Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 267 The Erased Building

Chapter 267 The Erased Building

"Start directly or do you need to make some preparations?" Wang Xiaoming said.

"You don't want to renege on your debt, do you?" Cao Yang asked suspiciously.

"Since you are so persistent, then I will take action now and let you guys be convinced to lose." Earning hundreds of millions and a few evil spirits in a second, a fool would not do it!

Luo Yi glanced at the others and said, "I will only show it once, and I will try to slow down the action as much as possible during the process, so that you can see it clearly!"

"Shoot it, there is no difference between once and many times!" Wang Xiaoming said.

The scene is the best group of people in Dajing City, and they don't need to watch and watch repeatedly to determine the truth.

Luo Yi stretched out his right hand, and a terrifying ghost began to gather in his palm, and it was cold and cold. With the cool night wind stirring the black robe, the blood color spread, and the red light was like a horse.

This time, Luo Yi's ghost domain was not fully unfolded, but like a beam of scattered light, with the palm as the origin and the air as the medium, it spanned hundreds of meters and hit the Pingan Building in the distance.

"Look, my ghost domain doesn't cover other realities. As long as the building disappears under such circumstances, it proves that there is another world of ghosts."

After Luo Yi finished speaking, the faint red light condensed in an instant, as thick as bright blood, completely soaking the Ping An Building in the blink of an eye.

Soon the houses began to disappear layer by layer. This scene was like pulling out building blocks. The difference was that Luo Yi's speed was very fast. In less than a breath, the entire building was sent into another space.

Only a foundation tens of meters deep was left in place.

Luo Yi withdrew the power of Huang Quan and stayed in place quietly.

"The Ping An Building is gone!"

"I'll go, is there really another spiritual space?"

Cao Yang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Damn, what is this? A laser cannon? The whole building is gone in Huangquan Yizhao. If you do this to someone in the future, who can resist it?"

Come to someone?
The others felt a chill in their hearts, and looked at Luo Yi with strong anxiety.

The power that can be sent away by a building can naturally be sent away by ordinary people and ghost masters.

And this kind of power doesn't even need to show up in person. Judging from the coverage of Luo Yi's ghost domain, he can even transmit the power of the ghost domain across a city.

In other words, he can erase the ghost master in Dachuan City when he is in Yuzhou City.

"Fortunately, the city I'm in charge of isn't next door to you!" Gao Ming said happily.

"Is this kind of power really something people can control?" Cao Yanhua took a deep look at Luo Yi.

This is really too shocking, this is not an apple or a handful of green onions, but a whole building of hundreds of meters, if the ghost domain is enlarged, wouldn't Luo Yi be able to send away the research institute at the headquarters?

"This is just the deep usage of the ghost domain. It's not just me. Anyone who owns the ghost domain can do this as long as the evil spirits are supernatural enough, such as Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian, you can do it too? It's hidden!" Li Jun said in surprise.

Yang Jian stroked his chin and said hesitantly, "I'm not sure, I haven't figured out how to use it yet."

"I lost." Wang Xiaoming glanced at the ruined walls in the distance: "I didn't expect supernatural powers to really affect reality, but where did the disappearing building go?"

"Another spiritual space or a spiritual place, I'm not sure."

When Luo Yi deepened the ghost domain, a vague and gloomy world appeared. Although it was just a glimpse of horror, Luo Yi was sure that it was definitely not reality.

"Can you reverse this phenomenon?" Wang Xiaoming suddenly asked such a question.

"Huh?" Luo Yi's eyes moved slightly: "Reversal?"

"Assuming that the building disappears, if you reverse the result, can you create a building out of thin air? If it can be done, you can change the result and reverse the reality before the building is destroyed. The ability is the same." Wang Xiaoming put forward an unbelievable hypothesis.

"Professor Wang, what you're talking about is a sci-fi movie. How could such a thing happen? Isn't this the grandmother's paradox?" Gao Ming said.

"I have seen your restart, it is a method similar to going back in time, but you can only affect yourself. If you can expand this influence to the surroundings, can this process be realized?" Wang Xiaoming road.

Luo Yi said calmly: "What you're talking about is a range restart. After the supernatural power reaches a certain level, it is indeed possible to do this kind of thing, but this is somewhat different from what you said. The restart affects the existing reality. When the restart is completed, A new established reality is established, and the difference is imperceptible to anyone other than the ghost walker himself."

