Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 264 Start the Confrontation

Chapter 264 Start the Confrontation

Zhang Jian revived the corpse ghost and forcibly opened the way forward.

"Follow me", Fang Shiming didn't care about other things at the moment, because the candle in his hand was only less than one centimeter long. Once the candle was burned out, the remaining dozens of evil spirits would immediately rush up and kill them Cannibalized.


The ugly door opening sounded, and several people could not help but smile on their faces, as if at this moment, they heard the most beautiful movement in the world.

"Zhang Jiang, you are the wounded, you go out first, I will hold a candle to shine on you!" Fang Shiming's eyes flashed a hint of cunning, but his face showed an eager expression of concern for his subordinates.

Zhang Jiang had already lost his mind from the pain of fear and the pain of losing his hand, so he didn't even think about it, and ran out of Fang Shiming directly.

Fang Shiming raised the corner of his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of coldness.

"If you're told to go, just go, don't say hello, don't say thank you, if you don't die, whoever dies!"

Zhang Jian, who was walking at the end, saw Fang Shiming's expression, and felt a sense of horror spontaneously.

"That idiot Zhang Jiang is really a pig. He didn't even know he was being used as a gun."

Not to mention that there is still Luo Yi waiting outside, how dare he walk in front of Fang Shiming?

"This time, even if he doesn't die, don't think about it in the future." Zhang Jian said in his heart.

Fang Shiming's character is vicious and conceited. This kind of person usually has strong self-esteem. How can he endure his subordinates running for their lives before him?

When Zhang Jiang went out, Fang Shiming carefully followed behind him, and the rest of them filed out.

With a bang, the door closed, and the role of gold to isolate the supernatural began to play, and the evil spirits who had followed closely behind the few people were locked behind them.

Call ~
Fang Shiming shook his hands, brushing off the wax oil left on his hands, only to see that his original tiger's mouth had been frostbitten by the wax oil of the ghost candle.

Fang Shiming didn't take it seriously, that's what supernatural things are like, and it's against common sense, so it's not surprising if you see them a lot.

"Zhang Jian's evil ghost is still powerful, but the smell is simply too strong." As soon as he reached the door, Chen Xun let go of his tightly covered nose and began to breathe heavily.

"There's a lot of nonsense. It's good that you can live. How dare you despise this or that." Fang Shiming reprimanded.

As long as you can survive, let alone smell the stench, so what if you take a bath in the toilet?
"Be careful, something is wrong here!" Zhang Jian finally came out of the door, still maintaining the power of the evil spirit.It didn't take long to notice the difference in the outside world.

"It's blood red and smells like incense. This should be Luo Yi's ghost land." Fang Shiming said solemnly, looking around vigilantly with his eyes, trying to detect Luo Yi's traces from the subtleties.

"He didn't come out, was he delayed by something, or was he observing us in secret?" Zhang Jiang said, clutching his severed hand.

Originally, the evil spirit he controlled was from the palm to the forearm, but now the palm has been petrified and remained on the evil spirit with different pupils forever. Only half of his current evil spirit remains.

Moreover, this half of the evil spirits were still restless, making it difficult for him to be distracted.

"Luo Yi, come out, someone who hides his head and shows his tail doesn't fit our status!" Fang Shiming said coldly.

Luo Yi responded with a chuckle; "It's very simple to see me, it depends on whether you are qualified enough."

"Be careful!" Fang Shiming realized that something was wrong, and instantly grabbed a rough and ugly rag doll from his waist pocket.

The red light intensified rapidly like a laser, and chains hung from the top of the head, pierced through the walls, and pierced out from the floor.

He bound towards the few people present.

Zhang Jiang was in front of a few people, and he was No.1 who bore the brunt. Before he could make a move on the remaining half of the man-catcher, he was wrapped around his neck by a cold chain that made a strange sound of gold and iron.

"Release me!" Zhang Jiang roared with a flushed face, ignoring the severe pain in his arm, and stuck his severed arm on the chain all at once.

The catcher revived, and the cold and damp air seeped out, causing a thin layer of mist to appear on the already icy chains.

Under the resistance of the spirit, the chain was loosened at once, and Zhang Jiang got a gap, and used his right arm to push the chain away.

However, after avoiding this one, another chain came up from the ground along the trouser legs. The cold touch was like a poisonous snake, which made Zhang Jiang tremble all over.

"What the hell!" Zhang Jiang just wanted to jump up, when the chains on his legs suddenly tightened tightly.

