Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 303 Completion Restrictions

Chapter 303 Completion Restrictions
After the blood spread, the real third floor appeared. The corridor on this floor was dark and gloomy, like a deep path under the night, giving people the illusion of evening.

As a matter of fact, the sun was shining brightly outside, beams of dazzling light passed through the glass and spilled into the house, but it only showed a faint effect like candlelight, forming a sharp contrast with the rather bright second floor next to it.

Brightness and darkness, coldness and warmth form a clear dividing line here, just a few steps, as if stepping into different seasons and regions.

Come here, even if you are not a ghost master, you can notice this kind of weirdness.

"There are very few rooms on the third floor, you go left and right, quickly find that ghost painting." Luo Yi said, and walked forward quickly, the ghost has already penetrated the first floor, and there is no further delay.

"Okay!" Zhang Han responded.

Luo Yi moved quickly, and within a few strides he came to the first door. Spots of blood appeared in his palm, staining his entire palm blood red. What kind of ghost rule is triggered, with this layer of buffer time, it is enough for him to prepare.

The door was unscrewed, and there was a smell of rust and mold. Inside was a utility room, and some tools and electrical appliances that were not commonly used were placed in it.

Luo Yi stood outside the door, glanced briefly, then turned and left.

This attitude seems relaxed and casual, even a little perfunctory, but the judgment is quite accurate.

To control evil spirits to Luo Yi's level, a lot of information will be sent back through his exposed ghost domain, so whether there is any supernatural, how high the level of terror can be determined in just a few breaths, so he doesn't need to look left and right, He showed a hesitation, as if he was very serious and cautious.

During the process, Luo Yi passed another door, and finally stopped in front of the door at the end of the corridor.

"Don't look for it, the ghost is here!" Luo Yi greeted, this time he didn't open the door directly, but put his hand on the door frame.

In just a short moment of contact, Luo Yi's complexion changed slightly. He felt that the sacrifice god in his body suddenly became quiet and was not as active as before. It was like being in water. Although he could see and move, it was more strenuous.

An invisible suppression has formed between ghosts.

Seeing Luo Yi's movements, Zhang Han also stood up and approached the door. Immediately, Guipi became silent, and the tattooed ghost was also affected.

"Captain, I feel like a ghost has been crippled." Zhang Han's face turned pale, and there was a little fear in his eyes.

In less than a minute, Guipi had completely stopped moving, as if he had never driven it before.

"Well, the suppression of ghost paintings is stronger than imagined, and this is only a corner of ghost paintings." Zhang Han's arrival made Luo Yi keenly feel that the suppression has eased a little.

Luo Yi said: "But don't worry too much. When Guihua suppressed evil spirits, it was also affected by evil spirits."

It's like ghosts, every time you suppress an evil ghost, your quota will be reduced by one. Similarly, the more evil ghosts in the ghost painting, the weaker the ability of the ghost painting will be exposed. This is a well-understood matter. matter.

But this strength depends on who is compared with, and the upper limit of suppression and tolerance of ghost paintings is naturally high, even the ghost lake is hard to come by.

As the two approached, the already gloomy environment became darker and duller, which was a manifestation of the intensified erosion and the rapid recovery of the spirit.

"Captain, look behind." Zhang Han pointed behind him.

Luo Yi turned his head to look, and a strange scene happened. The original corridor had disappeared, and the surrounding doors were also hidden. Only in front of them, a deep path appeared inexplicably at the place where the wall at the end should have been.

This path is paved with some blackened stone slabs, and there are no plants on both sides. It is silent and eerie. It just extends from the two people's feet, leading to the depths of darkness.

Even with Luo Yi's eyesight, there is no end to it, as if it is endless.No one knows where they will go if they walk down this path, maybe it is the depths of hell, or it may be beside the ghost.

Zhang Han took out a bullet from his pocket and threw it towards the dark place. Soon, there was a tinkling sound, as if the bullet had hit the wall, landed on the ground and rebounded a few times.

