no right to command him. Cao Bu, don't embarrass me." Fang Shiming's voice was sincere, if it wasn't for the two of them With frequent dealings, Cao Yanhua might have been fooled by him.

Cao Yanhua ignored his evasion and prevarication, "So you are determined to get rid of the person in charge of my headquarters?"

Fang Shiming didn't take it seriously, "Cao Bu, it's just children's housekeeping, why should we adults take care of it, let these juniors handle it themselves."

Cao Yanhua laughed back angrily, "Haha, junior? You're going to slap me in the face of Interpol, are you sure you won't stop?"

Fang Shiming said coldly: "I'm sorry, I think it's better for you to ask the person concerned to handle this matter. If you ask me, I'm sorry I can't do anything."

Cao Yanhua let out a cold snort and hung up the phone without saying a word.

"Hang up on me, Cao Yanhua, you are really talented."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Fang Shiming took out a stack of documents from the drawer and spread them out on the table. After a closer look, they were all clear photos of people, each with their names written on them, and the leader was Luo Yi. .

"It depends on Jiang Shangbai's strength. If he is not strong enough, he will have to use some real power!"


"Fang Shiming won't give up?" Cao Yang looked at Cao Yanhua with a livid face, and immediately knew in his heart that the call was for nothing.

Cao Yanhua said: "Well, he declined and said that he has already retired, and the affairs of the circle of friends are not up to him now, and he can't control it."

"He can't control it. If you say this, a fool will not believe it. It seems that they are like bastards eating weights. They are determined. What should we do?"

"This matter is really difficult to deal with." Cao Yanhua frowned, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

Both Luo Yi and Jiang Shangbai are in charge of the city, and they have both dealt with many supernatural events. Although there are differences in closeness, they are at the same level in terms of rank and responsibility.

There are conflicts between them, which can be handled privately, and there is no problem even fighting to the death.

But the situation is different now. Jiang Shangbai surrounded here with people from his circle of friends, threatening to kill Luo Yi in front of Cao Yanhua and other people from the headquarters.

This is not simply a personal grievance between the circle of friends and Luo Yi, but the meaning of showing fists and forcing people to stand in line.

If the headquarters follows the previous policy and does not help each other, in the eyes of outsiders, this is helping the circle of friends to get rid of the person in charge of the city. Once this matter is spread, other places dare not say it, at least dozens of people in Yuzhou City The ghost master is definitely at odds with the headquarters.

Cao Yang said: "Luo Yi must help. He has dealt with three supernatural incidents in the past two days. He has handled three supernatural incidents with great efficiency and saved countless lives. The headquarters has not even been accounted for. If we ignore it at this time, we must Will break the trust of other city leaders."

Cao Yanhua rubbed his chin, "I know, but we still need to think about how to help, the teacher must be famous!"

This is not good for a headquarters with a large family and a large business. The huge momentum means that many people are staring at it. When speaking and doing things, we must strive to be fair, just and open.

Cao Yanhua turned his head and took a look. Wang Xiaoming, Chen Yi and others were still trying their best to persuade the conflicting parties.

If it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't made a few people in charge of Dajing City separate from Wang Xiaoming and others with a wink just now, maybe the two groups of people would be out of their minds at this time.

"Follow me!" Cao Yanhua gave Cao Yang a hand and strode forward.

"Mr. Cao, have you discussed it?" Jiang Shangbai smiled contemptuously, and he naturally saw Cao Yanhua's small movements.

"Fang Shiming told you to leave immediately, today's matter ends here." Cao Yanhua gave him a solemn look, and suddenly decided to trick him.

Sure enough, when Jiang Shangbai heard this, his complexion changed, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at the satellite phone beside him.

After a while, the phone never rang, and Jiang Shangbai realized that he was being tricked.

"How dare you lie to me!" Jiang Shangbai suddenly changed color, and his heart was boiling with anger.

"Jiang Dui, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" Gao Ming stepped forward, handed him a cigarette skillfully, and took out his lighter, trying to calm him down.

