Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 260 I Luo Yi, Invincible

Chapter 260 I Luo Yi, Invincible
One stone stirred up waves, and in the conflict between the three parties, Luo Yi stood up and threatened to take the lives of 13 people in the circle of friends.

"Good job, just for your courage. When I kill you, I will definitely send you a big wreath, so that you can walk in style!" Jiang Shangbai laughed wildly.

Originally, what he said was to encourage Luo Yi to take the initiative to stand up, but now that Luo Yi took the initiative to take the initiative, there is no reason to be unhappy.

"Everyone in the world says that I declared war on the circle of friends to take advantage of the hot spots, to create fame, gain attention, and seek superiority." Luo Yi's body glowed red, "but today I want to tell the world that I, Luo Yi, belong to today's younger generation."


Before he finished speaking, a huge black hole suddenly appeared behind Luo Yi, and endless red light gushed out like a spring in the deep sea, and amidst the monstrous supernatural explosion sound, he stepped out and went straight into the sky.

"How courageous!" Jiang Shangbai snapped.

Luo Yi's attack was quick and urgent, not only the people in front of him, but also all the people in the headquarters were swept up by him, and they were all shrouded in the ghost domain.

Liwei must gain a foothold. This time, he will not only slap Moments, but also warn the headquarters to re-establish his prestige.

"Jiang Shangbai, you think that I have dealt with three supernatural events in two days. I am in a bad state and want to take advantage of the fire, but now, I want to tell you that I am the strongest now, because I have completely got rid of the one that made me fall into it. The sleeping evil ghost has taken back the power that belongs to me, Luo Yi, the god of worship."

"You, miscalculated!"

Luo Yi said word by word.

"How is it possible? Could it be that he was dealing with three incidents with the suppression of an evil ghost?" Jiang Shangbai's face changed.

"No, I don't believe it. He must be deceiving me. I, Jiang Shangbai, have never been weaker in my life. Even Fang Shiming can't suppress me for a long time. One day, I will break the cage of the world and become independent from the spiritual peak."

"I, Jiang Shangbai, am the strongest, and today, I will kill you and kick away your stumbling block!"

Jiang Shangbai roared furiously, and his black ghost domain was like smoke passing by, quickly paving a winding road in the kingdom of worshiping gods, and this road is still extending, and the end point is Luo Yi in the sky.

The dust was stirred up, and Jiang Shangbai strode forward in the ghost domain. Under the influence of the supernatural, the expensive leather shoes under his feet became old and festered like paper, and finally fell off the soles of his feet.

If it's just that, it's nothing. After being barefoot, Jiang Shangbai's two feet started to retract upwards, but he didn't kneel down on the ground, but miraculously floated up.

"Grandpa Jin is sincere, he can ascend to heaven without a foot, and he can ascend to heaven with his left foot and his right foot." Gao Ming rubbed his eyes with a shocked expression on his face.

It stands to reason that this is an action that is impossible for a normal person to do at all, but it happened strangely on Jiang Shangbai's body. It seems that there is some kind of strange force supporting his body to rise up, and in his arms After lifting the feet.

A thick, invisible shadow permeated from the black trousers of the suit, and a pair of dead feet suddenly protruded. These feet were stained with black blood clots, and the soles of the feet were covered with corpse spots. They were strange and cold, instead of His original feet landed on the ground.

One person, four soles!
Jiang Shangbai at this moment is like a monster created by Frankenstein with broken corpses, terrifying, terrifying, and chilling.

Jiang Shangbai's body was ups and downs, and now he seemed to be stepping on stilts, his feet did not touch the ground, but were suspended in the air, but he could walk normally, and as he continued to move forward, the stiff and thick soles of his feet were There were black footprints on the ground.

This scene is like a starving ghost in Dachang City, or a tall male corpse in the Caesar Hotel.

Undoubtedly, it was just a ghost, the foot of an evil ghost was taking Jiang Shangbai's steps.

This ghost, recorded in the materials given by Tang Wanwan, has a code name: ghost trampling people, also known as ghost trampling people.

This ghost is very special and powerful.

Once those dead-like soles stepped on someone while walking, the living person would undoubtedly die. Even a ghost master might not be able to stop the ghost from stepping on it.

The most special thing is that it can touch real ghosts.

Jiang Shangbai once used these terrifying soles to kick a real ghost in a supernatural event, and the effect was obvious.

The kicked ghost will be in a state of stagnation ranging from a few seconds to tens of seconds, or even a few minutes.

During that period of time, the ghost will never take any action. If they cooperate well, they can even directly solve a headache-inducing supernatural event.

"Stomp on ghost!" Li Jun's face turned serious, obviously he also knew about this evil ghost.