Struggling, Zhang Jiang found that the force was extremely strong, and the chain strangled his thigh, as if sharp barbs had cut through the flesh, and were firmly stuck in the gaps in the joints.

The chain dragged along the void, rattling.

Suddenly, the chain stretched straight, and Zhang Jiang's legs were grabbed with great force, and he was pulled away from the original place at once, and the whole person flew up as if hit by a truck.

"help me!"

Zhang Jiang shouted, but the speed of the chain was faster and more violent than everyone imagined.

"Zhang Jiang was caught!" Chen Xun yelled and stepped forward, trying to grab the dragging chain, but his speed was still a bit slower after all, and he passed Zhang Jiang with a slight gap.

"Don't go forward, come back quickly, be careful to be broken one by one!" Fang Shiming shouted.

In less than a blink of an eye, Zhang Jiang was hoisted upside down by this chain, and then he was lifted into the air at a very high speed, until the few people could no longer see him!

"But he's right there!" Chen Xun said in surprise.

"Don't go, he can't be saved!" Fang Shiming shook his head regretfully.

This is Luo Yi's ghost domain. With the means of a top ghost master, it is easy to construct virtual reality and reverse reality. What everyone sees is the sky. Maybe Zhang Jiang has been moved to the ground long ago.

"Damn it, if only my body was here, why would I be so passive?" Fang Shiming was furious in his heart, but to this day, he has nothing to do.

"I hope the members of other branches can respond in time, otherwise I'm afraid I really have to explain it here today."

Although this Fang Shiming is not a real person and does not have the power of evil spirits, his knowledge is still interlinked. As early as the moment he left the house, he realized that Luo Yi's ghost domain is very strong. With the help of the people around him, it may be difficult to escape from here.

"One less person." Zhang Jian's face was ashen, and the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably, as if he was extremely angry.

Zhang Jiang felt dizzy in his head, and then his surrounding vision changed, and everything seemed to have entered the world of the mirror, with his head and feet reversed.

"No, it's not that the world is turned upside down, but that I was hanged upside down!" He shook his head and said soberly.

"The chain must be undone, or I must die!"

Zhang Jiang quickly judged the situation in front of him. He exerted strength from his waist, coordinated his neck and shoulders, and wanted to curl up his upper body.

He had tried it before, the chains were a supernatural product, and ordinary physical means couldn't be undone, so he had to use his people-catcher.

This required him to perform sit-ups in a weird position with his head on his feet.

"Damn it, I would have exercised more if I knew it earlier!" Zhang Jiang complained to himself while exerting his strength continuously.

However, I don't know whether it is insufficient core or too much fat in the upper body. Zhang Jiang tried hard several times but failed.

"No, it's too difficult, and I feel that this chain is getting colder and colder. My two legs are about to be frozen stiff. If this continues, the activity of flesh and blood tissue will be completely lost in less than a minute. By then The spirit continues to spread, and I will definitely be hanged here alive.

Zhang Jiang's brain was a little swollen due to lack of oxygen, and his whole face turned purple like a pig's liver, but his thoughts became clearer. This is the human body's self-protection in a crisis situation, and it is also the last chance for survival.

"It doesn't matter, let's survive first. As for the rest, the worst thing is to find a ghost to replace the body." Zhang Jiang showed a murderous look on his face.

With his left hand, he took out a sharp dagger with a cold light from his waist instantly.

When the dagger pierced into the thigh, there was no rush of blood as imagined, nor the delicate and sticky feeling of cutting the flesh. Instead, it was hard and brittle, just like what was cut at this time was not the thigh, but a piece of half-frozen meat. The pork was average.

Zhang Jiang continued to fight, relying on the little consciousness left, he continued to slash fiercely, he wanted to cut off his two thighs and get rid of the entanglement of the chains.

Luo Yi looked indifferently at Zhang Jiang's continuous slashing of his thighs, "This is a ruthless character, but your thinking is still too simple!"

Zhang Jiang's strikes were very accurate and steady, and when the spirit eroded his thigh, it also completely damaged the nerves and blood vessels in his leg, which made him feel almost no pain.

But the strong bloody smell still came to his nose.

In just 3 minutes, Zhang Jiang dismantled his thigh as quickly as if he was slicing an ox.

"Fortunately, I worked as a surgeon for two years before, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to complete this step."

The structure of the human body is very complicated, even if ordinary people are ruthless enough, they may not be able to cut off their thighs with a dagger.

The broken corpse fell from the sky free from the shackles of the chains, and Zhang Jiang struggled to get up in the blood everywhere.