"And restarting is not creation, it can only go back to the past and make modifications on the basis of the original, for example, if I go back to 1 minute ago, I can send away one floor, but I can't let this building have an extra floor. "

"Spirituality can create ghost masters and ghost slaves, but it can't be created from scratch, at least I can't do it right now, and I can't even imagine it."

Li Jundao: "This is the truth. If evil spirits can create reality out of thin air, then I am afraid it will be the real horror!"

"At that time, the ghost may no longer be called a ghost, but should be called the Creator, or the omnipotent God."

Wang Xiaoming was thoughtful, he had seen this kind of thing of restarting in Guicha and Luo Yi, but their restarting was still limited to themselves, not reaching the scope.

But one glimpse tells the whole picture, especially for a smart person like Wang Xiaoming, he will be able to comprehend this kind of thing very quickly.

Wang Xiaoming looked intently: "It seems that after experiencing the starving ghost incident and the ghost incident in Dachang City, you have a deep understanding of the restart of the scope."

Yang Jian looked at Luo Yi who had no waves in the ancient well, "You can't have restarted after mastering the range, have you?"

"Maybe." Luo Yi's voice was neither high nor low, neither acknowledging nor denying, but this kind of calm and indifference gave people infinite reverie.

The current situation is different from that at the beginning. With Luo Yi's current methods, he can basically avoid the prying eyes of other ghost masters, so it is meaningless to hide clumsiness.

He still has to show off his strength occasionally, even if he wants to keep a low profile even if he wants to keep a low profile under the code name of Sishen, the only one with a god.

Anyway, after today, his name will be thoroughly resounded in the supernatural circle.

"It's really scary. Fortunately, I'm not from the circle of friends, otherwise I'm afraid there won't be even a piece of rag left today." Gao Ming said in his heart.

"I'm not in the circle of friends, but I offended him. You say I'll apologize to him now, will he let go of the old grudge?" Guo Fan bumped Gao Ming with his shoulder.

He and Luo Yi once had a conflict during the Caesar Hotel incident. At that time, Luo Yi buried him and Lin Long. Later, Lin Long was killed by the evil spirit and he was released.

"Now I know I'm afraid, why were you so brave back then?" Gao Ming teased.

Guo Fan looked embarrassed and said: "Can it be the same? I heard it before, but I saw it with my real eyes today."

Gao Ming's eyes turned, and he said with a half smile but not a smile: "Luo Yi is going to fight Fang Shiming, and if he loses, don't you have to apologize?"

When Guo Fan heard this, his thought of turning hostility into friendship suddenly stopped, "Yes, if he dies, what kind of grievances do I have, and what do I have to be afraid of!"

Gao Ming was shocked when he saw Guo Fan who was stunned for a moment, "I'll go, I made a joke and he actually took it seriously, it seems that we need to stay away from him in the future, lest he will die of stupidity one day and hurt me."

Luo Yi happily took the bet from Chen Yi, Gao Ming, and Cao Yang.

"No wonder people in the past liked to rob the rich and give to the poor. Money is coming in faster than robbing banks."

Compared to Luo Yi's, the faces of the people next to him are obviously not so good-looking. Cao Yang is fine. One hundred million may be a lot for ordinary people, but it is nothing to a trusted and respected city leader. up.

Chen Yi passed the evil ghost with a numb face. He was probably the most unhappy among the people present. He originally planned to win Luo Yi once so that the other party could help him deal with the evil ghost's recovery. Even the evil spirits were thrown out.

He wanted to renege on his debts, but his strength didn't allow him. He didn't want to be sent away like that Ping An Building.

Guo Fan had a complicated expression on his face. He tried his best to put on a smiling face to greet him, but Gao Ming's words kept reappearing in his heart. Under various hesitation and arrogance, his expression looked rather strange.

Luo Yi didn't care about his various thoughts, Guo Fan was not his opponent at the beginning, and he won't be in the future. There is no need to take it too seriously for a small person.

"Okay, the Ping'an Building has been erased, and the incident here is over. I have something to do next, so I won't talk to you." Luo Yi waved his hand and planned to leave.

Outside, there is a real confidant who is in trouble, Luo Yi has no time to continue chatting with them here.

"Wait first, Luo Yi," Cao Yanhua squeezed out from behind the crowd, "The killing of Fang Shiming must be done quickly and ruthlessly, and he must not be allowed to escape, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Fang Shiming has been running the circle of friends for so many years, and the resources in his hands are quite huge.

Even though most of the ghost masters under his command were reduced by half, the remaining top rich people in the country still have a lot of energy. If you don't pay attention, it may be a storm of public opinion.

