Chapter 288 The First and Second Generations of the Wang Family
Wang Chaling is obviously a third-generation ghost who does not live up to expectations. He is timid and has a lot of worries. Even if he broke into the inventory of the headquarters, he only dared to take one or two things.

But Luo Yi was different. Although this was the second time Mr. Qin had seen him, Mr. Qin had heard Cao Yanhua talk about his deeds a lot. In Cao Yanhua's words: This is a black-bellied, ruthless and ambitious master.

If you really let him in, it's no different from a devil entering the village. Not to mention supernatural items, even the gold will be emptied.

Looking at Qin Lao's tight crutches, Luo Yi resentfully put down the rolled up sleeves, and thought: "Then wait for half a year."

"Huh?" Elder Qin squeezed his chin, feeling his eyelids twitching, "What are you thinking about, kid? Didn't you hold back some good fart?"

Luo Yi ignored Mr. Qin's unreasonable speculation, and with a thought, a brown ghost land swept towards Wang Chaling who was quietly advancing in the distance like a wave.

This supernatural power started quickly, moved quickly, and casted violently, almost in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Wang Chaling.

That's the way to deceive people and ghosts and worship gods.


Wang Chaling, who was already a guilty conscience, turned pale with shock when he saw this.

"Dad, Mom, protect me." Wang Chaling said without turning his head.

The middle-aged men and women behind him stepped forward, stretched out their palms together, and pushed forward, while holding Wang Chaling's arms with the other hand to resist the spiritual force in front of him.

The curse of the Wang family is rooted in the blood, and this connection is more stable than the ghost master's control over the evil spirits, and there is very little backlash.

Therefore, as long as there are no accidents, the Wang family will live longer than ordinary ghost masters.

But Wang Chaling was that accident, he didn't control the evil spirits, he was just an ordinary person, so even some small supernatural events might kill him, so in order to save his life, he usually let his parents guard him side.

The power of the ghost domain is extremely strong, and the joint attack of the second generation of the Wang family only blocked it for a short time, and soon this force continued to advance, and the three of them were shot horizontally.

"Even my parents can't stop it. Is this the captain of the headquarters who made the move?" Wang Chaling glanced at his parents, only to see a large dent in his father's chest, as if hit by a car .

Seeing this, he didn't think it was the people in charge of Dajing City, because their strength was not up to this point.

"This second generation king is a bit ordinary!" Luo Yixin said.

Although the second generation of the Wang family are real evil spirits, they are not geniuses like Zhang Xianguang after all, and they were relatively young when they died. Points are not enough to see.

"Are you planning to help the headquarters recover the supernatural items he stole?" Elder Qin said from the side.

"He stole it from the headquarters, not mine. I have nothing to chase after. I just want to try my hand." Luo Yi said indifferently, "Besides, I should be the one who most expects him to steal this box. Because in this way, there will be no proof of death.”

Old Qin shook his head, "You young people, you are not old, and you have a lot of eyes."

The place where the headquarters store evil spirits and supernatural objects is not far from where he lives, and he occasionally visits it, and he knows exactly what's inside.In addition to Luo Yi's words, how can Mr. Qin not understand the truth of his mind, this is still the third generation of the Wang family to take the blame for him.

Elder Qin couldn't help but sweat for this weak boy from the Wang family. With his body, he might not be able to carry such a dark cauldron.

Because the box that Wang Chaling stole was not the real starving ghost he wanted at all, it was just a little ghost with a relatively low supernatural power.

"Let's go, you youngsters, let's play by ourselves." Elder Qin lost his mind about watching the theater, and disappeared with a couple of strokes of his cane.

As soon as Mr. Qin left, Luo Yi put all his thoughts on Wang Chaling not far away.

This person is cursed, and even after his death, his relatives are protecting him in the dark. In addition, he has a wealthy family, a background of studying abroad, a handsome appearance, and a proper life. The second generation of ghosts is much more powerful.