"According to the prediction of the data, Jiang Shangbai, this evil spirit has the ability to suppress, and the ordinary evil spirit will be silenced as soon as it is touched, but its shortcoming is also obvious, that is, it needs close contact." Wang Xiaoming said.

"But these are not difficult for Jiang Shangbai, because he has the ghost domain, he can easily move in front of the evil ghost, and then kick it out." Gao Ming said.

"This is already two evil spirits." Wang Xiaoming observed carefully, "Jiang Shangbai has controlled three evil spirits, but his third evil spirit has not been exposed. I think we can find out today." His details."

The headquarters has been collecting the abilities and information of various ghost masters, especially those in charge of the city, the circle of friends, and the ghost masters of the supernatural forum. Basically, each of them will have a separate data file.

Xinxing, evil spirit ability, and the most important point: coping and handling methods.

The dog that bites does not bark, and the circle of friends clamors to kill this and that all day long, but they don't know that the headquarters is the force with the most complete information and intelligence, and more importantly, they have already done it. Destroy the preparation and means of any ghost master.

After Jiang Shangbai made a move, the remaining ghost masters were not idle either. The skin on Wu Yun's body was cracked, and strands of black blood penetrated the wound, soaking his clothes, and drawing lines of twisted lines on his pure white t-shirt. picture of.

"Wu Yun, code name: Ghost Tombstone, one of the important figures in the circle of friends, the absolute core backbone."

According to the information, his becoming a ghost master was a deadly outdoor adventure. I don't know if it was a bet with his friends, or to prove his boldness. He carved his name on it, and since then, he seems to be haunted by ghosts.
Luo Yi recalled his information, this person is very good, in a sense he is a very unique kind, but what made him is a curse, a curse that wrote his name in blood.

When he saw his information, Luo Yi suspected that the evil spirit on his body came out of Fushou Garden.

Because there are tombstones of dead people there, the ghost old lady carved the names of the people on the tombstones through coffins, and then killed the living people.

Wu Yun's body was full of supernatural powers, and soon a character 'Luo' was written in blood. When the character 'Different' was written, the curse of death would erupt and kill the cursed person.

Apart from Wu Yun, a man named Liu Dong suddenly raised his head, his originally clear eyes suddenly became cloudy, the skin on his face began to wrinkle, and a distorted grimace kept wriggling under the skin.

This is also a powerful go-getter in the circle of friends. He only controlled one evil ghost, but with this evil ghost, he was able to stand out from the crowd of ghost masters in the circle of friends and get the appreciation of the higher-ups.

The reason is that this evil ghost is terrifying and ferocious enough.

This ghost is called: Dead Head, that is, the ghost that was held in the arms of the ghost boy in the later stage. It only needs to open its eyes and stare at a person for a short time, and it can form a strong suppressing evil ghost.

The rest of the ghost masters in the circle of friends revived the evil spirits on them one after another. Suddenly, in the cold and treacherous, all kinds of abilities began to be revealed, and the attacks of more than a dozen evil spirits came in the blink of an eye.

All kinds of ghosts are entangled, and it's only for a moment. The people in the circle of friends use their own special kills to kill Luo Yi in one fell swoop.

Luo Yi's reaction was also not slow, and he shouted, "Anyone who blocks me will die!"

The ghost domain sweeps across, and the space reality changes rapidly in the blink of an eye; the blood moon hangs high, shedding endless bloody red light; the incense is lingering, and the sound of worship is endless;

In the boiling kingdom of worshiping gods, the ancient and simple stone platform rose from the ground, Luo Yi stomped his feet on the ground, and the terrifying spirit pierced the air waves like an arrow, boiling the void, and countless dark and cold chains appeared in the intertwined warmth and coldness. , intertwined, across the sky, forming a huge cage above the dome.

The black robe fluttered like a banner, and Luo Yi held his right arm high, like an ancient god and man, holding up heaven's punishment.

The five fingers stretched and rotated, the dull breath oppressed the air, and when the feeling of suffocation was strong, the prison fell straight down.


In the kingdom of worshiping gods, it was as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred. Ordinary people such as Wang Xiaoming, Cao Yanhua, etc. felt deaf, blind, and dizzy.

The central location covered by the erosion of various ghost domains is like a volcanic eruption, which cannot be seen directly, approached, or discerned.

"What's the matter, who will win and who will lose in this fight, are there any casualties, and who is the dead?"

A series of questions are constantly being raised.

But no one could answer. Under the huge spiritual eruption, no one could get any information through the darkness that could not be seen.

"Cao Bu, do we want it?" Li Jun's eyes flashed a ruthless look, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Li Jun wanted to kill people, and took advantage of the chaos to kill those lawless, arrogant and domineering officials and thieves in his circle of friends.