Luo Yi said solemnly: "You don't need to remind me of this, I will find him and kill him!"

As the two parties in the direct conflict, Luo Yi and Fang Shiming are already in a deadly situation. Only when one of them dies completely, the battle will subside.

"If you hadn't explained it before, even we didn't realize that Fang Shiming in Ping An Building was just a stand-in." Cao Yanhua felt a little emotional.

When he saw Luo Yi coming out, his hanging heart finally fell back into his chest, but before he could realize it, Luo Yi told him that the real Fang Shiming was not here.

This kind of violent mood ups and downs almost made him lose his breath. Luo Yi wanted to strike again, which was not what he expected. Although he knew that Luo Yi was very capable, he still couldn't calm down.

"How about this, Cao Yang, you follow along, and I will mobilize the intelligence departments of the entire Dajing City to provide support for you." Cao Yanhua thought for a moment and said.

"Cao Bu, what are you?"

Shen Liang who came after him looked at Cao Yanhua suspiciously.

"I know your doubts, I will explain to you later, the most important thing is to deal with the circle of friends now!"

Luo Yi took a deep look at Cao Yanhua.

"Cao Yang has a supernatural item in his hand to find someone, he can help you." Cao Yanhua added, "I hope you can take down Xia Shiming in one fell swoop and get rid of this serious trouble."

Cao Yang quickly figured out the key point, "Then Luo Yi, shall I accompany you for a walk?"

"Okay." Luo Yi didn't refuse Cao Yang's joining. Although he was confident, there was nothing wrong with being more cautious.

As the figures of the two gradually drifted away, Shen Liang couldn't help but said: "Cao Bu, the previous position of the headquarters is that the two should not help each other. Now that everything has not been settled, is it too much for you to ask Cao Yang to help Luo Yi?" A little early, I'm afraid I will be criticized."

Cao Yanhua sighed, "Shen Liang, you are smart and tactful. These are your strengths, but they are also your weaknesses. Take this matter as an example. If Luo Yi and Jiang Shangbai have a conflict, then the headquarters is the best Declaring a stance means that the two are not helping each other, because they are both in charge of the headquarters, and they must be equal."

"In this way, no matter whether Luo Yi died or Jiang Shangbai died in that battle, Yuzhou City and the circle of friends have nothing to say. After all, their skills are not as good as others, and they can't blame the headquarters!"

"But when Luo Yi erased the Ping An Building, the nature of this matter was different. Even though Luo Yi admitted that it was his personal grievances with his circle of friends, do you think Fang Shiming would think so? Other ghost master forces would Do you think so?"

Shen Liang pursed his lips, and said solemnly: "No, they will think it was ordered by the headquarters, because Luo Yi's identity means that he is destined to represent the headquarters, unless we dismiss him!"

Cao Yanhua affirmed: "That's right, so the road ahead of us now is to support him, and help him destroy the circle of friends at any cost."

Shen Liang's heart suddenly felt a little cold, "Did you say that Luo Yi thought of this? Did he expect that we would be on his side?"

At this time, Wang Xiaoming walked up to the two of them and said: "It's no secret that our relationship with Moments is bad, so anyone who is smart can see the direction of the headquarters, but seeing it doesn't mean doing it. There are countless people who rebelled against Moments, but none of them failed in the end!"

"As for Luo Yi, he is currently the closest person to this goal, and with the help of him, we have wiped out more than [-] ghost masters in the circle of friends, and the rest, like He Tianxiong, are just housekeepers. There is a lot of movement, and they are bound to be afraid and dare not make a move. It can be said that this is the best time for us to deal with this couch tiger in the circle of friends!"

"I think this is why the Cao Department sent Cao Yang, the reserve captain, and coordinated with the intelligence department of Dajing City to help him."

Cao Yanhua laughed, "Professor Wang still understands me, Shen Liang, you still have a lot to learn!"

Shen Liang pondered and said: "But as far as I know, Luo Yi did not accept the olive branch from the headquarters, but wanted to get their team captain by destroying the circle of friends. Cao Bu, Professor Wang, you are not afraid that he will be the leader." The next circle of friends?"

Wang Xiaoming said calmly: "A person's standpoint depends on where he sits and the group he represents. The circle of friends represents capital forces, so they handle supernatural events for the rich, in order to seek more resources, but Luo Yi different."

