Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 265 Empty Ping An Building

Chapter 265 Empty Ping An Building
"Now you have any last words, you can say them, don't think that other people will come to save you, that's unrealistic."

"I know that the outside is probably blocked by people from the headquarters. At least no one will come in until you and I decide the outcome, but this is also a good opportunity for you and me to speak freely here."

Fang Shiming continued: "I have read your information, and I am also aware of your behavior in Yuzhou City. You are not a person who is willing to be inferior to others. Now there is an opportunity in front of you. You and I join forces, even if you are called Ye Zhen, who is number one in Asia, can be defeated, and it is not impossible to win the headquarters by then."

"In your eyes, the headquarters is so bad that you and I can take it down?"

The corners of Fang Shiming's mouth turned up, "I know what you want to say, Mr. Qin, right? That old man is indeed very strong, but people of his generation are different from us. They don't care about many things, and I didn't say that I would kill him." Get rid of all the people in the headquarters, I just want to be the new head of the headquarters, all this is the same as when I stole the circle of friends."

Luo Yi's eyes flickered. This Fang Shiming really knew a lot. If what he said was true, instead of overthrowing the headquarters, there was a mutiny to deal with several persons in charge in Dajing City and directly take over the headquarters. There is a certain feasibility.

After all, it's not ancient times now, so what bloodlines and righteousness are important, in the eyes of Luo Yi and Fang Shiming, the fist in the hand is the greatest righteousness.

Moreover, ghost masters are also human beings, and they are no different from ordinary people. As long as the salary is paid at that time, the people in charge of all parts of the country will not care whether the order they listen to is from the headquarters or the circle of friends.

"To be honest, what you said touched my heart. After the matter is over, how do you plan to deal with the interest relationship between you and me?"

Fang Shiming smiled coldly, "I want to say that we will live in peace with you, and you will definitely not believe in the division of the world. At that time, each will use his own ability to manage as many city leaders as he can win over, how about it?"

These words showed Fang Shiming's heroic qualities.


Luo Yi rejected this proposal without hesitation. Moments of friends have been rooted in the country for many years, almost every city has their footprints, and even many city leaders are originally from them, so compared to this, Luo Yi cannot surpass them.

"Then what else do you want?" Fang Shiming's eyes showed dissatisfaction. He felt that he had already made a lot of concessions, but Luo Yi was not satisfied.

"As a human being, you can't be too greedy!" Fang Shiming warned darkly.

"It's really not credible to say this from your mouth." Luo Yi sneered.

A person who is always planning to rebel, actually tells others not to be too greedy, isn't this a big joke in the world?

The corners of Fang Shiming's eyes twitched, and his expression was cold, "Don't be too busy laughing at me, you and I are the same kind of people, both careerists, but I am one step faster than you."

"I thought about it carefully, and I'm not the same as you. You basically only have the headquarter of the family, but I'm different. I not only have the headquarter above me, but also you, a hungry wolf, watching from the side. Therefore, for From my point of view, destroying the headquarters is nothing more than letting you continue to grow, and my superiors will still be suppressed by then."

"What's the value of changing the soup but not the medicine?"

Although the current headquarters is afraid of Luo Yi, comparatively speaking, the headquarters will still trust Luo Yi more, just like in this conflict, the headquarters can be regarded as half an ally.

It is undoubtedly a very disadvantageous thing to win over the hostile forces and destroy half of the allies.

Moreover, the current Luo Yi's power is not large enough, and there are very few ghost masters under his command who can manage a place alone, which leads to an embarrassing situation that even if more management rights can be obtained, no one can use them.

"The family at the headquarters eats more than half of the cake in the domestic supernatural circle. If you and I join forces, even if we can't take all of it, we can still get a lot of it, and the mouth will be full of oil. With our strength, is it possible?" With so many resources, you still can’t develop, or are you not that confident in yourself?”

Fang Shiming bewitched.

Luo Yi didn't listen to Fang Shiming's bewitchment, and still had a clear mind, "You can't become a big fat man with one mouthful, since you want to eat, you have to start small."

"Pick the soft persimmons!"

Fang Shiming sneered, "I'm afraid that what you pinch is not a persimmon, but a sharp knife, and when the time comes, your hands will be covered with blood, and you will die of pain!"

"Then I won't bother you, a dead man." After Luo Yi finished speaking, he dodged and came directly in front of Fang Shiming's eyes, grabbed his throat and lifted him up.

"I want to know, if a powerful person like you who thinks highly of himself will put down his self-esteem before he dies, and beg me for mercy in a humble manner?"

