Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 289 The Person Who Can't Remember

Chapter 289 The Person Who Can't Remember
While Luo Yi was outside killing people, saving people, and catching thieves, the conference room at the headquarters was quite harmonious, even a little too harmonious.

Due to Luo Yi and Gao Zhiqiang's action before, some preparations for the meeting have not been completed, so Cao Yanhua announced that the delay will be 10 minutes.

conference room.

There is a nameplate on the table in front of each chair, with everyone's name written on it, and Luo Yi's position is at the front, to the left of the host.

This arrangement was obviously decided long ago. The ghost master has mastered unimaginable power, and got rid of the troubles of money and beauty. The rest is nothing but fame and status.

Just like ordinary people, after they have lining, they will start to seek face, so whoever comes first and who is next to whomever is particular about it.

Luo Yi found his seat and sat down, looking around boredly.

This meeting room is very large, with a height of more than ten meters. A huge peony-shaped Chinese lamp is embedded in the ceiling, and there are scattered spotlights hanging on the edge. Bunches of lights hang down, bright but not dazzling.

Luo Yi tiptoed the ground and moved the stool.

There was a thick carpet on the floor, and there was no sound at all when you stepped on it. On the outside, it seemed that for the sake of confidentiality, the surrounding windows were closed, and even the curtains were drawn airtight.

And the main venue of the meeting, the center of the room, was a huge round table, on which there were just over 30 ghost masters sitting one after another, including Luo Yi himself, who didn't even have No. [-] people.

He knows some people, such as Cao Yang, Li Jun, Chen Yi, Guo Fan, Huang Yao, and Chen Ling. There are also some people he doesn't know, but he has met them before when he fought with Gao Zhiqiang. Indoor Ghost Rider.

Facing Luo Yi's scrutiny, most of the ghost masters smiled kindly, but it is unknown whether their thoughts in the bottom of their hearts are as kind as they appear on their faces.

Luo Yi didn't care about their attitudes either, and nodded if he was familiar with them, and skipped those who were unfamiliar.

After Gao Zhiqiang's death just now, no one was stabbed with Luo Yi at this time, everyone was smiling, even if Luo Yi wanted to pick things up, he couldn't find a reason.

After a few minutes, these people also gradually let go, chatting, sleeping, playing with mobile phones, dazed, and even a female ghost master who touched up her makeup.

Such a lazy and undisciplined appearance is even more outrageous than the small businesses in the office building that close seven or eight times a year.

But who would have thought that such a table of people could decide the life and death of countless people, and even affect the global situation.

Luo Yi glanced from the beginning to the end and said: "Cao Yanhua has spent so much time and effort, did he call so few people?"

"There are more than these people on the original list, at least there are no less than five or six people in the circle of friends, but since you started, Shen Liang and the others have quickly revised the list," said a person next to him.

"In addition, there are still a group of people who can't enter Beijing. They are either caught in supernatural events, or they need to sit in some cities with severe situations. After all, not every city is like Dajing City, with several responsible People can take turns changing guards."

"Of course, even if these people are counted, the number of people will not exceed fifty. After all, this meeting is not an ordinary ghost master learning exchange meeting, and there is still a certain threshold of strength."

Luo Yi said: "So, what we see now are basically most of the top ghost masters in the country, right?"

"Not bad." The man affirmed, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Leping."

"So you are Li Leping, a person with only a name but no appearance."

The lack of appearance here does not mean that he has no face like the faceless people in Taiping Town, but that his appearance does not exist in memory.

Luo Yi turned his head, and sitting next to him was a man in his thirties, with ordinary clothes, ordinary height, and ordinary appearance. Everything was so ordinary, so low-key that he couldn't be more low-key. A completely inconspicuous presence in the crowd.

After seeing the real person, some memories about Li Leping came out of his mind.

This kind of influence is very strange, but very natural. Luo Yi lowered his eyes and felt it. There was no spiritual invasion, and no memory was distorted and replaced, but this Li Leping only had a name but no appearance in his mind.

Luo Yi didn't check his profile. It's impossible for the details of ghost masters to be fully reflected in the profile, and for safety reasons, the identity of future captains like them is kept extremely secret. Usually there is only a code name and a photo, not even the real one. Part of the name will be blotted out.

"Don't be surprised, because of the evil spirit, everyone can't remember me." Li Leping explained.

"Then I suggest you make a badge and hang it on your chest, otherwise you will always have to introduce yourself." Luo Yi smiled, Luo Yi was not surprised that he could sit next to him, this is a captain-level figure.

The most famous evil spirit he controls is called Forgotten Ghost. As the name suggests, ordinary people don't even want to remember his appearance.So this is the only person who can be arrogant and domineering, and everyone can't remember his face anyway.