"Luo Yi does not represent ordinary people. I have read his files. He is not Tong Qian or Zhou Zheng. He has no desire to save the world. And if you have studied the information of Yuzhou City, you will find that he put Yuzhou city has condensed into a rope, all ghost masters must register and join the Yuzhou ghost master team, isn't this approach a bit out of bounds?" Shen Liang asked after a moment of pause.

This is what Shen Liang cares about. Luo Yi's approach is very similar to that of the headquarters. The difference is that the area under management is different in size, but the headquarters can do the same thing, and Luo Yi's doing it is a bit unfair.

Emperors can wear dragon robes, but ministers cannot.

Shen Liang continued: "In my opinion, Luo Yi's handling of supernatural events is more for himself. He needs these evil spirits, and also needs to experience supernatural events again and again to make himself stronger. This is an ambition. Home."

Luo Yi's information has basically been read by the senior management of the headquarters many times, and many things cannot withstand scrutiny, and Luo Yi himself has no intention of hiding it.

Wang Xiaoming said: "It's good to be ambitious. I'm afraid that people who don't want to make progress and spend leisurely waiting to die all day. These people just occupy the resources of the city's person in charge, but they are unwilling to contribute to supernatural events. These people are real moths. It is also the person who will be destroyed by the captain's hand after the captain's plan is implemented."

"Shen Liang, do you think that Yuzhou City is the only one that is like this?" Cao Yanhua sighed, "Why do you think the captain plan of the headquarters should be implemented? What do these twelve captains represent?"

Cao Yanhua continued without waiting for his answer.

"As the ability of ghost masters becomes stronger, the era of ordinary people is about to pass. We ordinary people should also give up our rights and let these capable people take positions that match their own value. Only in this way , they can be willing to solve the supernatural event."

"This is the same as making money. Do you think a wage earner will do his best for the boss, or will he work hard for his own career?"

Shen Liang remained silent for a long time.

He didn't say that people should have dreams, and should not stick to such nonsense as being willing to give, because he knows that people are selfish, especially ghost masters, who are already under inhuman pressure and torture. You also blindly ask others to contribute themselves and enlighten others, which is unrealistic and even less desirable.

"It seems that you also understand this truth." Cao Yanhua was a little relieved, "You don't talk about salary in every sentence, you don't talk about dedication, you don't talk about benefits, and everything is about realm. Pay attention to yourself and others, in order to do a good job.”

"Power cannot be tightly grasped, and as a manager, one must know how to delegate power." Cao Yanhua concluded.

"Decentralization? Is the captain's plan at the headquarters just for decentralization?" Shen Liang muttered to himself.

If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters.

If a capable person fails to go up, the consequences are nothing more than two, either flee or rebel.

And if the headquarters wants these city leaders to take care of the city with all their heart, they need to let them regard the city as their home and the people in the city as their relatives. Only in this way is it possible.

"If the division of power continues like this, the influence of the headquarters will be a bit sad." Shen Liang is a little sad. He is also selfish. If the headquarters is not good enough, then he will naturally be even worse.

Cao Yanhua shook his head, "This is something that can't be helped, how can anything be perfect?"

In fact, the headquarters didn't think of this road at first, but through distribution and deployment, all city leaders were selected from the headquarters, just like the ancient emperors sent people around them to inspect the border and sit in places.

But now it has been proved that the headquarters does not have that strength, and it does not have enough and loyal enough ghost masters.

When the spiritual situation has come to this point, even if the headquarters is unwilling, they have to make plans for the future, that is, to reduce their own influence and power, to support a group of the best ghost masters to come to power, and to complete the task. The management of ghost riders by ghost riders.

Wang Xiaoming said with a faint smile: "Actually, there is no need to be too pessimistic. This time, the team leader plans to directly support more than three people from the headquarters, and no less than [-]% of them will be good friends. Coupled with the background and appeal of the headquarters over the years, about ten The decision of the two captains is still very easy."

"Besides, the twelve captains are not fixed. Judging from the lifespan of a ghost master, there will be a replacement of captains in a year at most. At that time, we will still have the opportunity to push people to the top. It can be said that as long as there are captains from the headquarters people, the headquarters will always exist.”

"One more thing, don't forget, the Dinghaishen needle in the headquarters is still there, only the one who survives for a day, the headquarters will always be that headquarters!" Cao Yanhua pointed out.

Shen Liang suddenly said: "It's me who has a picture, or Professor Wang and Cao Bu can see clearly."

"I hope everything goes well today!" Cao Yanhua said with a long sigh of relief.

Wang Xiaoming looked up at the dim stars in the sky: "I hope!"

(End of this chapter)

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