Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 304 Change the Skin of the Little Starving Ghost

Chapter 304 Change the Skin of the Little Starving Ghost
In the safe house, Luo Yi carefully put the ghost painting into the airtight box made of gold.

"Unfortunately, it's not the source ghost."

Luo Yi sighed, if it is the source ghost, it can be sacrificed, and the improvement in the horror of the ghost painting must be particularly huge.

The current painting is at best a passage to enter the ghost domain of the ghost painting. Before the ghost painting is controlled, an invasion can be launched through this painting at any time. This is like Luo Yi using blood-stained paper money to enter the endless cemetery. Generally, it is equivalent to an admission ticket.

Luo Yi put it away so cautiously, not the painting itself. In fact, this derivative painting is not important at all. The important thing is the qualification to enter the ghost painting at any time.

Putting the box on the shelf, Luo Yi glanced at the small safe house. There were very few things in it, except for ghost paintings, there were only three boxes.

The rest of the supernatural items were distributed to assist the ghost drivers in Yuzhou City to deal with supernatural events, and all the evil spirits were brought under the unified management of the State of Sacrificial Gods.

Three boxes, three ghosts.

In the golden house, they have to be separated by gold separately, which shows how much Luo Yi attaches importance to these ghosts.

Luo Yi opened one of the mouthfuls, and inside was a stiff man wearing a shabby windbreaker with a bulging belly as if he was pregnant in October.

This man is the first ghost master Luo Yi has seen, Zhou Zheng, the Interpol of Dachang City.

Of course, the real Zhou Zheng had long since died, and now it was the starving ghost who dominated this fishy, ​​dead-spotted body.

Seeing that the shackles were undone, the starving ghost suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Luo Yi strangely with a pair of dark eyes without any whites.

To be seen, to be heard, or to breathe the green and black smog in the ghost realm is the condition to trigger the law of the starving ghost to kill.

The starving ghost stared at Luo Yi for a while, then stood up straight in a way that defied the common sense of physics.

"The wound left by the Ghost Slashing Knife has completely healed."

In order to restrict the starving ghost, Luo Yi used the ghost knife to cut it into two parts, but now the wound has disappeared, and the horror of the starving ghost has also recovered partly. After the initial sacrifice, it has improved significantly.

After the starving ghost stood up, he did not choose to leave, but looked around Luo Yi, and a blue-black haze appeared around it, and its pitch-black soles left messy footprints on the ground.

Luo Yi noticed that the starving ghost raised his arms several times. The nails on those hands were long and narrow and black, with dark blood stains all over them, looking inexplicably fierce.

When a living person appeared in front of the starving ghost, it would trigger the law of evil ghosts. This is the case with Luo Yi now. The starving ghost has the instinct to attack, but due to certain restrictions, it has to stop.

This kind of contradiction is manifested in the constant raising and lowering of hands, which is essentially a conflict between one's own rules and the control of the gods.

"The influence left by the sacrifice is weakening," Luo Yi frowned slightly.

Starving ghost is worthy of being able to devour coffin nails. It is true that Luo Yi, a more terrifying evil ghost, has never been imprisoned. But even if the wishing ghost and the half-cutting ghost cannot escape the shackles of the sacrificial god, the starving ghost can.

Its devouring naturally restrains and controls the supernatural beings.

If Luo Yi came to check later, I'm afraid the starving ghost would violently kill people the moment he opened the box.

"It seems that the previous plan needs to be more cautious. Ghost babies and ghost children can be used, but this starving ghost from the source must not be used."

Luo Yi's ghost domain was opened, and the entire safe house was filled with blood, and spiritual interference and suppression were formed in an instant, and the starving ghost was easily restrained.

After offering sacrifices to it again, the figure of the starving ghost fell into the golden box again.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yi opened the second box, which was two meters long and over 70 cm wide. From the outside, it looked like a coffin made of gold, but in fact it contained a coffin, the coffin of a ghost.

Luo Yi opened it, and the coffin board inside became shorter, and now occupies less than half of its original height, and a dark human-shaped shadow appeared inside again.

The third ghost appeared!

In other words, the ghost coffin continued to recover, and the real ghost appeared!

"The ghost coffin is also slowly getting out of control, but this method is different. The starving ghost is the ghost that devours me, and the ghost coffin is because the spiritual recovery has deepened its own terror, so it has interfered with my control. "

Although they are used in different ways, the consequences are basically the same.

"These two ghosts need to be checked and dealt with at least every month." Luo Yixin said.

