Chapter 286 Scope Reboot

An old, long voice sounded.

Then an old man with a cane, gray hair and wrinkled face appeared in front of Luo Yi.

"Sure enough, he is getting old and his legs and feet are not working well. It is still a step too late to hurry up. This man died so badly that he lost even a piece of rag."

"Old Qin!" Luo Yi's eyes shrank, and the old man invaded his side without a sound. If he hadn't made a sound, Luo Yi wouldn't even have felt anything unusual.

Although there is a reason why Luo Yi didn't fully recover from his spirit, it also shows how powerful this old man is.

One leaf falls to know autumn, and one glimpse to know the whole leopard.

For a top ghost master like Luo Yi, sometimes a moment, a tiny point, can see a lot of things.

"Your previous stand-in looks a bit familiar. Where did it come from? Let me think about it." Mr. Qin rubbed his temples with his fingers. The old man with dementia.

"Oh", Mr. Qin clapped his hands, and suddenly realized: "I remember, it's that kid named Fang Shiming, and his evil spirit looks like this, it seems that this time you wiped out the circle of friends and got a lot of good things. "

Mr. Qin was talking, but his eyes were fixed on a string of dark and shiny beads in Luo Yi's hand.

"Be careful with evil spirits. It's not a good idea to wear them on your wrist. I used to know such a person. She liked to put ghosts in some bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. Later, she didn't die In the hands of the opponent, it was eaten back by the evil spirits on his body, and it is still buried in the soil."

Luo Yi turned the lower bracelet, and a faint light flowed over it, but it was inexplicably illusory, as if it was fake.

In fact, half of it was fake, and he left a few beads on Luo Yi's body.

After all, the avatar only has a simple supernatural isolation, and has no control over evil spirits, so it is still necessary to save some means to avoid being like Fang Shiming, who died suddenly.

"By the way, you have been to that cemetery. If you pay attention, you may still see her. Of course, it is also possible that she saw you."

Luo Yi's heart moved, "Woman, can you still see me? Could it be her?"

From the first time he entered the cemetery, Luo Yi noticed that there was a big tomb inside, and on the tombstone was a photo of a cold, arrogant and sullen beautiful woman, and this woman even looked at Luo Yi once, and that time, because of this A little spiritual fluctuation almost made her break free from the grave and crawl out of it.

Later, when Luo Yi was burying the heart-picking ghost on Huang Sanshui, he saw this female ghost again. That time, Luo Qian, the owner of the cemetery, specifically told him not to look at this female ghost, otherwise big problems would easily arise.

Now that Mr. Qin mentioned a female ghost buried in the grave, Luo Yi immediately thought of her.

"It's not easy for the strongest ghost masters of the two eras to say something. This woman must have been very powerful." Luo Yixin said, "But even if she is so powerful, she still died."

Elder Qin seemed to see Luo Yi's thoughts, shook his head and said, "Most of the evil spirits in that cemetery were buried in Old Luo, but she was the only one who buried herself."

"Buried yourself?"

"That's right. This woman has to be strong all her life and her heart is higher than the sky. She wants to control even the most powerful evil spirits. But obviously, her luck is still a bit unlucky. When controlling the fifth evil spirit, she was just one step behind. Then, I was backlashed by the evil spirit in the bracelet, and finally fell short, so in order to survive, I was voluntarily sealed in the cemetery."

"You mean she's not dead yet?" Luo Yi asked in surprise.

According to Elder Qin's words and the oldness of the tombstone, the time this woman was pressed under the grave may be shockingly long.

"I don't know if I'm alive or not. The person in that grave may be a human, maybe a ghost, maybe half-human, half-ghost, or both." Qin Lao's tone was flat, obviously although this woman left him a lot A deep impression, but it will not make him too jealous and worried, and even the relationship between the two will not be too good.

Otherwise he wouldn't be so indifferent.

"Why did you tell me this? Is it because I have seen a female ghost, so you deliberately reminded me?" Luo Yi turned his mind, thinking about the things in front of him. He knew a lot about the future, but Qin Lao's era Things are less and less.

Not to mention a woman who lost contact and disappeared in the spiritual world for decades.

