Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 299 Incidents occur frequently

Chapter 299 Incidents occur frequently
"Captain, the ghost painting incident you brought to our attention still broke out."

In the office, Luo Lin looked serious, and pushed a stack of materials with red labels in front of Luo Yi.

"Tell me about the situation!" Luo Yi didn't answer. In fact, Luo Yi didn't know much information about ghost paintings. Although this ghost in the original book is known as the most extensive and strongest evil ghost in the ghost domain, he didn't understand its laws and status. Such descriptions are rare.

Zhang Handao: "It's the art museum incident that caused a lot of trouble abroad. These foreigners are really unskilled. They even choose such an abstract name. It has nothing to do with ghosts. Those who don't know it think it's an art robbery! "

Rowling smiled and said, "Zhang Han is right. It's called the art gallery incident over there, but when it's translated into China, it's called the ghost painting incident."

It doesn't matter whether it is a transliteration or a literal translation, what is important is to reflect the core of the event: ghosts and paintings!

"The current impact of this incident abroad is very bad, almost destroying a small country, and this ghost has the characteristics of wandering in a large area. Wherever it passes, living things are swept up by the ghost domain and disappear in Within the ghost domain."

Everyone knows what disappearance in a supernatural event means.

"The captain reminded us before, but I didn't expect this incident to erupt so soon." Zhang Han looked serious. Just look at Dachang City to see how serious an S-level incident is.

At that time, the heads of dozens of cities across the country didn't even have the qualifications to enter Dachang City. If the captain hadn't tried his best to turn the tide, the number of casualties would have been outrageously high.

Once an ordinary person gets into big trouble, the first person to step up is the person in charge of the city. If the person in charge of the city can't stand it, then the captain will take the top. If the captain can't do it either.
Then you can only ask for luck.

"What's the arrangement of the headquarters this time?" Luo Yi asked. He didn't receive the recruitment from the headquarters this time, so he didn't know the relevant personnel arrangements, but there was no doubt that the headquarters would make a move.

The country is the base of the headquarters, unless the headquarters is broken up and all the ghost masters die, an S-level incident will never be allowed to wreak havoc.

Rowling said without hesitation: "It is reported that Professor Wang's personal bodyguard Li Jun is leading the team this time. To assist him in the operation are Ghost Makeup Ah Hong, Paper Figure Liu San, Ghost Game Su Fan, and Ghost Eye Yang Jian is also recruiting. It’s within the scope, but he seems to have refused, and then he replaced several first-class city leaders.”

"It seems that the headquarters is determined to deal with the evil ghosts this time. Li Jun, Liu San, and Yang Jian, these are the three captains. The three top ghost masters in the country can restrain the ghost paintings even if they can't imprison them. It just doesn't know why Yang Jian rejected this action." Zhang Han said.

The captain's plan has completely surfaced, and the ghost masters who are a little bit more informed know the list of the captains, and the authority of these captains has been issued, and now the difference is nothing more than a red-stamped official document.

"Captain, are you not optimistic about their actions this time?" Luo Lin looked at Luo Yi who was frowning. As an old man in Yuzhou City, she still knew her immediate boss better.

"The ghost painting incident is not that simple. It can travel thousands of kilometers all the way to China. There are not many ghost masters encountered in the middle. Don't underestimate the strength of foreign ghost masters. As far as I know, there are many people who No less powerful than me."

"So fierce, can you stand shoulder to shoulder with the captain?" Zhang Han was stunned. In his eyes, Luo Yi was enough for him to be unmatched in his life. Although the headquarters played a few captain cards, everyone with a discerning eye knew that there was still moisture in these captains. Yes, for example, a smoking general who can't be beaten to death and a certain family with the surname Cao, these people can only be regarded as quasi-captain ranks to be precise.

"Don't think too highly of yourself. The last time I fell into a deep sleep, there were shadows of foreign forces. According to Rowling's follow-up investigation, it was confirmed that there was a guy named missionary behind him, and this person seemed to be quite popular in the West. , make good friends with bankers, landlords, gentlemen and other ghost masters, and this group of people are all at the captain level when they are transferred to China."