Jiang Shangbai clenched his teeth and swung the cigarette out, sweeping the cigarette in Gao Ming's hand to the ground.

"Gao Ming, on weekdays I will give you three points of face and call you Team Gao, but if you continue to give shame like this, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Gao Ming's face darkened, he inserted the thermos cup in his hand into the black bag he carried, bent down and slowly picked up the cigarette.

"Jiang Shangbai, I pass you cigarettes because I respect you, but not because I'm afraid of you!"

Gao Ming flicked the dust off the cigarette, put the cigarette in his mouth, and glanced at Jiang Shangbai with a gloomy tone.

"you dare……"

"Team Jiang," Liu Xun stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Mr. Fang mentioned that we want to make a big fuss this time and show off our style, but we can't make too many enemies."

"Asshole", Jiang Shangbai cursed in a low voice, "Are you beating me with Fang Boss? Or are you teaching me how to do things?"

Liu Xun looked at the sinister Jiang Shangbai, and broke out in a cold sweat, "Don't dare, Captain Jiang, I was wrong, I should die, I should die!"

Jiang Shangbai said sinisterly: "You really deserve to die. When this matter is over, I will settle accounts with you!"

"Compared to Fang Shiming, Jiang Shangbai is still too tender." Cao Yang couldn't help chuckling as he watched the other party fall into civil strife.

Cao Yanhua said: "It's not that he's too young, but Fang Shiming's prestige is too strong. No one in the circle of friends dares to question his decision, so even Jiang Shangbai, who is about to become the captain, is still so afraid of him."

"Fang Shimin..." Cao Yang's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity.

This man was indeed a formidable opponent.

"Jiang Shangbai, Luo Yi, the headquarters of your personal grievances should not be too involved, but," Cao Yanhua looked around, "After all, this is Dajing City, the base of the headquarters, and I will never allow anyone here A large-scale spiritual war, including you!"

"What do you mean? The headquarters is going to take action?" Jiang Shangbai narrowed his eyes, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Such a hero as Fang Shiming was forced to be suppressed by the headquarters to stay behind the scenes. If the headquarters resolutely took action in today's matter, he really has nothing to do.

"Of course the headquarters won't take action!" Cao Yanhua affirmed, "The matter between you is very simple, one-on-one, your personal grievances are resolved individually, don't involve other ghost masters, and don't let the situation escalate!"

Cao Yanhua was speaking, and glanced at the ghost master behind the circle of friends.

"You are one of the people in charge of the headquarters, and Luo Yi is also one of the people in charge of the headquarters. You have grievances and can do it, but they are just folk ghost masters. Attacking a city person in charge is against the entire headquarters!"

Hearing Cao Yanhua's overt and secret threats, people in the circle of friends looked ugly, and many people felt withdrawn.

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials, and it is the same now.

Jiang Shangbaiyang pointed and said angrily, "Luo Yi declared war on our entire circle of friends. Don't you think it's ridiculous to talk about an aboveboard one-on-one?"

"Still, you, Luo Yi, are actually a coward and only dare to hide under the protection of the headquarters."

"If you're scared, kneel down and kowtow to me now, and apologize sincerely. In my circle of friends, adults don't remember villains. So what if I let you go?" Jiang Shangbai said domineeringly.

"That's right, kneel down and apologize, and we'll spare your life!" Liu Xun shouted.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Damn things!"

Exploding in the void, ghostly spirits swept around unscrupulously, the terrifying momentum forced the surrounding air, and the cold and infiltrating murderous intent reflected the surrounding fields.

"Luo Yi?" Yang Jian turned his face away in shock, feeling a ruthless and domineering aura pressing on him.

In the line of sight, Luo Yi's eyes were deep and his face was calm. He looked like a volcano before it erupted. Just by getting close, he could feel the potential, constantly surging, even boiling anger.

"Jiang Shangbai, Moments, and you bastards! There are [-] people in total, and Huangquan Road is lively enough."

"I will see Lord Yan later, and tell him that I will sacrifice your life to the god Luo Yi, and I will take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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