Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 268 The Danger Coming

Chapter 268 The Danger Coming

Under the thin night, two figures walked side by side.

"What are you doing?" Luo Yi asked.

Cao Yang in front of him took out a bottle as he walked, and poured a few drops on the road from time to time, like some kind of animal that pissed everywhere on all fours.

"Take some precautionary measures. If Fang Shiming beats you to death, I can run away!" Cao Yang said without raising his head.

Luo Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, "You don't like me so much, so you're still here?"

"In the workplace, people can do whatever they want. They are all workers from Tianya, and it is not easy to be a ghost master." Cao Yang sighed.

"Also, I am very optimistic about you. I think you and Fang Shiming are at least [-]-[-], but then again, you are not afraid of [-] in everything, but just in case. You have Huangquan, but I don't. In case you can't beat one If the smoke slips away, I will become the opponent's punching bag, so the necessary preparations are still necessary."

Luo Yi covered his nose, "What's inside you, why does it smell so strong?"

"You have seen something good today, let me open your eyes!" Cao Yang opened the mouth of the bottle, shook it vigorously and handed it to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi leaned his head and looked at the mouth of the bottle. It was a golden bottle with only a small half of the liquid left in it. The color was dark yellow with some black red in it, and the smell was thick and cold.

"corpse oil?"

"No." Cao Yang showed a disdainful expression, "How dare I take out such low-level things as corpse oil, let me tell you, I stole this treasure from the evil spirit through untold hardships, and abolished my boss Great!"

"You don't want to tell me it's ghost blood, do you?"

"This is ghost urine, and it's still a boy's ghost urine!" Cao Yang said triumphantly, "I might be the only one in the world!"

Luo Yi shook his hand and was so angry that he almost threw the bottle out to him.

"Hey, be careful, don't mess with me!" Cao Yang hurriedly snatched the bottle back from Luo Yi's hand, looked it over and over again, and even raised it up to shine a light on the street lamp, for fear of being caught by someone. It's like stealing a drink.

"Your urine is bloody, are you still a child? Are you sure it's not this ghost who has a urinary tract infection, maybe there is HIV in the urine, syphilis or something!"

Luo Yi felt a cold, goosebumps all over his body.

"No way?" Cao Yang looked hesitantly, "That's just a brat, shouldn't the brat be so nasty?"

Luo Yi rolled his eyes, "That's not necessarily the case, now that you're a big kid, I think yours probably has a virus!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I've used it several times, and I haven't seen any symptoms!" Cao Yang insisted.

"Damn it, I'd better take some time to go to the hospital. What if there is a virus and I send it away? I'm still so young, and I have so much money to spend. If I die, I will lose a lot." Cao Yangxin road.

Luo Yi saw that Cao Yang carefully tightened the bottle and put it in a gold woven bag, and then took a step closer.

"What's the use of you pissing on ghosts?"

Cao Yang chuckled, "This is a magic tool for positioning. If you don't care about me when the time comes, I can follow this taste and run back to the headquarters."

The five senses are covered in the ghost domain, and it is almost impossible to escape if you can't break through the ghost domain.But Cao Yang has a supernatural item called a ghost nose, which is a bit special and can be used in the ghost domain.

He just thought of this, and planned to use this trick to escape from Luo Yi and the others' ghost domain when nothing could be done later.

"That's not a dog!" Luo Yi said speechlessly.

Cao Yang's face darkened, "People are going to die, is it important to be a human being or a dog?"

Luo Yi said seriously: "It's very important!"

Cao Yang squeezed his sandbag-sized fist, and thought, "If I can't beat you, I will give you two panda eyes."

Luo Yi frowned, not caring.

"You know the captain's plan at the headquarters, right?" Cao Yang suddenly asked seriously.

"For such a big thing, I don't think it's hard to know."

"If you kill Fang Shiming tonight, then you will be the first captain on the bright side." Cao Yang enviously said.

"Aren't you the captain too!" Luo Yi said calmly.

"We are different, I am the chosen one." Cao Yang's eyes were complicated.

There is a difference between relying on oneself and relying on internal decisions. Cao Yang knows his own affairs, and he is not that strong, at least for now.

Luo Yi saw the hidden worry in Cao Yang's eyes, "Why, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to hold the stage and convince the crowd?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I wasn't worried at first, but this time I saw you and Yang Jian. Although I never belittle myself, I also know that I am not as good as you two. In terms of merit, although I have also dealt with a lot of supernatural events. events, but not many that stand out."

"It's simple, I can help you." Luo Yi smiled lightly.

"You help me? How can you help me?"

"You go and kill Fang Shiming, just this one thing is comparable to handling an S-level incident." Luo Yi affirmed.

Cao Yang curled his lips after hearing this, "Forget it, I'll give you the limelight, and I'll just cheer you on."

"Speaking of differences in strength, what is the basis for the headquarters to evaluate a ghost master now?" Luo Yi asked.

He used to classify ghost masters according to their different stages. This classification only applies to himself and the ghost masters he trained in Yuzhou City.