Gold insulates ghosts, but it will not prevent evil spirits from recovering spontaneously, so starved ghosts can be reassembled into puzzles, and ghost coffins can give birth to ghosts again.

"You can't let it go, because these two evil spirits will definitely be used in the future."

These two ghosts have a high growth limit. If they can be used effectively, they will be of great help to Luo Yi.

After dealing with the ghost coffin, Luo Yi opened the last golden box, no, it is not so much a box as it is a cabinet, the shape of this cabinet is twice as big as the box containing the ghost coffin, like a three-dimensional wardrobe .

In the end, this ghost is much more honest. The mahogany with peeling paint and cold touch, this is the ghost cabinet!

Luo Yi closed it after a brief glance. The ghost cabinet is different from ordinary evil spirits. It is more inclined to a supernatural item. When no one trades with it, it is very honest, so it is not so much that Luo Yi restricts it. Rather, it is its own laws that limit itself.

step, step, step
There was a sound of fine footsteps, like a child running barefoot on the ground.

"come over!"

Luo Yi yelled, and the footsteps behind him stopped abruptly, his round head was tilted, and the same dark eyes as the starved ghost were lifted up, his movements seemed to be curious, but also seemed to be puzzled.

After a while, there was another trot, and the figure of a six or seven-year-old child appeared.

This is a ghost boy!

Luo Yi was not surprised by the ghost boy's appearance. He used the ghost domain when he sacrificed to the starved ghost.

The starved ghosts are imprisoned, and it is reasonable to say that the ghost boys will disappear because they lose contact with the source, but the ghost boys sacrificed by Luo Yi are exceptions, and they still have the spirit of worshiping the gods.

He has dark skin, big eyes, and a round face. He is wearing an adult coat that he pulled out from nowhere, but the clothes don't fit and are dragged on the ground, looking nondescript.

"This ghost thing has the ability to imitate!"

Luo Yi glanced at it, the original ghost boy could only kill people, there was no concept of wearing clothes, but it stayed in Luo Yi's ghost domain for a long time, and all the ghost slaves and evil spirits he saw were wearing clothes. Knowing that he snatched a coat from some unlucky ghost slave and put it on himself.

Seeing that Luo Yi didn't order, Gui Tong started to look around with staring eyes, two blue hands came out of his clothes, and groped around restlessly.

I don't know if it was because of too much movement or because the clothes were too tattered, but the clothes on it fell off as soon as it raised its hand.

Guitong lowered his head to look, then picked up the clothes and put them on indiscriminately, then continued to reach out to touch the shelf.

Drop the clothes again, pick them up again, touch the shelf again...

It's like an innocent child who gets a novelty toy and is tireless.

Of course, the premise is to cover the black skin, otherwise it will only make people feel horrible.

Guitong mechanically maintained these fixed movements repeatedly, without the slightest impatience. If there was no external interference, maybe it could continue playing like this forever.

"There is an instinct to imitate, but the consciousness has not yet awakened."

Luo Yi followed Guitong's gaze, and there was a small wooden horse on the original shelf.

"It turns out that this thing is still here!"

This is a trophy he brought back from the circle of friends, but because his ability is too weak, he has never paid attention to it, so that he forgets it here and doesn't even know it.

Luo Yi recalled the information about this little Trojan horse. Its ability is: to attract the little devil's attention and interrupt its triggering pattern.

Luo Yi has dealt with so many evil spirits, and the sum of the little ghosts he has seen is not enough for one hand.

Coupled with the fact that this little Trojan horse's supernatural power is very low, it is understandable that it is not taken seriously.

Luo Yi beckoned, a streak of blood flashed in the air, rolled up the little wooden horse like a horse, and turned back upside down.

The little wooden horse shifted, and Gui Tong immediately stopped what he was doing, trotted a few steps and came to Luo Yi, staring straight at Luo Yi's right hand.

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and moved it left and right, and the ghost boy's eyes also moved back and forth. It could be seen that this thing was still very attractive to it.

"take it!"

Luo Yi dropped it casually, and before the little wooden horse hit the ground, Gui Tong reached out and grabbed it.

I saw it put the wooden horse in front of its eyes, shaking its head from side to side, as if it was getting a toy to observe carefully.

However, it didn't take long before a scene that surprised Luo Yi happened.

Guitong opened his mouth, revealing a big mouth like a black hole, then lifted the little wooden horse, and stuffed it in at once.