At this moment, there were black and red blood marks on his face, and his clothes were swollen with blood. With his hideous face, he looked like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

Zhang Jiang grabbed the knife in his hand and slashed randomly in the air, venting the anger and pain in his heart.

"Luo Yi, don't let me escape, or I will kill you alive!" Zhang Jiang swore.

"Then you can't escape!"

In the void, an icy voice sounded without the slightest emotional ups and downs, and following the voice, another chain of cold chains hung down.

"Go away, go away!" Zhang Jiang roared.

However, his toughness only lasted less than 1 minute.

Because he found that no matter how he crawled or avoided, the chains hanging from the sky seemed to have eyes, always chasing him and moving forward.

"No, let me go, let me go!"

"Please, let me go, let me go!"

There was great terror between life and death, and he began to beg for mercy.

Luo Yi glanced at the long bloodstains on the ground, turned and left without hesitation.

He knew that this person was dead!

Sure enough, Zhang Jiang, who was crawling forward, was finally rolled up by a chain and hung up again.

Reluctantly, he stretched out his severed arm, revived the supernatural power above that was catching ghosts, and pushed back the gradually tightening chain again.

However, before his body fell, another chain came out like a snake.

This time, it was his neck that was in the chain sleeve.

In the stream of tears, Zhang Jiang's breathing stopped abruptly.

At this time, there were only three people left in the entire Ping An Building.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and Luo Yi's face appeared in the surprised eyes of several people.

Fang Shiming looked wary, "You are finally willing to come out, where is Zhang Jiang?"

"I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be able to ask such a stupid question? Is it because of supernatural effects that your avatar's consciousness is not strong?"

Fang Shiming's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect Luo Yi to see his details at a glance.

In fact, he was almost identical to the real Fang Shiming in terms of face and temperament, as long as he didn't do anything, even the old people around him couldn't tell the difference.

"How did you find out? He told you that!" Fang Shiming said firmly.

"I want to know what you bought him with. With the contacts, status and strength of my circle of friends, you can actually let you poach him away?"

From the outbreak of evil spirits in the conference room, Fang Shiming knew that someone had betrayed him, and this person was his subordinate and comrade-in-arms for many years. He still couldn't figure out why this person would betray him?

Luo Yi calmly said: "Someone said that there are two fundamental reasons why employees leave their jobs. One is that they dislike the lack of pay, and the other is that they feel wronged."

"He is wronged, what is wrong with him? When have I treated him so poorly for so many years?"

Fang Shiming was surprisingly angry.

"Isn't it just a captain spot? Isn't he the captain in my circle of friends? I originally planned to push Jiang Shangbai to be the captain of the headquarters and let him be the only captain in my circle of friends. I didn't expect him to be so impatient and so easy chose to betray me."

In Fang Shiming's mind, there are a total of twelve captains in the headquarters, and Jiang Shangbai is only one of the 12 people. How can it be compared to the circle of friends, under one person, and above ten thousand people, who are free and easy.

Luo Yi sneered, "Never do things under the banner of being good for others, you are not taking care of others at all, you are just exercising your privilege."

"What about you, what did you give him?" Fang Shiming said.

"I didn't give him anything. In addition, I don't bother to pay attention to the shit between you. I only know that he said a word when he asked to see me."

"What did he say?"

"He said: If a superior is too shrewd, the people under him will have a hard time surviving!"

"I don't know the so-called, I don't know good and bad things!" Fang Shiming cursed angrily.

After taking a deep breath, he continued: "Luo Yi, you and I are both the top ghost masters. My circle of friends admitted what happened today. You killed dozens of people in my circle of friends. This grievance should be deserved." Solve it!"

"What do you mean, you are wooing me?"

"It's not about wooing," Fang Shiming said sincerely, "It's about cooperating, cooperating with me, cooperating with the circle of friends!"

"The people in your circle of friends are dying and fleeing. What do you use to cooperate with me?"

"As long as I, Fang Shiming, live, the circle of friends will live, and I, Fang Shiming, will be the biggest sign!" Fang Shiming said conceitedly.

"Wait for your words first, I'll kill someone first!"

Luo Yi raised his hand to interrupt Fang Shiming's eloquence, and drew out the knife with his left hand, and with one blow, he killed Zhang Jian and Chen Xun who were beside Fang Shiming.

Fang Shiming looked at the unscrupulous Luo Yi with a sullen expression, "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm not that boring. I just said that if you want your circle of friends to die, you must have no one left!"

(End of this chapter)

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