Fang Shiming's face turned red, but his eyes were still vicious, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I, Fang Shiming, never know what it means to be humble!"

"Release it for me!" Fang Shiming gritted his teeth.

Following his words, a gloomy cold wind appeared out of thin air, and began to spin around rapidly from the feet. In the gray air current, Fang Shiming's figure dissipated little by little, as if this person was just a thick fog. generally.

"Luo Yi, rejecting me is the most ridiculous decision you have ever made in your life. I want you to know how stupid you are, just wait here and wait for me to send you on your way!" Fang Shiming struggled and roared .

Luo Yi said indifferently: "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Fang Shiming finally roared, "I'm just a stand-in, you can't kill me!"

Luo Yi's five fingers suddenly clenched tightly, but his hand was suddenly empty, and Fang Shiming in front of him disappeared completely.

This supernatural incarnation was discarded.

Fang Shiming chose to kill himself, and did not give Luo Yi the chance to kill him.

"The matter here is almost over, the only thing left is to find the real Fang Shiming and completely end this conflict." Luo Yi thought.

"Stop it first!"

The red light was quickly put away like an elephant absorbing water, and the smell of incense in the air also quickly dissipated. Outside sounds came, and the dust began to settle.

Just when Luo Yi was about to turn around, something happened suddenly.

Zhang Jian, the dead man who was lying on the ground without breathing, suddenly opened his eyes.

His body quickly shriveled like a balloon, and soon there was only an empty human skin left. At the same time, the surrounding air was once again filled with a stench of rotting corpses, which was very strong. It's scary, giving people a feeling of suffocation immediately.

"I am going to kill you."

Zhang Jian's voice echoed around like a threat from a demon, but his body was still lying there strangely and motionless.

The strong smell of corpses gathered together, vaguely forming a blurred outline of a person. This vague humanoid outline quickly rushed towards Luo Yi, and got into his body along Luo Yi's mouth and nose.

Luo Yi trembled and immediately stopped moving.

"I waited for so long, and finally waited until the split evil spirits were reunited. This time, you will die and become my Zhang Jian's stepping stone. I will replace your body, live well, and become the top! Ghost master!"

Zhang Jian's voice was full of madness, this top ghost master who killed Jiang Shangbai, destroyed the Ping'an Building, and repelled Fang Shiming was actually going to die in his hands, how could this not make people ecstatic.

He seemed to have foreseen that he would become a guest at the headquarters, sitting on an equal footing with Fang Shiming, shouting at the ghost master, and killing ordinary people.

"I'm about to succeed, I'm going to become the most powerful ghost master!"

"You want to control my body?" Luo Yi tried to move his body, and it was a little stiff, as if the vegetative person hadn't got up and moved for a long time, and the flexibility of his body had dropped a lot.

"Do you know why people in the circle of friends don't put me on the table? Because I can invade the body of any ghost master and replace it. The guy who fell to the ground is just an unlucky guy I occupied before, Now you will be next."

Zhang Jian's voice seemed to reverberate in Luo Yi's mind, his tone was ferocious like madness.

For this moment, he planned for a long time.

Although his corpse stink ghost is terrifying, its shortcomings are also obvious. It just doesn't have the ghost domain, and it recovers quickly. Once it can't find anyone, it will be useless.

But now, taking advantage of Luo Yi's opportunity to put away Huang Quan, he decisively chose to make a move.

"You know, in fact, I was hesitant before. After all, you killed Jiang Shangbai and so many of my colleagues. I decided to pretend to be dead and run away quietly after you left, but then a voice told As long as I can replace you, I can do anything I wanted to do but didn't dare to do before."

"Fortunately, I listened to my own inner voice, otherwise I would have missed this golden opportunity!"

Given the direct strength gap between him and Luo Yi, there was no possibility of a head-to-head confrontation, but supernatural events are so full of surprises, Luo Yi actually chose to put away the ghost domain, which made him see an opportunity to change his life .

As long as there is a chance, Zhang Jian believes that it is very possible to kill Luo Yi. After all, he is only a human being, and he will die if he is a human being. If he is lucky, he can even take over this body instead of Luo Yi and become the new sacrificial god Luo Yi .

But Zhang Jian soon felt that something was wrong, which came from something wrong with this body.

"Why is your body like this, cold and deep, lifeless and lifeless, you are a dead person? No, it shouldn't be, this is the body of an evil ghost, and you actually control a complete body of an evil ghost!"

Zhang Jian screamed out, for him, all this was incredible.