Bullets are golden and unaffected by evil spirits.

Therefore, it can find the real place in the dark. If ordinary people encounter evil spirits with ghost domains, they can also use this trick to throw stones to ask for directions, so as not to believe their eyes.

Because eyes are deceiving!
"Captain, the way back has been covered. Should we enter the door or take this sudden path." Zhang Han let go of his palm and looked at Luo Yi.

He didn't mention going back. The goal now is to deal with this derived ghost painting, not to escape from the haunted realm of evil spirits.

"No, we're not going anywhere!" Luo Yi said.

Zhang Han was puzzled.

A smile appeared on Luo Yi's face, "This painting is right in front of our eyes, why bother to look around."


Luo Yi didn't explain anymore, the thin layer of bloody red light on his hand suddenly deepened, and a rich scarlet appeared.

Not only that, a blood-colored world opened up behind Luo Yi, and a cold and glowing chain protruded from it, attacking the door in front of him.

"This is?" Zhang Han took a step back. Although he hadn't figured out Luo Yi's intentions, he knew that the captain would never do meaningless things.

Sure enough, when the chain came into contact with the door frame, the original smooth and delicate solid wood door gradually faded, revealing the old, rough wooden shelf underneath that was full of signs of time and vicissitudes.

As Luo Yi mobilized the spirit, the power of recovery washed over it over and over again like a tide, and quickly washed away the spirit covered by the outside, revealing the true face underneath.

And as the blood spread, the ghost domain eroded, the surrounding darkness also slowly dissipated, and the surrounding scenery gradually became clear.

There are no wooden doors here at all, because they are already in the room!
Zhang Han felt cold sweat oozing from his body, and a feeling of fear climbed into his heart. It turned out that they had penetrated into a room unconsciously, but he didn't notice it at all.

This is the ghost domain of ghost paintings, terrifying and powerful!

Even Zhang Han, who has controlled the two ghosts, can hardly escape the trap set by it.

What comes first on paper becomes shallow, but looking at the supernatural files and going deep into them are two completely different feelings. For the first time, Zhang Han felt the incomprehension and oppression brought by the S-level evil spirits.

And this is not the real source ghost, but a derivative with a small part of it.

"If this is a real ghost painting..." Zhang Han didn't dare to think about it.

"Perhaps only people like the captain are qualified to face it. I'm afraid those of us are just bigger cannon fodder and can't do anything about it."

"Sure enough, as I expected, a painting does not have the characteristics of movement, at least the derivatives of ghost paintings. Everything we see is what it wants us to see, and it is fabricated by it to confuse the five senses. "

Once misled by this wrong sense, you will completely fall into the spirit of ghost paintings and fall into its ghost domain.

Under the supernatural power, the door frame became a picture frame, the door panel became an oil painting, and the chain was dragged, and a complete portrait was taken off the wall.

Luo Yi reached out and grabbed a corner. The wooden texture had some old reliefs on it. The dark red paint seemed to be formed after blood dried up. The paint was mottled and peeled off, revealing a sense of obsolescence.

"This painting is a bit strange." Zhang Han approached and looked at the portrait, "Why does it seem familiar."

On the portrait is a huge maze, black, white and green intertwined.

Luo Yidao: "This is one of the oldest mazes. The design draws heavily on the principles of Euclidean geometry. It aims to use 'absolute space' to create order from chaos, using lines, squares, triangles, spheres and cones to create order from chaos." etc. as the main structure, while adding Baroque elements to introduce the natural landscape into it."

Zhang Han's eyes widened, "Captain, you understand all this, what did you just say?"

"Actually, I don't understand either, but I searched in advance." Luo Yi held up the mobile phone in his hand, which contained the search terms about this painting.

"The choice of ghost painting will never be random. It must have its underlying logic and reason. If you pay more attention, you may discover something." Luo Yi said.

"As for the sense of familiarity you mentioned, it should come from here." Luo Yi pointed to the bottom corner of the portrait, where there is a small winding path, "Look carefully, does it look like outside the door?"