When he came to the headquarters, the old division did not apply, because it was difficult for him to distinguish the high and low skills of these people without fighting.

"Actually, this question is quite complicated." Cao Yang rubbed his chin. "Ghost masters have all sorts of strange abilities, plus various supernatural props, which allow a fledgling rookie to kill a famous veteran ghost master." Things happen from time to time, I believe you are the most familiar with this point."

When it comes to killing seniors, no one in the younger generation in the supernatural circle can surpass Luo Yi. There are no fewer than fifty ghost masters who died directly in his hands. It can be said that he stepped on the corpses of these people step by step to the end. today's.

Luo Yi said noncommittally, "You continue."

"So the headquarters has adopted the value theory that Professor Wang has always insisted on to measure ghost masters, and roughly divides ghost masters into three categories. The first category is the captain level, such as you, me, Yang Jian, Liu San, Jiang Shangbai, Fang Shiming, Zhang Xuan and others are basically the group of people who will be elected at the follow-up captain meeting."

"The second category is the level of city leaders, including all city leaders and some folk ghost masters who have controlled two evil spirits. Needless to say, the third category is basically newcomers and rookies."

"The division is so rough?" Luo Yi frowned, that's not what he wanted to know.

Cao Yang smiled lightly and said, "I know what you mean, you want to know who is more difficult to deal with, and who is more powerful, but it's hard to say. I can tell you the division of the strength of the staff in the headquarters. It may not be accurate, but It can be used as a reference."

"Take Jiang Shangbai, whom you killed earlier, as an example. Although he has controlled three evil spirits, he can only be regarded as a reserve captain, because he is actually a product of experiments and has not dealt with many supernatural events."

"On the same level as Jiang Shangbai, there are me, Li Jun, Zhang Xun, and others such as Liu San, Li Leping, and Yinzi. I haven't seen them, so it's probably not good."

"But there is one person you need to pay attention to. This person is called Wang Chaling. He is an ordinary person, but he has four evil spirits around him, which are quite powerful."

Mentioning Wang Chaling, Luo Yi's heart moved. In the original book, this guy sneaked into Dajing City when the ghost messengers were raging at the training base, and stole the starving ghost. "I don't know if he is here now. If he sees that I don't know if the face of the 'starved ghost' who was only sealed by me will turn green."

"Other things to pay attention to are the group of people who have controlled the three ghosts, such as Fang Shiming, Ye Zhen, Yang Jian and others. They can be regarded as the top group of the younger generation, but some outliers cannot be ruled out. Controlled a ghost, but it was unbelievably fierce, such as that Zhang Lei."

"This guy is codenamed Ghost Eater, he can even eat ghosts, you can imagine how ferocious this guy is, I looked through his files before, he just used one trick to deal with supernatural events, grabbed the evil ghost and stuffed it into his mouth, It can be said that as long as the source evil spirit shows up, he can deal with it very easily."

Luo Yi shook his head and said, "He's not as easy as you said. I've seen his evil ghost before. Although it's powerful, it's very restrictive."

If he can find the source, he can deal with it; if he can't find it, a few ghost slaves can consume him to death.

"There is one thing you should agree with, that is, Lin Shan in the Ping An Hotel who died from the resuscitation of the ghost. Unfortunately, his brain is not very good, and the ability of the ghost is used by him to pretend to be coercive, and he is the only one."

Luo Yi pondered for a while. What Cao Yang said was basically not much different from what he remembered. From this point, it can be seen that Luo Yi is still affecting a local area, and the main line of the entire mysterious recovery world is still not too big. many changes.

"That's all I know. Although Cao Yanhua asked me to help you, Fang Shiming is not easy to mess with. He is one of the first people to control the three ghosts. He is the top existence. You and I should be more cautious. "Cao Yang said seriously.

"I'm actually quite curious, why did Fang Shiming make you so afraid? According to the information, Fang Shiming hasn't made a move for a long time, right?" Luo Yi asked curiously.

Most of the deeds about Fang Shiming happened half a year ago. Judging from the strange and changeable spiritual forms today, the ghost master's strength is developing by leaps and bounds.

Living long means having the means, but it does not mean that the strength must be strong.

But Fang Shiming at the headquarters is different. They have always listed him as a serious problem, which is a bit unbelievable. What makes the ever-growing headquarters so afraid?
"Do you know what kind of ghost master is considered terrifying?" Cao Yang didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

But he didn't wait for Luo Yi to reply and continued: "It's the kind of unknown, there is no sign of the attack, and it is difficult to trace after the event. Fang Shiming is such a person. All the bodies that offended him were cut off and died inexplicably."

"To be honest, I dared to come this time because I was carrying a ghost candle and a surrogate doll. I wouldn't have come without a strong life-saving ability." Cao Yang said frankly.

"I know you have these things on your body too, so I said I'm optimistic about you destroying him."

"This is the ghost master who died in his hands before," Cao Yang dug out some photos.

Luo Yi saw that the body of the person above had been cut apart, and the fragmented corpse was lying in a pool of blood, looking extremely scary.