Zhang Han didn't believe it, "So scary?"

"The domestic population only accounts for one-sixth of the world's total. Although supernatural events cannot be measured by the number of people, the probability of a top ghost master appearing among [-] million people is roughly the same. Based on this probability, There are five times as many foreign masters as domestic ones." Rowling said.

Luo Yi estimated in his mind, captain, manor owner, coffin bearer, projectionist, butcher, Simon, killer, pianist, painter, landlord, missionary, clown, gravedigger, ink old man, gentleman, old lady ,twin
It’s just that there are only about 20 people in the king’s organization who can be named, not to mention some people who haven’t joined the king’s organization, and some top masters who haven’t emerged yet. To the number of captain-level combat power.

Fortunately, not all regions have malicious intentions towards the country, otherwise, the headquarters would have been defeated long ago during the national war.

"If you look at it this way, none of the foreign countries have been able to detain ghost paintings, and only two captains have gone to the country, I'm afraid there is not much hope." Zhang Han compared horizontally and said, "Unless the headquarters can persuade Yang Jian, the three captains will gather together. Together, it should be more hopeful."

Luo Yi sneered, "Even if Yang Jian goes there, there will only be two captains, and the two captains want to get rid of ghost paintings, it's naive!"

Rowling reacted very quickly, "Captain, you mean, someone will deliberately release water, but how is this possible?"

The country is the base of the headquarters, and it is also the base of the captains. Someone should not be so unwise.

"It's not to let the water go, it's because some people don't work hard. Liu San, try to deal with him as little as possible in the future." Luo Yi said.

As he destroyed the circle of friends and beheaded Fang Shiming, he almost completely established his No.1 status in the younger generation. With Luo Yi's influence, he would not spend too much time dealing with other captains in the future, so he fought with them in advance. A greeting is necessary.

"As for Yang Jian, the ghost painting will suppress his ghost eyes. Without the ghost eyes, more than half of his strength will be directly cut off. He is not stupid, so naturally he would not want to set foot in ghost paintings."

The ghost eye has great potential, and the ghost domain is also powerful, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it cannot be covered, so ghost newspapers and ghost paintings are relatively restrained.

"So that's the case. In this way, the headquarters deliberately chose Li Jun to take the lead because they valued his supernatural powers." Zhang Han made inferences.

"That's right, ghost painting restrains ghost eyes, and ghost fire restrains ghost paintings, but ghost fire Li Jun can't beat Yang Jian, so the current ghost painting incident is destined to have twists and turns."

"Fortunately, although the group of foreign people did not get rid of the evil spirits, they also limited the abilities of some evil spirits. From this point of view, at least they will not be so dangerous." Zhang Han opened the file and said.

In the picture is a huge image with two openings on the left and right. From west to south, the picture shows a gray area with almost invisible boundaries, like a dividing line of death, dividing the city below. They are all divided.

And the lower part of the center of the image, like a mirage, presents a corner of that gray world.

It was a swaying ray of miserable green candlelight, a bit like the white ghost candle produced by Wang Xiaoming, but the one in the picture was bigger and the color was deeper.

Under the candle is an exquisite and gorgeous gold candlestick. This craftsmanship is exquisite and extravagant. It doesn't look like an ancient retro craft, but it has a modern European court style.

However, these things are not the point. The point is that under the slightly shaking candlelight, a pair of smooth, white, flawless female palms are reflected.

The hands were pierced by the other end of the candlestick, but no blood was seen.

The gold is embedded in the ghost's hands, restricting the hands of the evil ghost, which can undoubtedly reduce the lethality of the evil ghost, but a gold candlestick is obviously not enough to control the ghost painting, and the evil ghost is still extremely ferocious.