Zhang Han compared it carefully, and found that this piece of scenery was exactly the same as what he saw at the door, except that it was countless times smaller.

Luo Yi pointed at the oil painting, "If it's not bad, the path you saw just now and the wooden door where the ghost painting evolved are all the entrances to this maze."

"So no matter whether we chose to open the door or walk down the path, we would always fall into the world of this painting!" Zhang Han looked back again, and found that the path at the door had disappeared, as if putting away the painting. are all restricted.

"There are two people in here!"

Suddenly, Zhang Han said in amazement, in the maze, there appeared two dots the size of a little finger, but if you observe carefully, you can still find that they are two people. A shade of red that looks somewhat like blood.

"This should be Wan Kenian, Wan Delu's nephew, and Wu Cheng's daughter. They should have chosen to enter the room where we were standing just now, but they were trapped in the maze and killed by evil spirits."

Zhang Han sighed, "Even I was almost confused, let alone the two ordinary people."

"But why is there a blank here?" Zhang Han pointed to the center of the picture, "Is it a deliberate blank?"

There was no paint on that area, only the blank outline of a human figure.

It is conceivable that this place should be painted with a person.

No, to be precise, there should be a ghost painted here.

Luo Yi looked at it meticulously, "It's not blank, it's just missing a piece here."

The greatest joy of the maze lies in deciphering and finding the exit, but this painting is called "The Devil's Labyrinth", which is not an ordinary puzzle game. What is a devil?

So this maze map actually has only entrances and no exits.

The only way to survive is to turn around at the entrance and never take a step.

"But this is a ghost painting. If a piece of the ghost painting is missing, does that mean?" Zhang Han hesitated for a moment, then continued: "The ghost is still outside!"

"That's right, the path outside the door has disappeared, but the coldness outside has not diminished at all. More importantly, the oppression on us has not eased at all. This is enough to show that the ghosts in the painting are still outside."

When the law of evil spirits is not triggered, ghosts and paintings are one, and then it is like a supernatural object, which will not form suppression and conflict with evil spirits.

"Now we need to find the evil spirit in this portrait and force it to return to the portrait." Luo Yi handed the oil painting in his hand to Zhang Han, turned around and stood up.

"Captain, why not imprison it, but need to return it to the oil painting."

"Because the real ghost painting is in Dajing City!"

After Luo Yi finished speaking, he turned and went out. He looked left and right, and the surroundings were still filled with black smog. There was a faint smell of stone powder in the air, which smelled a bit like ink.

"Before I went upstairs, I ordered everyone to leave the building. At that time, the spirit of the ghost painting had not yet spread to the second floor. That is to say, only me, Zhang Han, and Wu Cheng are trapped here. Wu Cheng Already dead, the evil spirit wants to kill people, and the remaining two of us are the targets."

Luo Yi analyzed the current situation, "If I'm willing to spend some time, I can even wait here, the evil ghost will definitely come back."

Because in this room, there are not only living people, but also that painting.

The evil spirits on the derivatives are not very powerful. It is impossible for it to spread out the supernatural like a real ghost painting, covering a radius of tens of kilometers. This can be known just by looking at the scope of its current influence.

So when there are no living people around, or the living people do not trigger its laws, it will stop and return to the oil painting, waiting for the next spiritual interference or triggering by living people.

"But I don't want to wait!"

Luo Yi took out a white candle from his arms, and lit it without hesitation.

Immediately, black flames rose up, dispelling the nearby darkness, leaving clusters of horrifying and weird shadows on the ground.

The scope of this ghost domain is very small, Luo Yi believes that it won't be long before the evil spirits will be attracted by the candlelight.

Facts proved that Luo Yi's judgment was correct. Within ten seconds, Zhang Han's voice sounded again, "Captain, there is movement here!" He kept his voice very low, not wanting to attract the attention of the evil spirit.

Luo Yi suddenly turned his head and looked across the aisle.