"Many of these people are first-class experts who have controlled two evil spirits, but without exception, they were all killed with one blow."

Speaking of this, Cao Yang's expression was a bit dignified, because among those who died, two or three of them were not even inferior to him in strength.

"After careful research at the headquarters, coupled with the information of some informants, it is basically concluded that this is an injury caused by a pair of ghost scissors, but we still don't know the law of this scissors."

Cao Yang found a photo, which showed a pair of rusty old-fashioned scissors. The scissors were dark black, with red and black blood stains all over them, and a few strands of hair were entwined around the handshake.

Even if it's just a photo, you can feel the coldness and weirdness on the scissors.

It seems that this pair of scissors can pass through the air is unknown.

"Ghost scissors!" Luo Yi repeated. This pair of scissors can not only kill people, but also cut off the entanglement of ghosts and curses. To some extent, it is similar to cutting off cause and effect.

But this pair of scissors fell into Fang Shiming's hands and simply became a murder weapon to cut off dissidents, and it failed to play its true purpose at all.

"If I had this pair of scissors, I wouldn't have been haunted by the blood-eyed ghost for nine days last time." Luo Yixin said.

"This pair of scissors must not be let go!"

"So, if we want to kill Fang Shiming, the first condition is to survive the attack of the scissors. Only in this way can we have the possibility to kill him." Cao Yang said solemnly.

"The front area is the sphere of influence of the circle of friends. Once we enter this area, it is likely to trigger Fang Shiming's attention. Many previous ghost masters also died here."

"Did they all die here? Things that can kill people from a distance shouldn't be limited in scope," Luo Yi said.

Cao Yang stopped, "Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe Fang Shiming wants to establish a prestige that his territory cannot be violated, who knows!"

Luo Yi thought about it, and a guess emerged, "Maybe he wants to mislead you, making you think that this pair of scissors has a huge range limit!"

"Only in this way can you be afraid, but not afraid."

Cao Yang turned his head suddenly, his pupils were a little shocked, "Perhaps what you said is right, we have ignored this before, but if it is true as you said, then we are now in a dangerous zone!"

"Here we come!" Luo Yi said with a chill down his spine.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

It seemed that there was a ghost by his side.

Cao Yang looked around vigilantly, even observing every passing pedestrian and every passing vehicle.

However, nothing was found.

"I didn't feel it, did it come for you?" Cao Yang looked suspicious, but he quickly realized, "Luo Yi, light the ghost candle!"

"It's too late!" Luo Yi suddenly raised his hand, and a huge gash suddenly opened on his neck. The wound was so deep that it almost tore his entire spine, and in an instant, blood gushed out as if he didn't want money. , just wet the surrounding ground in an instant.

The cold wind entered his throat, blood poured down, and the sound of "ho ho ho" sounded, Luo Yi felt dizzy for a while, and then his head seemed to lose its support, and it fell down all of a sudden.

The world is spinning, and the world is blurred for an instant.

All of this happened so fast that it was too late to even light the ghost candle. It was like triggering a certain ghost's killing pattern unintentionally, and attacked Luo Yi in an incomprehensible way.

"Luo Yi", Cao Yang looked at the falling head with a horrified expression, "How could it be that it didn't happen in an instant? This is Luo Yi. Could it be that he fell so easily?"

"Is Fang Shiming so invincible?"

"Do you want to run?" Cao Yang was in a state of confusion, "Run, the Lord is dead, what am I still doing here?"

Just when Cao Yang was about to run away, a cold voice sounded, "Cao Yang, if you run away now, believe it or not, I'll give you a knife!"

"What!" Cao Yang turned his head, his pupils narrowed, and saw that the head that had fallen had opened his eyes, and a pair of pale palms firmly held the head.

Swept by Luo Yi's cold gaze, Cao Yang paused, his expression a little horrified.

"You don't die like this, you really deserve to be someone who dares to challenge the circle of friends, you deserve the title of sacrificial god!" Cao Yang turned his eyes, and hurriedly changed his words, trying to restore the timid image in Luo Yi's heart.


A blood-red to dazzling red light flashed, Luo Yi chose to restart himself without hesitation, the vision in front of him changed, and the ghost domain instantly enveloped the two of them.

"It's still a miscalculation. Changing the name can't block this kind of attack." Luo Yixin said.

As early as when he became the person in charge of the city, Luo Yi asked Tang Wanwan to change his name for him in order to prevent ghost scissors and other killing methods that target opponents by name, but obviously his plan failed.

"That's right. The reason why I need my name and photo is to confirm my opponent. No matter what I change my name to, I am still Luo Yi in the public consciousness. Combined with the photo, it is enough to lock me in."

Flying in the ghost domain, Cao Yang was holding a flickering ghost candle, completely unable to feel the surrounding things, his eyes were full of blood.

"What do we do now?"

Luo Yi smiled coldly, "What should I do? Of course it is to kill people!"

However, it was not Cao Yang who responded to Luo Yi, but the violently rising ghost candle. Fang Shiming made another move!

(End of this chapter)

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