Chapter 300
Dajing City is located in the north, with a dry climate, low vegetation coverage, and poor soil and water fixation. In addition, there were many factories in the early years, coal-fired heating and thermal power generation, etc., resulting in poor air quality. There is smog all year round.

The terrain here is flat, but the view is actually not as wide as imagined.

Today's Dajing City is also the same as usual, opened a new day under the fog, but today's fog is deeper and heavier, until the sun has risen, it is still hazy and unrecognizable.

"This place is getting more and more polluted. If it wasn't for making money, I wouldn't even come to live here." A wage earner in a black suit complained.

"No, if I live here for two more years, I'm afraid my life expectancy will be shortened by a few months." The elder sister who bought breakfast next to me agreed.

"Then you country folks are still eager to come here and compete with us old Beijingers for space and raise the prices for us." A local uncle couldn't stand it and retorted.

"It's really interesting what you said. Without us, prices wouldn't go up. Could it be that the rise in prices is caused by us migrant workers?"

"Also what's wrong with us country folks, I'm eating your home rice or drinking your home water!" The eldest sister who bought breakfast frowned, and asked the uncle three times aggressively, pressing every step of the way.

"Then why not, the more people there are, the greater the demand, and the price will naturally rise!" The local uncle said anxiously with a pale face.

"Prices are going up, so you go to the price bureau, why are you mad at us here!"

"You," the uncle said angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll lie down and blackmail you to death!"

"Lie down, who doesn't know how to lie down, if you want to lie down, I will lie down with you." The eldest sister rolled up her sleeves, squatted down and slept on the floor straight, "I'm going to spend time with you today, whoever gets up first is the grandson, Let's see if I can't take it, or you, a shameless old bone, die first!"


"Oh, stop arguing," the person next to him murmured.

"Let me be fair" the other began to deflect.

"I'm not targeting anyone, sir." Passers-by began to criticize.

"There's an expert here, let's let him judge!" A chubby man appeared surrounded by a man in a tunic suit wearing glasses.

"I'm a writer, not a scholar of people's livelihood, but I can also say a few words." The man in the tunic suit raised his eyes and said confidently: "Although I am not an expert in this field, I still want to say a few words. After listening to your questions carefully and thinking about them for a long time, I actually don't know how to answer them, as I said at the beginning, I am not an expert in this field."



"Hey! What a piece of shit!"

"Cats and dogs are experts these days."

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, something has fallen from the sky!" A big man roared, his voice was deafening.

The crowd was silent for a moment, and when they raised their heads, they saw that the surroundings gradually began to become gray, and some indistinct things continued to float down from the sky, like thick gray fog condensed, or clusters of cold clouds. breath.

Just in the blink of an eye, everything around was covered by gray things, and everything that could be seen by the naked eye changed.

There is no color at all, even the dim and yellow ceiling lamps in the shop are gray. The boss who sells breakfast saw the white steamed buns turn into gray steamed buns, the golden fried dough sticks turned into gray fried dough sticks, and then gray buns, gray steamed buns. soy milk
The expert got up, hung the broken glasses on his face, reached out to catch a ball of things that fell in front of his eyes, and rubbed them gently in his hands, leaving a gray mark on his palms.

The eldest sister who was lying on the bed got up and let out a little surprise, "This is paper ashes?"

After she finished speaking, she also felt a little unbelievable, "And it's the paper ashes left after the paper money was burned, but hasn't Dajing City banned the burning of paper money long ago and advocated civilized sacrifices?"

"Could it be another leak from the chemical plant?" said the expert.

"Fart, paper money is being burned in your chemical factory!" the eldest sister cursed.

The expert looked embarrassed, lowered his head and muttered a few words: only women and villains are difficult to raise, and rural women have long hair but short knowledge.

The eldest sister has a keen ear, and she listened to the truth, and picked up the bag in her hand to make a gesture.

Under the cover of the little fat man, the expert ran away with his head in his arms, and was in a panic for a while.

"Look at the distance!" The person who shouted just now continued to shout.

I saw that the high-rise buildings that were originally lined with reinforced concrete were all gray, and even the taxis running on the street seemed to have come out of dust.

Not only that, street lights, billboards, shops, hospitals, schools, everything is gloomy.

There is also a layer of accumulation on the ground of the long street, leaving a clear footprint when stepping on it.

Countless people left their rooms and came to the street, looking up. There were no floating clouds, no wind, no sunshine in the sky, but only gray and seemingly endless ashes.

