Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 287 The Thief Wang Chaling

Chapter 287 The Thief Wang Chaling

Except for Mr. Qin, the world didn't know at this time that there were already two identical Luo Yi in the world.

One was accompanying Cao Yanhua and others to a meeting in the conference room of the headquarters, and the other almost killed the ghost master Lin Tu just now.

The two Luo Yi's clothing, body shape, tone, demeanor, and handling style are all exactly the same. The only difference is that they have different powers.

Although Luo Yi in the conference room was equally indifferent and domineering, he didn't have the feeling of a fatal threat at a glance.

But there are very few people who can notice this. In a conference room in Nuoda, there are only a few people who notice the difference. And it is one thing to be aware of it, and another thing to be sure.

No one would ask Luo Yi at the risk of offending others.

Therefore, ordinary people such as Cao Yanhua and Wang Xiaoming are even more difficult to detect abnormalities.

The formation of all this is not a fiction of Huangquan, nor is it a trick of deceiving ghosts, but an evil ghost.

Fang Shiming's third ghost, clone ghost.

Its function is only one, which is to create a supernatural clone. The clone does not have the ability of evil spirits, but it has a certain degree of supernatural protection, which can isolate most ordinary supernatural attacks.

And this avatar also has the ability to transfer part of the damage and erosion, which is a bit similar to Ye Zhen replacing the dead ghost, but the effect is much worse.

Luo Yi estimated, taking Ghost Slaying Knife as an example, with one strike, five or six ghost clones may be killed to fully withstand the spiritual damage caused by this split.

In fact, even if it was the previous owner of the clone ghost, Fang Shiming couldn't create five or six supernatural clones, not to mention that this ghost has been sacrificed by Luo Yi once, and its ability has dropped by nearly half. It can only create three supernatural clones at most.

Although the number is small, the effect is still obvious.

"The reason why Fang Shiming can survive for so long is probably because this evil ghost creates a clone to divert the damage caused by the evil ghost's recovery."

Luo Yi tried it himself. This ghost can probably eliminate the erosion of evil spirits close to the third floor through the supernatural avatar. Can live for nearly three years.

"I'm afraid this is also the reason why he said before that I shouldn't interrupt him at this time. As long as he is given a certain amount of time, he may really be able to regain his balance bit by bit by constantly creating clones." Luo Yixin road.

"It's just that this is not replacing the dead ghost after all. The ability is still too lacking. Unless the ghost master doesn't use the ability of the evil ghost, the transfer will never keep up with the erosion. It is a method that treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

Luo Yi felt that this ability was a bit useless, but it was calculated based on his own supernatural power. For ordinary ghost masters, the backlash from evil spirits on his body could almost be completely offset by the clone ghost.

In other words, as long as it is properly controlled, the clone ghost can almost make the ghost master form a fairly stable state, almost equivalent to a different kind.

However, these are not what Luo Yi values ​​most. What he values ​​most is its ability to create a clone. The reason why it is a clone and not a substitute is because the supernatural product of this evil ghost comes from the ghost master himself. The avatar that comes out has the memory, thinking logic, and behavior of a certain stage of the person. Except for the lack of power, it is almost the person.

Just like the avatar of Luo Yi sitting in the conference room now, he was created by Luo Yi through a photo and the avatar ghost.

Whatever the state of the person was when the photo was taken, that is the state of the created avatar.

The ghost master can obtain the memory of the clone through the supernatural connection, but if it is too late to synchronize and the clone dies, the memory will be lost.

"If conditions permit, I can even make the avatar a ghost master and let him sit in Yuzhou City instead of me." Luo Yi had a lot of thoughts, and when his strength reached his level, if he still guarded the one-acre three-point land in Yuzhou City , it is almost impossible to make progress, but it is impossible for him to transfer the city he has worked so hard to build to others.

The appearance of the doppelgänger separates the real person from the double, which makes up for this defect very well.

For the convenience of daily use, Luo Yi used Huang Quan to modify its shape and made it into a bead-like existence, and Luo Yi still had several such black beads on his wrist.

It was precisely after Qin Lao saw this that he deliberately reminded Luo Yi to pay attention and not let the evil spirit get rid of his shackles.

"Brother, where did you get this string of beads?" Huang Shiyu asked.

Luo Yi turned his wrist, revealing the bracelet under the black robe.