Cao Yanhua showed emotion on his face. Under such circumstances, it is indeed possible to make a move. Anyway, in the ghost domain, during the battle between the two sides, outsiders can't find out everything here. As long as the hands and feet are clean and neat, who can say anything, who dare say what.

There is no proof of death, no proof, no proof, it's not what the headquarters says, it's what!
"Wait a minute," Wang Xiaoming pulled Cao Yanhua back, "There is no plan in advance, and this matter is prone to mistakes. If someone escapes, it may cause resistance and backlash in the circle of friends."

Wang Xiaoming's words were like a basin of ice water, which made Cao Yanhua calm down instantly.

"It's a pity, such a good opportunity!" Cao Yanhua squeezed his fist fiercely, showing a regretful expression.

Wang Xiaoming said: "Li Jun, coordinate with the people in charge. If Jiang Shangbai dies in the confrontation, we will completely kill this group of people and leave no one behind!"

"Professor Wang, you!" Li Jun's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect such harsh words to come from Wang Xiaoming's mouth.

"These people use my research results on weekdays. Not only do they not feel grateful, but they also hurt me badly and slander me with rumors. If there is no chance, it's fine. Why don't you report it if you have the opportunity?" Wang Xiaoming said calmly.

Using the most flat tone and saying the most ruthless words, this plot was interpreted to the extreme by Wang Xiaoming.

Li Jun stared, "I thought you, Professor Wang, are a gentleman who is open-minded and repays evil with kindness."

"Confucius said: How can you reward virtue with virtue? I, Wang Xiaoming, am a nerd, not a gentleman. I don't do anything because the current supernatural situation requires a large number of ghost masters. For the sake of the overall situation and for the entire human race, I can suppress the anger and anger in my heart." Hate."

"But it's different now. In Luo Yi, I saw another way to solve the spiritual recovery, so I decided to increase his weight."

Wang Xiaoming's outlook on life has always been very clear, that is, value. Anyone and anything can be measured according to the theory of value, and can be placed on the left and right ends of the balance.

At the beginning, he felt that the circle of friends was important, so he let go of his self-esteem and grievances. Now he feels that Luo Yi is important, so giving up the circle of friends is a matter of course.

Even though he already knew Wang Xiaoming's ideas, at this moment, Cao Yanhua still felt chills in his heart. It is not scary to be a smart person, what is scary is a smart person who is absolutely rational.

Because you don't know when he gave up.

Li Jun accepted all this very calmly. For him, obedience is his bounden duty, protecting Wang Xiaoming is his responsibility, and curbing the spiritual recovery and saving the people are his ideals.

As long as it is for this purpose, nothing is impossible.

In a sense, Wang Xiaoming, Li Jun, Tong Qian, Zhou Zheng, and Zhang Xianguang are a kind of people, a kind of controversial but great people. People ridicule and resist them because they are stubborn and stupid; Because they have ideals and dare to practice.

But Luo Yi is not, he is not even the same as Yang Jian, the selfish and suspicious protagonist of the world, he is an out-and-out careerist, just like Ye Feng and Fang Shiming.

The difference is that Ye Feng seeks to be the person in charge of the city, Fang Shimin seeks to replace the headquarters, and Luo Yi seeks to control the spirit and become a unique god in this world.

Vision determines height, and obviously, Luo Yi is the top existence in this regard.

"The result is out!" Cao Yang shouted, pulling everyone's eyes and thoughts back.

Cao Yanhua took the lead to look at the circle of friends. Among the original 13 people, only Jiang Shangbai, Wu Yun, and Liu Dong were left. The remaining ten people were all trapped by the chain cage just now, and they were already dead.

Luo Yi killed ten excellent ghost masters in the circle of friends with one blow. You must know that these are not ordinary ghost masters, but the backbone force carefully selected by the circle of friends. Each of them has dealt with too many supernatural events , the ability will not be weaker than that of ordinary city leaders.

But now they are all dead, and even their bodies have been eroded, leaving only the evil spirits in their bodies wriggling slowly in place.

What a power, what a horror.

"Gah, am I dazzled, all ten people are dead?" Gao Ming couldn't believe it, "Chen Yi, please confirm for me, are they all dead?"

An ugly expression appeared on Chen Yi's stiff face, "Dead, all dead!"

Gao Ming continued: "My mother, even if there are ten pigs, each with one knife, it wouldn't be so fast!"

"If I didn't go down the steps Luo Yi gave me at the airport, would I be like them and not even be able to leave a corpse?" Chen Yi said with fear in his heart.

"But now the question is, what about Luo Yi?"

Gao Ming glanced at Gaokong, it was empty, not even a piece of clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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