At this moment, the world seemed to be muted. The solemn and dull atmosphere spread rapidly, fear began to grow, despair began to spread, and then a woman's scream pierced the frozen atmosphere.

Everyone looked subconsciously, and saw that her whole body was covered with paper ash. The dark and strange ash stuck to her face, and was hidden in her hair and clothes.

She was shaking desperately, scratching all over her head, but the gray matter falling from the sky was faster than expected, and soon her whole body was like a gray clay model.

This kind of weirdness and horror was enough to break down a person with a weak mind, so she yelled and started running on the street like crazy.

This kind of momentary collapse ignited the city like a spark in the blink of an eye, and the whole area boiled, screaming, panic, madness... spreading rapidly like a virus.

The ghost has not yet appeared.

But the ghost domain it covered has already revealed a breath of despair like the end of the world, and most people don't understand what happened at all.

Nuclear weapons, chemical plant explosions, unknown viruses, evil spirits attack, and alien invasion all kinds of speculations are rampant.

This Silent Hill-like scene is tearing apart every calmness without mercy, making people creepy.

And after the ghost domain passes through the city, some bizarre scenery emerges.

A building that did not exist stands inexplicably in the middle of the street, and the surrounding residential buildings are wiped out by some mysterious force, and mysterious streets leading to unknown areas appear one after another.

More than that, in the dark and gloomy fog, there are many buildings with different styles, such as the Gothic style with towering spiers, superhuman scale and elaborate decoration; the Baroque style with free shape, pursuit of dynamics, and rich carvings; Conceptual style with strong personalized colors.

There are also alternate fields, black dahlias all over the mountains, rivers and mountains in ink, twisted chaos
Unknown, Thriller, Horror, Bizarre.
Frightened by the weirdness, a small number of people ran in in a panic and couldn't get out again.

In the headquarters building, the phone rang one after another, and the clerks in white and black work clothes ran back and forth. Cao Yanhua threw away the cigarette in his hand, with a solemn and heavy face, and ran quickly in the building with hurried steps.

"Bang!" He broke into the communication room and yelled at the operators who were still in a state of confusion, "Call me, call me, call me all the ghost masters in Dajing City Come!"

"Caobu, what's the reason?" An operator raised his palm carefully and asked.

"Tell them the ghost painting incident, it broke out!"

A villa area in Yuzhou City.

This is a group of luxurious river-view villas located at the head of the Liangjiang River. It is a gathering place for rich people in a very prosperous and high-end section of Yuzhou City. The security here is also the strictest on weekdays. Not to mention strangers, even a stray dog Also not allowed to enter.

"What kind of shit is the Yuzhou Special Forces Team? Even if the mayor is here, you can't enter without the owner's consent. If you dare to go one step further, we will not be polite!"

"Stand back, I warn you!"

"This is a rich area, you have to force your way in, don't blame us for doing it, you must know that we are not an ordinary property, there is a big boss behind us, if you do it, you must be the ones who suffer!" Several guards Holding the stick, he raised his hand and began to violently push and shove.

"Looking for death!" Wei Xun couldn't bear the anger, he directly pulled out from his waist and grabbed the head of the leader.

"Brother, let's talk about something. Can you stop using knives and guns? It's a dry day. It's not good if the gun goes off and someone dies." The security guard at the door raised his hands and glanced at the top. Holding the icy pistol on his temple, he was sweating profusely.

The gatekeepers of the rich are not the gatekeepers of ordinary communities, they are all trained group security guards, so don't look at them just standing there every day, as if they can stand upright, how to stand well, how to have style , How to block the entry of the crowds in the downtown area is particular.

"This group of people is not simple at first glance. They actually have real guns in their hands. They are either from some special departments or foreign evil forces. In short, they can resist or not. It's just a pity for this job." Security guard Liu Baoquan thought to himself.

Letting people who do not belong to the villa area enter violates the duty of security, and it is naturally difficult to keep jobs.

Although this job is hard and not so dignified, the monthly salary is tens of thousands, and there is a bonus at the end of the year. This amount can surpass 8% of the blue-collar and white-collar workers in Yuzhou City, which is a proper middle-to-high income group.

"What, the robbery is still the Matrix. If you get two toy guns, you will come out and pretend to be handsome. I advise you to stay where you are cool." shirt, the young man with a cigarette in his mouth sneered.

"Who are you?" Zhang Han frowned.

The young man vomited under his eyes, and then slowly turned the hat on his head straight, "Security, can't you see it?"

"Chen San'er, don't cause trouble!" Liu Baoquan scolded, and kept winking at the young man.