Luo Yi glanced at it, and there was a line of small characters written at the bottom, which briefly introduced the detention incident: At [-] o'clock in the morning on May [-]th, all members of the Blood Orchid Action Team participated in the detention of Ghost Painting, and at [-]:[-], the operation It was declared a failure and everyone died.

"This Blood Orchid Action Team is very famous abroad. It is the top ten ghost master team in the world. It has seven members. The leader is called Death Bob. He is an existence who controls three ghosts. He is very influential in Europe. strength, but such a team actually only lasted for a short 5 minutes when facing Ghost Painting."

Rowling felt chills all over her body. Although she was not a ghost master, as Luo Yi's chief butler, she had almost the highest authority of a ghost master in the country, and she knew more than many old city leaders.

But supernatural events are like this. The more you know, the more you will be in awe. Only ignorance can be fearless.

Apparently Rowling was not.

"Spiritual confrontation is inherently dangerous. A face-to-face life-and-death event often happens. If it lasts for a long time, it must either have a strong life-saving ability, or have a lot of spiritual resources at hand." Luo Yi said indifferently.

"The captain really had the foresight. A few days ago, he ordered the ban on the circulation of oil paintings and canceled all art exhibitions." Rowling admired.

The ghost painting incident, the starving ghost incident in Dachang City, and the circle of friends incident were all predicted by Luo Yi in advance. Once or twice may be luck, but after three incidents, it proves that they are really far-sighted and far-sighted.

Luo Yi's face was calm, and he didn't explain. He just had a memory and endorsed it, and he had a foresight, not a foresight.

"However, for the sake of safety, I'll go down and urge me again to prevent people from taking risks."

Rowling is very cautious. The accumulation of capital is bloody. The more prohibited things are on the market, the more expensive they are. Although Yuzhou City has been firmly controlled by ghost masters, ordinary people don't know The meaning behind this series of measures is that they may violate the regulations and conduct private transactions.

"I won't ask too much about these things, you just control it yourself."

Employers are not suspicious, suspects are not necessary, Luo Yi has always been like this, you can say that he is a shopkeeper, but his existence is the confidence and soul of the entire Yuzhou City, and looking at the whole world, no smart person will be with his parents for food and clothing. Against.

Taking a step back, even if the people below really rebelled like crazy, it would be a big deal to wipe it clean and overthrow everything and start over.

Some things are difficult from the bottom up, but from the top down, it is very simple to build a strategic plan.

"Okay, I'll make my own decision." Although she knew that Luo Yi would not have any objections, Rowling would still communicate with Luo Yi on some important matters. This was not only her professionalism, but also her respect for Luo Yi. A respect, she always knew that the real master of this city was Luo Yi, and all her power and prestige came from this indifferent and calm man in black robe in front of her.

He can rudely send himself to the top to show his talents, and he can easily kick himself down and step into the mud.

This is the qualification and ability of a top ghost master. It can be said that in Yuzhou City, Luo Yi is the sky, and even the headquarters must not interfere.

Seeing Rowling's performance, Luo Yi's eyes softened a little, and he was very satisfied with her attitude.

In fact, Rowling has been able to say the same thing in Yuzhou City, and even put Zhang Han and Meng Yi, the two ghost master team leaders, at a faint disadvantage. Advance and retreat, even if you hold a lot of power, you don't have the slightest indulgence.

That's why she was able to secure the second-in-command position in Yuzhou City with an ordinary person's body.

"By the way, Captain, there is one more thing I think I need to tell you." Rowling seemed to have thought of something, but she seemed a little hard to speak.

"Tell me, you don't need to have too many scruples, no matter how big the matter is, can it be bigger than ghost painting?" Luo Yi said calmly.

"Zhang Yanchu is dead!" Luo Lin said word by word. After she finished speaking, she carefully observed Luo Yi's expression. This woman is not from the Yusheng Group, but someone Luo Yi met outside. Luo Yi rarely does anything. Explaining to others, she was not sure whether this Zhang Yanchu was important.