After Mr. Qin finished speaking, he looked Luo Yi up and down again, "I see that you are a young man with black hair, and you are afraid that you will be unlucky recently, so you should pay more attention, so that the old man Luo will not send a white-haired person to a black-haired person."

Luo Yi's face darkened: "What did you see?"

Others may think that Qin is always pretending to be sophisticated, but Luo Yi knows that his ghost ability is very special. He can talk to his future self and predict many things that outsiders don't know.

"A lot," Mr. Qin said, "but it's very vague, and the uncertainty is high. Things in the future are changing all the time, just like raindrops falling from the sky. Where will it go? I don't know, but I'm like someone standing in the middle of the road looking up at the sky, I can see the raindrops, but I can't decide how, when, or where it falls."

"Because the wind should decide all this, and I'm just a bystander, I'm not the wind."

Old Qin's words are very simple, he can see it, but he can't change it. In other words, he can change one or two drops of it, or even a certain hour, but he can't control the overall situation and modify the future. .

"Spirituality is not a gift, but a virus, a curse. Frequent use of supernatural powers brings supernatural powers, and the biggest characteristic of supernatural powers is that they always develop towards the worst."

"So even if I know that many tragedies will happen, I can't take action directly." Qin Lao said indifferently, "You are still young, you may not understand this, but you will understand when you reach my position."

"Others are not evil, but yourself is the root cause. Sometimes a good thought may kill many people, but an evil thought can save many people. Although it is very contradictory, this is the fact."

Luo Yi thought for a while after listening.

He actually has some understanding of what Elder Qin said, because he is not from this world. He knows the context of many things and the fate of many people.

Sometimes he wants to change the future, but he resists to change the future.

Just like in the beginning of the No. [-] middle school knocker incident, he could kill Yang Jian directly, replace Yang Jian's fate, and do the same thing as Yang Jian. As long as he doesn't change halfway, he can also become a different kind.

But he didn't, because he knew he was not Yang Jian, he couldn't reproduce Yang Jian's actions and thoughts, and he couldn't have Yang Jian's luck, at least he couldn't get that dog.

And maybe once Yang Jian dies, the main line of this world will completely collapse and change beyond recognition, and Luo Yi has no way to survive in this collapsed situation.

So many times it is not that we dare not do it, but that we cannot do it.

As for Mr. Qin's saying that good and evil are difficult to distinguish, it is actually easy to understand.

When Luo Yi heard this sentence, his first thought was: Zhang Xianguang, this fierce man killed many people in the headquarters in the later stage, and these people were all city leaders who paid a big price to maintain the supernatural situation in the country , at that stage, this is a heinous villain.

But if Elder Qin killed him at that time, or killed him after Yang Jian caught him, then when the ghost ship landed in the subsequent national war, the spiritual situation in the country might collapse.

There will be no eggs under the overturned nest, and it will not be a few responsible persons who will die by then.

So it's the same for Mr. Qin, he can change, but he doesn't know if the situation will be better after the change, so unless it's a last resort, he generally won't make a move.

It seems conservative and ignorant, but it is actually to protect more people.

Luo Yi didn't ask any more questions. He knew that people like Mr. Qin were not really delirious. When he was confused, he would naturally tell you what he wanted to say, and what he didn't want to say, even No matter how Luo Yi beat around the bush, he couldn't figure it out even if he racked his brains.

"So what happened just now, you also used the ability of the evil spirit?" Luo Yi talked about Lin Tu.

"That's not true. I'm already very old, and I can still use the power of the evil spirit." Qin Lao explained, "But not using the evil spirit doesn't mean I can't see anything. My wind After decades of ups and downs, I am afraid that there is no one in the world who is more proficient than me in terms of knowledge and understanding of people's hearts."

"Perhaps you should listen to what he wants to say." Elder Qin leaned on a cane and walked slowly to the side of the car, just leaning against the front of the car, as if the few steps just now had made him a little tired.

But Luo Yi knew that this old guy was just pretending, at least his current body was quite strong, and he would have no problem staying there for about half a year.

Luo Yi wasn't afraid either, "Why, has Mr. Qin started to participate in these mundane things?"

Mr. Qin waved his hand, "Old man, I don't want to pay attention to these things for a long time. The reason why I brought it up is because I have seen this Lin Tu before, and this young man is still so-so. I have been watching the whole process of today. Here, it doesn't seem to be that simple."