But this person has always rejected his own destiny, and his mind is full of thoughts about how to end the curse of his family. He is not willing to become a ghost master at all. Otherwise, given his family background, his final achievements will definitely not be low.

"I can only lament that a good hand of cards was poorly played. Among other things, if Wang Chaling had awakened earlier, he would have Cao Yang's level in the later stage of the national war, and he would not have ended up like that." Luo Yixin said. .

"Brown ghost domain, who is this person?"

Wang Chaling quickly filtered the information of the ghost masters in the headquarters in his heart, but found that no one met this requirement at all. The only one who was more similar was Guiwu Feng Quan, but this person had already died when he was in Huanggang Village. , not to mention relying on a fog ghost, how could he fight against his parents.

"So there must be someone else who came, could it be the old man?" Wang Chaling thought of an old man.

"Kid Wang Chaling has met Mr. Qin." Wang Chaling bowed to the void, and at the same time looked around vigilantly with his eyes.

The space was silent, and the brown mist flowed slowly. He waited for a moment, but no one responded.

"Could it be him? Or is this just a sudden supernatural event?" Wang Chaling raised his eyebrows and stood up straight.

Looking around, this ghost land stretches across the four fields, vast and boundless, full of ghosts and waves of coercion, but these are not the most weird, what really makes Wang Chaling feel palpitating is this dull, heavy, It seems that the heaven and the earth are about to fall, and the dignified atmosphere of Cangshan Mountain is about to fall.

"I'm still not far from the headquarters. I can't stay here for a long time. Otherwise, after the meeting is over and all the captains come out, I'll be in trouble."

Wang Chaling's understanding of the current situation is still very clear. Although he has not controlled evil spirits, as the third generation of ghosts, his theoretical knowledge is still very solid.

"Grandpa, grandma, let's do it together."

Wang Chaling took off his glasses and strode forward. Following his movements, two stiff and numb old men appeared out of thin air. The two men were a little stooped, but their aura was even more icy and terrifying. The strange face is definitely the existence that makes children stop crying.

The four evil spirits stood in four directions and firmly guarded Wang Chaling in the center. The brown ghost domain that was approaching continuously retreated steadily under the spiritual confrontation of the first generation of the Wang family.

When Wang Chaling saw this, a smile appeared on his face, and he acted quickly and boldly, "It really wasn't Mr. Qin, as long as it wasn't for this one, no one in Dajing City would be able to keep me."

He has this self-confidence and this strength. In fact, if it wasn't for solving the curse on him, relying on Wang Chaling's parents, grandparents, he might not be able to beat Fang Shiming and Ye Zhen together.

"These two old ghosts are indeed very strong. They deserve to be praised by Mr. Qin, but it's a pity that they died too early, otherwise they might be big bosses now." Luo Yi looked at the surging waves of the first generation of the Wang family Black light, that kind of supernatural power is no less than that of a real captain.

"Although you can fight against my ghost domain, it doesn't mean you can escape from my ghost domain."

The ability of the first generation of the Wang family is straightforward, that is, tearing. In their hands, there are few things that cannot be broken, but Luo Yi is not easy. His ghost domain is so strong that even the previous generation can hardly match it.

The Wang family moved forward step by step, Luo Yi strengthened layer by layer.

Soon, Wang Chaling's face became quite ugly, because he found that even under the supernatural resistance of his grandparents, he could not get out of this ghost domain. He had never encountered such a thing before.

In the supernatural circle, those who control two evil spirits are top-notch, and those who control three evil spirits are top-notch, and he, Wang Chaling, has four evil spirits around him, and two of them are top ghost drivers of the previous generation, but Even so, it can't break through the boundless mist in front of him, how terrifying it is.

"Could it be that painting?"

Three days ago, ghost paintings entered the country. As the earliest S-level event in the world, the most extensive ghost domain, and the most spiritually influential S-level event, Wang Chaling naturally paid special attention. He raised his head and looked at the sky, but there was nothing above. That frightening candlestick has no paper ash flying around.