In the original book, this person controlled four evil ghosts in the later stage, namely ghost smoke, sleepwalking ghost, ghost looking for people, ghost of forgetting, forgetting and sleepwalking are both consciousness types, maybe two-on-one can suppress ghost dreams and ghosts looking for people Death is a curse, and ghost smoke is a ghost land.

Because of sleepwalking ghosts, this is a small number of time-selecting ghost masters. They are stronger at night, but unconscious. During the day, people are awake, and the level of terror will decrease again.

Luo Yi tried to look away, and found that once the target is completely lost, Li Leping's appearance in his mind will be erased immediately. This has nothing to do with memory ability, but a rule, as long as the consciousness cannot form an absolute crush on the forgotten ghost , it is inevitable.

"To be honest, you are easy to be beaten for such an inexplicable appearance." Luo Yi said seriously, "If I hadn't confirmed that this is the headquarters, and there is Mr. Qin here, I might have shot you just now."

"Although I feel very speechless, but I understand," Li Leping said. After reaching their level of spirituality, the perception of danger is almost instinctive, especially when an unusually powerful person approaches suddenly, it should naturally arouse his own emotions Awareness of defense and counterattack.

"Fortunately, although everyone can't remember me, the photos can still remember me." Li Leping said happily.

If not, he would have no way to pass the checks at the door and enter the meeting room.

"Although this method is useful, it is also limited." If you want to check a person's identity, you must at least know who the person is. If Li Leping doesn't say it himself, no one can think of him, let alone look for him. material.

"Perhaps you can try the supernatural power of the deceiving ghost. The forgetting ghost will make people forget, and the deceiving ghost can trick yourself into remembering it." Luo Yi turned his wrist lightly, and an inconspicuous halo appeared on the bead belonging to the deceiving ghost. , Immediately afterwards, a wave of spirituality enveloped Luo Yi.

Li Leping noticed Luo Yi's movement, but he didn't move. Many people have tried this way, and he also hoped that someone would remember him, so that if he fell down one day, he could seek help, so that he would not When asked, "Who are you?"

After tricking himself into remembering this face, Luo Yi tentatively closed his eyes, and after about ten seconds, he opened them again.

"How?" Li Leping asked curiously.

Luo Yi frowned and said, "It works, but the effect is mediocre. It can only be remembered for about three hours."

This time, the memory was not quickly erased, but like dismantling a face puzzle, a piece was randomly picked out every once in a while. Once more than half of the puzzle was taken out, it was almost unrecognizable.

"Three hours, that's not bad." Li Leping nodded. It takes about three hours to deal with ordinary supernatural events. During this period, you won't recognize your teammates wrongly, and you can already solve a lot of troubles.

"I'll try again." Luo Yi said, it wasn't because he wanted to be competitive, but because he wanted to evaluate the Forgotten Ghost's upper limit of ability from the side.

"Help me remember Li Leping!" Luo Yixin said.

This time he used the wish ghost, and borrowed the ability of the wish ghost by making a wish.

As Luo Yi made a wish, the string of inconspicuous beads in his hand shimmered. With a thought in Luo Yi's mind, the ghost domain flowed out like water, covering up the abnormality on it.

Li Leping's eyes shrank. At the moment just now, he felt a little ghost's ghost. Although it was only a little bit, he could conclude that this ghost was terrifying.

"It seems that this string of beads is filled with evil spirits. Up to now, he has used two of them. On the whole, there are a total of 12 beads on it. If there is an evil spirit in each of them. "

The more Li Leping thought about it, the colder he felt in his heart. This is not simply imprisoning twelve evil spirits, but turning the twelve evil spirits into tools. This also means that Luo Yi may explode suddenly There are more than a dozen kinds of evil spirits.

"No wonder he was able to deal with the quota suppression of ghost messengers, and he was able to even out the twenty or so ghost masters in Ping An Building."

Luo Yi was so absorbed in the spirit of the wishing ghost at the moment that he didn't notice Li Leping's expression at all. If he knew what Li Leping was thinking, he would definitely smile inwardly, because there were actually evil ghosts in the four beads in his hand. Of course, when it comes to the law of evil spirits, there are more than twelve types in the kingdom of worshiping gods.

The wish ghost trembled, through the ghost domain, Luo Yi observed that this evil ghost had a tendency to open its eyes.You must know that this evil ghost was sacrificed to the gods. Normally, it is as honest as a dead evil ghost, but now it has become agitated.

Luo Yi watched coldly and did not choose to intervene. Although the wish ghost's ability has dropped a lot, he doesn't believe that just remembering a person will revive him again.

Even if in order to remember this person, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the Forgotten Ghost.