The jigsaw puzzle of evil ghosts is beyond reach. Many people have spent a lot of material and financial resources and can't find a second suitable jigsaw puzzle, but Luo Yi actually found a complete evil ghost.

This is simply less than the probability of winning the first prize in the lottery.

"I am developed. As long as I can control such an evil ghost, the spirit of the ghoul can also be suppressed. I can even ascend to the sky in one step, complete my transformation into a evil ghost, and become a real evil ghost. The entire spiritual circle has become the supreme existence!"

Zhang Jian's tone was crazy, full of unbelievable madness and ecstasy.

"It turned out to be an evil ghost invading the body, the strange smell of corpses, this smell is the real you, if my guess is right, this stench will also damage the human body, so you should also fight with the headless ghost Usually, it needs to be constantly replaced with a living body."

"You are not dead, how is it possible, I have already occupied your body, how could you not be dead?" Zhang Jian said in amazement, he could feel that his evil spirit had spread to the whole body, but why could Luo Yi still be alive? Talk, not dead yet?
Luo Yi sneered and said, "Since you already know that my body is a ghost, do you think that a small jigsaw puzzle of yours can shake an entire evil ghost?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jian was startled, "Yes, although my evil ghost is terrifying, it's just a small piece of the evil ghost's puzzle after all. How can it take over the entire ghost body?"

Zhang Jian hastily mobilized the spirit, trying to escape from this body, but it was too late.

Amidst the sounds of worshiping priests, a strong scent of incense permeated from Luo Yi's body.

Although this breath is not as strong and pungent as the smell of corpses, it is obviously more supernatural than the smell of corpses, and soon forced the smell of corpses to a corner of the body.

"Let me out quickly, quickly!" Zhang Jian screamed in fear.

"I want to escape now, it's too late!" Luo Yi raised his right hand, and a cloud of dark mist was driven out from his body by the ghost body. The mist surged, and a panicked face of a strange man appeared on it.

This is what Zhang Jian really looks like.

With a thought in Luo Yi's mind, a thick blood color spread, and the dark mist rolled up and disappeared in a flash.

In the kingdom of worshiping the gods, the true face of this evil ghost was revealed. It was a highly decomposed corpse, and the rotting flesh and blood kept falling from it standing there.

Corruption and festering, like a corpse buried deep underground for several months, black blood, broken skin, rotting corpse water. All these are the source of the stench.

The only one that is completely preserved is Zhang Jian's head.

His whole body has been corrupted by ghosts into this state. It is estimated that he is not far from the stage of recovery. No wonder his spirit is extremely unstable.

"Death to me!"

Zhang Jian controlled the tattered corpse to approach. The head seemed to be revived by an evil spirit. It was hideous and terrifying, full of resentment and hatred towards Luo Yi.

"It's you who should disappear!" Luo Yi stretched out his hand, and the terrifying blood washed away, and Zhang Jian's head was completely wiped away in the blink of an eye, leaving only a foul-smelling corpse.

A chain protruded out, binding the evil spirit tightly, and Luo Yi once again used the skill of worshiping the gods.


The spirit flowed out and entered Luo Yi's body.

Soon, the chain was loosened, and the evil ghost staggered out of the ghost domain, and finally disappeared.

"It's time to bring back the rest of the evil spirits." Luo Yi carefully opened the door of the conference room, and the blood-colored ghost realm of the worship god boiled up, and suddenly poured into the conference room like a river breaking its embankment.

Crowds of evil spirits floated up and down in this ghost domain, and the remaining few evil spirits quickly fell silent, were dragged away by the power of the ghost domain, and finally became sacrifices to the gods.

Luo Yi used the ghost-slaying knife to deal with a few difficult evil spirits, and only then did he clean up all the evil spirits in the conference room.

The blood color disappeared, and the face of Ping An Building appeared in front of everyone again.

"Is it over?" Cao Yanhua looked at the silent building in front of him, as if it was a dead place, feeling inexplicably cold in his heart.

Chen Yi said with a stiff face: "It looks like it's over, but I don't know what the result will be. Is Fang Shiming better, or Luo Yiqi wins?"

"No matter what the result is, today we have witnessed a huge change in the spiritual world. Perhaps it is more appropriate to say an earthquake." Cao Yang said apologetically.

"I just don't know whether this is good or bad for the headquarters." Cao Yanhua had mixed feelings in his heart.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

This is beyond doubt, but what should the headquarters do with the remaining tiger, which is more ferocious and ruthless?
(End of this chapter)

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