"It's not a ghost painting." Wang Chaling affirmed.

Evil ghosts are usually not conscious, which means that they will not conceal their own characteristics like humans, so ordinary people can quickly determine the identity of evil ghosts as long as they have information.

The ghost domain characteristics of this evil ghost do not match the ghost painting. Either the ghost painting has been controlled by someone, or the ghost painting has been disturbed by other spirits, or it is not a ghost painting at all.

But even if it's not a ghost painting, it's a certainty that this supernatural level will be classified as S rank.

"It doesn't matter. Cao Yanhua will take care of the affairs here. I am in a special situation and cannot appear in front of outsiders." Wang Chaling wanted to remind the headquarters, but he was worried about the box in his arms being exposed.

"Grandpa and grandma, let's do it together."

In the confrontation just now, his grandfather was basically taking the initiative to attack, and his grandmother and his parents were more protecting him. When facing the evil spirit with unknown degree of terror, unknown location, and unknown pattern, it is no big deal to be cautious. wrong.

This time, Wang Chaling's grandmother stretched out her right hand, and Wang Chaling's grandfather stretched out his left hand. Although the palms of the two palms were different in size, they were equally dry, wrinkled, and covered with black spots unique to dead people.

The breath of corpses filled the air, and as the ghost wandered away, the breath became stronger and stronger, but Wang Chaling didn't seem to notice it. To him, although he hated evil spirits and refused to become a ghost master, he did not reject them. His blood relatives, no matter what they become, he can accept.

The ghost hands of the first generation of the Wang family stretched out, inserted one left and one right into the void in front of them, and then gently grasped it, as if they were holding some solid doorknob, and then the two began to move their arms horizontally. It looks a bit like street performers performing mechanical dances. It seems funny, but it is actually terrifying, because they are not putting on a show, but fighting against evil spirits.


Harsh, sharp

The sound of the rotten wooden door opening, which had been covered in dust for a long time, came from the air, but what they opened was not a door, but a ghost land!
"Amazing, awesome!" Luo Yi's eyes showed a trace of caution, and with the joint efforts of the Wang family generation, they actually forcibly tore apart Huangquan with his spirit.

Ghost Realm relies on supernatural powers, between reality and virtuality, its internal space is reversed, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but the generation of the Wang family can break through this falsehood, opening a crack in it like cutting cloth, this level of supernatural If it is placed on a ghost master, it can easily dismember people, even evil spirits.

"Don't love to fight, let's go." Wang Chaling shouted, and ran out along the gap first.

When the sun was falling and the slightly drunk nature and wind were blowing, Wang Chaling suddenly woke up.

"I actually stayed where I was!"

There was no large-scale supernatural event at all. From the beginning to the end, Wang Chaling walked back and forth in the same place, as if what trapped him was not the ghost domain, but the bluestone bricks one meter square under his feet.

"No, my parents!" Wang Chaling looked back and saw that the crack was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, his grandparents each grabbed one person, broke the shackles behind them, and fled quickly.

While in a trance, a smear of blood appeared in the crack that was about to disappear.

Wang Chaling looked frightened: "That seems to be the real evil spirit!"


Half a day later, Wang Chaling returned to the ancestral home of the Wang family. After careful arrangements, he opened the golden box where the starving ghost was imprisoned with excitement.

Surprise, amazement, disbelief, regret, anger, rage.
It's hard to imagine that a person's facial expression can change more than ten times in less than three breaths.

If this scene is filmed, it will definitely be included in the guidance materials of Beijing Film Academy.

But unfortunately, there are no living people around him, only the four evil spirits of the Wang family.

"Bastard!" Wang Chaling cursed angrily, and threw the cover in his hand viciously to the ground.

However, he was not relieved, and Wang Chaling kicked out, directly overturning the table in front of him.

The flying gold hit the celadon vase on the side, smashing the multimillion-dollar antique 300 years ago.