There was an unpleasant and long door pushing sound, and the door of the storage room was pushed open from the inside, and then a slender and slender shadow fell on the ground.

Seeing this shadow, a figure suddenly appeared in Luo Yi's mind. It was a long and thin figure with a red hijab.

Ghost Bride!
These two figures are surprisingly similar, or they are the same person at all!

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps that were so slight that they could hardly be heard, the owner of the shadow finally revealed his true colors.

The first thing that catches the eye is a long red Chinese dress, then a pair of clear white hands sticking out of the lower abdomen, and a pair of unrealistically drawn legs and embroidered shoes on the feet.

"Her face!" Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hazy, fuzzy, with only a very simple outline, even the facial features cannot be distinguished, but when Luo Yi saw her at first sight, he thought she should be extremely beautiful.

There is no basis, no reason, and you will be affected when you see it.

Luo Yi lowered his eyes, wanting to avoid this kind of spiritual interference from affecting his judgment, but when he really moved his eyes down, those hands were clearly displayed in front of Luo Yi.

Smooth, white and glistening, Luo Yi can clearly see every inch of skin on it with Luo Yi's eyesight. It is white and flawless, with slender knuckles and graceful lines, like the most exquisitely carved artwork in the world.

"Only these hands of this ghost are real!" Luo Yi immediately recognized, "But only one pair of hands is an S-level ghost painting."

Luo Yi suddenly felt a little stressed, because he knew that ghost paintings were closely related to ghost brides, ghost cabinets, embroidered shoes, and even the Hailin train with the letter of employment written on it.

If they are completely combined, its horror level will be raised to several levels.

"Maybe I should imprison the Ghost Bride after this incident, it's too restrained for me!"

Ghost paintings are nothing more than the suppression of ghost domains. Luo Yi has a ghost-slaying knife that specializes in destroying ghost domains, so it is true at all, but the ghost bride's ability to recruit ghosts naturally restrains Luo Yi, a heterogeneous evil ghost.

To him, the ghost bride, an A-level ghost, is more threatening to him than the S-level ghost painting.

The evil spirit approached step by step, and her imaginary embroidered shoes stepped on the ground lightly, and it was difficult to even splash the fine dust, let alone make the sound of footsteps.

But at this moment, it has raised its hands, as if it wants to come over and put it on Luo Yi's shoulders.

Luo Yi stretched out his right hand, and his five fingers met the ghost hand on the handle. In less than a blink of an eye, the long knife opened and closed, and drew a semicircle in the air. The terrifying spirit boiled, and the splitting characteristics exploded into the void in an instant.

The evil ghost's body dissipated, and the pair of ceramic jade palms appeared behind Luo Yi inexplicably. Zhang Han yelled, and the two blood-stained arms suddenly came out from the torn skin of his chest, and viciously grabbed at the pair of bracing hands. Open fingers palm.

Luo Yi held a long knife in his hand, and raised the Ghost Slaying Knife high, about to slash it down again.

The next moment, the surrounding lights suddenly flickered, and the blazing sunlight outside the window also poured in. The whole space became brighter in the blink of an eye. reappear.

Ghostland disappeared.

The evil ghost in red clothes also disappeared.

Zhang Han raised the oil painting in his hand, only to see that the blank space in the center was filled again, and the oil painting returned to its ordinary appearance again.

The only difference is that there was a longitudinal crack in the maze that had no exit, as if it had been split by something.

And at this moment in Dajing City, a man wearing sunglasses who was severely burned all over his body and a woman with bright red makeup were running fast.

Behind them, an evil ghost dressed in red followed like a maggot with a bone attached to it.

There was an inexplicable movement behind him while running, and Li Jun turned his head to find that the evil spirit had stopped.

It seemed to be stopped by something.

But this pause was extremely short, just one breath, and the evil spirit kicked again.

It attacked these two living people who triggered the law.

Li Jun didn't care to figure out the hidden truth, and shouted in his hoarse throat,

(End of this chapter)

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