"What do you mean?" Luo Yi asked, "Why does it seem that there is something in the words?"

"Hey, don't take it to heart, that's all I'm saying. I've seen too many of you young people. If he dies, it's because his skills are inferior to others. Don't worry about right and wrong. Wrong, after all, the ashes are gone, so it’s pointless to talk about it.”

Mr. Qin blinked his eyes twice, "It's you, kid, who has grown up very fast, somewhat beyond the expectations of us old guys, and the little girl you brought over is also very interesting."

"Mr. Qin has seen Xiao Yu?"

"I have seen."

"What about her?" Luo Yi asked concerned, Xiao Yu had a very close relationship with him, and he really had the feeling that he regarded her as his own sister.

"Some are the same, but some are also different." Mr. Qin stroked his beard, hesitant to speak, as if he was thinking about how to speak.

"These old guys, they have a lot of thoughts when they are old, and they like to pretend to be profound every day." Luo Yi rolled his eyes in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Please ask Mr. Qin to clarify."

"Hey, that's right!" Qin Lao nodded, showing a childlike kindness, but because of the perennial driving of evil spirits, his kindness looked a little scary.

"Strictly speaking, Huang Shiyu is not a natural ghost master." Qin Lao settled the matter as soon as he opened his mouth.

"No?" Luo Yi didn't expect this to be the answer. In fact, he always believed that Xiao Yu was a natural ghost master, because she showed no signs of revival of evil spirits.

"Well, she is an acquired evil ghost, but her evil ghost is very special. It not only makes other evil ghosts and ghost masters ignore it, but also ignores itself." Qin Lao affirmed.

Luo Yi suddenly stood up and retorted, "Impossible, even if her evil ghost can deceive herself like a deceiving ghost, but the evil ghost's erosion of people is endless, it is impossible for her to have no reaction, Just like a normal child."

Qin Lao didn't get angry because of Luo Yi's sudden outburst, but patted the front of the car again, motioning Luo Yi to sit down.

When Luo Yi calmed down, he slowly said: "Actually, when I said that Huang Shiyu was not a natural ghost master, you should know why, you just don't want to admit it."

After Mr. Qin finished speaking, Luo Yi fell silent immediately. He closed his eyes, and the battle between heaven and man was repeated in his heart.

His fury was not because of Elder Qin's denial, but because of a terrible fact.

After a while, Luo Yi opened his eyes, his eyes became firm again, and he said in his mouth: "No matter what happened before, she is my sister, and this will not change."

Elder Qin chuckled twice, leaned on his crutches to prop himself up, and looked at Luo Yi with strange eyes.

In this kind of look, there are appreciation, regret, reminiscence, and some things that Luo Yi can't understand, those seem to be sympathy and pity
"But what is it for?" Luo Yi was puzzled.

But before he could say anything, Elder Qin's figure disappeared, and in the distance, a young girl with a beautiful face ran over.

"elder brother!"

Huang Shiyu rushed over like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Luo Yi's body shook, and he was at a loss for a while, but he was the top ghost master after all, and he forcibly suppressed the strangeness in his heart in almost one or two breaths. He took her hand as usual and reprimanded her Said: "How old are you, and you still throw yourself into people's arms like a child."

"Hee hee." Huang Shiyu raised his small face and smiled twice, he didn't care about Luo Yi's scolding, on the contrary, he leaned his head on Luo Yi again in a coquettish manner.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi couldn't help laughing wryly, he sighed, and said softly: "Since it's already destined, then so be it!"

"What?" Huang Shiyu was puzzled.

"It's nothing, I seem to have done something serious just now."

"I made a mistake, can't I just correct it?" Huang Shiyu blinked, and said innocently: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing better than being good. The teacher said that if we do something wrong, as long as we correct it, we won't be considered bad kids."

"Then change it back." Luo Yi looked at the serious Huang Shiyu and smiled freely.

Then there was blood, the air, the sound, the light. All the things within the reach of the five senses were still. Luo Yi's body was boiling with spirits, and the gurgling spirits gushed out as quickly as the tide, covering everything around him in the blink of an eye.