After a while, Wang Chaling calmed down panting heavily after venting.

He picked up the box, put on another golden glove, and repacked the "starving ghost" on the ground.

"F**c, bastard!" Wang Chaling couldn't help cursing again. What was in his hands was not a starving ghost who could solve the Wang family's curse, but a black severed finger. Middle finger!

"I was found out, did the headquarters deliberately change the contents?" Wang Chaling rubbed his brows and asked.

"No, it shouldn't be. My Wang family has been sticking to Dadong City for so many years and has never overstepped. In this case, even if the headquarters is jealous, they will not deliberately target my Wang family!"

"Besides, I've been eyeing the starving ghosts and never disclosed it. It's even more impossible for them to know that they are far away in Dajing City."

Wang Chaling deduced one by one step by step: "It seems that the method here is not to guard against me, but to guard against all ghost masters who may enter the safe room of the headquarters."

This possibility is very high. After all, the starving ghost is the first S-level incident in China, and the meaning and impact caused are not trivial. In order to prevent the evil spirits from leaking out again, the headquarters came to the three cunning rabbit caves. It is also logical for the real and fake starving ghosts.

"I didn't succeed this time, and I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future." Wang Chaling regretted.

For this opportunity, he has been planning for several months, and even used the first and second generations of the Wang family, but he did not expect that the success would fall short in the end.

"If I knew I couldn't get the evil spirits, I might as well make a big one, pack up all the supernatural items inside and take it away, it's better than returning empty-handed, and even provoked an enemy who can't tell the difference ..."

Thinking of that ghost land, Wang Chaling is still a little terrified.

This was the first existence he had ever seen that could allow his grandparents to fight together.

"It's a pity!" Wang Chaling closed the box, as if he had experienced the decadence after great joy and sorrow, and his expression was a bit lonely.

"Next time, I don't know I have to wait..." Before Wang Chaling finished speaking, he suddenly sat up as if realizing something.

"If starving ghosts are important, aren't other supernatural objects and other evil spirits important?" Wang Chaling blurted out.

"There is a problem, there must be a problem!"

Wang Chaling stood up and walked back and forth in the room.

"You know, if the situation is not forced, I will never sneak into the safe house of the headquarters to steal the starving ghost."

"I don't take other things because I am eager to end the Wang family's curse, and the Wang family's family has a profound heritage, but for other people, how could they take such a thing after entering like me?"

"Then the question is, if Li Daitao replaced it stiffly because the headquarters was afraid of starving ghosts, should the other things be fake as well?"

"But I can be sure, those things are not!" The starved ghost was separated by gold, and he didn't dare to stay too long in that place, so Wang Chaling made a misjudgment.

But there are some supernatural items that are placed outside and can be seen. The items can be the same, but supernatural beings cannot be faked.

Those things are real!

"It's completely unreasonable to treat them differently, unless the contents of this box are fake from the beginning!"

Wang Chaling jumped up against the case, "What a Luo Yi, he is really daring, even playing tricks on the headquarters!"

He didn't doubt whether the headquarters knew about this matter, because this incident happened a few months ago. Although Luo Yi was famous at that time, he didn't have the capital to make the headquarters back down.

"So, I still have a chance!"

Wang Chaling's eyes became clearer, "The captain's plan is about to start, presumably Luo Yi doesn't want to make troubles, I will come to the door now, with generous gifts, half coercion, half lure, I can't let him not compromise!"

"It's just that I should take out something, and I have to think about it carefully. After all, his strength and identity are there. If he is too forced and the trouble is too rigid, I'm afraid I will not feel better."

If Luo Yi knew about Wang Chaling's brain supplement, he might not be able to help laughing his teeth out, but he was very determined, and even began to seriously prepare for the exchange of starving ghosts.

For him, the curse of the end of the world is the greatest. For this day, he has prepared for more than [-] years, and he is ready to pay the price for anything!

(End of this chapter)

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