Looking around, the dark light was flowing on the black bracelet, but no matter how he moved, the beads on it didn't shake at all, "I picked it up from the circle of friends."

This pair of bracelets is also an evil ghost in essence. The real part is only a section of red and black intertwined rope connecting the beads. Its rules are also very simple. Anyone who gets close to it will be restrained, so when it is in the circle of friends, it is called A temporary container was made to hold the evil spirits, and now the beads on the outside are fixed by Luo Yi, and the most useful evil spirits are stored in it, and the clone ghost is one of them.

Huang Shiyu wanted to say something, but Luo Yi stopped her, "Someone is here."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yi's body flashed blood, and a layer of red light like mist emerged, and the figures of the two were hidden, leaving only the empty ground.

"Why should we hide? Is the person who came here an enemy?" Huang Shiyu's small face was tense, his expression was a little curious, and he was a little eager to try.

Luo Yi glanced around and found that she had pulled out a golden pistol from her bosom.

"Not the enemy."

Huang Shiyu put away his pistol, with a trace of regret on his face, "If you're not an enemy, then you should be a friend."

"Let's count it as a relatively familiar stranger." Luo Yi thought for a while, he knew this person, and the other party knew him, but the two sides hadn't met face to face, so it was difficult to define their position and relationship.

Huang Shiyu seemed to understand but didn't understand, and Luo Yi didn't explain it to her. Many things will naturally be understood when they grow up, and there is no need to overthrow the seedlings.

Suddenly, Luo Yi said loudly: "Old Qin, since you're here, why don't you show up and see, the game of hide and seek, even Xiao Yu doesn't play now."

"Cough cough!"

In the void, there was a coughing sound, and then the figure of an old man appeared, it was Mr. Qin who had just left.

"I didn't expect you, a young man, to be able to find my traces." Elder Qin said, leaning on his crutches. He just used his natural ghost master's means. He thought he could do it quietly, but he was still caught by Luo Yi. noticed.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Qin coming back after leaving?" Luo Yi didn't answer him. In fact, he only vaguely sensed something abnormal around the ghost domain, but he wasn't sure what happened.

The reason why he made a noise and named "Old Qin" is because the ghost masters in Dajing City basically hold meetings in the headquarters building now, and those who can affect him from the outside world, except for unknown evil spirits, the rest are probably Qin is old.

"It seems that I was lucky, and I cheated him out all at once." Luo Yixin said, "I just don't know why this old guy went back and forth?"

"It's not you boy, my old man was about to arrive home, but I was dragged back again." Qin Lao's tone was not angry, but there was not much anger on his face, on the contrary, he was a little relieved.

"Me?" Luo Yi showed some surprise, but he quickly realized, "It seems that when I restarted the range, the ghost affected him."

To restart is to reset the time, to set the timeline of a certain area back to a certain point in time before. During this process, people and things in this area will be affected by supernatural powers, and Old Qin is no exception. .

It's just that the spirit in him is too strong, even if Luo Yi used the restart, it only interfered with his behavior of going home, and failed to reset his timeline.

Luo Yi regretted: "It seems that my supernatural level is still not enough, otherwise, Mr. Qin, you should have appeared in front of me at that time."

"Hmph," Old Qin snorted coldly, the short beard on his chin fluttering in the wind, "You kid still wants to reset my past, wait for you to grow up for a few more years."

Luo Yi smiled wryly and didn't reply.

"Restart is indeed a very powerful ability. Mastering it can greatly improve your life-saving ability, but this ability is by no means a panacea."

Luo Yi glanced at Mr. Qin, and found that the other party seemed to intend to raise something, so he quickly said, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Time is like a long river. When people stand in it, they will naturally be washed by the river and move forward. Taking the present as the anchor point, the past is upstream and the future is downstream. Restarting yourself is like going upstream, and the scope restarts. It’s like going back up with a weight.”

Luo Yi said: "So the reason why I couldn't reset your timeline is because I don't have enough strength to support your spirit."

"Yes, ordinary people are like rootless duckweed in the face of time, floating on the outermost surface, where they will go, where they can go, and where they will be swallowed and ended. They don't know, and they can't help themselves. "

"Ahem", Elder Qin coughed a few more times, and continued: "But us ghost masters are different. The power of evil ghosts has turned us from a leaf of duckweed into a swimming fish, and we barely have a choice in the water. capital, but fish are also divided into sizes, some fish can cross the sea and turn into dragons against the wind, and some can only be stepped into the bottom of the water and eat mud.