Luo Yi snorted coldly, "That kid Wei Xun doesn't dare to come and tell me, so let you stand up for him!"

Seeing Luo Yi's reaction, Rowling's heart suddenly fell back into her chest. She stroked her hair beside her ear and said with a smile: "Who made me his team leader? He messed up things, but Why don't I take the blame for him!"

If something goes wrong, if the leader doesn't stand up and fight back, is it possible for the younger brother to carry it?
There is no such thing as temporary workers in Yusheng Group!

Luo Yi fell into deep thought, tapping his fingers on the table unconsciously.

Fang Yanchu is the messenger of the Ghost Post Office. The Ghost Post Office is a supernatural organization established during the Republic of China to deal with evil spirits. Its first-generation manager is Luo Yi's old friend, the knocker Luo Wensong who is keen on knocking on doors. The next few more famous managers include Zhang Xianguang, Tian Xiaoyue, and the later sick ghost Sun Rui.

The current ghost post office is run by a group of ordinary people with a little bit of means, and it has long been unable to fulfill the mission of dealing with evil spirits set at the beginning of its establishment.

It was purely a coincidence that Luo Yi knew Zhang Yanchu at the beginning, but after knowing that she was a post office courier, he intentionally wanted to cultivate her. The original intention was to use her as a stepping stone to test the situation in the ghost post office.

For this reason, Luo Yi also ordered Wei Xun and others to transfer some supernatural items to her, but he didn't expect that she was still so disappointed and died halfway.

Luo Yi didn't speak, and the few people present didn't dare to speak, and the scene suddenly became dull.

Zhang Han glanced at Rowling, and pouted at her.

Rowling shook her head slightly, signaling him not to talk too much.

After a while, Luo Yi said coldly, "If you die, you will die. It's just an idle move. It's best if it succeeds. If it fails, there is no loss."

"It's just that the ghost post office is a supernatural place. Although it looks lonely now, the background is still very deep. I intervened in it with the intention of acquiring it at a certain point in the future. But now that Fang Yanchu is dead, My chess piece is gone, which disrupts my plan somewhat."

In Luo Yi's conception, the ghost lake and the ghost post office are good places for him to obtain evil ghost resources. The former has a higher priority because there is a captain under the ghost lake.

Zhang Han volunteered and said: "Captain, let me go for a while. If there is no small nail, I will put another big nail in. I have so many ghost masters in Yuzhou City, so I can afford it."

Zhang Han's idea is also simple. Since it is something the team leader has decided on, he should do it boldly. If others can't do it, then he, the team leader, will come.

"By the way, captain, according to Wei Xun's investigation, that Zhang Yanchu didn't die from a supernatural event, but offended someone in the ghost post office and was plotted against." Rowling added.

"Those who dare to scheme against us, these messengers really don't know how to live or die, the captain will let me go, I will definitely find out who is behind it, and let them see the methods of my Yuzhou ghost master!"

Strictly speaking, Zhang Yanchu didn't join the Yuzhou City Ghost Driver Squad, at most he was considered a non-staff member.

However, non-staff personnel are also from Yuzhou City, so they should not be insulted.

Luo Yi was silent for a moment, but did not respond.

"Captain..." Zhang Han said eagerly. He is in very good condition now, and the ghosts he controls are very compatible. Although he is not as good as the captain of the headquarters, his ability is by no means inferior.

Luo Yi was about to say something when suddenly the phone in front of him rang.

"Ring Ling~~"

The loud voice echoed in the empty conference room, Luo Yi frowned, feeling a little uneasy, because the call was quite private, only his operator Tang Wanwan and several team leaders in Yuzhou City knew about it.

Rowling stepped forward with her long legs, stepped forward to take a look, and said in surprise, "It's calling from downstairs, and the person dialing is my office."

She picked up the phone, asked a few simple questions, and looked a little ugly.

"Captain, there is a weird oil painting in Yuzhou City, and three people are missing now!"

(End of this chapter)

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