The world seems to have stopped at this moment, no, there is still one person who can move.

That person is Luo Yi himself, and I can see the light and shadow flickering violently in his deep and deep eyes. If you have high-tech equipment and observe at a thousand times slower speed, you will find that this fast flickering scene is actually It's just the scene that just happened.


It's also a restart, but this time it's different from the past in order to deal with the backlash of the Ghost Slayer Knife. This time Luo Yi didn't simply restart himself, but restarted the range of thousands of meters around him.

This time it's a range reboot!

After the circle of friends incident, Luo Yi's ability has reached a new level, and he has mastered this even more heaven-defying ability.

Light and shadow fluctuate, reality and illusion are intertwined, and everything is regressing rapidly.

Ten seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes
Luo Yi didn't stop this ability until a man in a criminal police uniform reappeared at the front of the car, smoking a cigarette one after another, and Luo Yi stopped the endless blood.

"5 minutes, a full 5 minutes, is this my current limit?" Luo Yi looked at his palm and muttered to himself.

"Brother, you are amazing!" Huang Shiyu clapped his hands and applauded, with little stars shining in his eyes.

"Where is it? The restart of my range not only did not affect Mr. Qin, but even this little girl." Luo Yi's eyes were fixed, but he soon relaxed again, because the people in front had already spotted him.

"Captain Luo, I can explain what happened just now." Lin Tu glanced casually out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly found a cold and stern man in a black robe standing not far behind him with an unusually pale complexion.

"Then explain it." Luo Yi said calmly.

"Huh?" Lin Tu was taken aback. There seemed to be something wrong with this development. Could it be that the ruthless Luo Yi in the center of the legend is so easy to talk to?

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a deadly threat, "Don't you have any explanation?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lin Tu hurriedly said, "All that just now was actually not my original intention, it was a scene that Cao Yanhua asked me to cooperate with."

"A play?"

"That's right," Lin Tu tidied up his words and said, "As you know, Captain Luo, there are many people who are popular, especially those like you who are on the cusp of the storm. Usually, everyone is afraid of your strength. You have a respectful and humble appearance, but you can't help but talk about your deeds behind your back."

"No, many city leaders mentioned that you are too domineering and kill people at every turn, and many people make a fuss about your failure to hand over to the evil spirits. Cao Bu naturally heard these rumors, so he simply borrowed my Hands, make these things public, and resolve these conflicts and contradictions in front of everyone."

"Captain Luo, what's the matter? I acted realistically just now, and made those people stunned for a while." Lin Tu said a little proudly.

The corner of Luo Yi's mouth twitched, "Well, it looks pretty good, but there is still room for improvement."

"Hey." Hearing Luo Yi's praise, Lin Tuzhi smiled complacently, "Captain Luo, to tell you the truth, I was a professional actor before I became a ghost master, and I even won the Golden Chrysanthemum Award !"

Luo Yi snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly: "This Cao Yanhua recruits some people every day, such as teachers, actors, white-collar workers, and elementary school students."

"Captain Luo, you are very well-informed. I think my acting skills are flawless, but I didn't expect you to see the flaws all of a sudden." Lin Tu had a look of regret on his face, "I just don't know this Where are the deficiencies, it would be even better if Team Luo would not hesitate to teach us."

Luo Yi lowered his face and scolded, "Catch your ghost well, what kind of stuff do you play all day long, don't think about making progress!"

"Uh..." Lin Tu was baffled by the scolding, and he wanted to talk too much, but seeing Luo Yi's frosty expression, he closed his mouth wisely.

"It's a good thing you didn't act well, otherwise you would be in big trouble now!" Huang Shiyu said suddenly, she already knew what Luo Yi just said about doing something wrong.

Originally, according to the logic of normal people, this mistake is irreparable, but this is a supernatural world, where everything is possible.

"Huh?" Lin Tu looked at Huang Shiyu with gloomy eyes, a little at a loss.

"Let's go." Luo Yi didn't explain too much. He took the little girl and took a step forward. Their footsteps, body shape, and even the breath on their bodies were all at the same frequency.

Lin Tu looked at the big one and the small one who were about to disappear, and suddenly felt that these two people were weird, as if they were not human!
(End of this chapter)

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