Chen San'er didn't take it seriously, and spit secretly, "Bah, your mother's coward, I asked you to be a security guard to protect the property and life of the owner. It's useless for someone like you to raise your hand and surrender when you're scared. Goods, it's really embarrassing."

A 30-year-old man was pointed at his nose by a 1- or [-]-year-old boy and scolded like a grandson. Liu Bao's complexion was quite ugly, but it seems that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and there is more than [-] yuan For the sake of this, let me remind you aloud.

"Don't make trouble, you can't afford to provoke these people." After speaking, Liu Baoquan also felt a little imposing, and said forcefully: "Chen San'er, I am the captain, listen to me!"

"Hey, you're a bullshit captain. My uncle should give me the position of security captain. I'll lead the team and I'm sure I'm better than a coward like you." Chen San'er didn't know good people at all, and yelled at Liu Baoquan several times. sentence.

After scolding Liu Baoquan, he still felt unsatisfied, and said to Zhang Han and the others: "And you, you are dressed like dogs, pretending to be a gangster, you must know that this community is full of big bosses, group executives, and government officials. Officials, if you offend someone, you have to look at the almanac when you go out, lest you get bumped and don't know why!"

"Are the security guards in a rich area so arrogant these days?" Luo Yi asked with a gloomy expression.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the air became colder by more than three degrees in an instant, and all kinds of chilling and desolate atmospheres suddenly dissipated.

Liu Baoquan looked up, just in time to see Luo Yi's pale and indifferent face, and his heart pounded, "What kind of person is this, he is so powerful, like a bloodthirsty beast running through the jungle. It's so frustrating."

"Huh~~?" Luo Yi spoke again, his tone full of dissatisfaction and impatience.

Liu Baoquan swallowed his saliva, feeling that his back was soaked, he looked up carefully, and found seven or eight people in suits with sullen expressions and fierce eyes around him, who would attack if there was any disagreement Stance.

"It doesn't matter, a dead fellow Taoist is not a poor daoist, I have already given him a hand. This kid has no eyesight and asks for trouble, and I can't save him." Thinking of this, Liu Baoquan said decisively: "He called Chen San'er is the nephew of manager Liu of our security department, he has been working here for three years and is the old security guard of our community."

"It turned out to be a related household." Zhang Han sneered, "No wonder you are so arrogant and domineering, and you, the captain, are not taken seriously."

The corners of Liu Baoquan's mouth twitched, an ugly smile appeared on his face, and he said in his heart: "The owner can't afford it, the related households can't afford it, and you and I can't afford it either. Today is really unlucky, it's bad luck."

"Wait, you said he has been here as a security guard for three years, Chen San'er, how old are you this year?" Zhang Han asked curiously, the boy's beard was still green, and it was definitely not there at first glance.

"Your third brother is 17 years old this year. Although he is not very old, I can bear you to call me big brother!" Chen San'er said complacently.

"Isn't this hiring child labor?" Zhang Han asked in surprise.

"It doesn't count, he didn't come here two years ago, he just made a name here." Liu Baoquan said anxiously.

Luo Yi sneered, "It turns out he's a hamster on empty pay!"

"Bastard, who are you calling a hamster!" The seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man couldn't bear insults the most, his face turned red when he heard Luo Yi's sarcasm, and he grabbed the phone on the table and was about to throw it at him.

"Presumptuous!" Zhang Han roared angrily, grabbed the gun in the hand of the ghost driver next to him and didn't aim at all, and raised his hand to shoot.


With a loud and clear gunshot, a bullet casing was ejected, and after bouncing on the ground a few times, it shone with metallic light.

A young man living in a stable society, where has he ever seen such a real guy? Chen San'er was immediately frightened by the sound, his feet went limp, and he fell straight down. Wet a large area of ​​the ground.

"Oh, I'm really not good at playing with guns, I missed it so close!" Zhang Han dropped the pistol and glanced at his masterpiece.

The shot hit the concrete floor, setting off dozens of finely broken stones. Not only that, but also a few tiny cracks appeared on the originally flat and smooth ground around the bullet hole, which shows the power of this shot.

"It seems that now you all know who the boss is!" Zhang Han said unhurriedly.

"Brother, just tell me what's wrong with you." Liu Baoquan trembled, his eyelids twitching uncontrollably.

Luo Yi said calmly: "There is a big boss named Wu Cheng here, take me to his residence."

"Okay, it's right there, go straight first, turn left, then go forward, to the third intersection." Liu Baoquan looked at Luo Yi, whose face was getting more and more serious.

"I lead the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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