"If you think about it this way, restarting should be able to solve the problem of longevity." Luo Yi asked, becoming a swimming fish, going upstream, as long as you don't stop, you can go back to the past and achieve a certain sense of immortality.

"You think too simply." Old Qin shook his head. "Although it is rare to find people who have mastered the restart of the range, if the time is extended to more than a hundred years, dozens of them can still be found. A good example is ours. A group of old guys, if the problem can be solved by restarting, then how can we be as old and dead as we are now?"

Mr. Qin glanced at Luo Yi, "Manpower is exhausted, beyond what you can do, just like you, how much time can you restart? 3 minutes, or 5 minutes?"

Luo Yi was stunned, "Yeah, even if I know the method, what can I do? Now I can only restart for 5 minutes at most at a time. The second restart costs more, but the effect may not be as good. Even if I die, I can't go back to yesterday, although the Republic of China's seven members are stronger than me, but they will definitely not be able to go back for a day."

If you can't even get a day, how can you get a long life?

"Our path seems to be wrong at the moment, and it will depend on your generation next."

Luo Yi looked up, Qin Lao sighed, and the vicissitudes in his eyes were even worse, "People will die, but ghosts can't. With the infinite against the infinite, how can we not lose, so we must become a ghost and control the ghost!"

After Mr. Qin finished speaking, he turned around. Luo Yi followed his gaze and saw a young man with glasses, a gentle appearance, and a straight figure sneaking out of the headquarters building with a box in his arms.

Beside him, there are two pale, numb middle-aged men and women who exude coldness all over their bodies. When they move, they don't touch the ground, their limbs are stiff, and they are wearing old faded linen clothes, as if walking out of a black and white photo. The ghosts that came out were like ghosts.

"It's really like it." Qin Lao looked at these people, with a hint of nostalgia on his face.

"The Wang family in Dadong City." Luo Yi knew the details of these people at a glance. The handsome young man at the head was none other than Wang Chaling, the third generation of ghosts. Behind him, a man and a woman who looked quite similar to him should be his parents. .

Elder Qin looked at Wang Chaling, "I sensed spiritual fluctuations before, and I thought it was your boy, but when I came out, I found out that it was the boy from the Wang family who stole things and came to the headquarters. It's really daring."

"It seems that while we were talking, he has already found what he wanted." Luo Yi said, even if he only glanced away, he recognized the box in Wang Chaling's arms, it was his prison " The Starving Ghost" box.

Old Qin said with dissatisfaction on his face: "The generation of the Wang family is still a character, but the subsequent generation is really not as good as the previous generation, even there are thieves."

"The thieves are already at home, so Mr. Qin won't take care of them?" Luo Yi teased.

Elder Qin said unhappily: "Let Cao Yanhua have a headache for this kind of thing. I am in the headquarters to curb the supernatural situation and stabilize people's hearts to deal with major incidents. I am not here to be the gatekeeper and watch the warehouse for others. "


"Of course, if I have to deal with such trivial matters, then there is no need for the headquarters to exist." Elder Qin said helplessly, "The evil spirits sneaked in last time, and this time the house was stolen. There is still a problem with the management system of the headquarters. , However, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so I don't bother to care about it."

Mr. Qin has a high status in the headquarters, but he abides by his own principles. He basically doesn't care about things. He turns a blind eye to the decisions made by the headquarters, no matter whether they are right or wrong. status.

"If you really don't care, then I'll go down too?" Luo Yi stroked his sleeves. There are a lot of good things in the warehouse at the headquarters. Wang Chaling is also bold and reckless. One is stealing, but ten is not the same. Stealing, what is there to worry about?
This is blocked by Mr. Qin, otherwise Luo Yi would have followed Wang Chaling in and looted all the inventory at the headquarters. It is guaranteed that no one will find him. After all, he is in a meeting at the moment, and there are no witnesses or evidence Yes, who would have thought it was him.

It can be said that as long as Luo Yi makes a move, Wang Chaling, who is the scapegoat, will be determined.

The corner of Qin Lao's mouth twitched, good guy, if he wants to steal something in front of his master, Luo Yi is probably the only one who is so outrageous in the world.

"Huh?" Luo Yi tentatively took a step.

Elder Qin stomped his crutches to the ground, widened his eyes, and said angrily, "How dare you, I'm not dead yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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