After another breath, a crack appeared on the bead, and the wishing ghost lying inside, which had been shrunk down dozens of times, revealed the tip of the iceberg. Its eyelids kept beating, but in the end it still failed to open.


Luo Yi touched the crack on the bead, and waited for the clone ghost's ghost to suppress the wish ghost's backlash, and then he said in relief: "It's ok."

Li Leping stood up, pushed away the chair, walked behind Luo Yi, turned around, and returned to his seat to look at Luo Yi.

"Is it interesting?" Luo Yi looked at him calmly, "Can I still lie to you?"

"Interesting, no." Curiosity flashed in Li Leping's eyes, "How did you do it?"

He could clearly see Luo Yi's calmness when he saw him again, it was obviously not the way he looked at a stranger, but that he really remembered himself.

"You can't learn the tricks of evil spirits," Luo Yi said.

"It's amazing." Li Leping praised, other ghost masters have no way to deal with his ability, but Luo Yi not only has a way, but there are more than one way, how can this not be amazing.

Luo Yi said flatly: "It's just a small trick, it's nothing."

"Not everyone has this little trick. Even if it's placed in this conference room, I can guarantee that no more than three fingers can remember me for a short time." Li Leping said confidently.

Although surprised by Luo Yi's methods, Li Leping will not belittle himself. Although his appearance is not obvious to others, the word Li Leping is quite influential in the supernatural circle.

"Before the meeting starts, if you don't mind, I want to ask you a question." Li Leping narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You ask, answer or not, I will judge."

"I observed your shots and read some information about you. With all due respect, your way of controlling evil spirits should not be the way of the headquarters, right?"

"Is this question important?"

"It's not a question of whether it's important or not," Li Leping said. "The traces of ghosts can be traced back at least to the period of the Republic of China, but the methods of ghost masters have not been passed down at all. This has led to the fact that for our generation, everything It’s all brand new and unknown, and you must know how difficult it is to step out of such a vacant thorny path, so I want to talk to you.”

"I don't know the origin of the supernatural at the moment. As for the Republic of China, things are very simple and very complicated."

"How should I say it?" Li Leping didn't expect Luo Yi to be willing to share these secrets, so he hurriedly leaned closer to listen.

"The complicated thing is that they are the same as us, and they all started step by step from ignorance. The simple thing is that the reason why there is no inheritance is because of the turmoil in the age and the short lifespan of ghost masters, and the fact that they are generally I feel that we should let ourselves forge a path unique to our era.”

"I understand the front, but I don't understand the back," Li Leping said, "If we have to figure out everything by ourselves, then the experience and lessons of the previous generation, or even the people of the previous generation, will be in vain."

What Li Leping thinks is to stand on the shoulders of giants with the help of the wisdom of the sages, which is actually not a problem for modern people from the perspective of science.

But the supernatural cannot be speculated and measured by modern technology. The reason why this road is difficult is because the uncertainty is too high, like a maze, 100 of the 99 roads in it are wrong. What's more, The only remaining correct path is still changing, and it is likely to create 99 wrong branches.

"Have you ever heard a saying: Those who transform me live, those who break me enter, and those who resemble me die," Luo Yi said flatly, "The reason they don't want to leave words and inheritance is because they have dealt with countless things throughout their lives. It was only after the supernatural incident that they discovered that the road they were on was actually a dead end, so in order to prevent future generations from being restricted by barriers, they chose to keep silent and buried the inheritance with the evil spirits."

Li Leping was stunned when he heard the sound: "So that's the case, I thought it was wrong." At the beginning, he thought that these ghost masters were out of secrecy and cherished themselves with their brooms. In the end it was completely gone.

"I didn't expect there to be such secrets in it," Li Leping frowned. "If the generation of the Republic of China failed, then the probability of our failure is also very high."

There is actually not much difference between the present and the previous generations, except that the age of living is different. People have not evolved to be smarter, and ghosts have not become more stupid.

"You know so much, you must have some understanding of their generation's way of controlling ghosts." Li Leping asked curiously, he was still a little bit unwilling to give up, wanting to know the wrong paths these predecessors took, so He can avoid it.

Luo Yi didn't answer him directly, but asked back, "How many people in the younger generation do you think can match your strength?"

"It's just the number of hands." Li Leping said without hesitation.

"Then let you go back to the Republic of China and stand on the same starting line as these predecessors?"

Li Leping understood Luo Yi's meaning, and said, "That must be the same."

"That's right. There's no right or wrong when it comes to supernatural things, and no one can give you an opinion. Whether you can go to the end depends entirely on yourself. As for my situation, you ask on the surface, but you know it in your heart. Our The road is different, if you want to go my way, you will definitely die!"

There is only one sacrificial god in this world, and there can only be one Luo Yi!
(End of this chapter)

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