You must know that Guitong only looks like a six or seven-year-old child, and that little wooden horse is half the size of an adult man's palm.

Not to mention a child, even an adult is determined not to put it in his mouth, let alone swallow it.

But Ghost Boy did it.When eating, the corners of its mouth were stretched back, almost reaching the base of the ears. After the food entered the mouth, it seemed to shrink, and the skin was no longer pushed up.

Guitong smacked his lips, and the little wooden horse was sent into his stomach by it.

It took only three seconds before and after.

Ordinary little ghosts will be attracted by Trojan horses, and ghost boys are the same. The difference is that ghost boys are essentially starving ghosts, and devouring is their first instinct.

After eating the little wooden horse, Gui Tong's body grew a little taller very quickly, but perhaps due to lack of supernatural powers, this change was not obvious.

"I should also limit the ghost boy like Yang Jian. This thing grows too fast, and it will lose control if you don't pay attention."

During the Dachang City incident, Luo Yi gathered a lot of first- and second-stage ghost babies, and this one in front of him was just one of them.

Luo Yi thought for a while, took out the ghost newspaper directly, revived the ghost of the newspaper, and then released all the little starving ghosts in the first and second stages, he planned to revise their memories collectively.

"Stand still and don't move!"

Luo Yi gave the first order, and then scarlet newspapers fell down, covering his bluish-black face.

This scene looked like a large-scale brainwashing scene, which was indescribably weird.

After waiting for a while, Luo Yi took a ghost fountain pen, used his own ghost domain to transform it into multiple pens, and at the same time took off the face of the ghost baby and ghost boy, and wrote two rules on it: [-]. Absolutely obey Luo Yi, and [-]. , Did not get Luo Yi's order to forbid eating.

The first is just to strengthen Luo Yi's control, as a supplement to the power of the gods, and the second is the constraint that really restricts the growth of evil spirits.

After confirming that nothing was wrong, Luo Yi put his face back again, and the ghost's supernatural power was triggered, and the split skin healed quickly.

Luo Yi took out an evil ghost from the ghost domain and threw it among the little starving ghosts.

Immediately, dozens of pairs of dark and numb pupils stared at the evil ghost in the center. The ghosts that belonged exclusively to the starving ghost gathered together, forming a little blue and black haze. The more powerful ghost boys squeezed away the thinner ones The ghost baby, with supernatural powers in its heart, grabbed at the evil ghost.

The evil ghost became the prey of dozens of little ghosts, but this time only the robbery happened, and none of the evil ghosts opened their mouths.

"Get away from this ghost!"

Luo Yi ordered again, and as soon as the words fell, all the little ghosts froze, even the ghost boy who was wearing a coat and holding the ghost in his hand stopped, and threw the ghost in front of him. Down, then trot away in two steps.

"It's done!" Luo Yi smiled. These little ghosts are not conscious and will not hide their actions. Luo Yi's modification will be successful or not.

"It's just that the appearance of the ghost boy is too obvious, and it is easy to associate it with a starving ghost. After finally throwing the blame on Wang Chaling, if someone finds out that the starving ghost is still in my hands, it would be a shame."

Luo Yi has made up his mind to use the starving ghosts, but he is not yet ready to expose them to others, so it is necessary to change them.

The wrist was stretched out, a faint light appeared on a bead, a cold feeling came over, and the spirit of the deceitful ghost began to revive.

Luo Yi directly used the supernatural powers of deceiving ghosts to modify the faces of the little ghosts. The bluish-black skin began to fade, and pale skin appeared. In order to avoid associations, Luo Yi also let each little ghost grow hair.

"Not bad!" Luo Yi took a look. After such a transformation, these little devils looked like Junxiong in "The Grudge".

It's just that the effect doesn't last long, about half a month for a ghost baby, and only seven days for a ghost boy, and the time will be shortened in the third stage.

However, Luo Yi didn't need them to disguise themselves for a long time, as long as they could fool the people around them during their actions.

With a wave of his hand, all the little ghosts were put away.

"The effect of the ghost pen with the ghost newspaper is a little better than I imagined." Luo Yi glanced at the black pen in his hand, and put it and the newspaper ghost into a bead on his wrist.

The wishing ghost, the avatar ghost, the newspaper ghost, and the deceiving ghost, the four beads already have owners.

There are eight openings left for the beads on the wrist.

"It's time to deal with things. It's almost time for this group of people to hang out for three hours!"

Luo Yi left the safe house, and people from the island country came.

(End of this chapter)

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